View Full Version : Death of the full sized car.

Aren Jay
08-20-2007, 12:04 PM
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RF Overlord
08-20-2007, 01:22 PM
The car hire business has long considered the Taurus a full size...and I have to admit that my Taurus (which now belongs to my sister) DID have better front legroom than my MM...

08-20-2007, 02:01 PM
A "Tuarus"? What's dat?
Symantically anyway.

The 1995 Ford Tuarus is now considered a full sized car.

What was once a mid sized car is now a Full sized car.

Few cars classified as full sized now would have been classified as full sized 20 years ago. Most would have been mid or small cars.

I suppose with the advent of the micro cars the once tiny sub compacts are going to be classified as mid sized and the largest of cars.

Even the K Cars of of the 80's are now classified as large cars. The Ford Ranger is sure to follow and there will no longer be a large car, rather a car that is not small or micro.

This can also be seen in the size of parking spaces. I have found that my Marauder takes of two spaces reguardless of my intentions. Either the spaces are so narrow that I can't help but park in two spots or they are so short that I either stick out into the road or take up a portion of the spot in front/behind me. Soon I won't be able to park anywhere and then what am I going to do?

I used to drive my 86 Mustang in England, in the early 90's. In England that was considered a large car. I even had to back up for almost a whole block when I was caught at a choke point in a road that was just too narrow to drive any further. I can only image the fun one would have with a Marauder. The problem is that new city roads are starting to look like the tiny roads of Britian.

We will still have our Marauders but soon we will not be able to drive them, as there will be a lack of places and space to do so. Highway cars maybe, but don't drive in the cities, you will be getting stuck, ticketed or towed away for parking over the line.

Thinking of this bring s me back to that Classic Top Gear episode of how not to park 3 exotic Super cars.

http://www.car2max.com/video/Top%20Gear%20-%20Pagani%20Zonda,%20Ford%20GT ,%20Ferrari%20(Parking).wmv

Soon to be us and our Marauders.

08-20-2007, 02:48 PM
I read an interesting article on MSN today about the swing to smaller fuel saving cars. As a result the US HighwayTransportation Adminstration is preparing for more small car fatalities. Small cars, less chance of survival. I have an SVT Focus that I travel loing distances in. It has front and side airbags, but I always wonder how I might survive a serious crash. I just try to make sure that I am alert and can steer and handle my way out of it.

The big cars will be going away in the future. All the more reason to keep our Marauders.

Aren Jay
08-20-2007, 02:58 PM
.............................. .....

08-20-2007, 03:06 PM
DID have better front legroom than my MM...

That's about all it has going for it.:D

08-20-2007, 03:52 PM
Ha that video is great!!!!

08-20-2007, 04:27 PM
As far as wrecking a big car you are safer no doubt about it,I know this for fack.When the time comes I cannot fit into a new car,I will just go west and find a big old late 60s sedan screw the micro car garbage can with wheels.When big rigs are on the road and there not getting smaller!Watch what happens to that little car when the rig passes it,all I can say is hold on.

08-20-2007, 05:27 PM
Check out the article on small cars in today's U.S. Today paper. Cover story.....and on Money page.

Headline....more drivers die in small cars... As if we didn't know this.