View Full Version : Teen hacks iPhone - so he can use T-Mobile

08-27-2007, 11:55 AM
Only 17 yrs old? He has a bright future ahead of him if he stays on the straight and narrow path.


-From YouTube-
"George Hotz on CNBC explaining how and why he hacked the iphone"

Teen hacks iPhone - so he can use T-Mobile
By Troy Wolverton
Mercury News
Article Launched: 08/24/2007 09:05:26 AM PDT

Like many teenagers, George Hotz had a summer obsession. But the New Jersey 17-year-old's passion wasn't girls, money or parties. It was the iPhone. Or, rather, it was to hack his iPhone so that he didn't have to use AT&T's network.

What did you do on your summer vacation? After hundreds of hours and with the help of a few online friends - as well as copious quantities of Red Bull and Mountain Dew - he finished this week.

Now, with one of his two unlocked iPhones up for sale on eBay - and bidding reaching ridiculous levels nearing $100 million on Friday - Hotz is hoping to use the proceeds to buy something his peers might appreciate: a new set of wheels. "That would be so sweet," he said.

Hotz seems an unlikely candidate to have hacked the world's most hyped product. The recent high-school graduate had little experience hacking cell phones, and by his own admission he feels more comfortable with a soldering iron than a piece of computer code.

But the Glen Rock, N.J., resident likes to tinker. After buying an iPhone the day it hit store shelves on June 29, and seeing his friends' phone work, he was determined to get his to work on the T-Mobile network because that's the one his family used. "It became a really fun project," he said.

Hotz hooked up online with several other hackers who were working toward the same end. After several setbacks, they had a breakthrough earlier this month.

The hack is fairly complicated, involving re-soldering the iPhone's circuit board, erasing its firmware and reprogramming the device's flash memory. But it apparently works. In his YouTube video, Hotz showed off an iPhone that indicated it was on the T-Mobile network and used it to make a phone call.

"It's a really clever hack," said Hotz.

That it may be, but Apple and AT&T probably shouldn't be too worried, analysts say. Few iPhone owners are likely going to crack open their very expensive gadgets, particularly since that voids its warranty.

"It's a great headline story, but I don't think that means that great masses of people are going to go out and copy (the hack)," said Neil Strother, a wireless industry analyst with JupiterResearch. "That's pretty heavy lifting for mainstream users."

Still, Hotz's effort speaks to more than simply what a teenager can accomplish with ingenuity, determination and Internet access, analysts say. They say it echoes some of the frustrations among consumers with the closed system that AT&T and Apple have created.

Indeed, one of the chief complaints about the gadget since it launched is that it is tethered to AT&T's network, which many users have called spotty and slow.

"Customers want to buy a phone they can use on any ... network," said Ken Dulaney, an analyst with Gartner, a market research firm. "When you put people in prison, they get real creative." AT&T spokesman Mark Siegel suggested that the company wasn't worried.

"The iPhone is designed to work exclusively on AT&T's wireless network," he said. "The whole world knows that." An Apple representative declined to comment. While some of his fans have called on Hotz to start churning out unlocked iPhones, he's moving on - literally. He heads to college today at the Rochester Institute of Technology.

But during an appearance on CNBC Friday, he said he lobbied for something to do next summer. "If anyone from Google is watching, I want an internship with you."

08-27-2007, 01:49 PM
"Information should be free". Ah the idealism of youth. Wait until you have your own copyright or patent, you thievin' bastage.


Aren Jay
08-27-2007, 02:41 PM
Next he is going to be wanting free air and water.

08-27-2007, 03:18 PM
there was one on ebay a few days ago. Bidding went crazy. SOme woman hacked the ipod and it was totally unlocked. Ebay ended the auction do to the bidding hitting $99,999,999.00 within 24 hrs and had 120,000 people look at. Come to find out a buisness contacted her and made a trade with her for the phone. This is just for the unlocked phone. They gave her 3 brand new 8gig iphones and a new Nisson 350z. Unbelievable!!!

08-27-2007, 05:07 PM
You can flash phones to whatever provider you need, you just have to know the right people.

08-27-2007, 05:07 PM
From my understanding, the reason he got it to work on T-Mobil (plus the New AT&T [Cingular]) and not on any of the other American networks, is because the above two networks are the only two in the US that use the GSM Technology. That phone should also work in Europe and Asia, as GSM is used all over the world, except for the other networks in the US.

My everyday phone, now AT&T (formerly Cingular) worked great in Europe when I visited France last year. I flew out to Toronto Canada and my phone said "Roger", (Roger network), then once in France, it would switch to the network with the best signal, either "Orange" or "F-SFR" or "BiTel". Worked great. Had I been with any other US company, I would have to rent a phone, either from here in the US or at the airport in Paris. When you rent, sure, you get a GSM phone, (in the US, they wanted to give me a British phone number), but they wanted to put a $550.00 hold on my credit card, before I even made my first call. No Thanks. My QuadBand phone worked perfect while in Europe. While there, I made calls to the US and to France, plus I received calls from the US and France. Sure, it costs more than if I was in the US, but well worth the cost, and no rental hassle.

FYI, to anyone with a New AT&T or T-Mobil Triband or Quadband GSM phone, if you go to Europe or Asia, if you want to call a number within the country you are in, just dial that number, just as if you lived there. No country codes needed. If you want to call the US or Canada, first punch in the "+", then "1" which is the country code for the US and Canada, then the area code and seven digit number. (+ 1 xxx xxx xxxx). To call any country other than the country you are in, you have to know the country code, so if I call Italy from France, or even if I call Italy from the US, I punch in + 39 xxx xx xx xx and I get connected. The "+" is the code meaning that the following numbers are for an international code. You could punch in the local code, but when in various countries, who knows what the code is. In the US and Canada, it is "011". In France it is "00" but no need to memorize these numbers when all you have to do is punch in "+" then the country code. Easy as pie.

08-27-2007, 05:26 PM
I think thats pretty cool, but yet i dont have the money to go blow on an i phone and tamper like that.

I'd be doing that for the money, send me an i phone and ill make it T mobile compatable for 150 dollars, 3 phones could buy me a tune and shipping :D

08-27-2007, 05:48 PM
To me, the iPhone is dumb. A cell phone is a cell phone. It serves one purpose, to make a call! Somone who spends $650+ on a cell phone is whacked.

08-27-2007, 06:25 PM
I think he means Wickity, Wickity, Wack!!!! LOL

08-27-2007, 08:21 PM
To me, the iPhone is dumb. A cell phone is a cell phone. It serves one purpose, to make a call! Somone who spends $650+ on a cell phone is whacked.
No truer words have been spoken :D

08-27-2007, 09:04 PM
To me, the iPhone is dumb. A cell phone is a cell phone. It serves one purpose, to make a call! Somone who spends $650+ on a cell phone is whacked.

Agree 100%

08-27-2007, 09:56 PM
He apparently wasn't the first to hack it, others have done it with software alone, via the SIM card.
He's the first to get such notoriety though. good for him.

08-28-2007, 06:50 AM
I am impressed he put down his xbox360 controller long enough to hack the iphone. ;)

Everything is hackable if you have enough time/money/motivation.

08-28-2007, 11:02 AM
When it comes to hacking, money really isn't a factor. It's the inginuity and how badly you want it done.

08-28-2007, 12:14 PM
When it comes to hacking, money really isn't a factor. It's the inginuity and how badly you want it done.

It is required for large purchases of Doritos, M&Ms, and Mountain Dew. :D

Well, at his age, it's probably Mentos and Red Bull. :lol:

Aren Jay
08-28-2007, 01:15 PM
So how long before Apple updates the Iphone so it can't be hacked this way?

08-28-2007, 02:15 PM
I just use a phone to TALK to people. Text was only invented to communicate with people while they are at work. As I said before music is on vinyl, not from something that runs on batterys.... unless it's a portable record player from the 50s. :cool:

08-28-2007, 03:13 PM
A company gave him a $50,000 Sports Car today for his hack code.

08-28-2007, 03:21 PM
A company gave him a $50,000 Sports Car today for his hack code.

Was it a 2008 Vette?

08-28-2007, 08:23 PM
To me, the iPhone is dumb. A cell phone is a cell phone. It serves one purpose, to make a call! Somone who spends $650+ on a cell phone is whacked.

Not so fast....though I did not buy an iphone, I did spent a pretty good chunk of change on the Blackjack when it first came out....It does way more than make Phone calls

I have:

Microsoft windows/ and I mean everything!
MP3 player
Full internet/w email
Can access my computer at home from anywhere
translater/language and currency

and the list goes on and on...I can sit here all day listing stuff

So basically I got a computer, camera, Mp3 player, and a phone for about $500........Not to mention its about the same size as a Razor phone

I don't think that makes me whacked.....It makes me smart...How much do you think all of that stuff costs if you were to buy it seperatly?

Just my:twocents:

08-28-2007, 08:27 PM
A company gave him a $50,000 Sports Car today for his hack code.

I've heard that story, and also another version that those were given to a woman who apparently also hacked the iphone.

Since the 17 yo published his instructions on the Internet I'm thinking the story is another rumour.

08-29-2007, 12:01 PM

Aren Jay
08-31-2007, 01:39 PM
apple responds:
