View Full Version : UFO's

Aren Jay
08-29-2007, 12:07 AM
Anyone ever see one or more than one?

I have in England, it was freaky.

I'll have to explain it later.

08-29-2007, 12:09 AM
My mom saw an orange one many years ago or a UFO with orange lights. I believe in them.

08-29-2007, 01:27 AM
Anyone ever see one or more than one?

I have in England, it was freaky.

I'll have to explain it later.

Where was it? I'm in Bradford on Avon (outside of Bath), and I'm itching to try out my new lens :D

08-29-2007, 04:46 AM
Anyone ever see one or more than one?

Sometimes when I can't find a parking space, I will hover for a while. Geeze, you humans think you're the only one in the great universe? Billions and Billions of galaxies with millions and millions of solar systems in each galaxy. What are the odds?

08-29-2007, 07:31 AM
yes, Colorado.

08-29-2007, 08:07 AM
I saw them crossin over the south of the border.:lol:

08-29-2007, 08:11 AM
Nope never, but I have seen Death....yes you read that right...While working security at an insane Salome at the state hospital which back in the early 1900's used to be a quarantine center for Tuberculosis victims. Saw the black hooded cloak figure float across the room and go right threw a wall.......minutes later on of the crazy people we had there died..........Don't believe me? Honestly I don't mind, I understand how it sounds, and for that have told very few........But the thing was that there was another lady there with me.....we both quit our jobs that night.......maybe I'll write up the whole story one day.......:run:

08-29-2007, 08:23 AM
Nope never, but I have seen Death....yes you read that right...While working security at an insane Salome at the state hospital which back in the early 1900's used to be a quarantine center for Tuberculosis victims. Saw the black hooded cloak figure float across the room and go right threw a wall.......minutes later on of the crazy people we had there died..........Don't believe me? Honestly I don't mind, I understand how it sounds, and for that have told very few........But the thing was that there was another lady there with me.....we both quit our jobs that night.......maybe I'll write up the whole story one day.......:run:

Now that sounds interesting!:eek:

08-29-2007, 08:57 AM
I have a hard time believing in the supernatural. Before I split up with the wife we went to the Lizzie Bordon B&B in Fall River Mass for a overnight stay. They took us on a tour of the house which was restored to exactly as it was when the evil deeds were done. We stayed in the room where she allegedly killed her mother. They even have copies of the crime seen pictures hanging in the room. There are no phones or TV's in rooms, and the bathroom is shared with other guests located in the hall. My ex swears she feel a cold breeze on the back of her neck :eek: during the walk around upstairs in attic room :loco:, and I was right next to her and didn't feel a thing . I slept like a baby :baby: that night while she couldn't sleep, and spent the night in the living room talking to the overnight caretaker. If you are into the history and the story it is a very different place to stay. I think it was the number one creepiest places as per the travel channel. The only bad part about it is that there is a bus station right in front of house, and area is very commercialized, but in the house very cool.
Also I recommend to check out the Eastern State Penitentary in Philly. Really cool place.

08-29-2007, 09:06 AM
Death was caught on camera look! :eek:


08-29-2007, 04:57 PM
Years ago when I was captain of an offshore supply vessel in the oilfields off of Louisiana and Texas, I saw a lot of unusual things in the night skies offshore, usually attributable to lightning phenomena, high altitude military aircraft or Low Earth Orbit satellites, but once I saw something truly unexplainable.

I was standing by at an oil rig 180 miles off the Louisiana coast a few hours before daybreak, waiting for the rig to finish their crew change so that the cargo could be offloaded from the boat (the cargo cranes shut down any time there is a helicopter at the rig). I left the wheelhouse and walked out onto the wing deck for some fresh air. I was looking up because the skies were very clear and the stars were beautiful, and I had a habit of watching for satellites when offshore at night.

Something appeared to move, and I saw a diamond-shaped area that was completely blanking out the stars. It was jet black, with no discernable features or reflections, and it had a bright white light on each point of the diamond. It was moving slowly across the sky over the rig towards the boat, and it passed directly overhead, silently. There was no scale with which I could guess it's size or range, but I held up my hand at arms length, and my hand just about covered the object.

About the time it passed overhead, the radio went berserk with calls from the rig: "Cap'n! Hey, Cap'n! Did you guys see that?" I looked up at the rig, and there were several people gathered at the rails, pointing at the object. My deckhand scrambled up the ladder to the wheelhouse, frantic and weeping from fright. The helo was delayed from takeoff for several minutes.

That was the only encounter with an unidentifiable craft that I have ever witnessed.

Aren Jay
08-29-2007, 08:48 PM
I'm not saying what I saw was a craft just a freaky thing flying thorugh the sky.

I was on Boars Hill just outside of Oxford. I was driving a friend home after having dinner. (I don't drink any alcohol and drive)

I got to the top of the hill coming up the back road from the flowing well pub area, and saw something shimmering in the night sky over the city. I got to the top of the hill and turned left on the main road but had a mercedes behind me and couldn't see anything because of its headlights. I turned right to go to old boars hill and the mercedes followed me, so I did a U turn at the next T intersection letting the mercedes pass me. I then started driving south back towards the main road and as I got to the intersection and not seeing anything over the valley or over Oxford (big bowl shaped valley) my friend grabbed my arm and asked me what is that.

Floating about 200 or 300 feet above Warnborough College was a blinking (very rapid but very dim) white and red light. It was not blinking in the same place but all over the place in a small area slowly floating along (going west). I would estimate it was blinking within a rectangular area about 6 feet long and 3 feet high. I thought it was like a blinking firefly that blinked about 3 times faster than an airplane light, trapped in a 6x3 foot aquariam foating through the sky. It made no noise I opened my sunroof and rolled my window down and stuck my head out but couldn't hear anything.

I decided right then to follow it. I turned left and drove about 25 mph watching it and the road, I noticed it started to turn south. Having lived in Oxford at that time for about 4 - 4.5 years I knew the area and knew that if I continued west I would lose it in the trees. It was turning south and the south road was a dead end but with a full view of the entire area south of boars hill. I turned south and continued to follow it. Head out the window and trying to stay on the road. It was errie and exciting. Anyway I pulled up to the fence at the end of the road and we sat and watched it float out over the valley and it would descend and stay the same height about 200 to 300 feet and then it picked up the road and started to paralel the road. The A34. When the road turned it too turned. Always staying the same number of degrees up and same height and same distance from the road.

It was not a helicopter.
I have flown a helicopter.
I have also been buzzed by RAF helicopters while on Boars hill and they make a huge amount of noise.

I'm not saying it was a flying saucer, it just was not a plane. It truly was a UFO. Didn't hear anything on the news or locally about it and nobody at our college seemed at all interested in it.

I only wish we had a camera with us.

08-29-2007, 08:54 PM
Was it a "black triangle"?


Years ago when I was captain of an offshore supply vessel in the oilfields off of Louisiana and Texas, I saw a lot of unusual things in the night skies offshore, usually attributable to lightning phenomena, high altitude military aircraft or Low Earth Orbit satellites, but once I saw something truly unexplainable.

I was standing by at an oil rig 180 miles off the Louisiana coast a few hours before daybreak, waiting for the rig to finish their crew change so that the cargo could be offloaded from the boat (the cargo cranes shut down any time there is a helicopter at the rig). I left the wheelhouse and walked out onto the wing deck for some fresh air. I was looking up because the skies were very clear and the stars were beautiful, and I had a habit of watching for satellites when offshore at night.

Something appeared to move, and I saw a diamond-shaped area that was completely blanking out the stars. It was jet black, with no discernable features or reflections, and it had a bright white light on each point of the diamond. It was moving slowly across the sky over the rig towards the boat, and it passed directly overhead, silently. There was no scale with which I could guess it's size or range, but I held up my hand at arms length, and my hand just about covered the object.

About the time it passed overhead, the radio went berserk with calls from the rig: "Cap'n! Hey, Cap'n! Did you guys see that?" I looked up at the rig, and there were several people gathered at the rails, pointing at the object. My deckhand scrambled up the ladder to the wheelhouse, frantic and weeping from fright. The helo was delayed from takeoff for several minutes.

That was the only encounter with an unidentifiable craft that I have ever witnessed.

Aren Jay
08-29-2007, 09:17 PM
A for creepy people, well that is another story.

In Oxford I met a guy, Dr. Raymond Maynard (may have spelt his name wrong). He is a physciatrist and has studied Psychopathic murderers extensively. He also hates women. He was personally responsible for 5 secretaries leaving our college. The last one said she had to leave because he visited her for a week every day saying he was glad she was still here because he wanted to eat her up. He had an aura of evil that surrounded him. Creeped me The Diabolical1 CC out so much that I would avoid walking past him. One of my roommates at College was a student of his (very small classes in Oxford) it's different than North America. My roommate was studying psychopathic murders etc... guess who his tutor was. One day Jay was late for his class and there is a knock on our door, Jay opened it, I was up late too so I was still sleeping and I get woken up with Maynard tapping me on my forhead and he says "now you can say you have had a vampire in your room".

Anyway he held his classes in his garage because he never went into his house. He had a bed and a piano and a couple chairs in his garage and that is where he lived. He calls his house Whuthering heights. He also works at the local psych hospital and gets patients to come to his house and do work, for free.

He is about 6 feet tall, this was back in the early 90's he was in his late 40's early 50's. He shaved his head everyday. But had blue hair tatooed on in mystic patterns. He often, 75% of the time does not wear a shirt. Just his black leather pants and boots. He sometimes would have a black wind breaker with him.

Federico a friend from college from Honduras and a good Catholic was up at 6:30am walking in the dark over to the monestary on boars hill, he cut through the empty field and walked into Rey Maynard just patting down the ground with his shovel. Federico immediately turned and ran away and never cut across the field again. What was he doing with the shovel? I don't know, not sure I want to.

If you want to see what he looks like. Dr. Raymond Maynard has started in a number of movies. Horror flick guys always want him because he just seems evil. He was also in the Rob Lowe flick "Oxford Blues" when Rob Lowe gets sent down (expelled), Raymond is the bald "Don" expelling him. Although his blue hair was covered up.

Mr. Evil He lives in England.

08-29-2007, 10:36 PM
Was it a "black triangle"?


Nope, it was a diamond shape, with no 3D appearance at all. It's kinda hard to describe other than picture an area in a starry sky where it's just flat black, an area where there are no stars, only blackness. With a light, of slightly higher magnitude of a star, on each point of the diamond. That was the weirdest thing about it, it didn't look like a craft of any sort, just an area of blackness blanking out the stars. And it looked farking HUGE.

Aren Jay
01-15-2008, 11:39 PM
any other UFO sighters?

01-16-2008, 05:33 AM
No, but I heard on the radio yesterday that aUFO was spoted in Stephenville, TX., it was suppose to be a mile long by a 1/2 wide. Do we have any members in that area of texas that seen this UFO or heard about it?

UFO Article (http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/22657849/)

01-16-2008, 05:39 AM
I know a lady who had brand new pink carpet installed in her home and had to remove it after a week because there was little green men in it.:rolleyes:

01-16-2008, 05:44 AM
Death was caught on camera look! :eek:


:lol: :rofl:

01-16-2008, 06:16 AM
I was stationed at Clark Air Base in the Philippines. There are many stories about parts of the Base being haunted. On a Yahoo! Group I run related to the Base many Stories have been shared by folks who witnessed things. Here is a related video not shot by anyone I know:

LINK (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3mjDmosUGyM)

01-16-2008, 07:34 AM
Hey man, what language are these aliens talkin?

01-16-2008, 08:30 AM
Nope never, but I have seen Death....yes you read that right...While working security at an insane Salome at the state hospital which back in the early 1900's used to be a quarantine center for Tuberculosis victims. Saw the black hooded cloak figure float across the room and go right threw a wall.......minutes later on of the crazy people we had there died..........Don't believe me? Honestly I don't mind, I understand how it sounds, and for that have told very few........But the thing was that there was another lady there with me.....we both quit our jobs that night.......maybe I'll write up the whole story one day.......:run:

:eek: That is cool!! I hope you do decide to write it up because I would love to read about it. Friends on mine have started getting into the paranormal and have started ghost hunting here in MD. There are several places, including the 3rd floor of a Veterans Home/hospital that they will be going to. I will be going with them because ghosts have always been interesting to me. I don't think I'd blame you for quitting though... I wouldn't want Death deciding he'd rather come after me since I saw him.

01-16-2008, 09:04 AM
The next town over from me is Wrentham, and they have an old Mental State Hospital that got shut down probably right around the time my little brother was born back in the early '90's. I used to work with a few kids that were into that paranormal stuff and they would go there to explore it. Let me tell you though, it's frigging creepy as all hell. Just the way the buildings are setup. They're all connected, there's underground tunnels, morgue's, padded rooms, you name it. People have seen ghosts in there and my friend has caught some cool stuff on camera. It's so bad though, with break in's I mean, there is always at least one cop watching over the whole place every hour of the day for every day of the week. I've driven by it before, supposedly all the lights are supposed to be not working since there is no power going to the place, but I've seen one room light on before, and I saw a shadow through the window. It was creepy.

01-16-2008, 09:28 AM
Geeze, you humans think you're the only one in the great universe? Billions and Billions of galaxies with millions and millions of solar systems in each galaxy. What are the odds?
This ^^^^ kinda sums up my perspective on UFOs and extraterrestial beings. I haven't personally seen any UFOs that I am aware of .... but who knows what is in that vast expanse of space?

But Motorhead 350, I am pretty sure that no self-respecting alien would ride around in an orange UFO with or without orange lights. Unless of course, the sighting was over Detroit .... then anything is possible. :rofl:

01-16-2008, 10:17 AM
Anyone ever see one or more than one?

I have in England, it was freaky.

I'll have to explain it later.

I don't know about UFO's but I've seen a bunch of aliens from this web site. :eek:

01-16-2008, 05:41 PM

01-17-2008, 10:54 AM
what about leprechauns?

01-18-2008, 11:57 AM
what about leprechauns?

We had one show up at the Kentucky meet one time and he told the story of how the Irish blend their whisky.

01-18-2008, 01:10 PM
The next town over from me is Wrentham, and they have an old Mental State Hospital that got shut down probably right around the time my little brother was born back in the early '90's. I used to work with a few kids that were into that paranormal stuff and they would go there to explore it. Let me tell you though, it's frigging creepy as all hell. Just the way the buildings are setup. They're all connected, there's underground tunnels, morgue's, padded rooms, you name it. People have seen ghosts in there and my friend has caught some cool stuff on camera. It's so bad though, with break in's I mean, there is always at least one cop watching over the whole place every hour of the day for every day of the week. I've driven by it before, supposedly all the lights are supposed to be not working since there is no power going to the place, but I've seen one room light on before, and I saw a shadow through the window. It was creepy.
We have the same exact thing around here. Our place is called Letchworth Villiage. I have been inside with 4 other friends, I have to say the place was extremely creepy to say the least but I didnt see anything "supernatural".
Here is a link http://www.opacity.us/site16_letchworth_village.htm

01-18-2008, 01:20 PM
i keep seeing ufo's all the time, most of them have battle wings and fartcan mufflers with winshield washer leds! scary stuff!! lol