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09-07-2007, 02:19 PM
New security logo on the reverse of North Carolina's driver's licenses

The first "North American Union" driver's license, complete with a hologram of the North American continent on the reverse, has been created in the state of North Carolina.

"The North Carolina driver's license is 'North American Union' ready," charges William Gheen, who serves as president of Americans for Legal Immigration.

Gheen provided WND with a photo of an actual North Carolina license which clearly shows the hologram of the North American continent embedded on the reverse.

"The hologram looks exactly [like] the map of North America that is used as the background for the Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America logo on the SPP website," Gheen told WND. "I object to the loss of sovereignty that is proceeding under the agreements being made by these unelected government bureaucrats who think we should be North American instead of the United States of America."

In 2005, WND reported North Carolina was the state where illegal immigrants go to get a driver's license, with busloads of aliens traveling south on I-95 to get an easy ID.

The Tar Heel State's requirements to obtain a license are weaker than those of many surrounding states.

Marge Howell, spokeswoman for the North Carolina DMV, affirmed to WND the state was embedding a hologram of North America on the back of its new driver's licenses.

"It's a security element that eventually will be on the back of every driver's license in North America," Howell told WND.

"The goal of the North American hologram," Howell explained, "is to get one common element that law enforcement throughout the continent can look at on all driver's licenses and tell that the driver's license is an official document."

He explained the goal is to create a continental security device that could be used by state and provincial motor vehicles agencies throughout North America, including the United States, Canada and Mexico.

Jim Palmer, press director for ALIPAC, told WND that ALIPAC first became aware of the hologram when Missouri State Rep. Jim Guest held a seminar in North Carolina to protest the Real ID law.

"The surprise came at a meeting on the Real ID that Palmer held in Raleigh, North Carolina, on Saturday, July 28," Palmer told WND.

"When Rep. Guest asked participants to take out their driver's license and see what was on it," Palmer explained, "one gentleman was a state employee and on his license there was this hologram with the North American continent on the back. We were all surprised to see that on a North Carolina driver's license. Right there, that stopped the show."

Guest has formed a coalition called Legislators Against Real ID Act, or LARI.

"I was astonished when I saw that North American hologram on the North Carolina driver's license," Guest told WND. "I thought to myself that the state DMV has already included this North American symbol on the back of the driver's license without telling the people of North Carolina they were going to do this."

"I thought right then that this was going to be the prototype for the driver's license of the North American Union," Guest told WND.

"When we called the North Carolina DMV, they hedged at first," Guest said, "but finally they admitted that, yes, there was a North American continent hologram on the back of the license."

"This is part of a plan by bureaucrats and trade groups that act like bureaucrats to little by little transform us into a North American Union without any vote being taken and without explaining to the U.S. public what they are doing," Guest argued.

In 2006, WND reported Pastor Rios Sanchez, 55, an illegal alien, was accused of killing three people, including two North Carolina State University students and a 26-year-old, while driving drunk.

"People who think the Real ID was created to keep illegal aliens from getting driver's licenses and IDs should come to North Carolina," Gheen told WND. "What the North Carolina DMV is doing is creating the basis for a continental driver's license."

"What difference does it make to North Carolina if an illegal alien gets a driver's license?" Gheen asked. "The photo on the license creates a close face scan that can be identified by face recognition technology, whether the DMV admits it or not."

"Illegal aliens who get driver's licenses are just being scanned in advance," Gheen concluded.

"Illegal aliens who get driver's licenses or IDs in North Carolina are just being prepared for their admission into the North America Union driver pool that North Carolina is at the vanguard of creating," Gheen said. "That is the truth, whether the North Carolina DMV or the AAMVA want to admit it or not."

King told WND North Carolina is the first AAMVA member jurisdiction to use the North America continent hologram on a driver's license or ID card.

:mad2::mad2::mad2::mad2::mad2: :mad2::mad2::mad2::mad2::mad2:

Dr Caleb
09-07-2007, 03:12 PM
I've been telling people about the SPP/NAU for years. No one believes me.


O's Fan Rich
09-07-2007, 04:06 PM
It'll all be over one day... don't worry.
Get ready for the baby-blue helmeted troops in the streets and the UN flag waving proudly over the Capital building.... above Old Glory...
Why do you thinking nothing is being done about illegal immigration? They are not THAT stupid... just complying.

09-07-2007, 08:21 PM
It is very simple, a passport is all that the gov't need to require.

Most states will allow legal immigrants to obtain a DL.

Since we already have passports a National DL or NA ID is for one reason only to facilitate illegal immigrants obtaining IDs.

09-08-2007, 05:16 AM
Florida and Virginia suck too, when I stop someone with a Florida License in NY, I run them.. 9 out of 10 pop a NY suspension here, they go down there and get a license and drive with that..

Virginia would give Bin Laden a license and a set of plates too.. Anything for a buck I guess...

PA is becoming the haven for the world beaters trying to lower their insurance. Everyone in NY has PA,Ohio,Virginia,Florida plates. Just a hint, if the car was bought in NY and has PA plates, I give them a few extra.. Dont save money on my ass, I pay enough insurance already..

As far as America goes, the country as we know it is coming to an end. Greed is king and its slaughtering Lady Liberty..

09-08-2007, 05:18 AM
Why the need for "North American Union" Licenses? I still have people hand me "Mexican" and "International" drivers licenses and think they are valid here. I call an "International tow" for them. DOH !! :shake:

Big House
09-08-2007, 05:39 AM
Florida and Virginia suck too, when I stop someone with a Florida License in NY, I run them.. 9 out of 10 pop a NY suspension here, they go down there and get a license and drive with that..

Virginia would give Bin Laden a license and a set of plates too.. Anything for a buck I guess...

PA is becoming the haven for the world beaters trying to lower their insurance. Everyone in NY has PA,Ohio,Virginia,Florida plates. Just a hint, if the car was bought in NY and has PA plates, I give them a few extra.. Dont save money on my ass, I pay enough insurance already..

As far as America goes, the country as we know it is coming to an end. Greed is king and its slaughtering Lady Liberty..

Not exactly the word I was thinking of but it will do....

Mike Poore
09-08-2007, 06:41 AM
PA is becoming the haven for the world beaters trying to lower their insurance. Everyone in NY has PA,Ohio,Virginia,Florida plates. Just a hint, if the car was bought in NY and has PA plates, I give them a few extra.. Dont save money on my ass, I pay enough insurance already..

I don't know any other reason than insurance rates for anyone to pull a fast one to get PA plates, because along with the registration comes a 6% PA sales tax, and PA inspection sticker and emissions testing in some counties.

There's an advantage to buying a new car and licensing it in PA though, because only the price paid minus the trade is subject to the 6% PA sales tax. (MD charges 5% on the total price of the new car, regardless of trade. Let's say, for instance, I traded down and made an even swap for my '06 Vette on a Chevy pickup that had a sticker of $35K. In Maryland the trade would cost me $1,700 in state sales tax, but in PA, nothing.

From there on, it $24 per year for the tag, and the vehicle is not subject to personal property tax, as in some states.

Another possible advantage is that if I get a citation out of state, PA does not "award" points on my driver's license, thus giving the gift that lasts forever, by giving the insurance company an excuse to raise my rates.

Of course, we all realize that a state boundary line does not mean a person who lives on either side of it is a better or worse driver than his counterpart who happens to live in the other state. I believe, however you can make a case for a different driving style when comparing city drivers to country drivers. Otherwise, the only difference I see from state to state, is the outrageous methods our elected use to bilk us out of our hard earned money.

09-08-2007, 07:58 AM
For years LA residents would register their cars in MS. 2 reasons MS did not require insurance and the rates were lower.

I know this because uninsured MS drivers have run into me in LA.

09-08-2007, 10:08 PM
I've been telling people about the SPP/NAU for years. No one believes me.


That's because you made it up ;)

09-08-2007, 10:09 PM
For years LA residents would register their cars in MS. 2 reasons MS did not require insurance and the rates were lower.

I know this because uninsured MS drivers have run into me in LA.

There was a scam operation a few years ago involving residents of some Southern States arranging to have their vehicles registered to an Oregon address and obtain Oregon plates.

Aren Jay
09-09-2007, 11:00 AM
Soviet AmeriCanuckistan the way of the future.

Blame F. Tucker Carlson.

Dr Caleb
09-11-2007, 09:20 AM
That's because you made it up ;)

I wish.


Notice the .gov address? Only available to the United States Government.












. . . and hundreds of more links. The thing that really p---es me off, is this is done as an 'agreement' not a 'treaty'. Meaning it won't have to pass the houses of any of the 3 countries, therefore it is not made accountable to the people that 'elected' these idjets.