View Full Version : 9-11

09-11-2007, 06:31 AM
Take a moment to remember those who have perished this day 6 years ago at the hands of madmen. Also remember to keep our soldiers in your prayers as they fight for our freedom and the freedom of others. They need your thoughts. God Bless America

09-11-2007, 06:47 AM

09-11-2007, 09:07 AM
God Bless the USA!

09-11-2007, 09:52 AM
Unfortuntely in the time since, the media has spun their web of stories to a point where most Americans are back to being soft as a sneaker full of **** when it comes to dealing with those responsible.

This country needs to harken back to the unified resolve we had in the 6 months post 9/11. We need to get the politicians and grandstanders who are more concerned about elections than our troops to get the hell out of the picture.

We need to unleash the fury and devestation that is the U.S. Military to deal with these pissant terrorists with a level of finality that will show the world who we are and how we deal with terrorism. I don't even care if we get Bin Laden........... Its better that we eradicate his followers at his feet, and leave him to bury the dead. (Plus if we get him the politico's and the liberal media will think the job is done. As the celebration goes on, 25 idiots will take his place making a difficult job even more so. Contain him and kill all around him, then nobody will want to follow him.)

Never forget the 9/11 victims in NYC, PA and DC.... Never forget the warriors who have laid down their lives and sacrificed greatly so that we can live the lives we lead.

Never forget that politicians are more concerned about maintaining their status inside the beltway, than anything you really care about. Never forget the media is not interested in reporting the real stories. they are more interested in slanting towards their perceived constituancy.
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09-11-2007, 10:08 AM
Remember the evil men that did this! Remember the President of Iran wants Armagedon!

I have heard more baloney about how it was staged by the US or the US shot down the planes. The arguements start with a series of facts and then a conclusion that has no basis in any of the facts.

Example Area 51! Fact 5+1=6. Fact an upside down 6 = 9. Fact 5+1=6. Fact 6+5=11. Fact 9 with 11 = 911!!!!!. Area 51 is 911!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!

09-11-2007, 10:55 AM

09-11-2007, 11:21 AM

Unfortuntely in the time since, the media has spun their web of stories to a point where most Americans are back to being soft as a sneaker full of **** when it comes to dealing with those responsible.

This country needs to harken back to the unified resolve we had in the 6 months post 9/11. We need to get the politicians and grandstanders who are more concerned about elections than our troops to get the hell out of the picture.

We need to unleash the fury and devestation that is the U.S. Military to deal with these pissant terrorists with a level of finality that will show the world who we are and how we deal with terrorism. I don't even care if we get Bin Laden........... Its better that we eradicate his followers at his feet, and leave him to bury the dead. (Plus if we get him the politico's and the liberal media will think the job is done. As the celebration goes on, 25 idiots will take his place making a difficult job even more so. Contain him and kill all around him, then nobody will want to follow him.)

Never forget the 9/11 victims in NYC, PA and DC.... Never forget the warriors who have laid down their lives and sacrificed greatly so that we can live the lives we lead.

Never forget that politicians are more concerned about maintaining their status inside the beltway, than anything you really care about. Never forget the media is not interested in reporting the real stories. they are more interested in slanting towards their perceived constituancy.
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09-11-2007, 11:25 AM
Take a moment to remember those who have perished this day 6 years ago at the hands of madmen. Also remember to keep our soldiers in your prayers as they fight for our freedom and the freedom of others. They need your thoughts. God Bless America

I wrote this last year on the 5th anniversary of the 9-11 attack. God bless our servicemen and women who have an incredibily difficult job to do in even worse circumstances. Support the Troops!!!

11 September 2006

This coming Monday is the 5th Anniversary of the 9/11 attacks on the World Trade Center (WTC) complex, the Pentagon, and on UA Flight #93 over Shanksville, PA. A total of 2,973 persons were killed that day. Another 24 remain missing.

:flag: I will be flying my flag proudly on Monday “In Remembrance” of the victims and their families. Hope that you will join me in doing the same. Never forget. I won’t. :flag:

On the morning of 11 September 2001, I was checking out of the hotel at the US Military Academy at West Point, NY following a conference. As I was passing through the main gate in a rental car toward Highland Falls and Newark International Airport, I heard the first announcement of a small plane striking one of the towers at the World Trade Center. Initially, this struck me as very odd. I thought to myself that a small plane would have to work hard to hit such an obvious building. Maybe the pilot had a medical emergency and lost control of the aircraft.

About 15 minutes later, the radio announcer revealed that the second tower had been hit by another plane. The sky was clear and it was a beautiful day, no way this was accidental. I knew immediately that this was a deliberate attack and that terrorists were responsible. I continued on my way south along the Palisades Parkway and then the Garden State Parkway. Several emergency responders with blue lights flashing and rolling pretty fast passed me along the way. As I got closer to the Tappan Zee Bridge, I saw signs that said “New York City was Closed”. No traffic other than emergency vehicles were permitted.

I continued on my way toward Newark airport. Just as I crossed into New Jersey on the Garden State Parkway, the radio announcer said that a 3rd plane had hit the Pentagon (my old office at 3C529 was obliterated in that instant). We were at war with someone. I needed to stop and collect my thoughts – what to do now? A rest stop with gas station was only about a mile ahead. I pulled in and stopped and just sat a few minutes. Get a coke and calm down some – what the heck is happening??? Is the airport even open now?? What about the rental car?? Try to call – fat chance – everything is busy. While debating with myself whether I should continue on to the airport, a northbound car pulled into the reststop. A guy staggered out of his car and sat down on the curb. I rushed over to see if I could assist. He just said that one of the World Trade Center towers just collapsed. I jumped back in my rental car and turned on the radio. I was stunned and in disbelief. The past hour had been surreal.

In that single minute, my decision was clear. I am driving back to Virginia. Screw the rental car, I need to get home. I turned around and headed back the way I came. Back to I-87, then I-287 to I-78 to I-83 and south. All day I listened to reports on the radio. Plane crashing in Pennsylvania. Just words, no pictures, no TV, no CNN news reports. Lots of speculation and the images forming in my head were difficult to accept. The road rolled on. Tried to call home several times – no luck at all. Easton, Harrisburg, and York, PA Baltimore, MD then Washington, DC and out to Dulles Airport. Had to drop off the rental and pick up my car.

As I approached the National Rental car gate, I noticed that it was closed. In fact, traffic at Dulles was nearly non-existent. Very unusual – a virtual ghost town. I stop at the gate and a guy came over and opened it. I told him that I was there to turn in the car. No charge for the car. No shuttles back to the parking lot. One of the National guys offered to drop me off in his personal car as he was departing. Got in my T-Bird and clicked on the radio. More talk and speculation. Four planes total. US airspace shut down completely.

The guy at the parking lot toll booth waved me through. No charge today. Home was still about 45 minutes away. More radio reports. Both WTC towers gone. Pentagon still burning. Many people dead and dying. Still can’t call home.

I pulled into my driveway at exactly 5 PM that night. My trip had been a full 8 hours from start to finish. My wife ran out to the car and just threw her arms around me. For a minute or maybe more we just stood there. Finally, she said “I know you too well …. I knew that you’d be driving back today”. If I said that I didn’t break down and cry briefly at that moment, I’d be lying. The rush of the past 8 hours completely enveloped me in that moment. In the car for so long I had not been able to share my building grief at all of the events of the day. Finally being at home with everyone safe and together, I lost control. There I said it.

I went into the house and clicked on the TV to see the video and images that most everyone else had be seeing all day. Several birthday presents sat on the dining room table. There would be no party tonight. It took more than a week to even bring myself to open any of them. It just didn't seem appropriate.

Over time, I would find out that 22 of the victims at the Pentagon were from Prince William County, VA were among the nearly 3,000 who died that day. One was an usher at our church. One of our VFD paramedics was in New York City on vacation. He died in the WTC collapse after he rushed from his nearby hotel to offer his help. Several other friends and acquaintences had close calls and near misses or just happened to be somewhere else when their offices were destroyed. I am still overwhelmed by the events of that day. Putting them down on paper like this kinda helps. Thanks for listening.

09-11-2007, 12:52 PM
I believe in the troops. But I dont believe in this WAR. We need a new strategy. You CANNOT defeat a enemy that is willing to die for a cause that they believe is right. How do we defeat them then "I DON'T KNOW". But sending people that are suppose to protect and serve is not the way to go about this. There HAS to be a political or simpler way of doing this. We can fight Terrorist tactics, but I believe it is a UNITED NATIONS affair. Yes we are a powerful country, but the world combine can eradicate people with BAD intensions. "This is not just are fight". And "9-11 happened to the whole world".

09-11-2007, 01:27 PM
History has proved you are wrong.

Please read about Neville Chamberlin, Kamakazi and the Japanese soldiers that were still fighting in the Jungles in the 1970's.

Every war has been fought by an "enemy" that is willing to die for what their cause.

The UN was not attacked, we were attacked. Look at what the UN & Western Europe did in the Eastern European Genocide, nothing!. The UN was transporting a top rep from one side to meet with top reps from the other side. The UN Armored car was stopped by the opposition to the UN Protected rep. He was executed by the side of the road while the UN watched. The UN had a base in a village. As the country side was ravaged more poured into the village. The enemy surrounded the village. When it became evident the village was going to be attacked the UN Troops pulled out and all in the village were slaughtered.

There are 34 nations assisting us in Iraq, 27 have troops.

If we beleive you we must surrender, convert to ISLAM and live under Syra law.

There is no Political solution with an enemy whose every facet is to kill us. It is in their songs, nursery rhimes, story books, Friday prayers, cartoons and everything that they do. You cannot sign a document and undo it.

Did you cheer and celebrate when you saw bombs hit civilians in Iraq? They cheered and celebrated when they witnessed 9-11, some did so while being a guest in our country.

You must completely annilate them using all weapons and tactics at our disposal.

I suggest reading up on the Pacific Campaign WWII, thats World War Two.

09-11-2007, 01:43 PM
I think I urderstand the point that you are trying to make; but you are struggling considerably with the issue.

I believe in the troops. Do you also believe in Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny? This is not an issue of BELIEF; but rather one of SUPPORT. Give the troops what they need to be successful. That means leadership, equipment, more units/force structure, and specific and achievable objectives. But I dont believe in this WAR. We need a new strategy. The strategy is to eventually turn the security of Iraq over to the Iraqi Government. I see nothing wrong with that strategy. The question is how long will it take before they are capable. You CANNOT defeat a enemy that is willing to die for a cause that they believe is right. Where did you ever hear this? Hopefully, not in history class. How about the Germans and Japanese during WW II. They both thought that they were "right" and were willing to die for it.. How do we defeat them then "I DON'T KNOW". I DO KNOW that walking away from Iraq before their Government can take charge of the situation will be seen as a "Victory" by the very organizations we are trying to defeat. But sending people that are suppose to protect and serve is not the way to go about this. The US Army and the other services are NOT a POLICE FORCE. They are not in Iraq to Protect and Serve. They are there to do a mission. They are there to Kill the Enemy. They are there to help train up their Iraqi counterparts so that one day they can step in and take over the job. They are there to help restore the shattered infrastructure. There HAS to be a political or simpler way of doing this. None of this is simple and politics tends to just muck up the works. We can fight Terrorist tactics, but I believe it is a UNITED NATIONS affair. You do know that the United Nations has no troops of its own. Its resolutions have been systematically ignored and it is quite powerless to do anything about it. If you are looking for a U.N. solution, you'll be waiting a very long time. Yes we are a powerful country, but the world combine can eradicate people with BAD intensions. "This is not just are (Our) fight". I agree. Terrorism threatens everyone in every country. And "9-11 happened to the whole world" While other countries may sympathize with the USA over the events of 9-11, it is very clear that 9-11 didn't happen to the whole world. It happened to the USA -- specifically it happened in NY, VA, and PA and affected every American.
I would like to have the war over and have all the troops home; but not if it increases the risks of another 9-11 here on our own territory.

P.S. I am retired US Army. My son is currently on active duty.

09-11-2007, 02:15 PM
We'll never forget. Our nation has a long memory. They will be found. :uzi:

In these I believe.

09-11-2007, 03:14 PM
The reasons that I made the post was because it seems to me (and remember my experience on this earth is not as long as you guys) that in a better world when violence happens on an international scale it should be dealt with by all nations. I understand the fact that this is a great enemy that has many followers here and there and we have many nations trying to help. And what i meant is any enemy that has a goal or intention to do harm will spread there message.

Last week 8 teens and early 20 year old's did racial, homophobic, and crimes against the poor. Claiming to be modern Nazi's. I just meant that when dealing with any leader with a message, at any time they can have followers.

And guys I don't mean to offend.

09-11-2007, 04:53 PM
Don't take it personally.

I have heard from several sources that as respects the 1776 Revolution 1/3 were for the British, 1/3 did not care and 1/3 were for the war.

After Pearl Harbor many in the Australian Gov't wanted to plead peace with the Japanese by giving up the entire Pacific. We convinced them not to, we needed the Australians more than the Japanese.

It is human nature when you know some one who has been a victim of a violent crime such as 9-11 to first sympathize. The sympathy then turns to blame the victim, they were out past dark, they should have checked their car that broke down, they provoked the criminal.

Why do we, even seasoned Police Chiefs, do this? Because it is far easier to blame the victim then to face the reality that such evil does exist and is out there and we are possibly it's next victim.

My cousin is a Captain in the Marines. He told me that the nite before he went into Sadir City his Commander told them they were going to see pure evil. My cousin told me that his Commander was rite. My Cousin does not speak that way.

09-11-2007, 05:13 PM
We'll never forget. Our nation has a long memory. They will be found. :uzi:

In these I believe.

I'd like to believe that. Unfortunately if you listen to current political rhetoric, the resolve is 'dissolving'. Memories seem short, and impatience is rampant.

I don't want there to be another attack on US soil to change that.

09-11-2007, 05:15 PM
I believe in the troops. But I dont believe in this WAR. We need a new strategy. You CANNOT defeat a enemy that is willing to die for a cause that they believe is right. How do we defeat them then "I DON'T KNOW". But sending people that are suppose to protect and serve is not the way to go about this. There HAS to be a political or simpler way of doing this. We can fight Terrorist tactics, but I believe it is a UNITED NATIONS affair. Yes we are a powerful country, but the world combine can eradicate people with BAD intensions. "This is not just are fight". And "9-11 happened to the whole world".

The United Nations as a policy body was involved after 1991. What did it accomplish and what did it prevent?

09-11-2007, 05:31 PM
Don't for a second think that there will not be another attack. There will always be another attack coming (and it won't be "liberals" or "conservatives" who are to blame). Which is why we need to focus our efforts here and in areas of real threat, and not in countries that had little to nothing to do with 9/11.

Several of the 9/11 terrorists were from Saudi Arabia. Let's start there. Or at least stop sending so much **** cash there.

09-11-2007, 05:41 PM

Several of the 9/11 terrorists were from Saudi Arabia. Let's start there. Or at least stop sending so much **** cash there.

Bin Laden himself is from there, it doesn't mean he has the backing of the Arab rulers or people

from Bin Laden's 'speech' today:

In the tape, bin Laden praised al-Shehri, saying he "recognized the truth" that Arab rulers were "vassals" of the West and had "abandoned the balance of (Islamic) revelation."

09-11-2007, 06:40 PM
Thank God we have some young people who think enough of American to defend our freedoms and our American way of life and protect us from people who want to kill us. Without our military where would America be?

My oldest son's main concern this week is getting ready to pass his 1 mile swim test tomorrow so he can continue his Naval flight training. His goal in life is to fly F-18s and be a carrier pilot. My youngest son is studing to pass his Navy OTS (Officer Training School) test as well as finishing his last semester at GA Tech.

I rather kill terrorists overseas then fight them in our city streets. Support and respect our troops and our Commander-in-Chief in this difficult fight to protect America.


09-11-2007, 06:41 PM
And when the Saudi government itself funds terrorism? Then what?

Bin Laden himself is from there, it doesn't mean he has the backing of the Arab rulers or people

from Bin Laden's 'speech' today: