View Full Version : Sprint/Verizon Blackberry 8830

09-11-2007, 11:16 AM
I about to sign up for the Sprint SERO plan and get the Blackberry 8830 but i know nothing about it. Yes, I've read many reviews but none are about the internet browser which i only plan on using.

For those who have the Blackberry 8830:

How are the features:
Internet browser: (speed/connection, actual webpage layout, etc)
Qwerty Keyboard (good feel and typing)
Calendar (Easy to enter events)
Call Quality
Personalization feature

If you don't recommend the Blackberry 8830 then what do you prefer?


09-11-2007, 11:24 AM
I have an 8703. Same keyboard. Works fine on alpha. Symbols and esp number are a bit of a PITA. Browser on the 8703 is acceptable but doesn't do Java well and sux on secure sites with uname and PW. Speed is surprising and browser works in places where the phone doesn't.

Hopefully yours improves on the browser shortcomings.

09-11-2007, 12:10 PM
I Like The Cingular Iphone. Awsome Internet W/ Wifi.

09-11-2007, 01:46 PM
I like the Iphone also but i'll only be using the data play on sprint because its cheap. I wouldn't use the voice plan for the iphone and they want $50/month

09-14-2007, 08:59 AM
SERO is the bomb diggity. I signed up for that recently and you really can't beat what you get for the price.

Not a blackberry here though, I have the HTC-6800 running windows mobile 6...'tis nice. :D

09-14-2007, 11:13 AM
I about to sign up for the Sprint SERO plan and get the Blackberry 8830 but i know nothing about it. Yes, I've read many reviews but none are about the internet browser which i only plan on using.

For those who have the Blackberry 8830:

How are the features:
Internet browser: (speed/connection, actual webpage layout, etc)
Qwerty Keyboard (good feel and typing)
Calendar (Easy to enter events)
Call Quality
Personalization feature

If you don't recommend the Blackberry 8830 then what do you prefer?


Ask here


I used to post there, the members do know there stuff

09-14-2007, 11:29 AM
Ask here


I used to post there, the members do know there stuff

Including which (their, there, they're) to use.

09-14-2007, 01:59 PM
Including which (their, there, they're) to use.

Stop correcting me, its the internet!

Omg inbd lol rofl lmao lolz 1337!:eek:

09-16-2007, 01:51 PM
Sprint Treo 700p has been riding shotgun in the 'Rauder for quite some time. 755p is a bit of an upgrade, with more colors, but both do everyting a Blackberry does, plus have a touchscreen, good mp3 player, and a million mods and programs out there to customize it for cheap (or free if you're willing to search). Never had a second thought since I bought it.