View Full Version : Electrical issue...

Matt Johnson
09-18-2007, 09:36 AM
Somebody diagnose this one for me:

I hit the remote to unlock the doors. Get into the car. Put key in ignition and turn... Nothing. Not even any resistance to the key. As if the starter was disconnected. No power inside the car. No lights, nothing.

To remedy, I open the door and shut it. Then I turn the key. Key turns. Car starts. Full power. Clock needs to be reset, as do radio settings - as if battery had been disconnected.

This has happened a few times. Each time, either opening or shutting the driver's side door has remedied situation. Sometimes I have to do it more than once.

I have been experiencing problems with driver's side window switch not responding before this began to happen.

So... do I have a short? Could a bad window switch be causing this to happen? I'm afraid to take it into dealer because, of course, it will probably not happen at all while in their possession.

Any thoughts?

09-18-2007, 09:51 AM
First, I'd say the two issues are mutually independent.

The driver window switch is notorious due to water dripping straight into it. There a thread around here somewhere on how to take it apart etc.

The door thing to get power is either a loose battery connection being jarred by the door closing or the computer inside the driver's door. I'm leaning toward battery post. I know our closing doors are enough to 'wiggle' the hood on it's hinges. It's certainly enough to jar a connection.

I'd have someone sit in the car with ign on and motor not running. Wiggle, tap, wrangle, jar, move, shift, whatever battery posts, wires and grounds. The person in the car is to holler when the lights go out. Then, just fix what's broke or tighten what's loose.

09-18-2007, 09:52 AM
I would start by cleaning the battery terminals. The door slam might be enough to start the connection.

09-18-2007, 09:57 AM
I would start by cleaning the battery terminals. The door slam might be enough to start the connection.

True. My explanation assumed they were clean!!!! (but possibly not TIGHT)

09-18-2007, 10:04 AM
Check the connection at the starter. There have been issues with corrosion happening at the terminals there too.

09-18-2007, 10:43 AM
Check the connection at the starter. There have been issues with corrosion happening at the terminals there too.

He said no power at all. Although, it would be wise to check the starter connection. If battery corroded, starter solenoid is likely corroded as well.