View Full Version : Damn Illegals

09-19-2007, 06:55 PM

Rest in Peace my Brother

Billy T.

09-19-2007, 07:48 PM
Awwwww....... come on man, they just wanna "come peacefully and asimilate to our culture". Wow, I could not keep a straight face when I said that. Look closely at the attached pic! I am soo pissed that you cannot imagine...

09-19-2007, 08:35 PM
At least it had the best ending possible, they shot and killed the *****head. RIP, fellow officer :depress:. It's getting bad out there, listen to the last part, They've lost 3 officers out there so far this year, investigating......Jaywalking, a bad check and a traffic stop. WTF?

09-19-2007, 09:25 PM
it Dose Not Matter If It Was An Illegal There Are F Crazy Persons Out There Legal And Not.

09-19-2007, 09:56 PM
It matters that it was an illegal because this particular case would not have happened had he not been here - he had prior arrests. Tell his family that it doesn't matter that the man who killed him shouldn't have been in this country.

09-19-2007, 10:02 PM
Well That Guy Should Have Been Out.by The Firt Crime.

09-19-2007, 10:44 PM
Well That Guy Should Have Been Out.by The Firt Crime.

Yes, and his first crime was sneaking into the country.

09-20-2007, 06:29 AM
I'm beginning to think maybe I should register myself as an illegal alien. Hell, they get better rights than I do myself as a born American citizen.

09-20-2007, 06:39 AM
If this ***** keeps up sooner or later the "illegal thing" is going to hit the fan and the "citizens of this country" will start taking their own actions. It is shameful that our government isn't making this a "major priority." It is going to worse rather better as time goes down the road.

09-20-2007, 07:52 PM
The murders and rapes by illegals has already started.

They are now teaching our policemen basic spanish.

The press and gov't officials are referring to the illegals as "contractors"!

The US Immigrations Act section 328, allows the Feds to give complete authorization to local law enforcement enforce the Immigration Act.

We need to encourage local LEO to begin asking the FEDS for this authority.

A close childhood friend was killed by an illegal, drunk Mexican who ran a red lite. He had a record and a car full of illegals. She was pregnant and the baby was killed. I went to her funeral, it was very sad.:bigcry:

09-22-2007, 09:01 AM
We all dont like it yet we keep voting for the idiots that say one thing and do nothing about it. Republicans want the cheap labor, Democrats want the votes. We keep voting for them. I hate to be pessimistic but things dont look good for us in the long term if we refuse to enforce existing law. A country that doesnt enforce its borders will soon not be a country. PS: Dont blame law enforcement like the DHS/ICE (former INS), Border Patrol ect. Those poor guys work hard and get zero support from their own headquarters (run by political appointees) or congress.

09-22-2007, 03:10 PM
We all dont like it yet we keep voting for the idiots that say one thing and do nothing about it. Republicans want the cheap labor, Democrats want the votes. We keep voting for them. I hate to be pessimistic but things dont look good for us in the long term if we refuse to enforce existing law. A country that doesnt enforce its borders will soon not be a country. PS: Dont blame law enforcement like the DHS/ICE (former INS), Border Patrol ect. Those poor guys work hard and get zero support from their own headquarters (run by political appointees) or congress.

Don't kid yourself, Democrats want the cheap labour as well. It takes a lot to keep those mansions tidy.

09-22-2007, 05:23 PM
The American Indians found out what happens when you don't control immigration! When the street signs become bilingual - I am moving out of the country.

09-22-2007, 05:38 PM
The American Indians found out what happens when you don't control immigration! When the street signs become bilingual - I am moving out of the country.

No other good country to go to Kenny. Just go to the gun show next weekend. More and more are going for purchases. I wonder why:confused:

09-22-2007, 10:25 PM
No other good country to go to Kenny. Just go to the gun show next weekend. More and more are going for purchases. I wonder why:confused:
Maybe not, however, I refuse to live in a country where 70% of the population will NOT pay taxes in ten years. I refuse to live in a country that welcomes illegals then - get this - reads them the miranda rights when they're arrested. This country is in deep trouble and the government should be bankrupt in about a decade.

09-23-2007, 07:54 PM
Do not complain too much.

We are probably receiving more of those. In the west, while english remains the first language, some foreign languages (punjab and mandarin) are getting increasingly important. Lots of shops out there already do not advertise anymore in English...

Further, you could still hope than most of the ones who make it to your country would be willing to find a job and to work. It looks that for many of those landing here, the most attractive is the social backup system.


09-23-2007, 08:37 PM
Human Nature - What we don't understand we fear, what we fear we destroy.

Language is the primary means by which humans understand each other.

No common language no understand, no understand results in fear, we destroy what we fear.

09-23-2007, 09:36 PM
The American Indians found out what happens when you don't control immigration! When the street signs become bilingual - I am moving out of the country.

Try North Carolina. Saw my first official state sign in spanish up near Asheville.

09-24-2007, 12:08 AM
Ok I might get heat for this, but I don't care.

SCREW that way of thinking! Be mad at this guy for killing people, not because he came into this country. Most are really good hard workers and I can tell you because I work with them. Everyone screws up all over the world no matter of race. This is not just people who sneek into this country!!! All they wanted was a better life and I keep going back on this subject time and time again.

SCREW TV it's all one frickin' commercial and all the media wants to do is piss you off or put you in fear. See what it did to you guys? Now your all over people who come into this country illegally because of our frickin' b.s. regulations just make the option of sneaking in here something to consider. Do you know where we would be if it wasn't for people coming into this country? I wouldn't be here because I'm not Native American. Heck I think we would all be gone.

Turn off your televisions and open your minds. Jesus Chrysler!

09-24-2007, 05:07 AM
Yessssssss.............open your minds. They are HARMLESS.....

09-24-2007, 07:56 AM
Human Nature - What we don't understand we fear, what we fear we destroy.

Language is the primary means by which humans understand each other.

No common language no understand, no understand results in fear, we destroy what we fear.

I agree with you.

But I also think that learning the language of the country that welcomes you is - above all - a matter of respect for the people who built up the place before. Besides, showing your good will would partly remove the "fear".

I lived and worked in a couple of countries. I always learned or started learning the local language. Without being obliged. Just by respect. And it did not "damage" my origins, my culture and my religion. It also did not prevent me to speak my native language at home, when I wanted too. Let me say that my efforts were much appreciated by the local people. And it gave me some possibility to better understand the foreign cultures in which I was temporarily immersed, thus opening my mind.

Just my 2 cents.

09-24-2007, 12:06 PM
Ok I might get heat for this, but I don't care.

SCREW that way of thinking! Be mad at this guy for killing people, not because he came into this country. Most are really good hard workers and I can tell you because I work with them. Everyone screws up all over the world no matter of race. This is not just people who sneek into this country!!! All they wanted was a better life and I keep going back on this subject time and time again.

SCREW TV it's all one frickin' commercial and all the media wants to do is piss you off or put you in fear. See what it did to you guys? Now your all over people who come into this country illegally because of our frickin' b.s. regulations just make the option of sneaking in here something to consider. Do you know where we would be if it wasn't for people coming into this country? I wouldn't be here because I'm not Native American. Heck I think we would all be gone.

Turn off your televisions and open your minds. Jesus Chrysler!

Ok I will open my mind. I am mad at the illegal for the killing and mad at our incompetent and corrupt government for allowing the killing. How do they allow the killing? By not caring that we have a problem, making all illegals legal does not fix anything. The government is too concerned with losing votes or possibly hurting peoples feelings when they should be looking out for Americans best interest.

All they wanted was a better life, sounds so simple. However EVERYTHING in life has a cost associated with it. Costs may be in the form of money, favors, or a number of other things. The cost of our government doing nothing about our borders is significant. The kids who attend school are now leading to overcrowding, weakening the quality of education that young Americans receive even more. So we need to build schools and higher teachers the tax payers pay this cost, then they don't all speak English so we need special teachers. What about the illegals who come to this country and do not have good intentions. The ones who rob, rape, and murder Americans. Is that acceptable to you since the majority of the illegals are good people? I won't even go into how they contribute to our health care problems. What the government should do is figure out how much per year they are costing us and then divide that amount evenly as a tax to all those who support illegal immigration. If you want to pay for them go ahead but I do not.

But the main focus is they are illegal they come into this country already breaking the law. Someone who speeds recklessly will get a ticket and in some counties arrested, they may not have hurt anyone and it could have happened on a deserted road however it's illegal and they have to suffer the consequences. However breaking our immigration law is alright because well no one else follows it right :rolleyes:

If someone wants to better their life fine, there is a legal way to come into this country, follow the laws and there is no problem.

09-24-2007, 12:24 PM
Ok I might get heat for this, but I don't care.

SCREW that way of thinking! Be mad at this guy for killing people, not because he came into this country. Most are really good hard workers and I can tell you because I work with them. Really good hard woorkers? Maybe for the first generation, then look out. they "Americanize" real fast.Everyone screws up all over the world no matter of race. This is not just people who sneek into this country!!! Sneak into this country? Is that like illegal entry? Keyword: ILLEGAL All they wanted was a better life and I keep going back on this subject time and time again.

SCREW TV it's all one frickin' commercial and all the media wants to do is piss you off or put you in fear. See what it did to you guys? Now your all over people who come into this country illegally because of our frickin' b.s. regulations just make the option of sneaking in here something to consider. The regualtions (laws to some) are there for a purpose. We also have laws against robbing a bank..would you rationalize that that just make it more tempting for someone? come on now. Do you know where we would be if it wasn't for people coming into this country? I don't think this discussion is about immigration. It is about ILLEGAL entry, it is about not respecting our laws, its about forging documents to gain work. I wouldn't be here because I'm not Native American. Heck I think we would all be gone. Not true. There have been millions of legal immigrants to this country and it welcomes them. If you want to immigrate, immigrate legally, take some pride in being American, learn our history, learn our language, learn our customs and don't expect us to accept conditions similar to a third world country here to make you comfortable. Most of the illegals that are crossing our borders are either 1) very undereducated ie they have little or no education or professional skills or 2)or they are here to take advantage of our social benefits (medical, welfare, etc.) or 3) they are here for other reasons (Remember 9/11?) and yes 4) some come here to work, work at a wage that would not be livable to a taxpaying American citizen who is trying to live within the laws. They do this by living ten to a room, living in our parks, living in cars, not paying taxes, not having insurance, not being responsible for anything except to (sometimes) take cash under the table and sending a majority of that back to their homeland. Hell you probably believe that if a baby is born in this country to illegal aliens, that baby is an American citizen! Talk about pure horsecrap!! Show me where it says that in our Constitution or in the Bill of Rights!Turn off your televisions and open your minds. Jesus Chrysler!

Several things to consider...Really hard workers? or workers that will work for minimum wages?

09-24-2007, 01:08 PM
What's the problem w/ Mexico, (60% of illegal immigrants)?

Answer Mexicans, Mexicans who are corrupt and Mexicans who tolerate corruption.

Place large fines on US employers, send the illegals back home ala President Eisenhower w/ "Operation Wet Back" and with in 6 months a revolution will begin to take place.

Breaking into the US with a corrupt Mexican Gov't issued map-how to brochure and then getting an ID from a corrupt Mexican Consulate will no longer be an option.

The 20% of the Mexican population currently working in the US illegally will begin to revolt in their country.

By allowing the illegals to work and receive education and medical care we are perpetuating the cycle of Mexican poverty caused by it's corrupt government.

By allowing the illegals to take from us we are taking from the legals awaiting entry into this country to become a part of this country and from our citizens.

The illegals come here to do one thing take, take and take. They are not here to become citizens.

The US does not need people who illegally come here, who cannot speak english, do not pay income tax, do not pay property tax, have an 8th grade education, are functionally illiterate in english and spanish and who have no desire to learn english.

Those who are citizens pay a high cost for the illegals. The illegals do not contribute.

By every measure they reduce the quaility of life, violent crime, drug use.

I am seeing the impact in the area I live. The violent crime has recently started from the illegals so much so that the Police are learning spanish for the first time that the French won the City back from the Spanish over 200 years ago!

Hire an illegal and you perpetuate the cycle of poverty by corruption.

My father was President of an entrepenure group of some of the worlds wealthiest families, unfortunately that did not include us. I became friends w/ several from South America in the late 1970's. I will never forget when the discussion of Mexico came up one nite. All of those from South America said the corruption in Meixco was perpetuated by the lack of any concern by the wealthy Mexicans for their fellow citizens.

09-24-2007, 04:55 PM
I agree with you Billy 100%. In addition, the stated cost effecting our health care system in the U.S. is reaching 3 billion dollars a month. Go to any hospital ER and see who the majority of the people are in the waiting room. Illegals, and the hospital is obligated to treat them. When my wife had to go to the hospital last month for her heart problem, she had to be diverted from my local hospital (3 miles from my home) to another Lee County Hospital 15 miles away.....You know why, illegals had flooded the ER. Un-******ng real. Thank God she turned out OK.

09-24-2007, 05:22 PM
Ok I might get heat for this, but I don't care.

SCREW that way of thinking! Be mad at this guy for killing people, not because he came into this country. Most are really good hard workers and I can tell you because I work with them. Everyone screws up all over the world no matter of race. This is not just people who sneek into this country!!! All they wanted was a better life and I keep going back on this subject time and time again.

SCREW TV it's all one frickin' commercial and all the media wants to do is piss you off or put you in fear. See what it did to you guys? Now your all over people who come into this country illegally because of our frickin' b.s. regulations just make the option of sneaking in here something to consider. Do you know where we would be if it wasn't for people coming into this country? I wouldn't be here because I'm not Native American. Heck I think we would all be gone.

Turn off your televisions and open your minds. Jesus Chrysler!

Dom you are so messed up on this subject it isn't funny

09-25-2007, 12:22 AM
Alright I give up. I guess I have a lot to learn about life. I still don't think you guys get it though. Be mad at the person for the crime... not where he came from. There are cop killers all over the place, not just from Mexico.

09-25-2007, 04:42 AM
Alright I give up. I guess I have a lot to learn about life. I still don't think you guys get it though. Be mad at the person for the crime... not where he came from. There are cop killers all over the place, not just from Mexico.

The point is if he wasn't here illegally there would be one more LEO still alive.

09-25-2007, 08:54 AM
The point is if he wasn't here illegally there would be one more LEO still alive.

Exactly. Anyone who says crimes committed here by an illegal alien has nothing to do with immigration is either stupid or has a vested interest in lying about it. Would they have killed that policemen if they weren't here? No. Were they here illegally? Yes. It's that simple, it really is that simple. When you start out in this country by breaking the law to get here, are you REALLY just a law abiding citizen who wants to come here and do jobs we won't do? Breaking the law and hiding in the shadows is a way of life and a full time job for these people so I guess, yes, they can have that job, I don't want it. When I was high school, Spanish was an elective. Is it mandatory yet? I wouldn't doubt it. When you speak out against granting amnesty to 12-20 million law breakers you are called a racist by groups like the ACLU, LULAC, and the Southern Poverty Law Center. If you don't have a problem with illegals I say this to you: Adopt a family of them. Take them into your house, feed them, cloth them, insure them, pay for thier educations and hospitilizations and take the burden off of me, man. GRRRR!!

09-25-2007, 11:03 AM
If you don't have a problem with illegals I say this to you: Adopt a family of them. Take them into your house, feed them, cloth them, insure them, pay for thier educations and hospitilizations and take the burden off of me, man. GRRRR!!

Well in a way I do. I won't get into it. Call me stupid if ya want, but I don't care. Just the fact that he is illegal is irrelevant. I guess if it was some 15 year old white kid who went nuts he wouldn't get the same heat from you guys. I'm staying these things happen no matter who commits the crime or where they are from. Thats life.

09-25-2007, 12:06 PM
:D:banned:I'm a US CITIZEN myself my parents came from MEXICO in the early 80's.They are not here illegal they work & pay the goverment taxes every year.What i really don't agree is with all the people coming to the UNITED STATES & take advantage of our system.My parents & other people i know can't get help from the goverment not even medicaid can cover them.But we have all this people that don't pay taxes & get all the help they want like FOODSTAMPS,MEDICAID,DAYCARE & get free tansportation to see the doctor.I had a lady come up to me at a store one time & told me she would buy my groceries with her FOODSTAMPS & to pay her half in cash!I don't have anything against anybody but come on we are the ones loosing out on what the goverment can do for us.I just don't think it's fair that we pay taxes & all the things we do for someone just to come here illegal and take advantage of that & if they do a crime who cares if it's the first felony or misdeminor they should just send them back.With people like that we can't keep track of them they can do a crime & go back to their country.So i say we keep them out of the U.S.A!

09-25-2007, 12:32 PM
Well in a way I do. I won't get into it. Call me stupid if ya want, but I don't care. Just the fact that he is illegal is irrelevant. I guess if it was some 15 year old white kid who went nuts he wouldn't get the same heat from you guys. I'm staying these things happen no matter who commits the crime or where they are from. Thats life.

How is it irrelevant? Could he have comitted the crime if he wasn't here? No. Was he here illegally? Yes. I can't break it down any simpler than that. Sneaking into the country is a crime, period. If you hire and/or help anyone who does, that's a crime and we are all paying for it.
Legal, illegal, either way it is sad that a police officer lost his life.

09-25-2007, 01:27 PM
Ok well I don't think his intention was to come into this country to kill a cop. If my grandparents didn't come into this country I wouldn't be here. There are other people in this country who are here who got here legally who kill people. Where is your post on everyone else? Seems to me your mad that a cop is dead and you have every reason to, but just saying he got here illegally and putting every single illegal on the bad list just pisses me off. Just because one did it doesn't mean they all will. You can't judge them all by one act.

09-25-2007, 02:01 PM
I don't know if illegals come here intending to commit a crime or not, but they do come here knowing they are breaking the law--how could they NOT?

My parents immigrated here from the Philippine in 1971. They paid their dues to get in, obtained citizenship legally, swore allegiance, and paid taxes. And now my mom who is on workmen's comp after being on long-term disability and working here for 35 years STILL has to fight for her healthcare. Why should ANYONE be given free healthcare and so many other benefits when they a) broke the law by entering this country illegaly, and b) break more rules? We are rewarding and encouraging people for CUTTING IN LINE. I'm sorry, but EFF that.

I've known some nice illegals, but the story is still the same...take, take, and take. Make their money, pay no taxes that allow this country to be here so they CAN work illegally, then return to Mexico (yes they were Mexican.) That's what you call a parasite.

09-25-2007, 05:17 PM
They are here in part because of greed.

I know someone who has a ranch w/ 3 horses. She is pro illegal, their exploitive labor allows her to keep 3 horses.

After Katrina the illegals got higher paying jobs in construction. Now she has 1 horse.

She thinks I am heartless because they are hard workers.

The reality is she is exploiting them and the legal person they replaced. She is perpetuating the cycle of corruption in Mexico.

09-25-2007, 05:48 PM
Ok well I don't think his intention was to come into this country to kill a cop. If my grandparents didn't come into this country I wouldn't be here. There are other people in this country who are here who got here legally who kill people. Where is your post on everyone else? Seems to me your mad that a cop is dead and you have every reason to, but just saying he got here illegally and putting every single illegal on the bad list just pisses me off. Just because one did it doesn't mean they all will. You can't judge them all by one act.

Who cares about his intentions? People who street race do not intend to wreck and kill people yet it happens. Every illegal is on the bad list because they do not respect this country enough to follow the laws regarding immigration. Then they take advantage of this countries tax payers and still have the nerve to get upset with people who are against illegals.

Does it matter that only a small % of illegals commit violent crimes? No, because even a small percentage of violent crimes that are committed against Americans by illegals is NOT acceptable and too many.

09-25-2007, 07:07 PM
People who street race do not intend to wreck and kill people yet it happens. :Offtopic:Does it matter that only a small % of illegals commit violent crimes? No, because even a small percentage of violent crimes that are committed against Americans by illegals is NOT acceptable and too many.

If getting into the country was easy I'm sure they would follow the rules. The point is it is not and this seems to be the resort that is taken. I still can't believe you guys cannot see past the illegal part. Be mad at him for the crime, not where he came from. I'm done trying to dumb down my point. Stay in your worlds where all illegals are bad for coming here for a better life and they are all disrespecting the country for doing things people do all accross the world.

09-25-2007, 07:12 PM
I'm a US CITIZEN myself my parents came from MEXICO in the early 80's.They are not here illegal they work & pay the goverment taxes every year.What i really don't agree is with all the people coming to the UNITED STATES & take advantage of our system.My parents & other people i know can't get help from the goverment not even medicaid can cover them.But we have all this people that don't pay taxes & get all the help they want like FOODSTAMPS,MEDICAID,DAYCARE & get free tansportation to see the doctor.I had a lady come up to me at a store one time & told me she would buy my groceries with her FOODSTAMPS & to pay her half in cash!I don't have anything against anybody but come on we are the ones loosing out on what the goverment can do for us.I just don't think it's fair that we pay taxes & all the things we do for someone just to come here illegal and take advantage of that & if they do a crime who cares if it's the first felony or misdeminor they should just send them back.With people like that we can't keep track of them they can do a crime & go back to their country.So i say we keep them out of the U.S.A!

Exactly. It's not about WHERE a person is from, it's about HOW they get here, the steps they took to get here.
Many of us are immigrants. To me "Immigrant" implies a certain legality. Applying that word to those who are scofflaws, and think somehow they have a self declared right to come to the US and take up residence simply because they want to, is wrong. Those people are NOT immigrants in any way. They are selfish thieves.

Unfortunately Dom doesn't understand this.

09-25-2007, 08:38 PM
If getting into the country was easy I'm sure they would follow the rules. The point is it is not and this seems to be the resort that is taken. I still can't believe you guys cannot see past the illegal part. Be mad at him for the crime, not where he came from. I'm done trying to dumb down my point. Stay in your worlds where all illegals are bad for coming here for a better life and they are all disrespecting the country for doing things people do all accross the world.

Life is not easy, just because there is an easy illegal way to do something does not make it right. You still can't believe we can not see past the illegal part, I am mad at him for the crime and mad at our government for not doing anything about all the illegals in this country. Yes I will stay in my world where illegal is illegal and you can stay in yours were illegal is only illegal sometimes.:rolleyes:

09-25-2007, 08:55 PM
Unfortunately Dom doesn't understand this.

Yup I'm really lost here. Maybe I'll grow up and get it someday.

09-25-2007, 08:59 PM
I'm done trying to dumb down my point.
Lol, for who? Besides, I don't think you could get it more dumb or down.

Let's try and put this in terms you can grasp. Let's say you have done well in school from Kindergarten right up until graduation day, did everything right. Now you are standing in line, waiting for that diploma, because you earned it. Whoa, here comes a crap load of kids who never went to your school, or any school for that matter, and cut right in front of you. And more keep coming, and they just won't stop. Would you say out loud to everyone behind you "IT'S OKAY, THEY JUST WANT THE SAME THING WE DO! JUST WANT TO BETTER THEMSELVES BY TAKING WHAT THEY DIDN'T EARN! I KNOW IT'S ILLEGAL BUT WHAT THE HECK, THAT'S NOT THE POINT!"

I am not against legal immigration, I am against illegal aliens, and there is a HUGE difference.

Let's put this in the form of a math problem:
Illegal alien(A)+gun(B)=policeman gets shot in the face(C)
If we remove A from the equation, cause A shouldn't have been part of the problem to begin with, would we still come up with C? ***** NO!!

09-25-2007, 09:41 PM
This tread is a F-ing JOKE!

One LEO killed by an illegal and we have pure outrage (this thread).

Another LEO killed by a legal and we get ZERO (0) comments/ posts (this thread http://www.mercurymarauder.net/forums/showthread.php?p=536382#post53 6382).

How sad you all are.

What can you NOT understand that you have ONLY the government to blame for the large number of illegals? For the last 20 yrs. they encouraged illegal immigration in order to please big business with cheap labor (the right wing) and to please voters (left wing).

What more proof do you need in order to see that our Government talks out of both sides of it's mouth?

1) No real enforcement. (Once you make it in you are pretty much in the clear.)

2) No big punishment. (In fact being here illegally is ONLY a misdemeanor under current law. Guess what FOLKS? We would all be cited if the Government really enforced all the misdemeanors in the books. Even J-Walking is a misdemeanor and is...um... illegal. Illegal is illegal so you should all be....)

3) If caught sneaking in, all they do is give you a free ride back. (Yeah, that shows they didn't want the Mexicans to EVEN THINK about sneaking in.)

Guys, WAKE THE F-UP! OUR Government WANTED the Illegals here. Now that they reached 14 million + it is blowing up in their face but they have STILL TO ACTUALLY DO ANYTHING ABOUT IT.

And lastly, I will CALL ANY OF YOU A LIER TO YOUR FACE (should I ever have the honor to meet/ hang out with you) if you tell me that if you would wait YEARS under the current system in hopes of coming here legally if you were a poor Mexican.

These people have families that they cannot even feed or educate and you want them to WAIT years in order to "maybe" get accepted to come here? I "want" them to wait in line as well but how can you EXPECT them to wait when our Government practically encouraged them to sneak in (read 3 points above).

Opps, I get it. It is easier to blame them then to blame our Government since blaming our Government would really be blaming ourselves since WE are responsible to hold our Government accountable.

Blame ourselves? Heck No. It's more fun to be a wannabe badass and join the Minute Men.

09-25-2007, 10:01 PM
Let's put this in the form of a math problem:
Illegal alien(A)+gun(B)=policeman gets shot in the face(C)
If we remove A from the equation, cause A shouldn't have been part of the problem to begin with, would we still come up with C? ***** NO!!

Yeah, LEO killed by an illegal and you post not one but THREE (:mad2::mad2::mad2:). LEO killed by fellow brother citizen and you (and the others) don't even post in the thread (http://www.mercurymarauder.net/forums/showthread.php?p=536382#post53 6382).

Pathetic if you ask me.

Maybe your math should also include a government that encourages the said illegal MONSTER...I mean illegal Alien...to sneak in by:

1) No real enforcement. (Once you make it in you are pretty much in the clear.)

2) No big punishment. (In fact being here illegally is ONLY a misdemeanor under current law. Guess what FOLKS? We would all be cited if the Government really enforced all the misdemeanors in the books. Even J-Walking is a misdemeanor and is...um... illegal. Illegal is illegal so you should all be....)

3) If caught sneaking in, all they do is give you a free ride back. (Yeah, that shows they didn't want the Mexicans to EVEN THINK about sneaking in.)

Government that encourages illegal immigration (a) + illegal space alien (b) + plus gun (we should ban those to since it to would have prevented this death) (c)= dead LEO (d).

What do you think buddy? NOW we have THREE (3) items to remove from the equation in order to keep the said LEO alive. I have a feeling that you like to ignore (a) and (c) and that makes me :mad2::mad2::mad2:.

09-25-2007, 11:34 PM
I blame Mexico's government as well. Living under ours is obviously more appealing than living under their's, which is why they try to be here in the first place.

If their government was any better than ours, why would illegal immigrants even try to come here?

Like I said, illegals are cutting in line. My parents were no better off when they were waiting to come here than many illegal immigrants. What gives them the right to reap what my parents' have sown for decades, despite coming from the same poor economic backgrounds? NOTHING gives them the right.

I know many naturalized Mexicans as well, and they cannot stand illegal Mexicans. Not many naturalized citizens would.

09-26-2007, 03:45 AM
Yeah, LEO killed by an illegal and you post not one but THREE (:mad2::mad2::mad2:). LEO killed by fellow brother citizen and you (and the others) don't even post in the thread (http://www.mercurymarauder.net/forums/showthread.php?p=536382#post53 6382).

Pathetic if you ask me.

Maybe your math should also include a government that encourages the said illegal MONSTER...I mean illegal Alien...to sneak in by:

1) No real enforcement. (Once you make it in you are pretty much in the clear.)

2) No big punishment. (In fact being here illegally is ONLY a misdemeanor under current law. Guess what FOLKS? We would all be cited if the Government really enforced all the misdemeanors in the books. Even J-Walking is a misdemeanor and is...um... illegal. Illegal is illegal so you should all be....)

3) If caught sneaking in, all they do is give you a free ride back. (Yeah, that shows they didn't want the Mexicans to EVEN THINK about sneaking in.)

Government that encourages illegal immigration (a) + illegal space alien (b) + plus gun (we should ban those to since it to would have prevented this death) (c)= dead LEO (d).

What do you think buddy? NOW we have THREE (3) items to remove from the equation in order to keep the said LEO alive. I have a feeling that you like to ignore (a) and (c) and that makes me :mad2::mad2::mad2:.

2 things:1., I posted a reply to the other thread. The blinders you are wearing must have prevented you from seeing it. 2., I'm not your :censor:buddy.

09-26-2007, 05:00 AM
2 things:1., I posted a reply to the other thread. The blinders you are wearing must have prevented you from seeing it. 2., I'm not your :censor:buddy.

1) That's what you call a good answer to my posts? That's the best that you can come up with to respond to the WHOLE two back to back posts?Yup, ignor the real issue even when literally SPELLED OUT FOR YOU and just keep blaming the poor.

2) Don't break my heart.

09-26-2007, 06:09 AM
1) That's what you call a good answer to my posts? That's the best that you can come up with to respond to the WHOLE two back to back posts?Yup, ignor the real issue even when literally SPELLED OUT FOR YOU and just keep blaming the poor.

I wasn't aware your 'posts' required any answer at all much less a good answer. What exactly was the question again? Do I support illegal alien cop killers or law breakers in general, as you appear to do? No. I'll play along though. AGAIN, I blame the illegal alien who killed a police officer. If he was poor as you say, I must have missed that part, or you are ad-libbing in a pathetic attempt at gaining sympathy for your rediculous statement that our government is to blame, not a criminal who broke into this country, picked up a weapon, and killed someone. You honestly think removing the policeman from the equation is the answer? Or the weapon? Just leave criminals? The criminal mentality is take take take until they get caught then it's 'what about me me me and my rights'? and sympathizers like you rally around them and blame everything and everyone but the actual problem, which is the criminal his/her self. "Oh, they just want to work, they have kids to feed, blah blah blah". Well don't breed them if you can't feed them, that simple. What happened to holding a person accountable for their actions? He shot a cop in the face, I blame him and you blame the government. Insane.
2) Don't break my heart.
I'm typing words here so you don't get mad that I didn't reply. And I'll go the extra mile, here's a few icons :bandit::uzi::gunfire:

09-26-2007, 07:27 AM
If I were a poor Mexican I would start a revolution to end the corrupt government and end the poverty instead of running away w/ my government issued "how to break into the US brochure".

If I could not feed a family I would not have one. If I could not educate my family I would not have one.

The minutemen do blame the government.

I do blame the government. It is the primary responsibility of government to secure it's borders.

I contact my legislators when ever there is a bill on immigration.

Our current policy as a Nation and many as a people props up the corrupt Mexican gov't and perpetuates the cycle of poverty. A prime example is when we sent Mexico billions to bail them out. This stamped poverty on the heads of many a Mexican.

Close the borders and send the illegals back a transformationwill quickly take place.

We are like the wealthy childless aunt who is always bailing out the irresponsible playboy nephew. So long as the nephew knows the aunt as wealththy he will be an irresponsible playboy.

Dr Caleb
09-26-2007, 11:57 AM
If I were a poor Mexican I would start a revolution to end the corrupt government and end the poverty instead of running away w/ my government issued "how to break into the US brochure".

They tried that last year in Oxcala when the incumbent party got CAUGHT stuffing ballots for the Presidential election.

The Main Stream Media in both our countries called it a 'teachers strike'.


09-26-2007, 04:22 PM
Look closely at his myspace page when they show it... He posted something about killing a Police officer. These people suck, F them all! SEND THEM HOME NOW!

09-29-2007, 08:55 AM
Which one of you is this guy?


09-29-2007, 09:09 AM
Send Them Home.

09-29-2007, 10:07 AM
Which one of you is this guy?



First, that fat a$$ looks more Mexican than those straight out of Mexico City. Secondly, I love when fat lards like this shmuck act big and bad in front of a camera or online but in the real world says nothing. If he did open that big mouth in the real world he would have had to make his speech laying in a hospital bed (and would be another statistic for him to quote) because the Mexicans have nothing to loose. Talk to them like that and you better be ready to back it up. This guy ran out of breath just in the video and I will bet you cigars to dollars that he can't even tie his own shoes with all that fat.

Can you give me the statistics of those very crimes committed by legal citizens? Maybe we can break it down into racist terms so that we can get angry and make our own video?

How many of these same crimes are committed by:


I bet the numbers will surprise you. I guess it is time to make a video and threaten the majority of us (white males).

I wonder if this fat motherfu.ker realizes that THERE ARE OVER 14 MILLION illegals in our Country now. Only four States in our union have more people (California, Texas, New York and Florida). You can almost add up the population of 20 States and still hardly reach the 14+ million people mark. That is A LOT OF PEOPLE so no ***** that there are a few bad apples.

And before you give me this crap "well, at the very least, the crimes committed by 'illegal aliens' would not occur had they not been here in the first place."

Hello, there are 14+ million of them here already and that didn't happen overnight or by chance. It occurred because we allowed it to occur. Our government knew exactly what was going on yrs. ago and they did nothing. In fact, they are still doing nothing about it.

Am I mad that there are 14+ million illegals here? Yes.

However, I don't blame them for being here as much as I blame our Government for allowing it to get to this point in the first place. They enticed them to come here by:

-Not enforcing the boarder.
-Allowing relative freedom once inside the boarder.
-and purposefully looking the other way when big business hires them (do you really believe that the Government doesn't know that on any given day they can raid the farms, major construction sites, and large factories and round up hundreds of thousands of illegals? Sure you know that they can and could have for 20+ years but they haven't BECAUSE THEY WANT MONEY FROM BIG BUSINESS.)

For 20 yrs. our Government plainly encourages illegal immigration and we get mad at the poor shmucks who take advantage of it.

09-29-2007, 10:19 AM
Funny how the number count of Illegal aliens has gone up form 12 million to over 14 million in a few months.
This is only to sell the idea of 'amnesty' for those who are here, as the idea of dealing with so many would be "impossible"

Since we have someone now who knows how many there are, it should be easy to send them home.

This isn't about race, colour or anything else, it's about People from foreign countries who ignore the laws of this country, and then who are rewarded for doing so.
It isn't just about 'white' US citizens feeling threatened either.

This is also a problem that goes farther back than 20 years, and isn't just centered on the wants of 'Big Business'

09-29-2007, 10:37 AM
Funny how the number count of Illegal aliens has gone up form 12 million to over 14 million in a few months.
This is only to sell the idea of 'amnesty' for those who are here, as the idea of dealing with so many would be "impossible"

This is also a problem that goes farther back than 20 years, and isn't just centered on the wants of 'Big Business'

Who cares if it's 10 million smarty pants? ONLY 7 STATES HAVE MORE PEOPLE SO DON'T ACT LIKE IT IS NOT A REAL PROBLEM. Also, nobody knows for sure the true number of illegals but most agree that there are over 12 million.

And about your last comment; you are correct, it is not only about what big business wants but, nevertheless, our Government has PURPOSEFULLY DONE NOTHING FOR AT LEAST 20 YRS. AND THAT'S WHAT GOT US INTO THIS MESS.

Opps, I keep forgetting that blaming the Government will force us to blame ourselves since we are responsible for our Government's actions (or lack there of).

Much more fun to watch a fat a$$ on camera blame the cockroaches.

09-29-2007, 10:45 AM
This isn't about race, colour or anything else, it's about People from foreign countries who ignore the laws of this country, and then who are rewarded for doing so.

Who wouldn't ignore a law that isn't enforced in 20+ yrs.?

Do you know that in the State of Florida, it is illegal to make love to your wife without brushing your teeth? It is also illegal to make love to your wife after you eat Onions or Garlic and you can forget about oral sex.

Do any of us follow such laws that are never enforced? NO.

Likewise, we cannot expect them to not come here when the laws have not been enforced for over 20+ yrs.

09-29-2007, 11:02 AM
The point of that video was? :rolleyes:

Is it wrong that to be pissed off that there are millions of illegals here and that they are committing crimes? Yeah yeah yeah Americans commit crimes too but think about this if cops only had to deal with crimes committed by people that are here legally do you think they would be more effective? Everyone in the US would be safer because you're decreasing the total number of crimes that cops have to deal with. Can you imagine the money that would be saved if tax dollars only went to those who are in this country legally. The Government and the Illegals are both to blame, the government is not looking out for the American Citizens best interest by repeatedly doing nothing. The Illegals don't see a problem since we aren't really doing anything about it but it does not make what they are doing right.

Now before you say not all Illegals are bad, by them being here they are breaking the law. But if you think that since most do not murder, rape, steal or commit other crimes against Americans we should allow them to stay. Why don't you tell that to the parents of these two girls http://www.immigrationwatchdog.com/?p=3453. That case infuriates me so much and is a perfect example of how screwed up the government is. This worthless excuse for a human was arrested on a DUI charge 2 months prior and we did nothing about it. The government should stop trying to please everyone and do it's job by looking out for the best interest of United States Citizens.

Oh it's tough to get into the USA legally so people cross the border and we should just deal with and fix the immigration law to allow them to come across legally? I bet drug dealers think it's tough to live an extravagant life legally so we should just modify our laws and make it legal right. After all most drug dealers probably don't walk around the streets looking to harm innocent people.

09-29-2007, 11:35 AM
Come On Lets Talk About Our Cars.thats Why We Are Here In This Web Site.

09-29-2007, 12:18 PM
Who wouldn't ignore a law that isn't enforced in 20+ yrs.?

Do you know that in the State of Florida, it is illegal to make love to your wife without brushing your teeth? It is also illegal to make love to your wife after you eat Onions or Garlic and you can forget about oral sex.

Do any of us follow such laws that are never enforced? NO.

Likewise, we cannot expect them to not come here when the laws have not been enforced for over 20+ yrs.

The laws have been enforced. they certainly have not been entirely ignored like the laws you illustrate, which are not Federal Laws.

There are many laws based on such idiocy that could be cited, but they are irrelevant in this discussion.

One of the biggest problems in that enforcement is that States and Municipalities are not partners in that enforcement, and some have actually made the situation worse by providing what is essentially a warm and welcome sanctuary for Illegal aliens. More of a warm and welcome sanctuary than is offered to their own legal residents.

09-29-2007, 12:30 PM
I received this email. I do not know how accurate it is. Judge it for your self.

"14 Reasons to deport

Hope these 14 reasons are forwarded over and over again until they
are read by the majority of Americans. Then they will have something
to yell at their U.S. Congress members.

14 Reasons to Deport Illegal Aliens...

1. $11 Billion to $22 billion is spent on welfare to illegal
aliens each year. http://tinyurl.com/zob77

2. $2.2 Billion dollars a year is spent on food assistance
programs such as food stamps, WIC, and free school lunches for illegal
aliens. http://www.cis.org/articles/2004/fiscalexec.html

3. $2.5 Billion dollars a year is spent on Medicaid for illegal
aliens. http://www.cis.org/articles/2004/fiscalexec.html

4. $12 Billion dollars a year is spent on primary and secondary
school education for children here illegally and they cannot speak a word
of English! http://transcripts.cnn.com/TRANSCRIPTS/0604/01/ldt.01.html

5. $17 Billion dollars a year is spent for education for the
American-born children of illegal aliens, known as anchor babies.

6. $3 Million Dollars a DAY is spent to incarcerate illegal
aliens. http://transcripts.cnn.com/TRANSCRIPTS/0604/01/ldt.01.html

7. 30% percent of all Federal Prison inmates are illegal
aliens. http://transcripts.cnn.com/TRANSCRIPTS/0604/01/ldt.01.html

8. $90 Billion Dollars a year is spent on illegal aliens for
Welfare &social services by the American taxpayers.

9. $200 Billion Dollars a year in suppressed American
wages are caused by the illegal aliens.

10. The illegal aliens in the United States have a crime rate
that's two and a half times that of white non-illegal aliens. In particular,
their children, are going to make a huge additional crime problem in the
United States. http://transcripts.cnn.com/TRANSCRIPTS/0606/12/ldt.01.html

11. During the year of 2005 there were 4 to 10 MILLION illegal
aliens that crossed our Southern Border also, as many as 19,500 illegal
aliens from Terrorist Countries. Millions of pounds of drugs, cocaine, meth,
heroine and marijuana, crossed into the U. S. from the Southern border.
Homeland SecurityReport: http://tinyurl.com/t9sht

12. The National Policy Institute, "estimated that the total
cost of mass deportation would be between $206 and $230 billion or an
average cost of between $41 and $46 billion annually over a five year
period." http://www.nationalpolicyinstitute.or g/pdf/deportation.pdf

13. In 2006 illegal aliens sent home $45 BILLION in remittances
back to their countries of origin. http://www.rense.com/general75/niht.htm

14. "The Dark Side of Illegal Immigration: Nearly One Million
Sex Crimes Committed by Illegal Immigrants In The United States ".

So using the LOWEST estimates, the annual cost OF ILLEGAL
ALIENS is $338.3 BILLION DOLLARS A YEAR! So if deporting them costs
between $206 and $230 BILLION DOLLARS, get rid of em', We'll be way ahead
after the 1st year!!!"

09-29-2007, 01:01 PM
Lets see, how can put this " UN ******ING REAL:mad2:. AND OH YEAH, WE DON'T HAVE AN ILLEGAL ALIEN PROBELM........

Mike Poore
09-29-2007, 01:09 PM
I believe there may be a dirty little secret no one seems to wish discussed; especially our elected representatives in Washington City.

If those data exist, I've yet to see them; but have y'all considered the tremendous sums that are going into the Social Insecurity system, payed by employers and taken from the paychecks of the illegals who have fraudulent Social Security cards, and who will never realize any benefit? Sadly, it just may be, it's those wretched trespassers who are saving Social Security, and is the reason our gumment is turning a blind eye to the problem.

Never mind, it's just 'ol cynical me ;)

09-29-2007, 02:04 PM
Most of the illegals I am aware of are padi in cash.

There have been several bills that would allow illegals to have "their SS benefits" from "their account" transferred to MEXICO!

In our area WALMART recently put up signs in spanish to wire money to MEXICO.

The NeoLibs do not believe in a country or borders. They believe in Communisim. Many are using the green movement as cover to their communists goals.

Stalin the head of a communist country murdered millions of his own people and imprisoned millions. Mao did the same.

09-29-2007, 02:07 PM
Its All About The Money.

09-29-2007, 02:34 PM
Most of the illegals I am aware of are padi in cash.

There have been several bills that would allow illegals to have "their SS benefits" from "their account" transferred to MEXICO!

In our area WALMART recently put up signs in spanish to wire money to MEXICO.

The NeoLibs do not believe in a country or borders. They believe in Communisim. Many are using the green movement as cover to their communists goals.

Stalin the head of a communist country murdered millions of his own people and imprisoned millions. Mao did the same.

The illegals couldn't have a better friend than President Bush. Now Bush (who I would guess you voted for) is a Neo Lib?

Oh wait, you like everything else he did (or tried to do) except his radical reform bill.

Look at you for example: You vote for the right wingers and when they still behave in terms that you find unacceptable you ignore it and somehow compare the left wingers to Stalin?

So if the left wing is Stalin, what is the right wing when its elected leader (President Bush) champions on the side of illegals?


Get some help!

09-29-2007, 08:17 PM
The illegals couldn't have a better friend than President Bush. Now Bush (who I would guess you voted for) is a Neo Lib?

Oh wait, you like everything else he did (or tried to do) except his radical reform bill.

Look at you for example: You vote for the right wingers and when they still behave in terms that you find unacceptable you ignore it and somehow compare the left wingers to Stalin?

So if the left wing is Stalin, what is the right wing when its elected leader (President Bush) champions on the side of illegals?


Get some help!

Left Wingers are Socialists and Communists by their own definition. Stalin was General secretary of the Communist Party in Russia in 1922.

The bill was not the Presidents, only Congress can pass bills. Senator Kennedy, a Liberal by any measure, was a chief negoitiator, just has he has been on every immigration bill for 40 yeas.

As I stated earlier I write to my respresentatives when ever immigration is an issue regardless of political affiliation.

Regardless of who you say I voted for, what you say I like, what you say I find unacceptable, what you say I ignore and what you say I compare has no bearing on the illegal immigration issue or the solutions.

09-29-2007, 09:13 PM
Left Wingers are Socialists and Communists by their own definition. Stalin was General secretary of the Communist Party in Russia in 1922.

The bill was not the Presidents, only Congress can pass bills. Senator Kennedy, a Liberal by any measure, was a chief negoitiator, just has he has been on every immigration bill for 40 yeas.

As I stated earlier I write to my respresentatives when ever immigration is an issue regardless of political affiliation.

Regardless of who you say I voted for, what you say I like, what you say I find unacceptable, what you say I ignore and what you say I compare has no bearing on the illegal immigration issue or the solutions.

My only question to you is if you honestly believe that we are all stupid enough to fall for your lame analogies or your half truths?

Yes, Senator Kennedy was a negotiator but why do you fail to mention his partner on the right Republican Senator McCain?

Why do you do you fail to acknowledge President Bush's role in the bill and the amount of effort and political pressure that he used in hopes of getting the bill passed.

Maybe you feel that if you suppress or deny the actions of the honorable Conservative Party your agenda will resonate with others.

Truth is that if you honestly believed half the BS that you say and post to be true you would not deny that both of our Political Parties are at fault for the mess with illegals. BOTH PARTIES. PERIOD!

Instead, you compare the left to Stalin and suppress facts that don't promote your agenda.

09-29-2007, 09:42 PM
You continue to make statements about me that are unrelated to the issue or the solutions. I have not attacked you or anyonelse on this board.

I only mentioned Senator Kennedy in response to your incorrect statement that a bill was President Bush.

You make statements about my agenda when I have not stated an agenda.

I have not placed fault on one, either or both political parties. Per post #49 "I do blame the government. It is the primary responsibility of government to secure it's borders."

You give me power I never knew I had, "suppress facts that don't promote your agenda".

The only political person or party I mentioned was President Eisenhower, who took a proactive stance on illegal immigration.

Several people in this thread you have called names and made statements about them. None of the names you have called them or statements you have made abou them are in any way related to the illegal immigration issue.

You say I need help. I need help with a new pair of shoes. You have made many statements about me so you have knowledge about me and can help with my decision. What type and brand of shoes should I buy?

09-29-2007, 09:58 PM
What type and brand of shoes should I buy?

Converse black high tops. They are the best! :D

09-29-2007, 10:23 PM
You continue to make statements about me that are unrelated to the issue or the solutions. I have not attacked you or anyonelse on this board.

I only mentioned Senator Kennedy in response to your incorrect statement that a bill was President Bush.

You make statements about my agenda when I have not stated an agenda.

I have not placed fault on one, either or both political parties. Per post #49 "I do blame the government. It is the primary responsibility of government to secure it's borders."

You give me power I never knew I had, "suppress facts that don't promote your agenda".

The only political person or party I mentioned was President Eisenhower, who took a proactive stance on illegal immigration.

Several people in this thread you have called names and made statements about them. None of the names you have called them or statements you have made abou them are in any way related to the illegal immigration issue.

You say I need help. I need help with a new pair of shoes. You have made many statements about me so you have knowledge about me and can help with my decision. What type and brand of shoes should I buy?

First, I am sorry if I make it seem like I am attacking you.

That said, while you do not straight out say your views, one can make an assumption based on your posts.

And as far as the shoes. I have been very happy with my last few pairs of Diesels. No joke.

09-30-2007, 12:26 AM

And as far as the shoes. I have been very happy with my last few pairs of Diesels. No joke.

Pictures and Dom will decide

Dr Caleb
09-30-2007, 11:10 AM
Converse black high tops. They are the best! :D

I'm very happy with my 'Caterpillar' branded boots. They even have little ball bearings in the islets to keep the laces from tearing, but somehow in a month the laces are shredded. I'm going to have to find some solid leather laces.

Why can't anyone make decent laces anymore?

09-30-2007, 11:37 AM
Why can't anyone make decent laces anymore?
I can't understand who invented the round shoestring. The frackin' things never stays tied. DOH !

09-30-2007, 01:17 PM
I'm in favor of throwing out all the illegals, but that is not going to happen any time soon.

The solution to illegal immigration is simple. I suggest that we fly several hundred Cesnas over Mexico and drop leaflets on them. On the leaflets it should say; Over throw your worthless government and become our 51st state. Tommy Thompson will be your first Governor. After that, you can vote for anyone you want. Deal?

Done! They'd do it in a heartbeat! They'd have better schools, law enforcement, a functioning government, enormous economic opportunity, and the worlds greatest national defence.

We'd get Mexico, more tax payers, sweet ocean front property, a much smaller border to defend, and room for business expansion. We won't have to worry about Mexican trucks on the roads. They won't have to risk their lives swimming here or running across a desert.

I'll bet half our current illegals would go back home once Mexico turns into a functioning place to live just like any other US state. You don't see Minnesotans jumping into the Mississippi river and swimming to Wisconsin, do you?

This is obviously a win-win situation IMO.

Manifest Destiny worked great going east to west. Let's try it north to south!

Mike Poore
10-01-2007, 04:38 AM
You don't see Minnesotans jumping into the Mississippi river and swimming to Wisconsin, do you?

With the condition of those bridges, it's not hard to fathom why you'd take to swimming rather than trust your life to one of those bridges. :eek:

I see, however, a flaw in your analogy: Why on earth would anyone want to go from Minnesota to live in Michigan, with their financial woes? Although, it was on the radio, this morning, the crisis has been diverted by simply raising taxes.

My guess is, you folks in Minnesota would be better served by erecting fences to keep fleeing *Michiganites out. :rolleyes:

*(left wing religous zealots)

10-04-2007, 05:43 AM
I believe there may be a dirty little secret no one seems to wish discussed; especially our elected representatives in Washington City.

If those data exist, I've yet to see them; but have y'all considered the tremendous sums that are going into the Social Insecurity system, payed by employers and taken from the paychecks of the illegals who have fraudulent Social Security cards, and who will never realize any benefit? Sadly, it just may be, it's those wretched trespassers who are saving Social Security, and is the reason our gumment is turning a blind eye to the problem.

Never mind, it's just 'ol cynical me ;)

You are 100% correct. I had a case where we worked with investigators from the Social Security Administration. A supervisor for a large contract cleaning company on campus had created a ghost employee and we were investigating it. The Soc. Sec. agents gave us a 4 or 5 inch thick computer print out of employees of the company. They told me that most of the Soc. Sec. numbers were fraudulent. I asked him what they were doing about it and he said that they were doing absolutely nothing. He said that the company is still collecting the correct soc. sec. premiums and because the people are illegal they will never try to collect on the benefit. He said that the money goes into a big pool and is then used to pay legitimate claims and is even used for their operating budget.

10-04-2007, 10:17 AM
My Heart goes out to the family of the fallen LEO. I have several family members and close friends that are in Law Enforcement. I would be devistated if this happened to them. And for the Government I dont want to even go there.

I try to as PC as I can. You can edit me if you want but I got a little joke that will fit here.

What does a cue ball and an (illegal imigrant) have in common?

The harder you hit them the more english you get out of them.

10-04-2007, 11:15 AM
What does a cue ball and an (illegal imigrant) have in common?

One does a job I won't do....and the other one is an illegal immigrant who is here illegally because it's all our governments fault?
BADDABING! Thanx, I'll be here all week! If you can't hack it, grab your jacket, don't forget to tip your waiters and waitresses, you're a beautiful audience, g'night evrybuddy!!