View Full Version : Get ready, oil $100 a barrel coming

10-02-2007, 03:42 PM

Looks like BOHICA :(

10-02-2007, 03:48 PM
"We're basically replacing low-cost oil with high-cost oil," he said.

Oh yeah? OH surrrrre!!!! Sounds GREAT!

"Triple digit prices is not a spike," he said. "Triple digit oil prices is what is going to be required to maintain, let alone grow, world oil supplies."

Followed by OBSCENE RECORD PROFITS, and butt raming of the worst kind - WITH NO LUBE!!!!

10-02-2007, 04:14 PM
Given the fact that just about all easy to retreive oil is already taken out, and, that the demand keep on going up, it doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out were we are going.

Now, add the fact that army will certainly want the last few drops, we'll be going pretty soon cheaper in Europe by boat and will apply the viking boat row principles to planes with pedals for every passenger and a flight time of 25-30 hours from Montreal to Miami !! No more snowbirds to worry about for you southern guys !!

10-02-2007, 05:50 PM
Followed by OBSCENE RECORD PROFITS, and butt raming of the worst kind - WITH NO LUBE!!!!

I thought lube was an oil based product. :pumpkin:

Aren Jay
10-06-2007, 11:21 PM
This is great news. I live in Cowtown also known as the oil Capital of North America. The Oil rush may be taking place in Fort McMurray, but all the big wigs live in Calgary.

$100 a barrel oil, which is only 20% more than what it is now, is good news.

10-06-2007, 11:56 PM
There has got to be a way to blame the liberals for this.

10-07-2007, 11:42 AM
I can't resist:

1) Liberals have stopped drilling in known fields in this country, forget the other countries,

2) Liberals have stopped nuclear plants in this country. Nuclear is an obvious way to make all energy, including oil cheap,

3) Liberals use the NIMBY approach to wind farms and hydro-electric, forcing the use of more oil, and

4) Liberals (with help from the Republicans) have been inflating the US$ with excessive government spending that adds no value to anyone but the politicians.


There has got to be a way to blame the liberals for this.

10-07-2007, 11:56 AM
With the past 6 years of Conservative domination in all branches of government, I'll have to hand it to them libs. They're pretty good. Almost magical.

I can't resist:

1) Liberals have stopped drilling in known fields in this country, forget the other countries,

2) Liberals have stopped nuclear plants in this country. Nuclear is an obvious way to make all energy, including oil cheap,

3) Liberals use the NIMBY approach to wind farms and hydro-electric, forcing the use of more oil, and

4) Liberals (with help from the Republicans) have been inflating the US$ with excessive government spending that adds no value to anyone but the politicians.


10-07-2007, 09:54 PM
I want a noo clee are powered Marauder

10-07-2007, 10:06 PM
I want a noo clee are powered Marauder

Me too, with the flux capacitor.

10-07-2007, 11:27 PM
I can't resist:

1) Liberals have stopped drilling in known fields in this country, forget the other countries,

2) Liberals have stopped nuclear plants in this country. Nuclear is an obvious way to make all energy, including oil cheap,

3) Liberals use the NIMBY approach to wind farms and hydro-electric, forcing the use of more oil, and

4) Liberals (with help from the Republicans) have been inflating the US$ with excessive government spending that adds no value to anyone but the politicians.


+1. Hey Buckwheat, If you need a place to hunt white tail, fly fish for trout, or just go camping, look me up. I've got 980 acres in S.E. Minnesota and it's yours to use and enjoy. :beer:

10-10-2007, 12:47 PM
My greatest fear is gas will hit $8 a gallon after I get my Marauder.

10-10-2007, 12:48 PM
Lead Foot that is a lot of land. I bet it is all beautiful scenery.

10-10-2007, 07:46 PM
$100 oil will cripple this country. We will learn a lesson we shall soon not forget

10-11-2007, 06:14 AM
My greatest fear is gas will hit $8 a gallon after I get my Marauder.

I'd still buy gas at $8 a gallon...truth is, i'd probably still buy it at 10...12....15, sure I'd drive a little less and cut back on things like eating and showering and doing laundry, but driving is too much fun to stop! Plus, at 8 bucks a gallon, the roads will be deserted (except for me and Prius drivers), no more pesky traffic jams!

Aren Jay
10-11-2007, 09:07 AM
Don't worry technology will save you.

10-11-2007, 09:31 AM
With the past 6 years of Conservative domination in all branches of government, I'll have to hand it to them libs. They're pretty good. Almost magical.

Don't confuse liberal with Democrat my friend. Or conservative with Republican. There are a number of liberal (even if it is slightly left of center) Republicans out there unfortunatly that vote opposite the current administration to please their base.

Every point he made regarding 'liberal' actions to stop activities that would help alleviate the problem we are in at this time is true. 100% of it.

10-11-2007, 02:10 PM
Don't confuse liberal with Democrat my friend. Or conservative with Republican. There are a number of liberal (even if it is slightly left of center) Republicans out there unfortunatly that vote opposite the current administration to please their base.

Every point he made regarding 'liberal' actions to stop activities that would help alleviate the problem we are in at this time is true. 100% of it.

As long as you tighty righties insist on painting everything as either black or white (liberal/conservative), then I will do the same. Don't want to confuse anybody with shades of gray.

As far as your short list (short bus?), don't re-badge apolitical behavior with a "liberal" label to make it fit your argument. Specifically the NIMBY issue. Fact is NOBODY wants it in THEIR backyard irregardless of political leaning.

10-11-2007, 08:19 PM
Don't forget 85% of our OCS is banned from drilling, even the sections the Feds auctioned off and then refused to allow drilling.

Oil is tied to the dollar. Most of the increase in the price of oil is due to the decrease in the dollar.

I can remember when Texaco was bankrupt.

Nobody complained when oil went from $40 per barrel to $12 and 50K people in my area lost their jobs.

10-31-2007, 04:38 PM
Oil is now 94.00 a barrel, anyone want to start a pool on the date it hits triple digits?? :(

10-31-2007, 04:47 PM
Oil is now 94.00 a barrel, anyone want to start a pool on the date it hits triple digits?? :(

December 7th (this year).... "a day that will live in Infamy", again !!! :D

10-31-2007, 05:22 PM
Decemeber 30th

It's bound to happen on my birthday and then gas will be $8.00 a gallon before bush leaves office.


10-31-2007, 09:16 PM
I hope it happens. Call me a satist...but everyone has it comming.

10-31-2007, 09:19 PM
Oil closed today near $95 while gas closed at $2.33

This is ******ing comical!!

10-31-2007, 09:30 PM

The AMerican Dollar VS canadian dollar

11-01-2007, 06:37 AM
93 is back over $3 a gallon around my way again. Past two weeks it has jumped more than 20 cents.

11-01-2007, 07:14 AM
93 is back over $3 a gallon around my way again. Past two weeks it has jumped more than 20 cents.

Feel lucky.

It has never been below $3.15-3.19 I think in all of 2007 around here in South, FL.

Yesterday, it was $3.45 at a local Chevron.

Dr Caleb
11-01-2007, 12:08 PM
The AMerican Dollar VS canadian dollar

The loonie surpassed it's all time high yesterday. (all time record, 106.14 cents US in 1956, traded yesterday at 106.17). I feel bad for you guys, but can't help myself when some uninformed ruffian tries the old 'what's that Canadian dollar worth, like 50 cents American? hawhawhaw!' .

It's getting kinda scary for us too. Huge tax cuts announced yesterday. With the US as our largest trading partner, any little hiccup in your economy is a huge burp in ours.

11-07-2007, 01:53 PM
Oil is now 94.00 a barrel, anyone want to start a pool on the date it hits triple digits?? :(
It jumped to $97.40 per barrel yesterday. That $100 mark ain't far away. I am still in the pool for December 7th.