View Full Version : Meet The Neocons!

10-05-2007, 02:20 PM
Dedicated to my blind, deaf & dumb right wing friends (http://www.blimptv.net/farrightv4.html)

10-05-2007, 02:51 PM
It's funny. Just don't lose sight of the enemy that wants to kill you, rape your wife & mary your daughters off to a guy with a beard to live in a country with no homosexuals.

Thank goodness for the objects of your humor. I pray none of the above comes to pass.

10-05-2007, 03:11 PM
It's funny. Just don't lose sight of the enemy that wants to kill you, rape your wife & mary your daughters off to a guy with a beard to live in a country with no homosexuals.

Thank goodness for the objects of your humor. I pray none of the above comes to pass.

Point out one thing referenced in that comedy sketch that isn't true. God bless our failed leadership. :lol:

Mike M
10-05-2007, 03:47 PM
Everything I watched in the video seemed true...That's why I love Bush!
I voted for him twice and would vote for him again in a heartbeat!!!

God Bless America!

10-05-2007, 09:07 PM
It's been said that a picture is worth a thousand words.

With that in mind, here's my response;

http://i29.photobucket.com/albums/c293/leadfoot302/th_I3010097.jpg (http://i29.photobucket.com/albums/c293/leadfoot302/I3010097.jpg) :P

10-05-2007, 09:12 PM
It's been said that a picture is worth a thousand words.

With that in mind, here's my response;

http://i29.photobucket.com/albums/c293/leadfoot302/th_I3010097.jpg (http://i29.photobucket.com/albums/c293/leadfoot302/I3010097.jpg) :P

OMG a bumper sticker on a marauder :eek:

Atleast its not a "My kids an honor student at...." sticker ;)

10-05-2007, 09:34 PM
OMG a bumper sticker on a marauder :eek:

At least its not a "My kids an honor student at...." sticker ;)

Wait a second Ryan... It get's even better.

http://i29.photobucket.com/albums/c293/leadfoot302/th_Farmer20John27s20ride.jpg (http://i29.photobucket.com/albums/c293/leadfoot302/Farmer20John27s20ride.jpg)

I had a "First Iraq, Now France!" sticker on it for a while too but had to peel it off when it started looking bad. I like to keep my Marauder looking sharp! The new Coulter one sure dresses it up, don'tcha think? :)

10-05-2007, 09:51 PM
I just watched the BBC production of what took place in a school used by the UN and 2,500 Rawanda in 1994. Eventually the UN with drew from the school and all 2,500 were slaughtered.

The PM was kid napped and 10 UN soldiers w/ her were slaughtered. When asked why the UN soldiers were slaughtered the answer was because 18 US soldiers were slaughtered in Somalia and the US pulled out.

We know now that Bin Laden and the Muslim extremest were emboldened by their victory in Somalia. Their victory was a direct result of our armed forces being denied tanks because it would make our image look bad to the "world" to have our tanks firing on guys in pick up trucks w/ 50 cal.

We also know that our with drawal from Somalia after the loss of 18 service men set the wheel in motion that resulted in 911.

Regardless of which political group 750 new laws are passed every year. It is these laws that are passed by our gov't that pose a threat to our freedom. The laws that are passed to allow our justice system to be a part of our defense againest terrorists protect our freedom.

One of the greatest ways gov't reduces our freedom is to confiscate what belongs to us and give it to someonelse.

Burying your head in the sand and ignoring the fact that there are millions of muslim extremists whose religion it is to kill everyone in the US has not worked since 1979. As soon as they obtain weapons they want they will use it to kill a large number of us, perhaps millions.

The documentary Obsession shows that it is just that an obsession to kill all of us.

Evil exists where good men do nothing.

10-06-2007, 04:51 PM
Hey Brute force,

Have you seen burned dead and dying Americans killed and maimed by people who hate us for what we believe in and what we have?

I did, on Sept 11th and for two weeks after >>>as we dug bodies out of the rubble at ground zero<<. I would have been there longer but lung disease set in putting me in the hospital.

No harm done though as I expect people like you (who stare at smoking Volcano's and Bigfoot) all day to pass tidbits of useless information and liberal lies out there like you know everything.

I dont like the fact that we are in Iraq either, but the more dead radical skells over there the better.. There hasnt been many attacks here in the US so somethings being done right..

If you dont have anything nice to say (or post) about our country and its leaders (who were chosen by the free people of this country by the way) then keep your mouth shut and keep your left wing sissy comments and posts in a political venue and off of a car site.

Post them on air america and moveon.org where they rightfully belong because they insult people who lost relatives and friends in the attacks that werent hiding in the backwoods of the Pacific Northwest that day.

BTW these acts were committed by a person who should have been dead at the hands of our lovely liberal President Clinton who passed up several opportunities to do so.

Mike M
10-06-2007, 05:03 PM
Hey Brute force,

Have you seen burned dead and dying Americans killed and maimed by people who hate us for what we believe in and what we have?

I did, on Sept 11th and for two weeks after >>>as we dug bodies out of the rubble at ground zero<<. I would have been there longer but lung disease set in putting me in the hospital.

No harm done though as I expect people like you (who stare at smoking Volcano's and Bigfoot) all day to pass tidbits of useless information and liberal lies out there like you know everything.

I dont like the fact that we are in Iraq either, but the more dead radical skells over there the better.. There hasnt been many attacks here in the US so somethings being done right..

If you dont have anything nice to say (or post) about our country and its leaders (who were chosen by the free people of this country by the way) then keep your mouth shut and keep your left wing sissy comments and posts in a political venue and off of a car site.

Post them on air america and moveon.org where they rightfully belong because they insult people who lost relatives and friends in the attacks that werent hiding in the backwoods of the Pacific Northwest that day.

BTW these acts were committed by a person who should have been dead at the hands of our lovely liberal President Clinton who passed up several opportunities to do so.


10-06-2007, 05:39 PM
+2 :)

10-06-2007, 05:56 PM
Hey Brute force,

Have you seen burned dead and dying Americans killed and maimed by people who hate us for what we believe in and what we have?

I did, on Sept 11th and for two weeks after >>>as we dug bodies out of the rubble at ground zero<<. I would have been there longer but lung disease set in putting me in the hospital.

No harm done though as I expect people like you (who stare at smoking Volcano's and Bigfoot) all day to pass tidbits of useless information and liberal lies out there like you know everything.

I dont like the fact that we are in Iraq either, but the more dead radical skells over there the better.. There hasnt been many attacks here in the US so somethings being done right..

If you dont have anything nice to say (or post) about our country and its leaders (who were chosen by the free people of this country by the way) then keep your mouth shut and keep your left wing sissy comments and posts in a political venue and off of a car site.

Post them on air america and moveon.org where they rightfully belong because they insult people who lost relatives and friends in the attacks that werent hiding in the backwoods of the Pacific Northwest that day.

BTW these acts were committed by a person who should have been dead at the hands of our lovely liberal President Clinton who passed up several opportunities to do so.

Give me a break. He is FAR from being the first to post a political thread on this lovely car forum so if YOU have a problem with it just don't read it (or post in it) and moveon.org to more car related threads.

Also, we are playing too much politics in this war and that is a bunch of BULL*****.

We can wipe down whole towns/ cities in Iraq and really send a message to the whole Middle East showing that we are NOT TO BE PLAYED WITH.

However, the bull***** that we are doing over there now is not helping us in anyway and it is taking up most of our resources so Countries like Iran and N. Korea can exploit it.

This political correct way of fighting a war is doing nothing but putting us in more danger (and debt) while military contractors (and right wing political contributors) are banking on it.

Remember how we took down Germany?
Remember how we took down Japan?

Nothing political correct about what we did to them. Drop your arms or we level your cities. This sent a clear message to the enemy.

When and if our leaders are ready for a War (in the true sense of the word) I will support them. Until than, I will stay opposed to their sacrificing of our bravest Men/ Women in uniform while military contractors are cheering all the way to the bank.


All the basic ideas that kept us united in the 1940s are being broken now so please excuse those of us who do not support this crooked way of fighting a war.

10-06-2007, 06:11 PM
This political correct way of fighting a war is doing nothing

the political correct way of doing ANYTHING does nothing worthwhile

10-06-2007, 06:14 PM
Ask Not What Your Country Can Do For You.... But What You Can Do For Your Country..

10-06-2007, 06:43 PM
Ask Not What Your Country Can Do For You.... But What You Can Do For Your Country..

Yeah and die in quite while the f-ing military contractors (read right wing political contributors), even those who produce defective products, (remember the defective bullet proof vests that resulted in death because they were manufactured like *****?) make record profits?

Yeah, I will ask what I can do all right. What can I do to screw this Country's future, risk the lives of our bravest, and make a huge profit while at it.

10-06-2007, 07:39 PM
Some people need to brush up on a little history

10-06-2007, 07:55 PM
Yeah and die in quite while the f-ing military contractors (read right wing political contributors), even those who produce defective products, (remember the defective bullet proof vests that resulted in death because they were manufactured like *****?) make record profits?

Yeah, I will ask what I can do all right. What can I do to screw this Country's future, risk the lives of our bravest, and make a huge profit while at it.

Are you suggesting that left-wing political contributors supply our troops the supplies they need? I don't think we'd want to out-source something that important to the Chinesse. The Chinesse can't even make safe toys.

At least the Chinesse could do it without profit to American workers.

Maybe Whoopie Goldberg will volunteer to stitch up some vests for zero profit. Susan Sarandon and Tim Robbins could develope and manufacture some tanks and helicopters too.

10-06-2007, 09:55 PM

I am in agreement with you on how it is to be done, but the liberal element in this country prevents us from taking that stance. I sure wish we would just spray em down with a can of whoopass in one shot..

Unfortunately, the rich and opulent refuse to see them as the enemy and us as the good guys, just ask Clooney,Penn,Sarandon and the other lefty loonies out there and they will tell you we are the menace, but none of them are moving to Faluga anytime soon.. No more on this topic, silly people make me sick and this type of liberal media undermines our soldiers and those who had died trying to help..

Anyway, I expect no less from those who are the farthest removed from the situation. Every day I come to work worrying if these skells are going to destroy my workplace which is a major target in the NYC area. When you command 100 or more people its a major worry that you may lose some to another attack. Its easy to make silly comments from the comfort WA or FLA. but keep in mind that terrorists killed people there in your back yard with anthrax shortly after 9-11 and they dont pick political parties when they do it. Want it to end, stop posting Puzzy videos and tell your congressmen to drop some bunker busters already. Im' on your side, I want my troops home and the bad people in the Middle East flattened..

10-06-2007, 10:28 PM
Its great that you are all enjoying what I posted. I'll be sure to let you know when I find some more good ones. I still haven't seen anyone point out any factual errors in what was presented.

10-06-2007, 11:40 PM
Its great that you are all enjoying what I posted. I'll be sure to let you know when I find some more good ones. I still haven't seen anyone point out any factual errors in what was presented.

I'm not sure I'd say "enjoying" it. Starting a fight among friends is seldom enjoyable. It just drums up resentment here. You sure seem to be getting a kick out of it though.

Why would you come on here with something that you clearly knew was going to get people fired up? Just felt like stirring the pot? Why?

I'd be more than glad to point out the factual errors in it. I just haven't seen it. I'm sorry you missed a great opportunity to get me good and pi$$ed off like you did to so many others here. For once I'm glad I'm still on dial-up.

Keep posting your POLITICAL videos on MERCURYMARAUDER.NET. Maybe you'll single handedly end the war with your video posting efforts! :P

10-06-2007, 11:53 PM
Coming from someone who posts pics of his GWB bumper stickers as a response, this is pretty ironic. Thanks for playing but since you're "part of the problem", you're not qualified to criticize.

blah blah blah... I didn't read/watch it but it must be wrong.

Why all the hate? Its political humor. If you don't like it, ignore it. Oh that's right... you already did.

PS. What has the right wing done for farmers lately? Hows it feel to be ignored by those you vote for?

Mike M
10-07-2007, 12:13 AM
Richey04, next time my wife and I come out to NJ we would be honored to buy you a drink.

10-07-2007, 01:53 AM
Sounds great,

It would be my pleasure to go!! We can drink to being Americans who appreciate what we have, our heritage and being a proud role model for the rest of the Universe. God Bless our troops and I mean it..

10-07-2007, 04:05 AM
Coming from someone who posts pics of his GWB bumper stickers as a response, this is pretty ironic. Thanks for playing but since you're "part of the problem", you're not qualified to criticize.

"Thanks for playing?" What is this, some sort of game? I didn't start this thread. You started this thread. I read it and the responses. You never mentioned that I wasn't allowed to throw in my two cents. So I did. Your hatred of GWB does not disallow me from anything.

I'm part of the problem? What problem might that be? Not being able to appreciate political humor? Only left-wingers have a sense of humor? Actually Ted Kennedy has a dog named "Splash" and I think that's very funny.

Why all the hate? Its political humor. If you don't like it, ignore it. Oh that's right... you already did.

What hate? Posting a pic of my beautiful Marauder is now considered hate speech or something? Why do I still detect hurt feelings because I ignored your little video? You must really want me to watch it, huh? I'll make you a deal; I'll watch that video if you read Ann Coulters new book. (it's political humor, You'll LOVE it!). Trust me, this is a fair deal. Watching that video on dial-up will take the same time as you reading her book.

PS. What has the right wing done for farmers lately? Hows it feel to be ignored by those you vote for?

Bush's cut in the capital gains tax helped me immeasurably. Prior to that however, in 2000 my Dad passed away at the ripe old age of 66 (old for a farmer). He never once made more than 30k/year. Not ONCE. He worked 7 days/week for 48+ years with just two weeks of vacation (un-paid) the entire time. I had to write a check to the IRS for $907,600.00 for estate taxes. Even with a will, 55% of everything my Dad owned, right down to the contents of his wallet, went back to your beloved government.

The old saying is; "Farmers are broke until they die". That's when the IRS learned that my Dads land was worth something.

I sold damn near everything. I had to. Even his beloved '99 Buick Park Avenue went. I also watched as Hill Billy Clinton told America on TV that "the estate tax is an essential part of the economy". That was two weeks after my Dad died and I'll NEVER forget that.

Under Hill Billy Clinton, the government needed people to die just to remain running. It's true and he said it. Not any more though. The Bush tax cuts and removal of the Death Tax have saved a lot of people from loosing everything like I did.

"How does it feel to be ignored by the ones I voted for?" Maybe you should ask yourself that one. I assume he's probably out windsurfing right about now. Maybe later he'll pour way too much ketchup on a thick, juicy, slab of dead cow I raised.

PoliticalhumorMarauder.net.... .. sheesh.:rolleyes:

10-07-2007, 05:20 AM
I still haven't seen anyone point out any factual errors in what was presented.
Exaggeration, innuendo, and complete falsehood. You wouldn't know a fact if it crawled up and bit you in the azz.

I can appreciate political humor; but to pass this video off as fact is too much of a stretch. Maybe the simplistic and childlike thought processes of the liberal mindset has you hoodwinked --- not me. Bin Laden, Sadam Hussien, and other terrorists are NOT the victim here. This blame Bush and America first attitude only weakens the country and emboldens our enemies.

Yes, this was only posted to stir the pot. :shake:

10-07-2007, 06:02 AM
Its great that you are all enjoying what I posted. I'll be sure to let you know when I find some more good ones. I still haven't seen anyone point out any factual errors in what was presented.

I thought the video was funny, in regards to the truth; everybody has their own truth, there is "no one single truth", your own opinion is the truth and like *******s everybody has one.

Soon the country will be run by the "other ideology" and you will be happier, there will be love (lots of love) war will end, the government will be honest and trustworthy and it will take care of all the needy. After working my ass off for the last 40 years nonstop supporting my family and the needy; I plan on becoming the needy, my hand will be out and I do expect to be taken care by the village "as promised", no more working for me.

See, we will both be happy.:D

10-07-2007, 06:57 AM
I see we have now sunk into personal attacks. That's how adults have a political discussion here on MM.net. :rolleyes: I don't know what I find more amusing... the video or ya'lls reaction to it. :P

10-07-2007, 12:42 PM
You woulda been OK if it had been slamming liberals instead. :)

I see we have now sunk into personal attacks. That's how adults have a political discussion here on MM.net. :rolleyes: I don't know what I find more amusing... the video or ya'lls reaction to it. :P

10-07-2007, 06:40 PM
I see we have now sunk into personal attacks. That's how adults have a political discussion here on MM.net. :rolleyes: I don't know what I find more amusing... the video or ya'lls reaction to it. :P

Show me a personal attack (other than your thread starter which was a semi-personal attack against people that don't want political discussion here).

I'm glad you find it "amusing" to stir the pot. If you still feel the need to discuss politics, why not PM me and we'll discuss the Death Tax, capital gains tax, my service to the military, my labor union experiance, or anything I've posted here which you have completely ignored.

I suffered through 8 long years of Clinton wiping his behind on our bill of rights, never ending scandals, gun searches (with subsequent fires), rape accusations, and economic recession. I did it without complaining or bringing disharmony, chaos, and resentment to all my friends.

Why don't you just cowboy-up? Bush is almost gone. Deal with it.

10-07-2007, 09:19 PM
Bush is almost gone. Deal with it.

You can say that again. :D

The King is dead! God bless the King!

10-08-2007, 04:33 AM
I see we have now sunk into personal attacks. That's how adults have a political discussion here on MM.net. :rolleyes:
Sort of like the title that you put on the video link starting this discussion. :rolleyes:

10-08-2007, 07:45 AM
Sort of like the title that you put on the video link starting this discussion. :rolleyes:

I agree calling anyone right wing was a low blow, especially with your recent track record. How about "My less than attentive conservative brethren"?

10-09-2007, 06:05 AM
I agree calling anyone right wing was a low blow, especially with your recent track record. How about "My less than attentive conservative brethren"?

Bruteforce, did you serve in our military? Well Bluerauder did and he retired from the Army serving his country proudly to protect our Constitution and your freedom to post that garbage.

And I take offense to your statement that military contractors are just putting out inferior equipment that endangers our soldiers lives. I am a military contractor and I take pride in working for the military in trying to save our soldiers lives. I also served in the Army to protect your rights as a liberal, those same rights the liberals will try to take away from me if they get into the White House. All paid for by George Soros who is not even an American citizen.

The Constitution guarantees us our rights as American citizens. The 2nd Amendment protects those rights.

Mike Poore
10-09-2007, 06:29 AM
This one got started while your administrators were at Seymour, having a good time with our friends. It would/should have been shut down at the first post, had we not been asleep at the wheel. .........but it's gone now, sorry we took so long. :o