View Full Version : Coors and Miller to take on Budweiser

10-09-2007, 06:12 AM
http://biz.yahoo.com/ap/071009/molson_coors_sab_miller.html?. v=3

Mike Poore
10-09-2007, 06:23 AM
"The joint venture will also result in cost savings of $500 million, the companies said. "

Add that to the millions they saved by watering down their so called beer, and you're talking some real money there. :rolleyes:

10-10-2007, 08:28 AM
This has been coming since the late 80's. You have to be a little older to remember the US used to have hundreds of regional breweries (no, I dont mean microbreweries) that made fine, distinct brews around the country that the locals loved. Heres just a few: Pabst, Ranier, Primo, Strohs, Blatts, Piels, Narragansett, Shaeffer, Pearl, Lone Star, ect.... There were also a couple of other national brews that are gone now, Schlitz and Falstaff. Well, Busch/Miller/Coors bought them out and shut them down. I remember here in Texas you could go in any bar and order a Pearl, that started disappearing in the early 80's. Im sure distributors used to pay to get other products removed from behind the bar or taken off the shelves. Anyway, these regional breweries employed lots of people and did alot for civic pride and quenched alot of thirst. Well, theyre gone now. Guess I blame us, the public, for falling for all the ads run by the big three (tastes great, less filling; Bud Bowl ect) most of all. Oh well.

Mike Poore
10-10-2007, 12:42 PM
This has been coming since the late 80's. .... Oh well.

Oh wait, there's more. ...

The bigs also have the distribution tied up. For instance, you couldn't by a local Chambersburg, PA beer (Arrowhead Brewery) in Maryland, because Andhow'syerbush wouldn't allow it to be transported. The same thing with Yuengling, until they got religion, um Miller. Then there's Blur Ridge in Frederick, MD, making fine beer, but couldn't get it into the stores unless they distributed it themselves.

I tell you, if the SEC wanted to dig up anti-trust violations, there would be a great place to go snooping.

Joe Walsh
10-10-2007, 04:51 PM
Great, so now we'll have one big conglomerate brewing piss-Lite to combat Andhow'syerbush's piss-water.


What is the similarity between Coors and making love in a canoe?

Anyone want to venture a guess?

Joe Walsh
10-10-2007, 04:53 PM
Oh wait, there's more. ...

The bigs also have the distribution tied up. For instance, you couldn't by a local Chambersburg, PA beer (Arrowhead Brewery) in Maryland, because Andhow'syerbush wouldn't allow it to be transported. The same thing with Yuengling, until they got religion, um Miller. Then there's Blur Ridge in Frederick, MD, making fine beer, but couldn't get it into the stores unless they distributed it themselves.

I tell you, if the SEC wanted to dig up anti-trust violations, there would be a great place to go snooping.

Mike, Its BLUE RIDGE...until you drink 6+ stouts and then it's BLUR RIDGE!...;)

Blue Ridge is brewed by Wild Goose (formerly Frederick Brewing Co.). Frederick Brewing company bought the Eastern Shore breweries; Wild Goose and Brimstone some time ago. Frederick Brewing Co. was bought by the fairly large Flying Dog microbrewery in Denver about a year ago and renamed Wild Goose. They are now brewing many Flying Dog beers and saving a ton of money on shipping costs to the East Coast. Wild Goose is about 200 yards from my office in Frederick and is a good customer of mine!

10-10-2007, 05:08 PM
Great, so now we'll have one big conglomerate brewing piss-Lite to combat Andhow'syerbush's piss-water.


What is the similarity between Coors and making love in a canoe?

Anyone want to venture a guess?

Next to water? :confused:

Joe Walsh
10-10-2007, 05:18 PM
Next to water? :confused:


"F'n near water!"

10-10-2007, 06:18 PM
Mike, Its BLUE RIDGE...until you drink 6+ stouts and then it's BLUR RIDGE!...;)

Blue Ridge is brewed by Wild Goose (formerly Frederick Brewing Co.). Frederick Brewing company bought the Eastern Shore breweries; Wild Goose and Brimstone some time ago. Frederick Brewing Co. was bought by the fairly large Flying Dog microbrewery in Denver about a year ago and renamed Wild Goose. They are now brewing many Flying Dog beers and saving a ton of money on shipping costs to the East Coast. Wild Goose is about 200 yards from my office in Frederick and is a good customer of mine!

And are YOU a good customer of theirs?:beer:

Joe Walsh
10-10-2007, 06:57 PM
And are YOU a good customer of theirs?:beer:



IMHO....Wild Goose makes the BEST Porter on the market!

10-11-2007, 04:51 AM
Mike, Its BLUE RIDGE...until you drink 6+ stouts and then it's BLUR RIDGE!...;)

Blue Ridge is brewed by Wild Goose (formerly Frederick Brewing Co.). Frederick Brewing company bought the Eastern Shore breweries; Wild Goose and Brimstone some time ago. Frederick Brewing Co. was bought by the fairly large Flying Dog microbrewery in Denver about a year ago and renamed Wild Goose. They are now brewing many Flying Dog beers and saving a ton of money on shipping costs to the East Coast. Wild Goose is about 200 yards from my office in Frederick and is a good customer of mine!

I would drink that shat if you poured it down my throat. :puke:

I use to work for them when they where still in downtown Fredneck. Blueridge was the orginal lable then they came out with Snowball or something like that. I can give you the whole history of the Frederick Brewing Co. if you like, but over a good beer.

10-11-2007, 11:07 AM
i liked Schlitz =(

no wonder i cant find it anywhere now?

10-11-2007, 08:08 PM

(click on the "our beers" page)

Take a look at the 25 brands owned by Pabst. They bought the names after the real companies went broke. They dont even own a brewery, they let Miller do it alot of it here in Ft. Worth (for Lone Star and Pearl). I bet all these brands togather done sell as much as one of these breweries did back in the 60's. I remember being the 15 year old night manager at the Fina station back around 72 and the local Pearl Distributor would give me belt buckles and stuff cause we probably sold more beer than gas. Its like a dream now, bygone days.