View Full Version : More Bears/Packers love.

10-09-2007, 10:13 AM
A Green Bay Packers fan runs a stop sign in Chicago and gets pulled over.
He thinks he is smarter than the officer because he is a Packers fan from Green Bay, and decides to have a little fun.
"License and registration, please", says the officer.
"What for?", says the Pack fan.
"You failed to come to a complete stop."
"No one was coming so what's the difference, flatfoot?", asks the Cheesehead.
"The difference is you have to come to a complete stop."
"Well if you can demonstrate the difference between slow down to almost a complete stop and a complete stop, I'll give you my license, registration, and a box of Krispy Kreme donuts."
"Fair enough," says the officer, "please exit the vehicle."
As soon as the Green Bay fan steps out of his vehicle, the police officer starts pummeling the ever living crap out of the Packer fan with his nightstick and yells "No one is coming, would you like me to slow down ALMOST to a stop or would you like me to come to a complete stop?!?!"

10-09-2007, 12:07 PM


SC Cheesehead
10-09-2007, 03:49 PM
Still 4 and 1, the old guy's got a few more plays left in him.

I'm pulling for Favre to get another interception this week....one more record will fall!