View Full Version : Spidey Instinct.

Aren Jay
10-09-2007, 09:41 PM
So does anyone else have a Spidey like instinct?

I don't know if it is precognition, or if the time machine I've been working on works in the future and I'm telling myself stuff now, but I have these wierd events happening that don't seem to make much sense.

A while back, 5 or 6 years ago, I was driving to work on a side road, (Kensington road for those who know Calgary, heading east to 14th street) And as I'm driving down the road, after rush hour, I'm the only car on the road except for a car way down the road coming towards me. Kensington road is a 4 lane, 2 each way, and the middle lanes are smooth and the outside lanes are at a sloping angle with bumps at all the driveways, puddles, holes, etc... So I'm in the middle lane heading east towards 14th street, I'm going to turn north so i need to be in this lane and this car way down the road is coming towards me. I'm relaxed listening to the radio cbc 1010 and for no reason I change lanes as the other car approaches me and move into the wrong lane for the upcoming turn, the bad lane. As the car going west, also in the good lane, middle, comes towards me and I'm already in the bad lane, I see the woman driver reach dow for something on the passenger side seat floor and at the very moment we pass she swerves into the east bound middle lane. The one I should be in but I am not.

I then think it was lucky that I did change into this lane, although I don't know why I did and I change back into the middle lane as I come up to my turn. I then drive to work everything uneventful.

Now this reminds me of something that happened years before. I was walking along with a friend talking as we went to my house walking home from school. Walking infront of me was my neighbour, she was about 11 or 12, My friend and I were around 16. Anyway she is wearing rubber boots and walks through the mud puddle and we walk to the side of it, it is right at a cut through walkway between two houses, 6 and a half foot fences for 50 feet and then front yards leading to the road. About a third of the way up a long block and then leading to one and a half more long blocks My house near the end of that street. Her house being two closer. Anyway she was six steps infront of us. We both went to the side of the puddle and jumped over it. We round the corner thinking she is still going to be right there infront of us and she is gone. We looked at each other. I looked over one fence he the other she wasn't there. She was gone! We ran down this cut out to the road. Didn't see her, down the third of the block and around the corner and we see her way down the street right infront of her house walking along at the same speed as 15 seconds earlier she was walking 6 steps infront of us. We were shocked. I've always wondered about that and after this car thing doubly so.

Can 11 year old girls teleport? Did we time warp 2 minute back intime jumping over the mud puddle? I don't know.

There have been some other things that are wierd that have happened to me, things like catching pencils that roll off desks or cans of pop or coffee cups. It is like I know it is about to happen, I watch it happen, I see myself catching the thing falling and I then am holding it and put it back down.

Now this latest thing was with my latest spider. I have a spider problem in my house (i get four or five a year, big ones). Anyway, I was sitting down to watch my Startrek DS9 DVD's and I paused the DVD to go get my fly swatter. I just knew that a Spider would run across the floor any minute. I sit back down and put my headphones on and unclick pause and 2 minutes later a big nasty spider 2 inch body, plus legs runs past my feet. I leap up decide it is too dark and go flick the lights on. No need to search for the fly swatter I have it in my hand. Spider freezes when I flick on the lights and 1 2 3 hits it is still wiggling, 2 more a leg falls off and I can go get the paper towel and pop it in the garbage. How did I know to stop the show and go get the fly swatter?

My real Spidey sense.

Aren Jay
10-09-2007, 11:56 PM
This Doesn't happen to anyone else?

10-10-2007, 12:22 AM
The closest I can come to that is about a week ago. I woke up in the middle of the night (About 3am) just to make sure the doors on the womans and mine MM's. Then I went back to bed. My neighbors Dodge was stolen out of his driveway that same night. Better my neighbors Dodge than Our MM's. Am I right? I mean it is only a Dodge. Not really a spidey sense but it worked..

10-10-2007, 01:53 AM
I have had several strange issues where I would think of someone from my past and I would get a phone call or bump into them within the week out of the blue.

I was also predicting phone calls for a little while. :confused:

10-10-2007, 02:18 AM
Ever since I was a kid, it's maddening and I don't really want to go into detail, just to say "you're in tune" with what's going on.

10-10-2007, 04:40 AM
I have had several strange issues where I would think of someone from my past and I would get a phone call or bump into them within the week out of the blue.

I was also predicting phone calls for a little while. :confused:

Thats awesome

Can you predict future events also?

Aren Jay
10-10-2007, 10:34 AM
There was one other thing that was memorable. I remember sitting in my car (66 Mustang) and either wondered what time it was or someone was with me and asked me. I turned on the radio, it was off, the radio announcer said it is 4:15, I turned the radio off and I just thought I had wicked timing; at the time. Now I wonder.

I also almost always wake up before my alarm clock goes off and turn it off. Even when it is set for different times. Ironically if i set the alarm wrong though I sleep right through that time. So if a F1 race is starting at 5am, and I go to sleep at midnight, I wake up at 4:53am and turn my alarm off. But if i accidentally set my alarm to 5pm I sleep through to 8:30 am miss the race and curse myself for not setting my alarm right.

I also have a weird thing were when I look at a clock it is 80% of the time 12:34 either am or pm. Me working through lunch or I get bored watching tv at night and get ready for bed. If it isn't 12:34 then I know it is going to be a bad day, but if it is 12:34 then it will be a good day. Maybe not.

10-10-2007, 12:51 PM
I've had that happen. Usually all while I'm sleeping too. Example, had a dream (vision maybe??) that my Aunt was going to call me the next day just before work telling me her computer is broken and if I could come get it the next day. Woke up, it actually happened. There have been other occasions too with other various things.

10-10-2007, 02:19 PM
Thats awesome

Can you predict future events also?

Yeah I knew I was going to respond with another post in this thread

Spooky huh? :lol:

10-10-2007, 03:02 PM
I am very much a numbers person, runs in the family.

I could not understand how I could frequently guess what was going to happen. I did it when I was with a co-worker who is very smart and knows me well. I asked her how did I do that, she said you are a numbers guy, always working the percentages.

It explained a lot of coincidences ranging from the amount of money in my 401K, why did I change my savings rate to an odd precentage to where and when the boss will eat lunch and what table he will sit at and what chair he will sit in.

Thats why I choose the table I did and sat where I sat. I asked her some questions because I wanted him to hear the answers.

I don't even realize I am doing it. I know I am thinking about it but I am not aware I am making the calculations.

Frequently when working with numbers I will have the answer but can't explain it w/o an enourmous amount of effort.

I have had associates learn to stop asking me to explain the number when I tell them I did it in my head.

For me it is mor curate than a calculator because my entry data error on a calculator is greater than doing it in my head.

Some of you might be working the percentages w/o knowing it.

10-10-2007, 03:08 PM
This happens to me. Its the spirits that follow you.