View Full Version : A bunch of friends and a bunch of old cars

10-11-2007, 11:07 PM
The classic car thread promted me to share this with everyone. This was a few Sundays ago at a friends home. My friend, Mr. Lindsay is 83 years young. He rents garage space for many collector cars. There is a very diverse group of cars stored there. It was his desire to bring a lot of these people together to share thier cars with each other. I already knew many of the people, and also made new friends.
The day was espcially thrilling for me because I brought along a young man who is a co-worker of my wife, when he's not in college. He loves cars, knows a lot about them, and is very mechanically inclined. He designed his own turbo system for his Saturn. But he did not know anything about the older cars. He was amazed, and very impressed with the technologies used, and the way in which things were accomplished way back when.

My other big thrill was that my four year old nephew Mikey, came with us, along with my two brothers. Mikey was thrilled with the old cars ! He couldn't get enough of them. He was especially intrigued by Mr. Lindsay's Stanley Steamer Touring car. It is an open air car. Mr. Lindsay gave a demonstration on how to fire up a steamer. Then gave everyone present a ride in it. Mikey sat on my lap in the backseat. But instead of waving to the crowd as other youngsters did, Mikey watched intently as Mr. Lindsay fiddled with the valves and checked the gauges. Mikey is also fascinated with trains. Mikey came running to me and dragged me to watch the steamer blow down after it was put in the garage. What a sight ! I introduced Mikey to Mr. Lindsay, and Mikey acted all shy. We then walked back to my '40 Buick. Five minutes later, Mikey went up to Mr. Lindsay on his own, and chatted with him like he knew him forever.
Here are some pictures from that day.

Right to left, my Buick, Mr. Lindsay's Model T, and his 1906 Cadillac, and my brother's '70 Cyclone.
http://www.imagestation.com/picture/sraid225/p1ed843b71ec373d69646bae976026 4b4/e79cc5ba.jpg

Mr. Lindsay's '06 Cadillac. By the way, someone commented that when they tell their friends they saw on '06 Cadillac, they'll be like, yeah so, it's only two years old !
http://www.imagestation.com/picture/sraid225/p7e3f30d321a7aeff501dbc1c00ef2 8cc/e79cc5bc.jpg

Mrs. Lindsay's Model A. Her car is rare with an unusual rear side window.
http://www.imagestation.com/picture/sraid225/p1a5393c60538519c49c0004b3a208 cec/e7a28f65.jpg

Mr. Lindsay's 1908 Sears, that's him at the tiller. Interesting note. His Cadillac is a 1906, the Sears a 1908. This shows the difference between an expensive luxury car, and a cheap set of wheels. The Sears is two years newer, and could be bought through the Sears & Roebuck catalog.
http://www.imagestation.com/picture/sraid225/pd44843b33ac07e226ec6f83200fb1 d58/e79cc579.jpg

The Steamer blow down. Mikey & I stood off to the side!
http://www.imagestation.com/picture/sraid225/p3f296826d98961d3c694abafe5d38 d75/e79cc57d.jpg

Mikey with my friend's 1959 Ford Sunliner.
http://www.imagestation.com/picture/sraid225/pe439dfb2fd0170acb5b0a6ee3104f 8be/e79cc5c0.jpg

A Ford Model A next to a 1932 Model B
http://www.imagestation.com/picture/sraid225/pec6ee2bbc2162510a55679aae94cc 033/e79cc57f.jpg

A Mitchel, not sure of the year
http://www.imagestation.com/picture/sraid225/p53b6590c258ac89c76e025dc5876b c2b/e79cc5b9.jpg

another Model T
http://www.imagestation.com/picture/sraid225/pda0679ccb6d1546fadc83a737920c 063/e79cc53e.jpg

some friends clowning around next to a Model T Depot Hack
http://www.imagestation.com/picture/sraid225/p9c267c42dd95c77c4c0a5ee472937 aa4/e79cc53b.jpg

10-11-2007, 11:20 PM
A few more pics.

The Depot Hack arriving
http://www.imagestation.com/picture/sraid225/pd73e58be4abc315c56482be322f61 af3/e79cc5c2.jpg

just some of the cars that day
http://www.imagestation.com/picture/sraid225/p5fceac2c6bb1196dcec236d45a921 d50/e79cc57c.jpg

a 1960 Buick convertible
http://www.imagestation.com/picture/sraid225/pdddcdf608f0c4449d881d859cff68 3e4/e79cbd1b.jpg.thumb

http://www.imagestation.com/picture/sraid225/p5782dff2e056242bde2b1e62391f4 8eb/e79cbd1d.jpg

my Buick
http://www.imagestation.com/picture/sraid225/p2478b67f55c0fd58735d29c5a0dbe be1/e7a28f68.jpg

In 1940, the auto alarm system as we know it today, did not exist. So in 1940, this was the securtiy system !
http://www.imagestation.com/picture/sraid225/pa4934eea3bc136a8860df52ab43ee 87d/e79cc531.jpg
His name is Sully, and he's older Rottweiler. My wife and I are fostering him.

Aren Jay
10-11-2007, 11:52 PM
when you said old cars and a bunch of friends I thought you meant old like Hyundai pony's or old civics. I was going to suggest a rally race or demolition derby. BUt not with those cars in the pictures.

10-12-2007, 03:33 AM
Awesome display of cars! You need to hang tight with Mr. Lindsey. What an unbelieveable collection!


10-12-2007, 05:16 AM

10-12-2007, 08:24 AM
If anyone is interested, I could post some pics of the cars I saw at the police car show during the Ripon Emergency Vehicle Show last month. Some nice old police cars there. I can't figure out how to put pictures on these threads yet though.

10-12-2007, 07:49 PM
Awesome cars man, looked like a lot of fun!

10-12-2007, 09:00 PM
Great thread! Thanks for sharing!