View Full Version : PINs available for X-Plan F/L/M. Mazda and Volvo purchase

10-20-2007, 08:17 PM

**** Update 08/27/08: Until further notice, I must cancel my PIN offer. Sorry, GordonB ****

My son-in-law works for Ford in engineering. He would be willing to get PINs for any of our members who would like to purchase F/L/M, Mazda, or Volvo vehicles as long as they don't re-sell them for a year. There is no gain for me or my SIL -- we are offering this a a FREE service. X-Plan pricing is for "Friends" and is BELOW invoice just so you know. FYI: Just so that you know, we are honest, trustworthy and ethical. If you are concerned about identity theft, I understand. If you knew where I work and what it takes to get a job like mine, your fears and doubts would be completely erased.

If an MM.net member is interested in this FREE service, please PM me or email me (see my profile) with the following info which I will provide my SIL and he will get you a PIN.

The info needed is:

Full Name
Last 4 nbrs of SSN (USA) or Last 4 nbrs of Social Insurance number (Canada)
Full address
Tel Nbr
Email address
what vehicle you want to purchase -- F/L/M or Mazda or Volvo

Look forward to helping a fellow member.

10-20-2007, 09:35 PM
Thank you, Gordon!!

10-21-2007, 05:56 AM
My son-in-law works for Ford in engineering. He would be willing to get PINs for any of our members who would like to purchase F/L/M, Mazda, or Volvo vehicles as long as they don't re-sell them for a year. There is no gain for me or my SIL -- we are offering this a a FREE service. X-Plan pricing is for "Friends" and is BELOW invoice just so you know. FYI: Just so that you know, we are honest, trustworthy and ethical. If you are concerned about identity theft, I understand. If you knew where I work and what it takes to get a job like mine, your fears and doubts would be completely erased.

If an MM.net member is interested in this FREE service, please PM me or email me (see my profile) with the following info which I will provide my SIL and he will get you a PIN.

The info needed is:

Full Name
Full address
Tel Nbr
Email addressLook forward to helping a fellow member.
GordonBIf Gordon's SIL runs out of x-plan PIN's, I can get them as a retiree. We only need the last FOUR digits of your Social Security number or Social Insurance number (Canada).


10-21-2007, 06:16 AM
Im a bit lost on what the X-plan and SIL mean. Any light on this??

10-21-2007, 06:26 AM
I assume us Canadians are excluded?

10-21-2007, 06:36 AM
Im a bit lost on what the X-plan and SIL mean. Any light on this??

"X-Plan" - Buy a Ford product for a few percent over dealer cost.

"SIL" - Son In Law

10-21-2007, 06:48 AM
I assume us Canadians are excluded?I don't see why. Ford has a couple plants in Canada, Although thy are represented by the CAW instead of UAW. All we can do is try, when we enter the Canada address for the X-Plan. It should let us know. If you're interested...

After browsing over the brochure from FORD, that I received in the mail this week. I went online, I need the last four of your Social Security number, or Social Insurance number (Canada), So I think that you are eligible.


10-21-2007, 06:48 AM
"X-Plan" - Buy a Ford product for a few percent over dealer cost.

"SIL" - Son In Law

I should have known the second one :alone:

Im waiting for the 09 Interceptor before I start looking for a new car again. Im still keeping my Marauder though.

10-21-2007, 06:58 PM
Hi all,
Just trying to be nice and helpful. Sorry if the abbreviations threw anyone. I'm not a good typist; hence I have learned a few shorthand computer tricks. I should have put son-in-law (SIL) and defined the acronym the first time I used it.
Apparently, in the engineering ranks if you use up your PINs, the powers that be within Ford will give you a new supply. I beleieve the reasoning goes like, 'gee maybe we can sell more cars if we use our employees as ambassadors' or something like that. MY SIL said that getting more PINs did not seem to be a problem. In fact, I think he may even get 'brownie' points for them after a certain point!
Get yer RED hot PINs here!

10-21-2007, 07:05 PM
Thanks Gordon. How long is offer good for?

10-21-2007, 08:34 PM
Thanks Gordon. How long is offer good for?We are allowed to give out, I believe, 4 X-plans a year, unless FORD decides to give us more to drum up sales, like this year. There are a few of us on this site, able to give out X-plan PIN's, just ask us when you are ready to buy.


10-22-2007, 09:06 AM
Once a pin is generated how long is it good for?

10-22-2007, 01:44 PM
Once a pin is generated how long is it good for?Not long, if I remember correctly. Been awhile since I generated one. We're not supposed to generate one until you're ready to purchase. We can't just hand them out in case you may want to purchase a vehicle. We only have a limited number to give.


10-22-2007, 02:15 PM
To answer your question, "How long is offer good for?", I let people know if and when my son-in-law notifies me that he CAN'T get more PINs. Right now the stipulation is comit to buying a FORD product and request a PIN from someone (or me) here, and proceed to complete transaction. That is all I know at this point. It is my pleasure to help out people here -- I derive no benefit other than to help my SIL stay employed!

FWIW, another MMer here asked about A-Plan and D-Plan. I am only familiar with A-Plan as in Immediate family ONLY, incl. by marriage. I am not familiar with D-Plan -- perhaps someone here could clarify for everyone.

10-22-2007, 02:46 PM
I couldn't remember if they lasted longer than 30 days. That's what I was told when I gave a few family members some back when I used to work for Ford (3 yrs ago).

10-22-2007, 04:58 PM
To answer your question, "How long is offer good for?", I let people know if and when my son-in-law notifies me that he CAN'T get more PINs. Right now the stipulation is comit to buying a FORD product and request a PIN from someone (or me) here, and proceed to complete transaction. That is all I know at this point. It is my pleasure to help out people here -- I derive no benefit other than to help my SIL stay employed!

FWIW, another MMer here asked about A-Plan and D-Plan. I am only familiar with A-Plan as in Immediate family ONLY, incl. by marriage. I am not familiar with D-Plan -- perhaps someone here could clarify for everyone.

Thanks Gordon, it is truly appreciated. I'll get back to you when i am ready. Thanks again for offering this to the group.

10-22-2007, 05:01 PM
All I will buy is a Ford product and have great credit with FMC. I may be selling my 03 SVT ZX5 Focus (my road/highway car) and buy another Mustang GT. Probably a vert with a 5/speed. If things work out I will be contacting right away.

10-23-2007, 11:36 AM
If I remember correctly from a couple of years ago, there is a plan Ford employees or retirees can give out to 'friends and family' which basically gives the same discount as A-Plan.
Is that the plan your SIL has?

I suppose they revamp things, but I thought X-Plan was for employees of dealerships and give $100 over dealer cost :confused:

10-23-2007, 11:59 AM
If I remember correctly from a couple of years ago, there is a plan Ford employees or retirees can give out to 'friends and family' which basically gives the same discount as A-Plan.
Is that the plan your SIL has?

I suppose they revamp things, but I thought X-Plan was for employees of dealerships and give $100 over dealer cost :confused:Friends and Family ( Family that is not eligible for A/Z Plan) = X Plan

Employees of Dealerships = D Plan, I believe.


10-23-2007, 01:54 PM
Thank you for clarifying. Now I know what D-Plan is!

10-23-2007, 08:24 PM
As I have experienced it, A-Plan is Employee pricing and immediate family. "Friends" is same as supplier discount (X-Plan). X-Plan is below invoice to dealer. A-Plan is about $1500 (on MM) below X-Plan.
And of course, there are always other incentives that MAY be available if you dig around and ask at an honest dealer -- some will voluntarily share that info with you.

10-24-2007, 11:22 PM
As I have experienced it, A-Plan is Employee pricing and immediate family. "Friends" is same as supplier discount (X-Plan). X-Plan is below invoice to dealer. A-Plan is about $1500 (on MM) below X-Plan.
And of course, there are always other incentives that MAY be available if you dig around and ask at an honest dealer -- some will voluntarily share that info with you.

Thank you for the clarification.

This all gets confusing

10-25-2007, 07:43 PM
All I will buy is a Ford product and have great credit with FMC. I may be selling my 03 SVT ZX5 Focus (my road/highway car) and buy another Mustang GT. Probably a vert with a 5/speed. If things work out I will be contacting right away.

Tom, how much would you be offering the Focus for? :D

10-25-2007, 08:14 PM
I assume us Canadians are excluded?

Don't know if Canadians would work through a U.S. employee but I can get X-Plan (friends and neighbours) up here. Done it many times over the years.

10-29-2007, 09:18 PM
How long are the PIN's good for. The wife and I were looking at new Sable's over the weekend but there wasn't anything on the lot that caught our attention. My dealer said that it would take about 8-10 weeks for a unit to come in if we ordered it. I had heard in the past that PIN's were only good for 30 days, is this true? Thanks in advance.

10-30-2007, 04:48 AM
30 days may be right, but I do not know for sure. You need to ask the dealer if they want a PIN up front or only after you have ordered the car and it has come in and you are ready to take delivery.

10-30-2007, 05:21 AM
Usually you present the PIN to the dealer when you decide on a car. They verify the PIN and bring you the invoice for the car showing you the cost and what you will be paying for the car. Can they find the Sable you want at another dealer?

10-30-2007, 05:28 AM
Tom, how much would you be offering the Focus for? :D

Sorry, haven't kept up with the thread. PM sent.

10-31-2007, 06:47 PM
Can they find the Sable you want at another dealer?

I tried looking for it in the surrounding states and they also did a search. For whatever reason they either have the sunroof, Sirius or both and I want neither.

06-20-2008, 07:23 PM
Gordon I sent you a PM.

06-26-2008, 02:10 PM
To all,
I have to cancel my offer of FLM X-Plan PINs via my son-in-law presently, unfortunately. If and when things change, I'll update this thread.

06-26-2008, 08:53 PM
I can still get a PIN if anyone is looking.