View Full Version : Stolen Wheel Ii, The Drama!

Da Dark Jedi
10-30-2007, 06:40 PM
The Ins guy came Monday looked at the car and said "The guys who took your wheels are PRO's". So I ask "what do you mean"? "They never scratched or damaged anything". So he took pictures of evey wheel and even the odometer. So I so him the brochure of the car with the wheels as standard equipment. All I want is my car returned back to OEM, thats all. He said "Thats not a problem", from this point it gets worst!

The city of Chicago PD does not issue a car to take a report of this type. I called 911 thinking they would and the call was transfered over, a report # was issued. Heck 2 of my neighbors gave them a call and was told the same thing. Just as if your car was hit by another you have to drive to the nearest station to file a report, no car will respond!

The ins people called me today and said "We have a check ready BUT they need to investigate the claim. OH S**T now they think I'm setting them up. They need to see the brochure to see why stock wheels were so expensive. The guy who took the pic's gave them a report of cost but thats still not good enough for them, since I don't have pics or a receipt THEY ARE STOCK issue wheels people they came attach to the car. They talked to the investigator who informed of this, but says it's SOP. When I asked them does all the clients get this type of service, Their responce was "SOME DO". Does this mean I'm back in the 70's (RED ZONING) because of where I live, HUM MAYBE?!

They also need a copy of the actual police report filed with CPD. Well that won't be availible for another 2-1/2 weeks, and I have to go to police HQs to get it now, they don't mail it to you. The 3 week wait is to move it through the system. I guess with INS FRAUD in the good ole USA everybody is guilty until proven innocent. So in the morn I have to get COLOR photos (notice I did say COLOR) and express mail it to them, yes they will pay for this.

Here's my thoughts and what I learned so far.

1) Wheel locks are a MUST have item.

2) Take quality pictures of our car and wheels.

3) Make sure you talk to your Ins people about their procedure, if (Heaven help you) this happens to you.

4) Make sure you understand your local police procedure for filing a report.

5) Quality alarm system with remote paging.

Silver2004marauder or anyone else with experience on installs and such should start a disscussion.

BTW, the ins co is AARP, The hartford group. For a heads up!

10-30-2007, 08:18 PM
Ridiculous, get a different Insurance co. For future reference, make a report at the station and give the insurance a copy.

10-31-2007, 03:59 AM
Wheel locks won't stop the "Pros"!!!

This is a "Female Easy Out" used to remove broken locks or locks with lost keys....simple and very effective!!!:argue:

With an impact wrench you can remove locks as quick as standard lug nuts!!!:cool:


Bradley G
10-31-2007, 04:09 AM
Who do you think designs the wheel locks?
Locks are designed for honest people.
Thieves can steal anything

Wheel locks won't stop the "Pros"!!!

This is a "Female Easy Out" used to remove broken locks or locks with lost keys....simple and very effective!!!:argue:

With an impact wrench you can remove locks as quick as standard lug nuts!!!:cool:


10-31-2007, 04:46 AM
Any REAL thief can get past ANY automotive security. The trick here is deterrent. What you want if for the would-be thief to decide it's too hard, time consuming or risky and move on.

You're not going to STOP a thief, just slow him down or discourage him on your own car so he'll move on.

10-31-2007, 04:51 AM
BTW, the ins co is AARP, The hartford group. For a heads up!

Off the subject but, I will not deal with AARP they are anti-2nd Admendment. FYI

Da Dark Jedi
10-31-2007, 07:05 AM
Ridiculous, get a different Insurance co. For future reference, make a report at the station and give the insurance a copy.

Just got off phone with Records Div. They said it would not matter if file via phone or directly with District, it's not OFFICAL until it comes thru them, the # I was issued would be the same. 5-21 business days. Also even the INS would not get it any faster from them than me. When the INS co calls for it thats an additional DAYS for CPD to get it in the mail, and of course its the slowest route, it's faster for me to get it myself, and this info is from the Record Div @ 35th & Michigan directly.

Aren Jay
10-31-2007, 08:00 AM
Any REAL thief can get past ANY automotive security. The trick here is deterrent. What you want if for the would-be thief to decide it's too hard, time consuming or risky and move on.

You're not going to STOP a thief, just slow him down or discourage him on your own car so he'll move on.

Almost any security system.

There was a car dealership (Ford) in England that would give a top of the line Cosworth to anyone who could steal it in 15 minutes. At the end of the weekend for the promotion they only gave one car away and that was to two Ford Engineers and it took them 9.5 minutes. Nobody is going to spend 9.5 minutes stealing a car.

There was another local guy who kept haveing his car taken and used for joy rides. He lived in Chertsy, and he was fed up. He was home on disability or something and it happened three times. He took matters into his own hands and rigged the car so that it couldn't be stolen. The police did end up charging him but he got off in court. The thieves, both of them were not so lucky, while they got in ok, they couldn't get out.

10-31-2007, 08:17 AM
Almost any security system.

There was a car dealership (Ford) in England that would give a top of the line Cosworth to anyone who could steal it in 15 minutes. At the end of the weekend for the promotion they only gave one car away and that was to two Ford Engineers and it took them 9.5 minutes. Nobody is going to spend 9.5 minutes stealing a car.

There was another local guy who kept haveing his car taken and used for joy rides. He lived in Chertsy, and he was fed up. He was home on disability or something and it happened three times. He took matters into his own hands and rigged the car so that it couldn't be stolen. The police did end up charging him but he got off in court. The thieves, both of them were not so lucky, while they got in ok, they couldn't get out.

You're sure of that?

If they want it bad enough, they'll take as long as they need. how long would you guess it took them to steal the wheels?

10-31-2007, 08:47 AM
We got some dang stupid thieves here in Florida. They get stuck in chimneys, A/C vents and such and get found in the morning. No telling how long it would take them to steal a car. Might take a few hours or more for some of them. ;)

10-31-2007, 12:39 PM
They can steal anything especially where I'm from.

I dont want to have to leave my car on the streets. And I will do my own battery kill switch and 5 differrent types of wheels locks.

Inconvient but it takes time to get past it all.

10-31-2007, 12:44 PM
Just occurred to me...

If you have rental car coverage, you had better be in a rental while they do all these gyrations. I garan-dam-tee that if they were paying for your rental, they wouldn't take this much time!!!

10-31-2007, 12:52 PM
Any car can be stolen. I don't care what security you have. it can be stolen. The risk factors are time and witnesses. Noise is also a factor, but it falls under witnesses because noise attracts witnesses.

I know of cars that have been completely disassembled in the owners front lawn - a task taking HOURS... never caught the thieves. I saw a group out of Miami rig a bread truck with equipment and strip a car in BROAD DAYLIGHT in minutes - wheels engine, tranny, body panels, glass etc.

Trust me, if they want it, they can get it.

The trouble with ALL of this is that it's mobile. Security has to be unobtrusive for daily use and convenience AND it RUNS ON BATTERIES. Cut the juice (one way or another) and you're home free. Motion/shock sensors set with little enough impact to not false all the time provide such a window for cutting power.

NOTHING is secure, only INCONVENIENT to steal.

10-31-2007, 01:14 PM
;)Had a 61 Bonneville convertible with everything and locks on top of locks as well as an alarm-they came at 3:00A.M. and used a hoist and a flatbed and took it to the docks and it sailed for South America before dawn!!! My local Mafia boss did it and my old neighborhood boss made amends to me-still, the car went to an American oil worker!
Same old Mafia boss gave me his take on safety-"you wanna keepa your money safea-keep it upperyouass" I said -"you mean in the northern U.S."? "No, I mean upperyouass"!!!

10-31-2007, 10:01 PM
^^^ Still the most common way to steal a car and get away with it. No neighbor ever suspects the tow truck to be stealing... the cars are usually long gone before anybody ever wonders what actually happened.

10-31-2007, 11:19 PM
I had a totalled car at a body shop that was being parted out. I went by the shop one day to get some parts.

A man was very interested in buying what was left and kept asking if I had clear title. The entire front end was cut off all that remained was the unibody. He was very persistent but I kept telling him no thank you.

I found out he was a sergant policeman. With title and vin plates he would send the city tow truck to p/u a similar vehicle. Now thats a way to steal a car.

11-01-2007, 01:43 AM
I use a club and wheel locks. If they want my car or wheels bad enough they will have them, but I'm sure as heck not gonna make it easy for them...