View Full Version : A parent's worst nightmare

10-31-2007, 07:24 PM
You read about this happening to other people, but never think it could happen to you. Some of you know my ten year old daughter Brittany from MVV. Monday afternoon she was playing at the next door neighbors with other kids while Grandpa and I were framing in a new door on the house. I was cutting lumber in the garage when I saw my father in law running next door. As I exited my garage I saw the neighbor woman walking my daughter down holding her left arm. All she said was she needs to go to the hospital and walked away. Britty tells me she was bitten by their pit bull who broke loose. My instincts immediately told me it was bad. Long story short is her left arm was mangled from multiple bites and tears. My friends with the ambulance corp made a normal 40 minute trip to the trama center in Syracuse in 25 minutes. Brittany under went surgery yesterday and the news was the best it could be under the circumstances. No major damage, most muscle damage repairable, no skins graphs needed. We were able to bring her home tonight. Shes a little trooper. She handled the situation and aftermath better than I would have. Please say a pray for quick healing and emotional recovery. The dog has been seized and placed in quarantine as its rabies vacination was expired by one month. I and the Sheriff's Office prevailed on the judge for a destruction order. I'm toast as I've been up for the better part of three days. I stayed at the hospital with her the whole time. My anger level was off the chart so that was the best thing I could have done. Criminal charges pending.

10-31-2007, 07:31 PM
Oh, Ray!!!! Hugs to Brittany! She certainly is a very special girl!! The gall of that woman to just walk away!!! Please keep us posted!

10-31-2007, 07:49 PM
Good to hear shes ok. Pitbulls are illegal to own now in the province of Ontario.

10-31-2007, 08:01 PM
actually they are illegal to breed or sell, you can still own a pit but they
must be muzzled, at any time they are in public,and have many
other restrictions. Pits have to have owners that are very versed
in dog behaviour and have a good command of their animal.My dogs
play with several pits and they are good animals when trained and
handled properly.
I am sorry to hear about the attack any dog that attacks without
provocation or young children should be delt with swiftly. My own dog would not
survive the day if it had done the same. I hope she is doing well and recovers fully!

10-31-2007, 08:31 PM
The exact same thing happened to me when I was about that age, but not from a pit bull. That dog was not put down, but my left arm had to be stitched together. I remember the whole thing in slow motion and felt no pain due to the shock. The biggest disappointment for me was that I missed the 6-million dollar man on TV that night.

Hopefully your daughter comes through the same way - no resentment and just sees it as an inconvenience.

10-31-2007, 08:33 PM
That's tough for a parent to have to deal with. I'm glad to hear that she'll be ok with minimal damage. You should be allowed to get a destruction order for your neighbor :mad2:instead of the dog, she obviously needs training herself. I do believe in karma, she'll get hers in time.

Most important is to take care of your daughter. I wish her a speedy healing, with the least amount of pain.

10-31-2007, 08:40 PM
Be strong. We are pulling for your daughter.

10-31-2007, 08:43 PM
You might consider Civil action againest the neighbor.

The standard of proof is lower and often the punishment is greater.

Hope she has a quick recovery.

10-31-2007, 08:45 PM
Hang in their Ray. We here wish Brittany a speedy recovery . Your neighbor on the other hand needs too be Sued at the very least.

10-31-2007, 09:14 PM
amen - i hope she is well

10-31-2007, 10:21 PM
Ray My family and I will pray for Brittany. Your neighbor had some damn nerve just walking away !
Were you able to find out the full story as to what happened and why?

This is exactly why Pitbulls have such a bad reputation. It can usually be traced to idiot owners, and the poor dog has to pay for it with it's life.
Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying this dog should not be put down. But more often than not, it is the irresponsible dog owners who create a situation that causes the dog to act in the way this dog did.

11-01-2007, 03:12 AM
Ray, Please give Brittany our hugs and prayers.:grouphug:


11-01-2007, 03:46 AM
Ray, Chris and I are very saddened to hear of Brittany's injury. We will keep her in our prayers.

11-01-2007, 04:26 AM
Ray, glad to hear that Brittany is doing OK. Really sounds like a harrowing experience. Tell Brittany that we are thinking of her. Good luck with the legal proceedings against the owner.

11-01-2007, 04:48 AM
Forget the breed. It's the OWNER'S fault if ANY dog behaves badly. As for pits, besides those I've met raised for fighting, every pet pit was of the most lovable dogs I've known.

All that aside, I too have a young daughter and would have felt the same as you. Count your blessings so far as a good man and father by having those 'friends' taking care of you and your daughter.

Glad there was no irreparable damage. Her emotional and physical wounds will heal with you by her side.

Thoughts are with you and Brittany.

11-01-2007, 05:13 AM
Prayers are sent to your little girl and you.

Cool heads will prevail. Keep us updated on Brittany, kids heal quick:)

God bless!

11-01-2007, 05:24 AM
Hey Ray,

You and Brittany will be in my prayers. Hope that her recovery is short. You did good keeping your anger in control. Sucks also to have an incident with a neighbor.


11-01-2007, 06:23 AM
Aww, Ray. I'm so sorry.

Your family will certainly be in my prayers.

11-01-2007, 06:40 AM
Best wishes for a speedy recovery for Brit.

11-01-2007, 07:02 AM
sad to hear but happy to know she is doing well. it could have been worst. all the best and speedy recovery.

11-01-2007, 07:03 AM
Oh my god man! I hope all is well. That can scar a kid forever and make her afraid of dogs for the rest of her life. You know - when I was a kid we had a 110lb Doberman and he NEVER even thought about biting anybody, even with a housefull of kids. He was a big couch potato. I guess pets act indicative of how they're raised.

11-01-2007, 07:04 AM
I too would be FUMING mad. To just bring your daughter over and walk away like that. What a dirtbag. :uzi: I am keeping your daughter in my prayers. And get a good lawyer and tell him to show no mercy!

11-01-2007, 07:36 AM
Sorry to hear that this happened. I wish you and your daughter heal from this terrible tragedy.

11-01-2007, 07:54 AM
I too hope your daughter recovers well, and quickly... I could not imagine the amount of rage you must feel...As for the lady just walking away, I hope something should defeninately happen legally or just, passively by some paid off neighborhood kids.
I have had a pit bull, her name was Sade, and she was HUGE...but sweet as could be. I blame the owners of these dogs for their reputation. Sade was excellent with children, even the neighbors.

11-01-2007, 08:41 AM
Thank you all so much for your support and prayers. I have given Britty the hugs and kisses sent. She is doing ok this morning. Some nausea and vomitting, probably from the pain killer she is taking. I do not blame the dog. The muts that own the dog are responsible as is the dog warden for not acting on past complaints. The dog was attached to a heavy chain and choke. I am bewildered as to how he was able to get loose. Britty was about 75 feet away from the dog playing on the ground with four other children. He went straight to her and attacked. It was fortunate that she was wearing a heavy fleece jacket. That saved her from loosing her arm. We know a very good counselor and will setup a appointment for her next week. We also have been recommended a law firm from outside the area. That will come in due time. Revenge is best served cold, when they think its over. -and- yes it took alot of people talking to me to prevent me from taking the law into my own hands.

11-01-2007, 08:59 AM
Thank you all so much for your support and prayers. I have given Britty the hugs and kisses sent. She is doing ok this morning. Some nausea and vomitting, probably from the pain killer she is taking. I do not blame the dog. The muts that own the dog are responsible as is the dog warden for not acting on past complaints. The dog was attached to a heavy chain and choke. I am bewildered as to how he was able to get loose. Britty was about 75 feet away from the dog playing on the ground with four other children. He went straight to her and attacked. It was fortunate that she was wearing a heavy fleece jacket. That saved her from loosing her arm. We know a very good counselor and will setup a appointment for her next week. We also have been recommended a law firm from outside the area. That will come in due time. Revenge is best served cold, when they think its over. -and- yes it took alot of people talking to me to prevent me from taking the law into my own hands.

Glad to hear Brittany is doing ok. It is the owners responsiblity on how they raise their dog. I never had any problems with Smitty around children and he just loved to give them a tongue bath, and Smitty was a pit.

Pits are very protective of their families, did any of the kids do anything that the pit could have thought of any attack on its family? Or was Brittany just at the wrong place at the wrong time?

11-01-2007, 09:13 AM
Thank you all so much for your support and prayers. I have given Britty the hugs and kisses sent. She is doing ok this morning. Some nausea and vomitting, probably from the pain killer she is taking. I do not blame the dog. The muts that own the dog are responsible as is the dog warden for not acting on past complaints. The dog was attached to a heavy chain and choke. I am bewildered as to how he was able to get loose. Britty was about 75 feet away from the dog playing on the ground with four other children. He went straight to her and attacked. It was fortunate that she was wearing a heavy fleece jacket. That saved her from loosing her arm. We know a very good counselor and will setup a appointment for her next week. We also have been recommended a law firm from outside the area. That will come in due time. Revenge is best served cold, when they think its over. -and- yes it took alot of people talking to me to prevent me from taking the law into my own hands.

Dude, nice going. You are right. And it will feel MUCH better in the end. Good friends you have talking you out of doing things 'old skool'. Now they won't cart YOU off and you can continue to be there for Brittany... AND heavily pad her college fund!!!!!

11-01-2007, 09:17 AM
Thank you all so much for your support and prayers. I have given Britty the hugs and kisses sent. She is doing ok this morning. Some nausea and vomitting, probably from the pain killer she is taking. I do not blame the dog. The muts that own the dog are responsible as is the dog warden for not acting on past complaints. The dog was attached to a heavy chain and choke. I am bewildered as to how he was able to get loose. Britty was about 75 feet away from the dog playing on the ground with four other children. He went straight to her and attacked. It was fortunate that she was wearing a heavy fleece jacket. That saved her from loosing her arm. We know a very good counselor and will setup a appointment for her next week. We also have been recommended a law firm from outside the area. That will come in due time. Revenge is best served cold, when they think its over. -and- yes it took alot of people talking to me to prevent me from taking the law into my own hands.

Who puts a dog on chain and choke these days anyways?? Makes me mad just thinking about that...

11-01-2007, 09:27 AM
Glad to hear Brittany is going to be OK.

I'd say you have a very strong case against the owner(s) and the town due to the past complaints and inaction on both parties part.

11-01-2007, 09:45 AM
Glad to hear Brittany is doing ok. It is the owners responsiblity on how they raise their dog. I never had any problems with Smitty around children and he just loved to give them a tongue bath, and Smitty was a pit.

Pits are very protective of their families, did any of the kids do anything that the pit could have thought of any attack on its family? Or was Brittany just at the wrong place at the wrong time?

Wrong place at the wrong time.

11-01-2007, 11:51 AM

Glad to hear the little one is doing as well as can be expected. The good thing is she is young, and the young recuperate much better then we can. Glad you and yours were able to keep a cool head in the face of her injuries.
A prayer sent for the whole family.

11-01-2007, 11:52 AM
I'm very sorry to hear this happened.
Here's to a speedy and full recovery for your daughter.

This part is criminal. To say that and just walk away is unbelievable.
Had she at least called for an ambulance?

Pit Bulls are not any more aggressive than any other dog, they have to be brought up to be that way, and that is also criminal.

............I saw the neighbor woman walking my daughter down holding her left arm. All she said was she needs to go to the hospital and walked away. ................

11-01-2007, 01:06 PM

This part is criminal. To say that and just walk away is unbelievable.
Had she at least called for an ambulance?quote]

No, my training took over and I called. As my wife put it "he went into police mode". Choking back the tears for that rock sled run to the trama center was very difficult, but there was work to do and the EMS crew involved me.

11-01-2007, 01:24 PM

Sorry to hear about this... I hope everything works out in the end... Your daughter and family are definitely in my prayers. Take care. - Chris

11-01-2007, 03:29 PM
I hope everything works out, I will pray for her speedy recovery..

11-01-2007, 05:04 PM
Dear friend,
I am very, very sorry to read about this. As a parent of two young daughters, I definitely feel your pain (and probably your anger and you helplessness).

I am praying for your entire family to recover quickly and completely.

11-01-2007, 05:10 PM
Glad she's not too badly wounded and wish her a speedy and happy recovery. Some animals will always be that : animals. We shouldn't forget

11-01-2007, 05:21 PM
So sorry to hear about your daughter but glad to know she should be OK.
Be sure to file a claim for medical expenses against the neighbor's Homeowner's Policy for medical expense re-imbursement. Martyo can explain this better than I can.

SC Cheesehead
11-01-2007, 08:45 PM
Oh man, Ray, I just got on line and saw this!

You and Brittany are in our prayers.

Keep us posted.


11-02-2007, 01:32 AM
So sorry to hear about your daughter but glad to know she should be OK.
Be sure to file a claim for medical expenses against the neighbor's Homeowner's Policy for medical expense re-imbursement. Martyo can explain this better than I can.

Problem is these low life mutts are renters, no insurance. However, the property owner has been notified more than once in the past six months that these people and their dogs are problems. So he is liable for failing to act. There have been four complaints filed by other folks in the neighborhood in the past six months. The dog warden refused to act. The Sheriff's Dept pinched them for dog at large during the summer. The dog somehow got loose two months ago when no one was home. It went after three children and my wife when she went to help them. My Rotty attacked it and my wife and the kids were able to escape. I should have let Otto kill it. I couldn't act as it was not safe to do so. Once again the dog warden refused to act even though he was told to by his supervisor and the State Police. I believe my daughter may end up owning his dairy farm. Unfortunately the town has vicarious liability here. They have been very supportive this week, but I see no way around including them. I plan on taking the dog owners only pot they have to piss in.

SC Cheesehead
11-02-2007, 09:38 AM
....I plan on taking the dog owners only pot they have to piss in.


Make sure you dump it out on them before you take it!:o

Not funny situation at all, but trying to find a little humor here or there may be helpful.

You're doing the right thing going through legal channels, though Lord knows the temptation must be strong to do something more "direct.":uzi:


11-02-2007, 06:47 PM
Life is hard enough without the irresponsible parents adding to a childs life. I am so glad she is ok, I have a 125 pound Rot, and he is always put away before any neighbor kids or my own play..It is the parents responsibility!
Best wishes for the whole family

11-03-2007, 05:01 AM
Life is hard enough without the irresponsible parents adding to a childs life. I am so glad she is ok, I have a 125 pound Rot, and he is always put away before any neighbor kids or my own play..It is the parents responsibility!
Best wishes for the whole family

Thats the thing about this I don't understand. There has never been a problem with the dog when the owners are home. ????

11-03-2007, 06:54 AM
Ray, I just saw this; man I don't know what to say, my prayers are for your little angel to make a full recovery and for you to find the strength not to choke the life out the dog and the owner.

I have owned dogs, my beloved Siberian huskie Misty passed away after 18 years of enduring much from my children and their friends without ever hurting a single human being.

I don't buy into this crap about "there is no such thing as a bad dog only bad owners" dogs can sure as hell be bad and just like bad people they should be put down.

My prayers are with your family, stay strong resist the urge to do what I know you want to do.

11-03-2007, 08:35 AM
Ray, sorry to hear about your little girl. I had a run in with a dog chained up in an alley when I was very young (4 or 5 years old), and although I still have the scars to show for it I have only a very vague recollection of the the incident. Hopefully she bounces right back from the attack.

11-03-2007, 07:13 PM
I just read this and Im so sorry about what happened to Britney. Glad that she will pull through with no major damage.

Local Boy
11-05-2007, 10:21 AM
Best wishes for your little girl...She will be in our prayers...


11-06-2007, 02:09 PM
Best wishes for a full recovery for your daughter, and hopefully the irresponsible owners will get what's coming to them (through legal proceedings, karma, or preferably both).

11-06-2007, 07:55 PM
Sorry for the late post on this but just now had the opportunity to read the post. I'm so glad she is going to be ok!

As I read the story, I couldn't help thinking of my own daughters and the whole thing just makes my stomach hurt. Hats off to you for remaining sane during this event.

Keep breathing deep and stay strong!

11-06-2007, 10:21 PM
Prayers and hugs from the knine family.

11-07-2007, 03:48 AM
Again thanks for all the support, its much appreciated. Awaiting the 12th of Nov. to see the results of the surgery.

11-07-2007, 02:52 PM
I hope she is doing well, sad that it happened.

11-12-2007, 06:39 AM
This afternoon we take Brittany back to the surgeon to have be the bandages/sutures removed. Keeping my fingers crossed for a good outcome.

SC Cheesehead
11-12-2007, 10:07 AM
This afternoon we take Brittany back to the surgeon to have be the bandages/sutures removed. Keeping my fingers crossed for a good outcome.


Please post an update after Brittany's seen the surgeon.


11-12-2007, 12:16 PM
You Are Twice The Man I Am...i'm Sure I Would Make A Bad Situation Worse.be Proud And Keep Standing Tall

11-12-2007, 12:58 PM
Ray, good luck today. I hope all is well @ the surgon's f/u visit. Britney is tough and I'm glad that it is not WORSE. I have a pit bull next door to us. My kids were just playing over there yesterday with it lose in the house. This makes me think big time about that happening again.

Good luck..............

11-12-2007, 05:36 PM
HI Ray, Kelly and I give our prayers for Brittany, Hope she does well with her healing. Good Luck with the legal situation.

Being a Retired Police Officer I know first hand the dangers in those dogs including Rotweillers they should be outlawed. They have no reason being around people they are wild animals any way you look at it!

11-13-2007, 07:09 AM
Well, it could have been worse. There will be multiple scars. The largest being on her bicep/tricep of the left arm. The wound ran from inside the chest side of the bicep to inside the tricep on the lower outside of the arm. Thank God for that heavy jacket or she would have lost the arm. Atleast the suture line is mostly straight. The best is where the back of her hand was torn open. About 2" but should look ok with time. The rest will only be visible when she wears a bathing suit. Thanks again for the prays, it worked!

11-13-2007, 07:18 AM
Glad to hear the news is as good as possible with what she went through. We will continue to keep Brittany in our prayers and give her our best.

11-13-2007, 07:19 AM
That's great news!!!

11-13-2007, 08:54 AM
Glad to hear the news is as good as possible with what she went through. We will continue to keep Brittany in our prayers and give her our best.

Same here! Couldn't say it any better.

12-18-2008, 05:55 PM
Update for those still subscribed, lawsuit has been filed and negligent parties will have been served by Christmas. :D

12-18-2008, 06:21 PM
Good news on the physical front, hope she's not permanently affected. You are a stronger man than I am, my first move would have been toward the throats of the dog owners, you did the right/responsible thing.

Keep us posted, best of luck with the case, justice must be served.


12-18-2008, 07:42 PM
Thanks for the update, Ray. I'm sure this has been a trying year for you all. Best Christmas Wishes to Brittany!

Mike Poore
12-20-2008, 06:38 AM
Thanks for keeping us posted, Ray. Hopefully Brittany has no scars, visibly or emotionally. The relationship with the neighbors will be strained, forever, but responsibility for keeping a dangerous animal, no matter the breed, is their's alone. It doesn't surprise me that you made no mention of the dog owner's concern for Brittany's welfare or recovery, nor expressions of sorrow, on their part. I would expect that the dog no longer resides there.

I wonder if their insurance carrier has clauses to exclude liability when such an incident occurs.

Best wishes for a wonderful Christmas from Barb and me, and from Calvin & Hobbes.

12-20-2008, 07:24 AM
Best of luck to her, I hope everything goes well for you, my thoughts and prayers will be with her

12-20-2008, 07:32 AM
Thanks for keeping us posted, Ray. Hopefully Brittany has no scars, visibly or emotionally. The relationship with the neighbors will be strained, forever, but responsibility for keeping a dangerous animal, no matter the breed, is their's alone. It doesn't surprise me that you made no mention of the dog owner's concern for Brittany's welfare or recovery, nor expressions of sorrow, on their part. I would expect that the dog no longer resides there.

I wonder if their insurance carrier has clauses to exclude liability when such an incident occurs.

Best wishes for a wonderful Christmas from Barb and me, and from Calvin & Hobbes.

Thanks Mike. Those "people" and I use the term loosely, moved away earlier this fall. The preceding year was a nightmare. They moved when "Billtard" became the target of a large burglary investigation. They now live northeast of Nashville, TN. Hiding out with their hillbilly kin, or so they thought :D Brittany has permanent massive scarring. A scar specialist in Syracuse believes he can minimize it, but not until she is done growing. So she will have to go through high school and part of college that way. At least she now wears them as a badge of courage. She is close to 100% usage of her arm now. Her mental health has vastly improved with the help of a psychologist friend of ours. The dog was destroyed by court order 12 days after the attack. Unfortunately the Judge would not order the owner to be destroyed...

The people responsible were welfare rats, no insurance or money. However we filed suit against the property owner (insured), the township, and the previous dog warden for failure to act on past complaints about the dog. We are confident that Brittany's college education costs will be assured.

Not going home from the hospital that night and going on a killing spree was one of the most difficult things I've ever had to do. Thank God I'm conditioned to repressing my emotions or I'd be either in prison or a forensic mental hospital.

Merry Christmas to all! :wreath2:

12-20-2008, 07:40 AM
I freekin hate pitbulls a pitbull bit my little sister 3 years ago. He no longer is living. Sorry to hear about your daughter she will get better she has made it through the toughest parts and in deed a trooper/soldier in my book. Keeps us posted

12-20-2008, 09:17 AM
Ray, we are glad to hear that Brittany is doing better and continue to keep her in our prayers.

Miguel, it is not the dog or the breed, but the owner who raises them. I had a pit for 15yrs and he was one of the sweetest dogs you would know. The worst part about him is he was part 'Mississippi Leg hound'.

12-20-2008, 09:20 AM
Miguel, it is not the dog or the breed, but the owner who raises them. I had a pit for 15yrs and he was one of the sweetest dogs you would know. The worst part about him is he was part 'Mississippi Leg hound'.

LOL, maybe you just have some sweet azz legs?

12-20-2008, 03:25 PM
Gordon is right, you can make a tea cup poodle into a vicious little bastage. We have always had Rottweilers and they are big babies. Otto weighs close to 140#s and thinks he is damn lap dog. Brittany and him played out in the snow for 3 hrs this afternoon while I shoveled roofs and snowblowed.

12-20-2008, 03:41 PM
Miguel, it is not the dog or the breed, but the owner who raises them. I had a pit for 15yrs and he was one of the sweetest dogs you would know. The worst part about him is he was part 'Mississippi Leg hound'.Thanks for speaking up, Gordon. My brother has a very lovable 120 lb. American Staffordshire Terrier named Dillon. Dillon is extremely friendly and adores my brother. I agree, it's not the dog or breed that gives pitbulls the bad name, it's the owner and their lack of respect for their pet. Even in the animal world, you have to give respect if you expect to get respect.

12-20-2008, 08:29 PM
LOL, maybe you just have some sweet azz legs?

Not my legs, he learned better when he was a puppy. Now Merc (Mark) was another story. :lol:

12-21-2008, 09:53 PM
First of all, glad to know she is doing well.
second, its the low-lifes that train dogs to be that way that need to be put down. my rott was a big baby and thought she was a lap dog as well. I have also known several good natured pitts/terriers. but when I was 17 the 4 yr old kid across the street was mauled across the scalp and neck by a badly treated, badly kept pitt. we called the emergency services, but it would be 45 minutes before they could get there. the boy's dad asked me to take them to the hospital. (I being the hot rodder across the street with the big block LTD) normally I wouldnt want to get blood all over the cloth interior, but I loved that little kid a lot, so we made the 30 minute trip to Kaiser in about 10 minutes... the dog was owned by renters as well. the kid survived, and as long as he dosent get male pattern baldness, nobody would ever know. he is in his 20s now...

Aren Jay
01-02-2009, 01:49 AM
.............................. ..

01-02-2009, 06:24 AM
I don't see the point in sueing your neighbour.

If they agree to destroy the dog, which reguardless of training care attention proper bringup can turn on someone, any kind of dog. Less likely for some breeds but any dog breed. Why would you sue them too?

Your daughter is fine and you are stressed, they lose their loved pet and are stressed....

WOW..... You read through this thread, and posted this? Your response is rude and insensitive to the matter.

The neighbor deserves to be sued. HIS animal attacked. HIS fault.

Your last comment I should not even acknowledge. His daughter is fine? She is doing better and can lead a normal life, but there are emotional and physical wounds that wont ever heal. You seem to think that this was just some little incedent.

The dog owner is losing a pet, that he did not/ could not control. I see no reason to have the dog still running about.

Ray, my prayers are still going out to you and your family.

01-02-2009, 06:37 AM
^^^ I agree, Aaron! ^^^ The dog's owner took no responsibility as a "pet owner." There are consequences for irresponsibility and Ray has every right to pursue restitution.

01-02-2009, 06:40 AM
WOW..... You read through this thread, and posted this? Your response is rude and insensitive to the matter.

The neighbor deserves to be sued. HIS animal attacked. HIS fault.

Your last comment I should not even acknowledge. His daughter is fine? She is doing better and can lead a normal life, but there are emotional and physical wounds that wont ever heal. You seem to think that this was just some little incedent.

The dog owner is losing a pet, that he did not/ could not control. I see no reason to have the dog still running about.

Ray, my prayers are still going out to you and your family.

I agree 100% hot-rauder, Aren Jay your post was very insenstive. If I had a dog that did that I would put down the dog myself and cover all the medical bills myself.

SC Cheesehead
01-02-2009, 07:01 AM
I don't see the point in sueing your neighbour.

If they agree to destroy the dog, which reguardless of training care attention proper bringup can turn on someone, any kind of dog. Less likely for some breeds but any dog breed. Why would you sue them too?

Your daughter is fine and you are stressed, they lose their loved pet and are stressed....

:shake: http://www.crackmeup.com/images/shirts/1690257D.jpg :shake:

+1 to everything hot-rodder, MM03MOK, and Haggis said.

http://www.answers.com/topic/putz Ref: Definition 1

01-02-2009, 10:34 AM
:shake: http://www.crackmeup.com/images/shirts/1690257D.jpg :shake:

+1 to everything hot-rodder, MM03MOK, and Haggis said.

http://www.answers.com/topic/putz Ref: Definition 1

Side note: definition 2 made me laugh :banana:

01-02-2009, 10:39 AM
Thank you all for the responses. I believe Aren is off his meds again...

Our late Christmas present is the mutts have returned :shake: Hopefully only to retreive the remainder of their belongings.

RF Overlord
01-02-2009, 04:09 PM
Aren Jay, I've held back comments on so many of your posts...but this time I can't.

You really are a world-class moron.

Aren Jay
01-02-2009, 04:34 PM
.............................. ..

Dr Caleb
01-02-2009, 04:58 PM
All dogs can bite someone, even a neighbours kid, or your kid or you.

Won't go into why the dog attacked, no one hear knows why.

Just be sure your not suing to get revenge, revenge has a bad way of coming back on you. Don't let your emotions guide you into a court action that may not work out the way you want or may have other consequences.

. . .

I'm not saying you shouldn't be emotional. But do you have to sue?

Aren, seriously. Drop it.

Go back and read the first post. Consider the actions of the neighbour. Staffordshire Terriers (AKA: "Pit Bulls") are know for being exceptionally loyal dogs, and exceptionally violent when defending their own territory. He doesn't blame the dog for being a dog.

But he does think there may have been some negligence on the part of the owner. First thing I thought of, was 'why didn't the ***** call 911 herself instead of taking a bleeding little girl down the street?"

Neither of us has children Aren, let's not assume we know other peoples emotions when their reason for being is lying bleeding in a hospital bed. Perhaps revenge and out of control emotions are the sanest course of action.

Just step away from the keyboard on this one. Please, before you do anything completely unforgivable.

01-02-2009, 05:18 PM
Ducks are kooky, ain't they?


01-02-2009, 06:36 PM
All dogs can bite someone, even a neighbours kid, or your kid or you.

Won't go into why the dog attacked, no one hear knows why.

Just be sure your not suing to get revenge, revenge has a bad way of coming back on you. Don't let your emotions guide you into a court action that may not work out the way you want or may have other consequences.

If you are just doing this for money, then their landlords home owners insurance will likely cover it, this is why you have home owners insurance, but stay friends or at least not enemies with your neighbours.

Don't force your kid not to have friends who have dogs, and since you have dogs, don't let her friends come over, they might get bit and you sued.

And legally admitting anything admits guilt and when you get sued you've admitted negligence, and your hooped. And if you admit negligence your insurance may not cover you and you are doubly hooped.

I'm not saying you shouldn't be emotional.

But do you have to sue?

It appears that this is an old post and you are still consumed with revenge, maybe you should collect the insurance money and put it behind you.

Aren, I have defended you a numerous amount of times for I found the hidden humor (humour) in your posts.

BUT, this time you are way off base. The dog did more then bite Brittany and there is a case of neglect on the owners part. I raised a Pit for 15yrs and not one bit towards me or anyone else. And as you said that is what the homeowners insurance is for; lawsuits.

SC Cheesehead
01-02-2009, 07:58 PM
http://ssomail.charter.net/do/mail/message/document.jpg;jsessionid=abciLZ 1wK3y65aK_bAA6r?msgId=Rex%27s+ MailboxDELIM1052&part=2.2

Lame ass! Aren Jay, you are WAY off base on this one!


01-03-2009, 06:08 AM
:laugh: :laugh:

Lame ass! Aren Jay, you are WAY off base on this one!


THIS ONE ?? And dozens if not hundeds of others. This guy thrives on attention .... be it positive (can't recall one instance) or negative. Stop feeding the TROLL.

One word ..... IGNORE

01-03-2009, 09:11 AM
:laugh: :laugh:

THIS ONE ?? And dozens if not hundeds of others. This guy thrives on attention .... be it positive (can't recall one instance) or negative. Stop feeding the TROLL.

One word ..... IGNORE

Trolls need to eat too, but no more hand outs from me for awhile.

01-03-2009, 10:00 AM
"It appears that this is an old post and you are still consumed with revenge, maybe you should collect the insurance money and put it behind you."<!-- / message --><!-- sig -->

I believe aren jay just does not get it. I invite him to be in the gallery at the civil trial should the litigation progress to that. I knew a year ago when we retained counsel that this would be a long drawn out process. Not the quicky solution seen on ads from the ambulance chasers in the legal community.

Dr Caleb
01-03-2009, 11:58 AM
Canada is the second largest country by land mass on the planet. It spans 3 oceans, 10 provinces and 3 territories, has 2 official languages, recent immigrants in major cities speak almost ever language known on earth, our natives are 634 tribes with approximately 130 dialects. Then there are the Innuit, who just don't get us 'southerners'.

If there is one thing we know how to do, it's compromise. It's almost airborne here.

I believe aren jay just does not get it.

Far be it for me to defend him, but he does get it. He just has a socially challenged way of showing it.

Lawsuits create hard feelings, something that you can't salvage a relationship from. Canadians aren't known for 'frivolous' lawsuits (not saying yours is, just giving you some insight into our culture) because we'd rather work things out so that everyone is happy and there are no hard feelings amongst the crowd.

That's all I think he was trying to do here. He's hoping there is some other way to settle this, where everyone gets together and sings 'coom bah ya' afterwards. He just executed it poorly.

Ms. Denmark
01-03-2009, 12:33 PM
Might I respectfully suggest a viewing of Due South which may offer further insight? Thank You kindly. Ray, I thought I had expressed my concern for Brittany, you and Arleen earlier in this thread. You've all certainly been in our thoughts and prayers.

01-03-2009, 01:10 PM
Canada is the second largest country by land mass on the planet. It spans 3 oceans, 10 provinces and 3 territories, has 2 official languages, recent immigrants in major cities speak almost ever language known on earth, our natives are 634 tribes with approximately 130 dialects. Then there are the Innuit, who just don't get us 'southerners'.

If there is one thing we know how to do, it's compromise. It's almost airborne here.

Far be it for me to defend him, but he does get it. He just has a socially challenged way of showing it.

Lawsuits create hard feelings, something that you can't salvage a relationship from. Canadians aren't known for 'frivolous' lawsuits (not saying yours is, just giving you some insight into our culture) because we'd rather work things out so that everyone is happy and there are no hard feelings amongst the crowd.

That's all I think he was trying to do here. He's hoping there is some other way to settle this, where everyone gets together and sings 'coom bah ya' afterwards. He just executed it poorly.

Dr Caleb, thank you for your insight. There was no relationship to salvage. The house next door is a rental property that has been repeatedly rented to persons who are, shall I say less than desireable. Druggies, crooks and in general scumbag low lifes. This is the case here. I am contemplating putting up a 8-10 foot high fence between there and my property this spring.

FWIW, my wife and I will not see a dime of money from this. A trust will be established for Brittany in such a way that she can access it incrementally as she gains age/wisdom.

01-03-2009, 07:01 PM
Canada is the second largest country by land mass on the planet.
I did not realize ^^^ this .... had to go look. Still learning something new every day.

>>>>> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Country_size

SC Cheesehead
01-03-2009, 07:45 PM
Canada is the second largest country by land mass on the planet. It spans 3 oceans, 10 provinces and 3 territories, has 2 official languages, recent immigrants in major cities speak almost ever language known on earth, our natives are 634 tribes with approximately 130 dialects. Then there are the Innuit, who just don't get us 'southerners'.

If there is one thing we know how to do, it's compromise. It's almost airborne here.

Far be it for me to defend him, but he does get it. He just has a socially challenged way of showing it.

Lawsuits create hard feelings, something that you can't salvage a relationship from. Canadians aren't known for 'frivolous' lawsuits (not saying yours is, just giving you some insight into our culture) because we'd rather work things out so that everyone is happy and there are no hard feelings amongst the crowd.

That's all I think he was trying to do here. He's hoping there is some other way to settle this, where everyone gets together and sings 'coom bah ya' afterwards. He just executed it poorly.

Gee, this makes me feel all warm and fuzzy. Next time I hear of some little kid getting mauled by a dog, I'll make sure I pass this along, as well as Aren Jay's contact info. He's obviously much more adept at handling issues like this than savages like us in the lower 48.:rolleyes:

01-03-2009, 08:16 PM
He's obviously much more adept at handling issues like this than savages like us in the lower 48.:rolleyes:

The doggies are bigger up there...

08-28-2011, 02:11 PM
Well, fast forward almost 4 years. The lawsuit against multiple defendants is finally progressing. :rolleyes: There are still a couple depositions to be taken by the attorneys. We now have a attorney from a prominent office in Syracuse that specializes in these cases representing us.

Sooo, the mutts who owned the dog are still renting the house next door. Hey, you and I are paying for it, HUD... The alleged father of the litter, who has a IQ and social skills somewhere between that of a rotted melon and low grade moron. He has decided that he is going to harass my wife and daughter as much as possible. So last night he went too far and threatened to assault my wife because she drove by their house. :shake: My patience is at an end. I requested the E911 Center to send a car by, when the guys heard who had called and why, three arrived. Mr. Mutt will be issued a Criminal Summons for Harassment 2nd and a Order Of Protection for Brittany and Arleen. We know this mutt he will violate the order in under 24 hrs, he can not work because he can not take orders from people. Thats a quote from his wife... When he violates the order he will be in Criminal Contempt of Court and will then be relocated from his nest to a more secure facility. We'll see how the punk likes that. Since they don't work, if he gets put on a secured bond, (gee how'd that happen :P) which requires property ownership to obtain, he will probably sit in the crowbar hotel for a while.

Whats that saying? Oh ya, "some people are only alive because killing them is illegal". He is extreemly lucky I was on the job for 34 years. If this was certain members of my wife's family on the receiving end from this POS, he'd already be under a permanent dirt blanket...

We can't wait until my wife is done with college so we can relocate out of this welfare state. :mad2:

quick vic
08-28-2011, 02:27 PM
Ray, im very sorry to hear what happend to your daughter my and my famlies prayers are with you and your family.

08-28-2011, 02:30 PM
I hope everything turns out okay.

08-28-2011, 03:58 PM
Terrible to hear Ray, how mutts like this continue to suck on the proverbial teet is extremely disturbing. Certainly hope you have some satisfaction at the end of this ordeal, namely they step foot on your property and get shot for trespassing, at least I hope

08-28-2011, 04:23 PM
Good Luck.

08-28-2011, 04:25 PM
Let's change his name from "mutt" to to POS Scumbag.
Very sorry that your family has to go through this.

08-28-2011, 06:05 PM
Really? This guy is still a pest? Oh My.

I have an F350 Diesel and a chain. Wanna have some fun?

SC Cheesehead
08-28-2011, 06:20 PM
Really? This guy is still a pest? Oh My.

I have an F350 Diesel and a chain. Wanna have some fun?

Lemme know if you need help. Pretty sure we could round up a couple more guys to "assist"... ;)

08-28-2011, 08:53 PM
Well, fast forward almost 4 years. The lawsuit against multiple defendants is finally progressing. :rolleyes: There are still a couple depositions to be taken by the attorneys. We now have a attorney from a prominent office in Syracuse that specializes in these cases representing us.

Sooo, the mutts who owned the dog are still renting the house next door. Hey, you and I are paying for it, HUD... The alleged father of the litter, who has a IQ and social skills somewhere between that of a rotted melon and low grade moron. He has decided that he is going to harass my wife and daughter as much as possible. So last night he went too far and threatened to assault my wife because she drove by their house. :shake: My patience is at an end. I requested the E911 Center to send a car by, when the guys heard who had called and why, three arrived. Mr. Mutt will be issued a Criminal Summons for Harassment 2nd and a Order Of Protection for Brittany and Arleen. We know this mutt he will violate the order in under 24 hrs, he can not work because he can not take orders from people. Thats a quote from his wife... When he violates the order he will be in Criminal Contempt of Court and will then be relocated from his nest to a more secure facility. We'll see how the punk likes that. Since they don't work, if he gets put on a secured bond, (gee how'd that happen :P) which requires property ownership to obtain, he will probably sit in the crowbar hotel for a while.

Whats that saying? Oh ya, "some people are only alive because killing them is illegal". He is extreemly lucky I was on the job for 34 years. If this was certain members of my wife's family on the receiving end from this POS, he'd already be under a permanent dirt blanket...

We can't wait until my wife is done with college so we can relocate out of this welfare state. :mad2:

I had a hillbilly neighbor too. I personally built a beautiful home in an upscale neighborhood only to see a drunken loser move in next door. He and his abused family ruined MY family's life for over 6 years. Hollywood could have made a movie for all the crap that happened. This goes back to 1995 and it still bothers me to this day. So I know EXACTLY where you are coming from. Just be careful and know that it will end at some point.

08-29-2011, 03:58 AM
Lemme know if you need help. Pretty sure we could round up a couple more guys to "assist"... ;)

Ray knows how to contact me.

08-29-2011, 04:36 AM
I hope all goes well and your family is able to move past this. Sounds like you have a strong daughter. Good luck.

08-29-2011, 05:38 AM
Thanks for the support guys. You've all heard the saying, not playing with a full deck, well this guy is down to the 8s & 9s. :rolleyes: We didn't hear from the Troopers yesterday. I'm assuming due to the storm as there was plenty to keep them busy out here.

08-29-2011, 05:55 AM
Well, fast forward almost 4 years. The lawsuit against multiple defendants is finally progressing. :rolleyes: There are still a couple depositions to be taken by the attorneys. We now have a attorney from a prominent office in Syracuse that specializes in these cases representing us.

Sooo, the mutts who owned the dog are still renting the house next door. Hey, you and I are paying for it, HUD... The alleged father of the litter, who has a IQ and social skills somewhere between that of a rotted melon and low grade moron. He has decided that he is going to harass my wife and daughter as much as possible. So last night he went too far and threatened to assault my wife because she drove by their house. :shake: My patience is at an end. I requested the E911 Center to send a car by, when the guys heard who had called and why, three arrived. Mr. Mutt will be issued a Criminal Summons for Harassment 2nd and a Order Of Protection for Brittany and Arleen. We know this mutt he will violate the order in under 24 hrs, he can not work because he can not take orders from people. Thats a quote from his wife... When he violates the order he will be in Criminal Contempt of Court and will then be relocated from his nest to a more secure facility. We'll see how the punk likes that. Since they don't work, if he gets put on a secured bond, (gee how'd that happen :P) which requires property ownership to obtain, he will probably sit in the crowbar hotel for a while.

Whats that saying? Oh ya, "some people are only alive because killing them is illegal". He is extreemly lucky I was on the job for 34 years. If this was certain members of my wife's family on the receiving end from this POS, he'd already be under a permanent dirt blanket...

We can't wait until my wife is done with college so we can relocate out of this welfare state. :mad2:

One can only hope this will happen and he will be GONE.

Thoughts are with you, Arleen & Britt

08-29-2011, 12:08 PM
All my best to you and your family. Just remember that you cannot relocate with Britt and Arlene if you 'lose it'! Keep the faith and know that you can oulast the bastige(s)! The misery of bad neighbors is beyond patience, but pls do everything 'by the book' and be free of them some day soooon!!!! I know it can't come too soon!

08-29-2011, 12:58 PM
I agree with most here. The owners of the dog help to make the dog...
I own 2 pitbulls 1 from a 8 week old pup & the other as a 1 year old rescue. Both dogs are behaved but def a handful. You should not take on the responsibility of owning any dog breed unless you can hand it.
My rescue is at the vet today being spayed. As she never was before...

Although my dogs routinely play with the young neighborhood kids... w? them throwing sticks for them etc... I always keep an eye on things...

I have found that many people do get a predisposition inregards to the breed but I understand & simply do my best to prove that not all of the breed need to regarded in such a manner...

All that being said; if my daughter were injured as such.... I do not know how I would react... sounds as though you have taken it better than I would have... Best of luck to her & a speedy recovery...

08-29-2011, 05:33 PM
All my best to you and your family. Just remember that you cannot relocate with Britt and Arlene if you 'lose it'! Keep the faith and know that you can oulast the bastige(s)! The misery of bad neighbors is beyond patience, but pls do everything 'by the book' and be free of them some day soooon!!!! I know it can't come too soon!

Don't worry Gordon. It will be all nice and legal. :D

Loco1234, I agree, you can turn an ankle nipper into a vicious little SOB. Heck we own a AKC registered Rottie. Another dog with an undeserved bad wrap. Although Otto is a bit knuts. Thinks he is a 150# lap dog. :rolleyes:

08-29-2011, 07:33 PM
Unfortunately on several occasions I have had to pick a fighting dog up by the rear legs and throw it. I then chased after the dogs until they ran far away from the dog they were attacking.

A dog will immediately stop fighting when you pick up it's rear legs. Just be ready to throw them when they turn to bite you. Don't run away from the dog runs towards it and be prepared to kill it if you have to.

Fortunately I never had to kill one.

08-29-2011, 07:47 PM
im so sorry, that sounds very tramatic. When I was 4 i was bitten in the face by a rottwiler(i dont really care how its properly spelled lol) and my top lip was ripped open, i have a decent scar now.

08-30-2011, 07:43 AM
im so sorry, that sounds very tramatic. When I was 4 i was bitten in the face by a rottwiler(i dont really care how its properly spelled lol) and my top lip was ripped open, i have a decent scar now.

I'm very sorry to hear that bobbybob. My 14 year old daughter has massive scars on her left arm and permanent nerve and muscle damage due to this attack. As I stated above any dog can be made to be vicious. My Otto would lick your face, not bite you as long you are not a burglar. I'm curious if the Rottweiler that bit you had been chained to something? That is an absolute no no with them. Otto has free access to my back yard which has a six foot high chainlink fencing. His area is 112' x 12-25' for him to run and play in. The dog that bit my Brittany was on a 4' chain attached to a tree for 14 hours a day. Its all in how they are raised.

Sailsman, there is no more screwing around for me. Their remaining pit will get the 45 cal solution if it ever comes in my yard acting aggressively.

08-30-2011, 07:49 AM
Good Morning, I trust Brittany, you and your wife are on the mend.
I am glad you held youself in check with respect to the mutt that is the perp.
I have to agree that it is not the dog but the mutt that owns/teaches the dog to
be agressive. He should be lock up. Reminds me of the Michael Vick case. He served
time (not enough) for his actions. He is no different than the mutt next door.
As a LE officer you know life would be very hard for you if you would have let things
get out of hand on your part.
There are lots of time when you get the mutt in the holding cell and he or she is running there mouth or worse, you want to teach them a little respect.
That is when our training pay off. I know just what you were felling. Believe me I have
been there myself. I have transported many a prisoner that would try everything they could to make life for you tough. All you can do is make the restraints a little tighter
In the end they are out of your hands in as short a period of time as possible. The CO's at the Correctional facility will deal with there issues.
The dog should have been put down. Enough of this. I am
pleased to see you are progressing with your legal actions against all parties concerned. Perhaps next time the owner will pay a little closer attention to who they rent to. And so will the city you live in. They are equally responsable in this matter, since they had for knowladge of this mutt and his dog. I am not a lawyer so I am not
privie to all the facts in this case. But from where I stand some action should be taken.
Good Luck
Stay safe

08-30-2011, 07:53 AM
My Belgian Mal goes nuclear if I say "Illegals", I will try and film it.

08-30-2011, 08:31 AM
My Belgian Mal goes nuclear if I say "Illegals", I will try and film it.

I want one!:woof:

08-30-2011, 08:40 AM
Please send me your email and I will send you a video which should do your heart good.

08-30-2011, 08:47 AM
I want one!:woof:
Go to Home Depot, you can fill your truck. Or better yet, Wal-Mart at 2 in the morning. Oh you meant the dog?

RF Overlord
08-30-2011, 09:17 AM
One of my favourite lines is from the movie "Clueless". Alicia Silverstone's father (played by Dan Hedaya AKA Nick Tortelli) says to her loser-boyfriend:

"Anything happens to my daughter, I have a .45 and a shovel. I doubt anyone would miss you."