View Full Version : Hurricane Noel

11-02-2007, 02:41 PM
Looks like we're in for a little wind and waves tomorrow. Time to put the deck furniture away.

N WINDS 45 TO 55 KT. GUSTS UP TO 80 KT. SEAS 13 TO 18 FT...

11-02-2007, 03:19 PM
Surfs up!

Will you be on TV again?


11-02-2007, 04:02 PM
Ah! The joys on living on the Cape:)

Stay safe!!!

11-02-2007, 04:43 PM
I happen to be in the Bahamas as I type this and the storm hit us head on. The news is blowing this up to make it sound epic but it really wasnt as strong as they claimed.
Out of my 7 days here only 3 were a wash so thats not so bad.

11-02-2007, 05:50 PM
I happen to be in the Bahamas as I type this and the storm hit us head on. The news is blowing this up to make it sound epic but it really wasnt as strong as they claimed.
Out of my 7 days here only 3 were a wash so thats not so bad.

At least you can say you were in a Hurricane lol, hope you can make the best of your trip.

11-02-2007, 06:09 PM
I happen to be in the Bahamas as I type this and the storm hit us head on. The news is blowing this up to make it sound epic but it really wasnt as strong as they claimed.
Out of my 7 days here only 3 were a wash so thats not so bad.

I live in South, FL so hurricanes aren't new to me.

However, over 100 people lost their lives as a result of Noel so I don't think the news is blowing it up.

Often, it doesn't take the winds of a Cat 5 to kill.

11-02-2007, 07:15 PM
I happen to be in the Bahamas as I type this and the storm hit us head on. The news is blowing this up to make it sound epic but it really wasnt as strong as they claimed.
Out of my 7 days here only 3 were a wash so thats not so bad.

Paul enjoy your vacation. :D Keeping an eye on your Marauder.

11-02-2007, 07:44 PM
I know Mary I hear you guys are going to get more wind than us in-landers. Just got off the phone with my grandparents from Dennisport, they had to put all the activity/deck/BBQ stuff away at their condo.

11-02-2007, 08:57 PM
Hang to the riggin' Mary!!!


11-03-2007, 10:51 AM
One 15', 5 inch diameter branch from a 25' pear tree in the front yard came down. No damage to anything else. Tub is full of water just in case (well water).

11-03-2007, 02:06 PM
Good Luck Mary!!! Hope you come through it OK!!!

We just saw on the Wx channel that you folks are getting 90 MPH wind gusts....been there & done that.....NOT FUN!!!!:shake:

Be safe!!


11-03-2007, 02:57 PM
lost power 2 hrs ago :(

11-03-2007, 07:08 PM
However, over 100 people lost their lives as a result of Noel so I don't think the news is blowing it up..

The news was claiming that downtown Bahamas was under 2 ft of water. It was actually flashing across the ticker as we watched a Florida newscast. The next day there wasnt a drop of water in the downtown area. More scare tactics of the news.

11-03-2007, 07:09 PM
Paul enjoy your vacation. :D Keeping an eye on your Marauder.

Thanks! That was the only thing I was worried about while I was away :beer:

11-04-2007, 05:53 AM
Power came back on at 5:30am today. 14 hours. Luckily it wasn't too cold out....low 40s overnight. Sun's out now. Lots of yard work to do. I need my :coffee: now.

11-04-2007, 06:13 AM
Power came back on at 5:30am today. 14 hours. Luckily it wasn't too cold out....low 40s overnight. Sun's out now. Lots of yard work to do. I need my :coffee: now.
Glad to hear that everything is back to normal again. Now its time to go reset all of those digital clocks. Time for RF to invest in a back up generator for emergency housepower. ;)

Tom Doan
11-05-2007, 08:24 AM
I just got back from Hatteras, lucky to get out. Waves broke through the dunes at Rodanthe, saw buried cars, deep water every where and motorcyclists trying to go south?????? The beaches are gone, all 75 miles, the Cape Point is gone, the North Atlantic waves were crashing into the South Atlantic waves and the result was explosions 75 feet tall that I could see from 5 miles away and could hear from 3 miles away. Truly awesome display of Natures power to move that much sand in 24 hours. We had a Blackberry for com., the weather people said winds were only 40, my 24ft Pathfinder does 47kts and that blow was at least 70, I could not stand up straight and I'm a BIG guy. Hatteras is 45 miles offshore from the mainland, the big blocking cold front set up the northeast winds which are the bad direction for us. I went out to all the beaches after the blow and the sand grains were all lined up going straight down the beach on the north side. The storm really began to howl and we looked at the satellite pictures and the storm center was still off Miami!! This was a huge pressure differential, this was going to be a long blow. The wind zone was a thin slot going right through us with just light winds back on the mainlands. People ask why I have a house at ground zero for hurricanes? We go over 100mph winds EVERY year and most people don't know unless they see it on the news. We live ready for storms and most do little damage because it is beat in to us every winter with N'oreasters and every summer with hurricanes, now the knuckleheads who have put up 50ft tall Mcmansions are in for a reckoning when that much sail area wants to go downwind. Me? I got a house called Das Bunker by the locals, the guy that built it had his previous house wiped off the island by Emilie in '94 and built something good that I picked up in a devoice sale:D. So far I have seen the eye of a storm 3 times, the last time was Alex with the highest winds ever recorded north of 35 degrees and felt safe but I know length of time the wind blows is more importaint, Alex was in and out in 6 hours. Tom