View Full Version : Checking In, Back Home from SSHS7

11-04-2007, 03:06 PM
I made it back safe & sound. Hopefully everyone else fared well. A couple of crippled cars went home on trailers, but since they came to the track on trailers it wasn't as bad as it could have been. At least one was limping home, I hope the tranny held out, John.

Great event, saw a new Marauder world record set, at least 5 others ran in the 11's (congratulations Glenn!). Saw a lot of great car setups, everybody has their own little ways of personalizing them. Especially John's with the hole in the hood & 6-71 blower sticking out!

Had a great time meeting new folks, putting faces together with online persona. It's amazing how much different people turn out to be from what you expect. Great to see all the old friends again too. Too many names to recall them all, if I start listing them I know I'll leave somebody out so I won't even start.

Unofficial tally from Norm last night, 33 Impalas & 45 Marauders competing! I believe he said 8 Mopars and 30 or 40 unknown.

This was the best SSHS event so far!

Everybody check in and let us know you made it home ok.

11-04-2007, 04:09 PM

Chris and I had a great time. Met many people and renewed friendships. Thanks to the Gassit and other folks for supporting and putting on the events. The BBQ lunch was great. Thanks to Al for the use of his RV - super nice, Tom for the T-shirts - great shirts as always, good to see Marty looking good - nice Cobra, Jerry's MM was awesome - what a 10.3 run, and many, many more names that made the event just great. Let's continue the event and have it again next year.

See you all next November.


11-04-2007, 04:20 PM
musta been fun

11-04-2007, 04:38 PM
Thanks to Tom for the T-shirts - great shirts as always

Yep, a great addition to the wardrobe! Thanks Tom (MarauderTJA)

See you all next November.

Per Norm, it's on my calendar!

11-04-2007, 06:22 PM
Made it home safe and sound.
Came in setting all clocks for time change. It was a great event an nice to see old and new faces and everyone doing well. The cars were truly spectacular, and the people outstanding.

Thanks to all who made this possible.

John Nero
11-04-2007, 06:49 PM
made it home, we took slow- trans held together-will post more tomorrow

11-04-2007, 06:52 PM
45 Marauders! That's insane!

Glad to hear the event went well for you...gotta get down there myself one of these years!


SC Cheesehead
11-04-2007, 06:53 PM
Made it home safe and sound, but then again, I only had 1 1/2 hours to drive.

That said, Zack and Killjoy tried their hardest to waylay me, but being the disciplined, upstanding (cha' right!) individual that I am, I remained steadfast and got the heck out of the Outback before having too much fun.

Great seeing old freinds again, and putting more faces to screen names. Also, after seeing all the fun everyone was having, I KNOW I've got to run the Bluesmobile next year rather than just spectate.

BTW, E-Dubb passes along his regrets and promises to come next year.


11-04-2007, 06:57 PM
made it home, we took slow- trans held together-will post more tomorrow

I am very glad to hear the good news.

John Nero
11-04-2007, 07:06 PM
made it home, we took slow- trans held together-will post more tomorrow

as soon as i get the trans fixed i will be at Moroso to break in to the 11's if it kills me-it really hurt to see everyone going down the track in perfect weather and not able to myself- had to get the car home-i even tried to rent a truck and trailer but could not get a truck

11-04-2007, 07:21 PM
I got home safe and sound around 8 PM. Will drop the car off at my race shop and see what went wrong. Still running on 6-7 cylinders, no smoke, good oil pressure, plugs are fine. Methinks valve train. My fault, I screwed up letting off twice and hammering it twice. Had 12 hours to think about it on the drive home. Still managed one 11.3, but should have been my long awaited 10 second run. Thought it would happen at SSHS7, oh well, but it will happen before the year is out......

In spite of the self-inflicted car issue, I had an absolute great time. Met some old friends and many new ones. Once again, thanks Zack, Killjoy, John and others for helping me out. And to Chuck (Tallboy) who made a sincere effort to assist me in time of need. With SSHS7 now I have a face with a lot of the people I post with here. All a great crew! Glad everyone likes the T-shirts, gives us something to remember on the great time we all had. Everyone looked good in them at Mexican restaurant last night. We actually looked like a team:D. And great pitchers of Margaritas! Can't wait for the next national event. Hopefully a Marauder sponsored SSHS8:beer:.

Now when people see Marauder Race Team, with the car on it, they will know what a Marauder is.:lol:.

11-05-2007, 06:27 AM
We made it home in record time :up:
Had a blast!

11-05-2007, 06:32 AM
Paul and I made it home about 7 30 and the trip was fine. Tom you are the man for passing out all those t shirts! It was great to meet all of you and I hade a great time in the room. To bad we ran out of drinks. I think Paaul will be putting up pictures on that party later. John Nero you are a hoot! I am still laughing over thinking I was a kid. My favorite thing was seeing Tom with all of his family at the Mexican restaurant, Guys this was what the event was all about. Family and friends, how are you going to make it any better? Tom take care of that grandson of yours as its was not hard to tell that he came from your family.
Rich it was great to meet you after all this time. You are one smart dude other than the R for race.

11-05-2007, 07:29 AM
12 hours straight, averaged 72 MPH and still got 19+ MPG!

Zack, I never did get passed by you on the way home so I assume you left too late.


And I do have to say that putting 2000+ miles on the car with all Amoco Ultimate that it runs a lot better now. It's the gas!


11-05-2007, 07:32 AM
Zack left early and passed me twice.

11-05-2007, 07:32 AM
I ONLY run BP Premium, in all my cars :up:

11-06-2007, 06:23 AM
I'm home and at work this AM. Ran from just south of Valdosta to Vero in just over 3 hrs!!!

Had a trucker recognize the car as a Marauder. We talked about it for a few. Then another chimed in and said he saw (what he described as) John's car in TN. Truckers kept an eye out all the way home. The run was FUN!!!!

11-06-2007, 06:27 AM
Had a trucker recognize the car as a Marauder. We talked about it for a few. Then another chimed in and said he saw (what he described as) John's car in TN. Truckers kept an eye out all the way home. The run was FUN!!!!

Thanks Rich! I've always wondered what the truckers thought. To be honest this is the first car where I've had them blow the horns without some dorky 10yr old arm motion out the window. LOL!

I'm gonna have to get a stealth CB system so I can just listen...
