View Full Version : Hey guys, please help with my mods gone wrong.....

11-06-2007, 01:52 PM
Hey guys, I've got a 98 1.8T Audi. I've had a k04 and chip for a while and wanted to get more performance. I was recommended to port and polish the intake and exhaust. We found out they used abrasive material to do it like gritty sand. So I got with my friend that tunes Hondas and we decided to try it ourselves.

We got a bag of sandblasting sand and hooked up into the intake and started the car. We had to hold the gas so it would run. He wanted to let the engine suck in the sand through the intake so it would port it out and then push it out the ehxaust so it would port the exhaust manifold.

I was worried that it might cause problems but he figured it'd be OK as long as we didn't make boost and it get sucked in the turbo. After running the car and letting it suck in sand we got about half way through a 25 lb bag. The check engine light was on and the engine was bucking and kicking and sounding really weird.

We stopped and hooked the car back up normal and took off the sand supply. We tried to start it again and it was really hard. Once started it couldn't idle and kept making weird noises. We took it out and drove it and it started to make scraping and knocking noises.

Help! Can anyone tell me what to do! My buddy only does Hondas so he doesn't know much about Audis.

11-06-2007, 02:09 PM
^^^^Is this a joke?
Did you forget to log off and someone else is trying to make you look stupid?

11-06-2007, 02:10 PM
You might want to try running a tank of diesel through the car. It's heavier weight can clear out any small particals left behind.



11-06-2007, 02:12 PM
You might want to try running a tank of diesel through the car. It's heavier weight can clear out any small particals left behind.



What? :confused:

Damn you Steve, I just never know with you :D

11-06-2007, 02:27 PM
I think this is funny. Good job Dale!

11-06-2007, 02:33 PM
youve got a great start running sand through your motor... i would cut off the muffler, put a wing on it and call it a day

11-06-2007, 03:16 PM
I really hope this is a joke :eek:

11-06-2007, 03:21 PM
I really hope this is a joke :eek:

X2, either that, or WTF man? :eek:

I hope you dont try this to mad max also

11-06-2007, 03:32 PM
Go to Sears and get the Shop Wet/Dry Vac Model #RUSTEWPIT, the one that looks like a pregnant R2D2. Also purchase an auxilarly hose 20' Model #BOKENSK.

Put the vacum side hose on the exhaust and the blowside on the intake.

Turn it on while you hand turn with a wrench the engine.

The presssure differential between the blowside and exhaust side as you open and close the vales will clean it out.

Here comes the good part get some distilled water with pure lemon juice and fill the cyclinders thru the intake.

As you rotate the engine by hand all the carbon soot will be cleaned out!

11-06-2007, 04:03 PM
^^ I agree, lemon juice and distilled water is a nice cost-savings alternative to using, say, 2+ pints of Sea Foam and have found that using a cordless drill instead of a hand wrench saves you from developing carpal tunnel...

Local Boy
11-07-2007, 10:29 AM
Running an engine, and intentionally feeding it sand, through the intake???

Someone gave you terrible advice, my friend...

Good luck on the repair...


11-07-2007, 10:35 AM
I beg to differ the oringinal Hot rauders at Daytona Beach thrived on sand. The amount of energy in sand comes from erupting volcanos!

Thats why the early Hot rauders had flames coming out their cars.

Big oil caught on to this early. Just look at who the major sponsors were. It is no coinsidence it was Big oil. Big oil only sponsored racing so the Hot rauders would use Big oil fuel and keep the sand under wraps.

Thats why Big oil supported to enviro groups to preserve the beaches preventing them from being mined for sand fuel.:beatnik:

11-07-2007, 10:54 AM
Also try Hershey's choclate syrup in place of engine oil, it has a higher viscosity and you do not have to change it as often.

11-07-2007, 10:56 AM
Sounds like someone's been "sand bagged" here!
I'm not sure if it's your "Import buddy" :flamer:or us.

Shirley you can't be serious? I'am serious and don't call me Shirley!
Airplane 1980 something

SC Cheesehead
11-07-2007, 11:20 AM
Interesting post!

Coincidentally, I came across something similar to this a couple weeks ago. A kid in the neighborhood has a later model Mitsu Eclipse with all the good stuff on it (fart cannon, wing spoiler, decals, primered ground effects moldings, etc.), and he was looking for some cheap performance enhancements as an alternative to NOS.

We got talking, asked him if anybody had ever mentioned direct sugar metering. The kid said he hadn't, and I told him that I'd heard that it was an old rodding technique from the 50's and 60's, that guys occasionally used to change performance characteristics on some of their friend's cars. I mentioned that in the old days of carburated engines most guys that tried it just dumped a couple scoops of sugar into the gas tank, but that with a precision FI set-up, like those on a Ricer, a real gearhead could probably come up with a much more sophisicated metering system.

He started rattling on about maybe using a computer-monitored, vacuum sensing, direct injection set-up based on an old insulin injection pump that his grampa used while he was still alive; he's dead now, but he thought his gramma still had it and wouldn't mind him using it.

Anyway, he wanted to know how much sugar to use, and I asked him if he'd ever had any experience with NOS, i.e. what size shot constituted a cooresponding HP gain. He said that one of his friends had a NOS set up on his Civic, so he had a pretty good idea what equaled what, so I allowed that he may be able to use that knowledge as a starting point.

All excited, he banged out a quick text message on his cell phone, then he hopped in his car, fired it up, yanked the shifter into D1, and took off with a mighty chirp from the front tires, fart cannon bellowing all the way to the corner.

Haven't seen or heard from him since then, but come to think of it, the neighborhood's been a lot quieter lately......:lol:


11-07-2007, 11:25 AM
Interesting post!

Coincidentally, I came across something similar to this a couple weeks ago. A kid in the neighborhood has a later model Mitsu Eclipse with all the good stuff on it (fart cannon, wing spoiler, decals, primered ground effects moldings, etc.), and he was looking for some cheap performance enhancements as an alternative to NOS.

We got talking, asked him if anybody had ever mentioned direct sugar metering. The kid said he hadn't, and I told him that I'd heard that it was an old rodding technique from the 50's and 60's, that guys occasionally used to change performance characteristics on some of their friend's cars. I mentioned that in the old days of carburated engines most guys that tried it just dumped a couple scoops of sugar into the gas tank, but that with a precision FI set-up, like those on a Ricer, a real gearhead could probably come up with a much more sophisicated metering system.

He started rattling on about maybe using a computer-monitored, vacuum sensing, direct injection set-up based on an old insulin injection pump that his grampa used while he was still alive; he's dead now, but he thought his gramma still had it and wouldn't mind him using it.

Anyway, he wanted to know how much sugar to use, and I asked him if he'd ever had any experience with NOS, i.e. what size shot constituted a cooresponding HP gain. He said that one of his friends had a NOS set up on his Civic, so he had a pretty good idea what equaled what, so I allowed that he may be able to use that knowledge as a starting point.

All excited, he banged out a quick text message on his cell phone, then he hopped in his car, fired it up, yanked the shifter into D1, and took off with a mighty chirp from the front tires, fart cannon bellowing all the way to the corner.

Haven't seen or heard from him since then, but come to think of it, the neighborhood's been a lot quieter lately......:lol:


Thanks, I just spit up General Tso Chicken all over my keyboard and screen. :rofl:

SC Cheesehead
11-07-2007, 11:34 AM
Thanks, I just spit up General Tso Chicken all over my keyboard and screen. :rofl:

No problem, just trying to do the best I can with what I got.;)


11-07-2007, 11:41 AM




11-07-2007, 11:52 AM




Damn....its all over the web........only on the internet!!!!!

Gotta love it!