View Full Version : Accupuncture.

Aren Jay
11-06-2007, 10:11 PM
I can't say enough good things about Accupuncture.

I've had a bad neck problem for going on 25 years and nothing has helped for very long. Massage therapy would work for 1 or 2 days, Pain killers made the pain stop for 4 hours. But Accupuncture after 4 treatments I have now fixed 50% of the problem. It works great. I can move my neck, my shoulders my back and sit by my computer without seizing up and having to stop and run for my shoulder neck massage thingy. It is also helping with my posture.

They also taught me some new stretches for my back and neck, and this is the first time I can actually say that I think I will be cured.

I bought my marauder partly because every other car, other than my Mustang, I had made my neck worse, Also bugged my bad knees. No more with the Marauder.

Accupuncture and a Marauder. Fixing my problem and I'm loving it.

11-06-2007, 10:46 PM
I tried Accupuncture several months after my doctor released me from a 7 month PT rehab after my car accident. I'd lay on my stomach and have needles from head to feet (between 60-70 depending on where pain was at that time). I would often find myself doing a sleepy drool after only a few mins once the lights when out.

The only bad thing was to me if felt very temp, I would feel fine for 1-2 days then all the pain would come back. I ended up going 5 days a week for a month during my 4 month treatment.

Some people take on to it better and some don't, the body will do what it wants to do but I do highly recommend for anyone with any type of muscle or joint pain or whatever to give it a try, at least 5 sessions. I've been thinking about going back one or twice a week now since it's been a year the last time I was there.

Aren Jay
11-06-2007, 11:02 PM
I've only had the single needle "modern" version.

Takes 5 minutes and works great.

11-06-2007, 11:25 PM
I had them in my head, back of neck, shoulders, from top of back to azz crack, elbows, hands, inner/back of thighs, back of knees, ankles and top of feet lol.

Drunk driver hit me in the rear while he was going over 100mph and I was doing 60mph, messed me up pretty good. I give myself another maybe 10 years of doing manual labor (installing electronics in cars) cause I am forever on my knees, getting up, getting down, twisting my back and neck to get underneth a dash. I move about 40% less/slower than I used to before the accident :depress:.