View Full Version : The Greenback just died.

Aren Jay
11-06-2007, 11:14 PM
I was just having a look at the latest quote.

I'm not sure if I should sell my Apple stock and just keep Canadian money or stick with AAPL.

I have to admit I make good money with my stock, every day it goes up ever 3rd day it drops back down. But every day it goes up.

I'm making more money per hour just watching my stock go up than I ever have at any job I ever have had, except one.

I guess I should hold on to it some more, but I hope your greenback doesn't tank completely.

11-07-2007, 03:37 AM
That Florida Vacation get-away is really a bargain right now! Come on down, the water is nice, the days sunny and we have two big-league hockey clubs to choose from both having great arenas. Come on, what are you waiting for . . .


11-07-2007, 03:46 AM
Remember that you have not made any money until the stock is sold, and the capital gains tax paid. What ever is left is the profit. Apple and others are going to be down big today... I sold mine at 165 or so and got some GOOG and AUY... Gold up to 800 plus... be careful out there..

11-07-2007, 05:52 AM
The news about the US dollar going down is interesting to watch. Of course the US Government officially decries such a thing but if you listen to the financial folks closely there certainly is good in the declining dollar as well in that it does help our balance of trade. Our goods are getting cheaper to the rest of the world. So, for our Canadian friends, come on down and buy!


11-07-2007, 07:11 AM
Hillary will fix it. Oh yes, she will fix it.

11-07-2007, 08:05 AM
Its all in the planning leading up to the North American Union so we can be like Europe. Our government is doing their best to devalue the dollar to the point of economic collapse, the mints are printing paper money as fast as the stock rolls in. Why do you think the illegals are all here and the Feds are doing nothing? Why do you think they are building that huge superhighway from Mexico to the middle of the US for easier goods distribution? Get the word Mexamerada or Canamerico in your vocabulary, it will soon be your country. Goodbye Constitution.

Aren Jay
11-07-2007, 10:18 AM
I really do hope Apple goes down. Then I can buy some more.

Currently I'm only making a dollar an hour (over the last 3 years).

capital gains tax maxes out at 14.5% up here.

11-07-2007, 11:59 AM
Several years ago when GOOGLE was at $80. or so, analysts were not convinced that it would hit $100.00!!!! Now it's over $700.00. Apple could be next, or not;)

11-07-2007, 12:59 PM
As said above you have not made any money until you have a taxable event.

As in Sold the stock, what others are selling it for while you watch is just "voyeur mas.........".

Aren Jay
11-08-2007, 02:00 AM
Several years ago when GOOGLE was at $80. or so, analysts were not convinced that it would hit $100.00!!!! Now it's over $700.00. Apple could be next, or not;)

Google was never $80 several years ago.

It was offered around August 2004 at $100 through a limited number of brokers and quickly went up to trade after the intial offering at around $150. Yes I could have bought it at $158 a share. I thought about it, but my money was tied up.

Apple over the last 10 years has gone up 3600%.

That would be like having google stock that costs; $3600.00 Will google make it that high? who knows.

11-08-2007, 10:13 AM
Google was never $80 several years ago.

It was offered around August 2004 at $100 through a limited number of brokers and quickly went up to trade after the intial offering at around $150.

You are absolutely correct, sir. I just looked it up, 08/04 Opened at $100.01.
I was mis-informed on that fun fact. I must go tell my boss he is incorrect, and to give me a raise for this inconvienience and the embarrassment this has caused. My fiscal fitness reputation has been tarnished.:D

-EMC Analysts don't know why this stock is so low. It should be a $180.00 stock. Freight companies were doing well last month, like Ocean Freight and DSX, and since they have started to fall back down.
OH- The Stock Market, Gotta Love It.