View Full Version : Cat scratch fever!

11-08-2007, 09:33 AM
Almost 2 months ago a little fur ball siamese kitten showed up on my front porch and announced loudly (nonstop) that it had decided to adopt me. I gritted my teeth, pointed to my U.S. Border Patrol hat, and let it know where I stand on taking in freeloaders. "But I'm a helpless kitten" it seemed to be squalling (nonstop) in my general direction. So I figured I'll give it some coffee creamer on a saucer and maybe it will move along. Pfft, I don't know WHAT i was thinking, cause the next morning it was out on the back deck, squalling. Nonstop, of course. I figured the only way to shut this furry biotch up is to start throwing food down her filthy drinkhole until she passes out or explodes. Either way, there would be much needed silence. I suddenly realized how Rosie O'Donnels life partner must feel. All day. Every day. (nonstop) But I digress...
Last week me and Shawn C. from the boards here went up to the car show. We popped our hoods for the crowd to make "OH!" faces over and I walked over to the Bass Pro Shop and bought a nerf shotgun to amuse Meowza with. I named above mentioned nonstop squaler Meowza because that's all she did for the first month. Well now she is big enough to safely shoot in the face with a nerf shotgun. Again, I find myself thinking of Rosie O'Donnel for some reason. Eww. Anyway, last night it was decided that kitty was big enough for a flea collar. So we got one. And the fun started. Cats should be born with a flea collar already attatched cause by God the don't seem to like having one put on by "scary guy with U.S Border Patrol hat that keeps plinking foam darts off my forehead". Holy smokes, that was interesting. I was holding the cats rear legs with my right hand, its front legs with my left hand, and it was holding my right knee. With it's fangs. I think it was convinced there was a mouse under my kneecap and it wasn't about to stop chewing till it emerged. My helper, oblivious to the loss of blood I'm sustaining, says "I think the collar it too tight." I said, through raspy breath, "Can you get your finger under*cough* it*COUGH*?" "Yes.", she replies. I said, as my vision blurred from the onset of shock, "If you can get a finger under it, she can get her bottom jaw under it." So she, (this is critical) I thought, tightened it sufficiently. I let Meowza go as I passed out. I was revived when a Marlboro red was snapped and waved under my nose, quickly follwed by a cup of Folgers to the face. I had at least 6 SpongeBob bandages on my hands and right knee after that. 15 minutes later, it happened. I heard the most vile and deep and gutteral growl I have ever heard in my life, and the cat shot past and was crouched juuuuuuust out of clear view. I did what anyone would do when thier animal makes a sound like that. I put both hands over my crotch and yelled "What the Hell?!" I walked toward 'Meowzelbub' and as I get closer it looks like she is trying to give herself a trachiatomy. She was still slightly in the shadows of the hallway (this was about 10 last night) but I quickly realized she wasn't trying to cut herself a new foodhole, she was giving me the international "I'M CHOKING!" sign, which consisted of her holding her throat with one paw and flipping me off with the other. So I hit the hall light and see the REAL DEAL, she DID get her bottom jaw under the collar, and now it's stuck!! Oooooohhhhhhhhgrrreaaaattttthi sisgonnabefun I said to myself, still holding my crotch of course. Trust me when I saw getting that collar off was twice as bad as getting it on. My hands look like I tried to swipe the last Krispy Kreme donut on the face of this Earth from Rosie O'Donnels piehole. And lost.
Later, while still in post-op on the couch, Meowza von OmenSatan walked up and gave me a look like "I'm gonna leave a big steaming present for you on one of your favorite toys". So I covered my crotch again, I mean, what would you think she meant? This morning as I'm leaving for work, she was wolfing down her fourth Fruit and Grain "Now loaded wtih bran!" blueberry cereal bar, and was pointing the Corvette.
I am afraid to go home.

11-08-2007, 09:49 AM
I'm literally in tears here!!! :laugh:

Oh, sorry....serious business here....

Keep us posted on your new adventure.....DAILY!!

11-08-2007, 10:25 AM
And this is how us riders of the thin blue line are brought to our knees and relegated to a lowly staff member for the feline world ! A great read that had me spitting coffee ! Thank you and keep us posted !


11-08-2007, 01:08 PM
one word: catapult.

11-08-2007, 01:15 PM
one word: catapult.

Not until I get my moneys worth out of the shotgun dartgun. Ha! Shartgun...

11-08-2007, 01:27 PM
Wow, that was a great story...I wish you a speedy recovery!:baaa:

11-08-2007, 01:41 PM
Thanks, I needed that.

11-08-2007, 01:44 PM
Meowzelbub. That's great!

I love cats. They taste just like chicken!

Perhaps you should present Meowzelbub as a gift to your local Chinese Restaurant!

11-08-2007, 02:03 PM
That's why you should own a DOG. I'm with Rich... they taste like chicken...

11-08-2007, 02:12 PM
That is just funny. You should take up writing and give up the hat!!:bows:

11-08-2007, 02:16 PM
For a good laugh at a cat's expense:

Take a piece of normal scotch tape....about 2" long.

Attatch it to the bottom of said kittah's foot (whichever....all are fun).

Let the games begin!!



PS - End of tail works good too :D

11-08-2007, 02:23 PM
Yo bro, I got three dogs over here that could use a chew toy; I can't believe that itty bitty kitty got the best of ya; absolutely hilarious!!

11-08-2007, 03:28 PM
I hate cats!

We have three

11-10-2007, 08:15 PM
I hate cats too!! flea collars do NO good. The only thing that works are the frontline types. Flea shampoos are a waste of money as well. I worked as a vet tech for a while when I got out of school, oooohh the things I saw most of it was stupid owners. One guy came in with a cat in a popcorn tin full of dents (taped shut) and wanted us to look at his cat!!!:confused::eek::confused ::eek: Duh it's dead:puke:, that will be $45 thank you!

11-10-2007, 08:25 PM
I am still laughing...:rofl:

The cat owns you:)

11-10-2007, 08:38 PM
Is there a Cat Whisperer out there?? :dunno:

11-10-2007, 09:47 PM
Is there a Cat Whisperer out there?? :dunno:

here kitty kitty...:D

11-10-2007, 09:55 PM
Cats are great in a shotgun style house with no carpet, a superball and a table or chair. Those that have or have had the furry critters will understand.

Oh, and if the critters eyes look all black watch out, the late evening crazies are about to commence. If you haven't seen it already....you will

05-21-2009, 01:11 PM
One funny ****in story i had to bring it back to life! :D

05-21-2009, 01:28 PM
Shouldn't one have to turn his MAN card in after a beating like that??

O's Fan Rich
05-21-2009, 01:28 PM
This brings a new meaning to ***** whipped.....

05-21-2009, 01:40 PM
So now try to give it a bath...

Joe Walsh
05-21-2009, 01:50 PM
You can wear cats out until they just want to sleep by using of a laser pointer on the carpet, moulding, walls, furniture...

05-21-2009, 02:08 PM
You can wear cats out until they just want to sleep by using of a laser pointer on the carpet, moulding, walls, furniture...

You can pull the lazer site of your gun............or maybe not!!!!! :D

05-21-2009, 03:02 PM
You can pull the lazer site of your gun............or maybe not!!!!! :D


Cats... the other white meat!

05-21-2009, 03:33 PM
Notice how Casey is suspiciously quiet on the topic. He promised updates, but nooooOOOOOOoooooooo, no updates. The cat got him. :cat:

05-21-2009, 05:00 PM
Notice how Casey is suspiciously quiet on the topic. He promised updates, but nooooOOOOOOoooooooo, no updates. The cat got him. :cat:
You asked for it, I've been saving one...

05-21-2009, 06:39 PM
How did I miss this the first time around?:confused:


05-21-2009, 09:59 PM
You really should be a writer!!!! even though you don't believe in PARAGRAGHS.

You cat stories are always the best.