View Full Version : Anyone watch SICKO? (Michael Moore)

11-11-2007, 11:55 AM
I thought it was good an kinnda got me pissed but curious as to what ur thoughts are about it .

11-11-2007, 12:24 PM
The U.S. is shafting the middle class and working poor by not providing catastophic healthcare coverage. There should be some point where your finances doesn't make you choose which finger you will have reattached. Forcing people to sell there homes in order to pay for treatment and medicine is just wrong!!!!!:mad2:

11-11-2007, 01:26 PM
Oh boy, another sicko thread... Didn't we already beat this topic to death once before?

The U.S. is shafting the middle class and working poor by not providing catastophic healthcare coverage. There should be some point where your finances doesn't make you choose which finger you will have reattached. Forcing people to sell there homes in order to pay for treatment and medicine is just wrong!!!!!:mad2:

Show me the part of the constitution where it says the government must give us all free catastopic healthcare coverage.

While you're at it, look for the part where it gives us all "free" car insurance.

11-11-2007, 01:40 PM
If the thought of terrorists recieving better food and medical services than many Americans doesn't upset you, how about the $250 bucks a month they get paid (our tax dollars) for the inconvenience of being detained? Another one of those little things you don't hear about. Chuckleheads in Iraq will throw a rock at a soldier just to get detained, then get fed, paid, and housed better for a month then they ever thought about getting before. One facility had a grandfather, his son, and his son. That's 750 a month they were banking for thier family, and loving every minute of it because it was more than they'd make in a year out on the streets. One camp alone has over 20 thousand detainees, add that up. Shoot, didn't mean to highjack the thread here...

11-11-2007, 01:57 PM
When I Worked AT A Big Ford Dealership I Used To Pay 380.00 A Month For Medical Hmo Insurance And Dental Ppo.for The Whole Family.but I Left To A Smaller Dealership And Coverage Was At 360.00 For Me And The Wife Only No Kids.i Got It For The Wifes Pregnancy And Then I Canceld It And Now We Are Here W/no Coverage.:shake:

11-11-2007, 08:00 PM
If the thought of terrorists recieving better food and medical services than many Americans doesn't upset you, how about the $250 bucks a month they get paid (our tax dollars) for the inconvenience of being detained? Another one of those little things you don't hear about. Chuckleheads in Iraq will throw a rock at a soldier just to get detained, then get fed, paid, and housed better for a month then they ever thought about getting before. One facility had a grandfather, his son, and his son. That's 750 a month they were banking for thier family, and loving every minute of it because it was more than they'd make in a year out on the streets. One camp alone has over 20 thousand detainees, add that up. Shoot, didn't mean to highjack the thread here...

You can thank your elected officials

11-11-2007, 08:17 PM
Michael Moore is the real "sicko" in that he fabricates the truth to, in this case try to convince you that Cuba's medical services are superior to ours. If you really believe that, I got a horse ranch here in Georgia to sell you. It's amazing, I have not heard of too many of his Hollywood friends travelling to Cuba for medical treatment. He is loved by the anti-American Hollywood elitist. The film only made me think how unfortunate it is that soo many Americans put any credance in this pos. :bs:

11-11-2007, 08:32 PM
Michael Moore is the real "sicko" in that he fabricates the truth to, in this case try to convince you that Cuba's medical services are superior to ours. If you really believe that, I got a horse ranch here in Georgia to sell you. It's amazing, I have not heard of too many of his Hollywood friends travelling to Cuba for medical treatment. He is loved by the anti-American Holloywood elitist. The film only made me think how unfortunate it is that soo many Americans put any credance in this pos. :bs:

I wouldn't believe everything he says. I think it was Primetime (whoever Dr. Sanjay Gupta works for) that analyzed Sicko, they didn't debunk a whole lot he had to say. I think he's obnoxious, but he can darn sure make some documentaries that will anger you about what goes on in the world that average everyday folks just don't see or hear about. He didn't make Who Killed The Electric Car?, if you want to see a great documentary rent that movie.

11-11-2007, 08:50 PM
I wonder if you have ever lost a job or gotten sick and had to do without heath insurance. I have and it's no joke. Oh, this was no movie, my father who worked for a large corporation for over forty years had his insurance payments raised so high by that company that they exceeded the retirement check he received from them monthly. To keep his coverage he had to take part of his Social Security check to keep his health coverage. Hope you don't have to learn this the hard way.

Oh boy, another sicko thread... Didn't we already beat this topic to death once before?

Show me the part of the constitution where it says the government must give us all free catastopic healthcare coverage.

While you're at it, look for the part where it gives us all "free" car insurance.

Dennis Reinhart
11-11-2007, 09:03 PM
I thought it was good an kinnda got me pissed but curious as to what ur thoughts are about it .

A complete waiste of time

11-11-2007, 09:54 PM
The best way to lower health care costs in this country is to stop suing the he11 out of the doctors. That is not going to happen with a bunch of ambulance chasers getting elected to office. (John Edwards...wink, wink.)

You don't think they need to pass that cost onto consumers? Medical school isn't getting cheaper either.

What's the solution? Don't become a Doctor. Doctors get sued! Be a lawyer instead. That's much better for everyone. Eventually the problem will solve itself when we run doctors out of business and lawyers begin to starve.

I doubt that will happen though.

I suspect that some savy politition (and former ambulance chaser) will come along and create a way to make more doctors to keep the lawyers fed. That will no doubt be done at tremendous cost to tax payers (aka the rich).

11-11-2007, 10:04 PM
The best way to lower health care costs in this country is to stop suing the he11 out of the doctors. That is not going to happen with a bunch of ambulance chasers getting elected to office. (John Edwards...wink, wink.)

You don't think they need to pass that cost onto consumers? Medical school isn't getting cheaper either.

What's the solution? Don't become a Doctor. Doctors get sued! Be a lawyer instead. That's much better for everyone. Eventually the problem will solve itself when we run doctors out of business and lawyers begin to starve.

I doubt that will happen though.

I suspect that some savy politition (and former ambulance chaser) will come along and create a way to make more doctors to keep the lawyers fed. That will no doubt be done at tremendous cost to tax payers (aka the rich).

Word. Same thing with banks and insurance companies. I cannot for the life of me understand how taxpayers end up getting the shaft and they don't have to cover thier own losses, like they don't make enough money to do so.

11-11-2007, 10:39 PM
Word? Please excuse me as I get up off the floor. Lol!

You're 100% correct CBT. Banks, insurance companys, ect are all kept in business so lawyers have some one to sue. I believe this is because they have crept into politics and MADE work for themselves.

My Grampa once commented on how lawyers had all gotten out of hand. He was born in 1899 so he had a really great perspective on stuff. Back then, he said "Being a lawyer was a terrible job. Back then, the only time a lawyer had work was over an infrequent property line dispute."

Things certainly have changed.

I'm certainly not anti-lawyer. They do an important job. I just don't think electing them is a good idea. (Abe Lincoln aside). Honest Abe was obviously from a different era too. I doubt he would have even considered suing a doctor.

Putting Lawyers in a position to crush someone and then bail 'em back only to crush them again, is a bad idea. We ALL pay for it in the end.

11-11-2007, 11:46 PM
the US already has all sorts of government health plans. I've yet to hear a proposal for a universal one though that isn't just an additional governemnt health plan.

Any new universal plan is doomed unless it replaces all existing government schemes. I don't see that happening though.

As for Moore, he does not make 'documentaries'. If he is a 'documentarian' he is one as much as Leni Riefenstahl was.

Aren Jay
11-12-2007, 12:09 AM
What you don't realize is that the USA cannot afford Health Care.

You have an 18 trillion dollar debt. Plus whatever Iraq is going to cost you.

Your taxes (what are US taxes anyway?) are not enough to pay for Health care coverage for the poor.

Now for car insurance you can make that much cheaper. Link it to your drivers licence, not the car you drive. One insurance linked to your drivers liscence. Drive any car you want with your drivers licence and insurance. Have a bad record then you can't afford your licence.

The licence insurance would be basic liability only. If you want more you buy it. Like the umbrella policies that cover everything. If you buy a car you show a valid drivers licence and drive your new car over to get some plates.

Make it a cheap $100 charge and limit the liability settlements to a max one million dollars.

Each point on your licence or point lost, however your system works, adds another $100 to your yearly renewal. Each accident that is your fault the same thing. If it goes above $2000 you lose your licence for the year. If your a delivery person too bad.

11-12-2007, 12:25 AM
I like keeping my head in the dirt and not having a clue about current events or modern issues.

11-12-2007, 05:44 AM
Michael Moore is a fat D-bag of which his movies provide minimal entertainment (for me anyways)

11-12-2007, 09:51 AM
The number one reason for personal bankruptcy in the US is medical bills debt. A medical care for profit system is great if you can afford it.

11-12-2007, 11:43 AM
What you don't realize is that the USA cannot afford Health Care.

You have an 18 trillion dollar debt. Plus whatever Iraq is going to cost you.

Your taxes (what are US taxes anyway?) are not enough to pay for Health care coverage for the poor.

Now for car insurance you can make that much cheaper. Link it to your drivers licence, not the car you drive. One insurance linked to your drivers liscence. Drive any car you want with your drivers licence and insurance. Have a bad record then you can't afford your licence.

The licence insurance would be basic liability only. If you want more you buy it. Like the umbrella policies that cover everything. If you buy a car you show a valid drivers licence and drive your new car over to get some plates.

Make it a cheap $100 charge and limit the liability settlements to a max one million dollars.

Each point on your licence or point lost, however your system works, adds another $100 to your yearly renewal. Each accident that is your fault the same thing. If it goes above $2000 you lose your licence for the year. If your a delivery person too bad.

They tried that in BC a number of years ago, requiring liability insurance per licence . They stopped it though, ICBC probably didn't make enough money from it.

11-12-2007, 12:21 PM
Please close thread since it's a repost an "WAISTE" of time .

11-12-2007, 12:23 PM
I find it interesting that the same groups that decry the quality of the VA, which is Nationalized health care for Vets, demand Nationalized health care for all.

I lived in the UK, which is Nationalized Health Care. Had my mother, diagnosed with cancer in 1996, and my father, diagnosed with cancer in 1998, lived in the UK they would both be dead. They are currently living active lives.

The survival rate for those diagnosed with prostate cancer in the US 82% and for those in the UK 44%. The waiting list for non-elective surgeries in the UK are frequently 6 months to 3 years. It is common for people to die of their ailment as a result of waiting for surgery.

This same group interchangably uses "Health Care" and "Health Insurance".

Over 80% are covered by "Health Insurance". Of the 20% not covered by "Health Insurance" 85% have elected not to purchase "Health Insurance". Many are healthy, young and or single. As in the same ones that are not buying life insurance.

One of the major cost factors in our "Health Insurance" system is that it it employer sponsored with pre-tax dollars. This was originally a way around wage freeze during WWII.

The payor in most cases is not the consumer. Think if your employer paid for your food, filet, caviar and pate' every nite.

The government should encourage individuals to buy individual coverage the same way they encourage employers, such as pre-tax and group purchases. However in doing so the politicians would not be able to maintain a voting stream vs Nationalizing "Health Care".

As far as Michael Moore Ted Koppel found 50+ out right lies in his F451* movie.

A client of mine delivered the first US medical shipment to Cuba since Castro took over. He said it all went to a hospital for the Cuban elite.

11-12-2007, 12:32 PM
Michael Moore...wasn't he a co star in one of the Austin Powers movies...I think he played the Fat Gay Bastard...

11-12-2007, 01:35 PM
Please close thread since it's a repost an "WAISTE" of time .

Hey UPYOURS,the poster may have meant the movie was a waste of time.

Things don't always get commun correctly on the net. As in are you saying UPYOURS to all the MM.Net members when you post?

11-12-2007, 06:45 PM
Hey UPYOURS,the poster may have meant the movie was a waste of time.

Things don't always get commun correctly on the net. As in are you saying UPYOURS to all the MM.Net members when you post? :confused: When did i say up yours ?

11-13-2007, 08:55 AM
Your previous avitar.

11-13-2007, 03:21 PM
I raced a Sable one time, beat him pretty badly.

He Michael Moored it by saying he was in a "Big Muscle
Car Race" and he took second place. Said the guy driving
the Marauder (Me) came in next to last.

Socialized medicine anyone? All the efficiency of the Katrina
relief with all the compassion of the IRS.

11-13-2007, 03:55 PM
Socialized medicine anyone? All the efficiency of the Katrina
relief with all the compassion of the IRS.

haha i love that lol i'll have to keep that one on my desk at work.

The number one reason for personal bankruptcy in the US is medical bills debt. A medical care for profit system is great if you can afford it.

its great if its not a monopoly which it is.. these businesses are too big in this country and the government is not breaking up these monopolies.

11-13-2007, 03:59 PM
A complete waiste of time

Agree X2 ...the thread before this got way heated, and got locked.

11-13-2007, 04:51 PM
Agree X2 ...the thread before this got way heated, and got locked.

I'd like to socialize my foot with Ray Nagin's butt...

11-13-2007, 06:02 PM
Agree X2 ...the thread before this got way heated, and got locked.

Hey, we can all have a little fun here can't we?

First one who gets mad loses...............

11-13-2007, 06:14 PM
Hey, we can all have a little fun here can't we?

First one who gets mad loses...............

I was born mad. What did I win!?! I mean lose?!?

11-13-2007, 07:23 PM
The things I could tell you about the Federal, State and Local gov't incompetence before/during/after Katrain-Rita.

One u will prob never see on CNN. The Red Cross Relief trucks and workers were turned away by the LA State Homeland dept of Security. Reason given if people see the Red Cross and are given food/water they will want to stay.

I wnet to Pensacola, FL 10 days after Ivan to assist a client. 10 days after that I saw Mayor Nagin at the Whitney Bank on Poydras St as I had in the past before his radio show braodcast from the Dominion Tower next door.

I approached him and told him of my observations of Pensacola. He listened intently. Specifically that a Hurricane is not a uniform wall of wind/water. It has energy blasts of wind /water. That if one of those energy blasts hit our levees they would not hold. I suggested he form a Blue Ribbon Comm and send them to Pensacola in 6 months to learn what they learned.

Last month I spoke to his former commun director who is on a book tour. No one from the Mayors office ever spoke to or went to Pensacola! Keep in mind many a New Orleanian has property in Pensacola and spends summers there. We all heard about the people who drowned in their attics.

Here is somethingelse you will probably never hear from CNN. The Mayor moved the Survivors from the Super Dome to the Convention Center and told no one. FEMA never knew they were there.

In St. Bernard Parish there were a large number of deaths in a Nursing Home. The owners were criminally charged. The Def Atty called the Governor Blanco as a witness, she never ordered an evacuation! They called the Sec of Trans and asked him what he did, he answered nothing because he had only been on the job 6 months. They called the premiere expert from a Colorado University to comment on the staes evacuation plan. He said it is the only plan in the US where the Governor does not call an evacuation and that the plan has not been changed since Katrina/Rita. That for a plan to work it has to come from the top of gov't down, i.e. w/ the Governor.

Anyone that has lived thru this and wants gov't to determine their health care is mentally derranged.


11-13-2007, 08:52 PM
Your previous avitar.
Its avatar not a post .

11-13-2007, 09:16 PM
I like keeping my head in the dirt and not having a clue about current events or modern issues.

That's OK. Please tell me you don't vote

11-13-2007, 09:24 PM
And when you post we see your avatar. Prominently displayed.

"An avatar is an Internet user's representation of himself or herself.."

If someone has a Microsoft Messenger Symbol giving the "upyours" sign as their avatar then I take it they are telling everyone who sees their post "upyours". As in the message the messenger is delivering is "upyours".

Maybe some view my avatar and think I am 5 years old playing with toy cars.:D

11-13-2007, 10:07 PM
"An avatar is an Internet user's representation of himself or herself.."

MEOW!!! and some extra letters to meet the minimum amount of ten

11-14-2007, 09:33 AM
The things I could tell you about the Federal, State and Local gov't incompetence before/during/after Katrain-Rita.

One u will prob never see on CNN. The Red Cross Relief trucks and workers were turned away by the LA State Homeland dept of Security. Reason given if people see the Red Cross and are given food/water they will want to stay.

I wnet to Pensacola, FL 10 days after Ivan to assist a client. 10 days after that I saw Mayor Nagin at the Whitney Bank on Poydras St as I had in the past before his radio show braodcast from the Dominion Tower next door.

I approached him and told him of my observations of Pensacola. He listened intently. Specifically that a Hurricane is not a uniform wall of wind/water. It has energy blasts of wind /water. That if one of those energy blasts hit our levees they would not hold. I suggested he form a Blue Ribbon Comm and send them to Pensacola in 6 months to learn what they learned.

Last month I spoke to his former commun director who is on a book tour. No one from the Mayors office ever spoke to or went to Pensacola! Keep in mind many a New Orleanian has property in Pensacola and spends summers there. We all heard about the people who drowned in their attics.

Here is somethingelse you will probably never hear from CNN. The Mayor moved the Survivors from the Super Dome to the Convention Center and told no one. FEMA never knew they were there.

In St. Bernard Parish there were a large number of deaths in a Nursing Home. The owners were criminally charged. The Def Atty called the Governor Blanco as a witness, she never ordered an evacuation! They called the Sec of Trans and asked him what he did, he answered nothing because he had only been on the job 6 months. They called the premiere expert from a Colorado University to comment on the staes evacuation plan. He said it is the only plan in the US where the Governor does not call an evacuation and that the plan has not been changed since Katrina/Rita. That for a plan to work it has to come from the top of gov't down, i.e. w/ the Governor.

Anyone that has lived thru this and wants gov't to determine their health care is mentally derranged.


Dude, you need to go to Bourbon St. and chill.
After some drinks, music and lap dances go out and get a life. I can sense your stress and impending breakdown all the way out here.

PR :burnout:

11-14-2007, 07:11 PM
I will meet you on Bourbon St. I can show you around.

Not this week the mayors convention is in town and Bourbon St will be packed while they spend tax payers dollars.

Let me know where in your park they allow picnics and we can visit your part of the world.

11-14-2007, 07:56 PM
Michael Moore is the real "sicko" in that he fabricates the truth to, in this case try to convince you that Cuba's medical services are superior to ours. If you really believe that, I got a horse ranch here in Georgia to sell you. It's amazing, I have not heard of too many of his Hollywood friends travelling to Cuba for medical treatment. He is loved by the anti-American Holloywood elitist. The film only made me think how unfortunate it is that soo many Americans put any credance in this pos. :bs:

AGREED, its sad how uninformed and gullible people are...:shake:

11-16-2007, 09:33 PM
AGREED, its sad how uninformed and gullible people are...:shake: guess there is 2 sides to a story an we will never know til we experience for ourselves .

11-16-2007, 09:37 PM
And when you post we see your avatar. Prominently displayed.

"An avatar is an Internet user's representation of himself or herself.."

If someone has a Microsoft Messenger Symbol giving the "upyours" sign as their avatar then I take it they are telling everyone who sees their post "upyours". As in the message the messenger is delivering is "upyours".

Maybe some view my avatar and think I am 5 years old playing with toy cars.:D I'm going to drop it . :burnout:

Bradley G
12-26-2007, 08:12 AM
How come the people that think MM (not the car) is such an azz hat, can't communicate?
The guy has big Kajones! :bows:

12-26-2007, 11:25 AM
In F9/11 there are 59 out right deceits.

It takes bravado to tell big lies. There a fool born every minute who will soon part with his money. Michael Moore is the Music Man.

I had dinner with my Dad on Sunday and visited my mother on Monday.:)

I lived in the UK under Socilaized Medicine.

Had my mother and father lived in the UK my visit on Sunday with my dad and on Monday with my mother would have been to their graves.:bigcry:

12-26-2007, 05:18 PM
Michael Moore :shake:

He is a slob and waste of time. I can't believe he is allowed to call his films documentaries with all the manipulations of facts, as well as knowingly leading his audience to believe things that are untrue.

He leads viewers of Bowling for Columbine to believe that the NRA was founded by the KKK. Yet the Fact is that it was founded by UNION soldiers who wanted to improve their shooting skills as well as share an interest in shooting sports.

People take his deceptions and believe them to be real because they are from a "documentary" Anyone who films true documentaries should be insulted by that mans claim that he makes documentaries.

I'm not trying to say by any means that this country is perfect however using lies and deception to push your own agenda such as he does is not the proper or ethical way to start change. Sadly though it is probably the most effective since most people will take his information as fact even though they are actually twisted and manipulated facts at best.

12-26-2007, 06:36 PM
in the Detroit News he said "Being screwed by your HMO and ill-served by pharmaceutical companiesis a shared American experience" yet in his IRS filings he shows he is heavily invested in Pfizer,Merck,Genzyme,Elan PLC,Eli Lily,Becton Dickinson,Boston Scientific,Pharmacia Corp. and Tenet Healthcare.

oh yeah dont forget, Sunoco, Noble Energy,Schlumberger, Williams Companies, Transocean Sedco Forex (oil and drilling companies) and dont forget Halliburton and Mc Donalds.

he is a world-class Hypocrite and a schmuck

oh yeah, he only lives near flint when a movie is coming out, since Michigan has lower taxes than his usual home in New York, and has been cited for destroying the shoreline on the exclusive lake at his house in Michigan.

12-28-2007, 01:50 PM
A few things on this thread that I have to comment on:
1. I don't like most of what the government does already. I damn sure don't want it telling me what health care I can and can't have.
2. Competition makes things better. Putting the government in charge of things destroys competition.
3. It is a myth that lawsuits are destroying health care, and that stopping malpractice suits will lower health insurance costs. Several years back, the insurance industry talked the Texas Legislature into passing some laws greatly restricting some lawsuits, enacting caps on damages, etc. We were all promised that such laws would lower insurance premiums. Guess what? After several years of increasing insurance premiums, people started asking "Where are the promised savings?" Fewer lawsuits won't make medical coverage any more available or cheaper.
4. We have become a nation of sheep who believe that the government should take care of us from the cradle to the grave. Personal responsibility has gone out the window and has been replaced by an entitlement mentality.
5. Perhaps most important of all is the idea that the Constitution means nothing any longer. The best post in this thread is the one which asks which part of the Constitution authorizes the federal government to provide health care. Most people in this country, either being totally ignorant of the Constitution, or simply not caring about it, don't realize that the federal government is intentionally limited severely in what it can legally do. Of course, those restrictions are routinely ignored, but the fact is that unless the Constitution expressly allows federal government action in specific areas, those areas are left to the states to act upon or not, as they see fit. For some enlightening reading, try reading the 9th and 10th Amendments in the Bill of Rights. It will only take about a minute, and should open some eyes.

12-28-2007, 09:33 PM
Well said Ross!

12-29-2007, 06:27 AM
I agree. we need to return to the Constitution and cut back all these agencies, reserving rights back to the states.