View Full Version : More Chinese Shenanigans...

11-16-2007, 05:38 PM
Maxtor Drives Contain Password-Stealing Trojans

ComputerWorld reported that Seagate Technology LLC has shipped Maxtor disk drives that contain Trojan horses that upload data to a pair of Chinese Web sites, the Taiwanese government's security service warned this weekend. The Investigation Bureau, a part of the Ministry of Justice that's responsible for both internal security and foreign threats, said it suspected mainland China's authorities were responsible for planting the malware on the drives at the factory. "The bureau said that the method of attack was unusual, adding that it suspected Chinese authorities were involved," a story posted by the English-language Taipei Times reported Sunday. "Sensitive information may have already been intercepted by Beijing through the two Web sites, the bureau said." More at: http://www.wservernews.com/TVE0SB/071119-Trojans-Drive

Its like they want to see how far they can push before the hammer comes down.

11-16-2007, 06:55 PM
Un Be Live able...

11-16-2007, 07:48 PM
I just got back from K-Mart, saw a lot of neat things I was going to get, except they all had 'Made in China' on the bottom. I ended up getting Kodak film and kitty litter, both made in the U.S.A.:flag:

11-16-2007, 08:23 PM
I just got back from K-Mart, saw a lot of neat things I was going to get, except they all had 'Made in China' on the bottom. I ended up getting Kodak film and kitty litter, both made in the U.S.A.:flag:

Better get rid of the Marauder b/c many of parts of it are "made in China".

11-16-2007, 09:10 PM
Better get rid of the Marauder b/c many of parts of it are "made in China".
I remember seeing a lable on the Marauder when I bought it "89% parts made in North America"

11-16-2007, 09:28 PM
Better get rid of the Marauder b/c many of parts of it are "made in China".

Yeah I'll get right on that...

11-16-2007, 09:37 PM
I remember seeing a lable on the Marauder when I bought it "89% parts made in North America"

Did I say "ALL" of the Marauder is made in China? Did I say "most" of the Marauder is made in China?

I said "many" parts of the Marauder are made in China and if he would need to replace those parts then he would be supporting China all over again.

Also, I bet that if I took a tour in his home and or office, he would be very sad by the large number of "Made in China" items there.

Hey, I don't like it anymore then you do. I wish that we didn't kill all of our manufacturing and send honest paying jobs overseas.

I "HATE" our trade deficit! However, we cannot blame anyone but ourselves for it since we DO NOTHING to our elected politicians who allowed it to happen."

We shouldn't allow companies to simply pack up and move their operations to other counties. If they do, their items should be taxed to a point where it is no longer beneficial for them to do so.

Maybe the above is not the best or only solution, but we need to do something in order to protect whatever industry we have left and encourage more before it is too late.

11-16-2007, 09:41 PM
Yeah I'll get right on that...

Try and be consistent if you are going to hold a sign calling one stupid.

You support China when it comes to your Marauder (and I bet 90% of your other items) but not when it comes to buying camera film?

Indeed, makes you smart enough to hold up that sign.

Edit: I bet the camera that you bought the "Made in the USA" film for was made in China. LOL

11-16-2007, 10:04 PM
Try and be consistent if you are going to hold a sign calling one stupid.

You support China when it comes to your Marauder (and I bet 90% of your other items) but not when it comes to buying camera film?

Indeed, makes you smart enough to hold up that sign.

:stupid: still..
Who lets you type? I mean really? This thread was started in THE LOUNGE, Marauder UNRELATED TOPICS. You just went off on two of us for some unknown reason and basically insulted Marauders. I checked my Marauder, it has 'Made in Canada' stickers on it, if it had 'Made in China' stickers, I wouldn't own one. I would invite you to search my house for Chinese stickers but I don't particularly like you, so that's not gonna happen. I would put you on my ignore list here but I'm afraid I'll miss something worth laughing at. Not in a funny way, but in a sad way. Keep up the good work.

11-16-2007, 10:14 PM
:stupid: still..
Who lets you type? I mean really? This thread was started in THE LOUNGE, Marauder UNRELATED TOPICS. You just went off on two of us for some unknown reason and basically insulted Marauders. I checked my Marauder, it has 'Made in Canada' stickers on it, if it had 'Made in China' stickers, I wouldn't own one. I would invite you to search my house for Chinese stickers but I don't particularly like you, so that's not gonna happen. I would put you on my ignore list here but I'm afraid I'll miss something worth laughing at. Not in a funny way, but in a sad way. Keep up the good work.

Please do add me to your ignore list.

As for who lets me type? Your mother! Want to try and stop me?

Also, just because this thread is in The Lounge does not mean that one cannot refer or mention Marauders.

As for not finding any Made in China stickers on your Marauder, you must not have looked. Start taking things apart and see if you still stand by the statement that you wouldn't own it if it did.

Second, I didn't go off on ANYONE. Just mentioned that you are a little inconsistent when you mentioned that "you only buy Made in the USA" products when I am SURE that most of your ***** is made in China including the cheap 35mm camera that you bought the "Made in the USA" film for.

Anyway, I didn't insult anyone in ANYWAY until this post even though you called me stupid before.

Now the gloves are off so go F___ yourself!

11-16-2007, 10:26 PM
Better get rid of the Marauder b/c many of parts of it are "made in China".

can you list them?

11-16-2007, 10:29 PM
can you list them?

I will make a note to start documenting the "Made in China" items in the Marauder from now on.

11-16-2007, 11:34 PM
Better get rid of the Marauder b/c many of parts of it are "made in China".
Wow folks. To state something pretty obvious (at least to me), it's highly probable that almost ALL of the parts not made in the USA were made in CANADA. I mean, the MM was assembled in St. Thomas along side the CV. The sunroof parts, for example, were sourced up here. I'm guessing that some of the electronics (cd changer/crappy speakers/most bulbs etc) were of Asian manufacture, but I hesitate to say any major components were made overseas. The supplier contracts would be pretty specific, but I have no access to them.

As far as the name calling in this thread....if you feel that implied profanity improves your argument, you might want to reconsider your position. Or at least your posting procedures.:confused:

11-17-2007, 02:00 AM
As far as the name calling in this thread....if you feel that implied profanity improves your argument, you might want to reconsider your position. Or at least your posting procedures.:confused:

If you follow the thread, you will notice that I did not disrespect or name call anyone until post #10. I am of the belief that one should ALWAYS treat others with respect, especially if you disagree. With that said, I also do not play games. If someone attacks me, I attack with 10 times the force. There is no pushing match with me. Once someone decides to escalate a disagreement to a disrespectful level "the gloves come off".

I was called stupid twice before I responded and just like in person, I will not get into a pushing match. It is either respect like gentlemen or full on brawling.

What I find funny about the whole thing is that CBT and I agree on the whole "buying from China" matter. We are both passionate about buying American items and supporting the American manufacturing industry (read post #7).

It is too bad that he miss understood the point/ meaning of my posts (that too many of our products are made overseas and that something should be done about it) and decided to begin insulting.

11-17-2007, 02:33 AM
I will make a note to start documenting the "Made in China" items in the Marauder from now on.

Thanks. I'm interested, I haven't found any myself yet.

Many of the parts are made in Canada, almost all of the wiring is made in Mexico. The Stereo is made in Japan as is the CD changer.
Many of Fords other radios/stereo units are made in Brazil.

11-17-2007, 05:22 AM
Maxtor Drives Contain Password-Stealing Trojans

ComputerWorld reported that Seagate Technology LLC has shipped Maxtor disk drives that contain Trojan horses that upload data to a pair of Chinese Web sites, the Taiwanese government's security service warned this weekend. [/URL]

I am surprised that this ^^^^ surprises anyone. :rolleyes:

11-17-2007, 06:23 AM
Please do add me to your ignore list.
Nah, you've probably been ignored enough in your life.

As for who lets me type? Your mother! Want to try and stop me?
No, please, type away.

Also, just because this thread is in The Lounge does not mean that one cannot refer or mention Marauders.
The thread was about a shifty Chinese product. You told me to get rid of my car because most of the parts are Chinese. If someone's dog died, are you going to reply with "Yeah my Marauder died." just because you can mention Marauders in any thread?

As for not finding any Made in China stickers on your Marauder, you must not have looked. Start taking things apart and see if you still stand by the statement that you wouldn't own it if it did.
Did you miss the 'Made in :canada: ' part? Do your own tear down if you want, and please take pictures of it.

Second, I didn't go off on ANYONE. Just mentioned that you are a little inconsistent when you mentioned that "you only buy Made in the USA" products when I am SURE that most of your ***** is made in China including the cheap 35mm camera that you bought the "Made in the USA" film for.
You misquoted me, no biggie tho. If I like something I check to see where it is made, if it is made in China, I don't buy it, period. The camera I bought the film for is a Canon Rebel Ti, and it is not made in China. But if it helps you get thru the day, we can pretend it was.

Anyway, I didn't insult anyone in ANYWAY until this post even though you called me stupid before.
It bears repeating. Plus I couldn't find a smiley face holding a Jackass sign.

Now the gloves are off so go F___ yourself!
I don't sweat you. Quit while you're behind.

11-17-2007, 07:27 AM
:popcorn::popcorn::popcorn::po pcorn:

11-17-2007, 07:30 AM
Trojan Horses on a hard drive to where parts are made on our cars?

Knock off the :argue:.


11-17-2007, 08:40 AM
What's happenned to this place?

11-19-2007, 09:49 PM
Have never understood how we can be all buddy buddy with the VC and Chi-Coms and still have an embargo against Cuba.

11-19-2007, 10:10 PM
I think it is good information.

I am curious as to why it has not hit the wire.

We have had susp of China running test cyber wars againest us.

This is more proof they are planning an attack againest us.

The Manchurian Canidate is in my computer!

It's intersting in that the first movie I saw called the Machurian Canidate the enemy was Communisim. The remake the enemy was Capitalism. Times they are a changing.

I am curious when I hear people say we shipped jobs overseas. How is a job shipped anywhere?

I am also curious as to how a politician ships jobs overseas? If they have the power to ship jobs overseas why don't they have the power to ship jobs in seas?

11-20-2007, 07:52 AM
ALWAYS format a new harddrive when you get it, as you never know what could be on it from the factory or the testing facility. This story makes me want to run killdisk and then a low level format on a new drive from now on, and that's not a bad idea either. :argh:

I prefer Seagate btw.

11-20-2007, 01:05 PM
oooo I just ordered a key cylinder for an 01 Focus Wagon.. well the parts guy jsut dropped it off. Right on the front the box it has a sticker that says:

"Contents Made In
Tumber 1,2,3,4,5 Germany
All other components US origin."

That's funny.. first time I ever seen that. :)

Dr Caleb
11-20-2007, 04:20 PM
It's intersting in that the first movie I saw called the Machurian Canidate the enemy was Communisim. The remake the enemy was Capitalism. Times they are a changing.

You know the old saying - "Under Capitalism man does unto his fellow man; under Communism, it's the other way around."

11-20-2007, 06:04 PM
You know the old saying - "Under Capitalism man does unto his fellow man; under Communism, it's the other way around."

Every time one of the Canada bros post, it makes me want to go back to Nova Scotia. What a great town, had a blast, nice people, beautiful area. And it just would not run out of beer, we tried. Repeatedly.:canada:

11-21-2007, 10:37 AM
Guess what, folks?

NIKE shoes are made in Indonesia sweat shops. Young kids in these sweat shops are making NIKE CEO and owner Phil Knight a billionaire. How many of you knew this? :D

11-21-2007, 11:04 AM
Guess what, folks?

NIKE shoes are made in Indonesia sweat shops. Young kids in these sweat shops are making NIKE CEO and owner Phil Knight a billionaire. How many of you knew this? :D

I did! Very sad... didn't know it was Indonesia though...

Dr Caleb
11-21-2007, 12:43 PM
Every time one of the Canada bros post, it makes me want to go back to Nova Scotia. What a great town, had a blast, nice people, beautiful area. And it just would not run out of beer, we tried. Repeatedly.:canada:

Last time I was in Halifax, I had booze in my hand (7am landing) from the time I landed, for 4 days, till I got back on the plane. Grandma's wake. There were so many people in the kitchen of that old 110 year old home, the floor broke and dropped 4". What a party! Nan' woulda loved it.

Guess what, folks?

NIKE shoes are made in Indonesia sweat shops. Young kids in these sweat shops are making NIKE CEO and owner Phil Knight a billionaire. How many of you knew this? :D

Hey, guess what too. 'Sweatshops' in Bangledesh give women employment opportunities they never had before. Now they can earn a living, instead of being 'sold' into marriage for some goats. They can pay for their own education, and get out of the poverty trap. *

Every cloud has a silver lining.

*Source, "The End of Povery" - Dr. Les Sachs.

11-21-2007, 02:09 PM
Careful CBT, he's a BLUE hater.

11-21-2007, 07:46 PM
Careful CBT, he's a BLUE hater.

knine, my bro from another mo!
I do understand the shoe argument, that's why my last pair was New Balance, they at least try (and in many cases do) to make the whole shoe, materials included, in the U.S. of A. Unlike Nike and the rest. As for sheriff, it wouldn't wave bothered me if he was't here when I came back from my 14 month absense. I may have spelt sheriff and absense wrong.

Aren Jay
11-21-2007, 10:24 PM
Most of the Marauder parts are made in Canada by Magna or in Austria or Germany by Steyr (stir).

Then some will be made in Japan and such and maybe a couple cheap plastic pieces might be made in China.

Canada and China do not get along all that well, but their is still tons of their cheap wal mart and others sold junk here.

11-23-2007, 04:49 AM
As for sheriff, it wouldn't wave bothered me if he was't here when I came back from my 14 month absense.

Do what? Care to explain?

11-23-2007, 04:57 AM
The best way to determine where most Marauder parts were manufactured is to research where Crown Victoria and Grand Marquis parts are manufactured. As an example, I would bet whoever makes the door panels for the Crown Victoria and Grand Marquis also made the door panels for the Marauder.

Dr Caleb
11-23-2007, 01:18 PM
The best way to determine where most Marauder parts were manufactured is to research where Crown Victoria and Grand Marquis parts are manufactured. As an example, I would bet whoever makes the door panels for the Crown Victoria and Grand Marquis also made the door panels for the Marauder.

As Diabolical said above, Magna International makes most non structural parts for cars built in Canada - and many assemblies, such as the dashboards, drivetrain, and suspension. Ford, GM, Chrysler, Mercedes . . .Magna basically make the Chrysler 300, Dodge Charger etc. The Chrysler group just assembles it.

Same with cars built in the St. Thomas assembly plant. (Crown Vic, Grand Marquis)

Magna is one of the few companies that can build a Mercedes G-Wagon, and the BMW X3 complete, anywhere outside Germany.


11-23-2007, 03:46 PM
knine, my bro from another mo!
I do understand the shoe argument, that's why my last pair was New Balance, they at least try (and in many cases do) to make the whole shoe, materials included, in the U.S. of A.
I like New Balance because they are the most comfortable running shoe I have ever owned. With the exception of the velcro lace shoes I am currently wearing (because I can't tie shoes with this arm problem), they are the only shoes I own.

11-24-2007, 09:02 AM
You know the old saying - "Under Capitalism man does unto his fellow man; under Communism, it's the other way around."
Okay maybe someone could explain this. Cause I sure don't get it.

11-24-2007, 04:36 PM
Okay maybe someone could explain this. Cause I sure don't get it.

You're kidding right? :rolleyes:

12-18-2007, 06:02 PM
I found a Chinese part on our cars today. Heres the center clock....