View Full Version : The 2nd Amendment

11-19-2007, 09:58 AM
To those of us here who support the right to own firearms check out these links. The first one is a Senate bill S.1237 (http://thomas.loc.gov/cgi-bin/query/z?c110:S.1237:), also check out House bill HR.2074, with broad wording that could affect us in the future. The second link is the NRA's response: NRA Letter Asking Senator Feinstein For Correction About S. 1237 (http://www.nraila.org/Legislation/Read.aspx?ID=3245). And the third link is by Gunowners(.)org, about how the Presidential Canidates (http://gunowners.org/pres08/) stand on your rights to own a gun.

Remember to call or write your Congressmen and Representives to defeat these bills.

'The Constitution guarantees our rights as American citizens, but the 2nd Amendment protects those rights.'

11-19-2007, 11:48 AM
Sounds like something she would try and pull. She's a tool, I guess since she can't win amnesty for 12 million illegals she wants to prevent legals from owning weapons. I noticed her e-mail addy was on there, I will send her a note...

11-19-2007, 12:08 PM
If guns were out lawed we would still be a Colony.

During WWII we sent boat loads of guns to the UK, a largely unarmed population.

Post WWII when Japanese Offiicers were asked why they did not invade the US they replied their intelligence revealed every other house was armed and every 5th house regularly used their firearms.

When President Roosevelt assembeled the top brass after Pearl Harbor he asked where we should establish our line of defense. They responded Chicago!

Point being it was not our military that prevented Japan from invading but the fact that our citizens were armed!

Tom Doan
11-19-2007, 08:59 PM
All gun control has racist roots, our elected leaders fear guns in the hands of minority's, been this way for 231 years. Check out one of my fav. orgs. http://www.jpfo.org/
Yeah so I'm a little over the edge, at least this Jewish group believes that every Black person in the USA should own a gun. I hand out their pamphlets at Halloween, maybe this is why my house is is excluded by the neighbors? Dang libs. Tom
Peoples Republic of Maryland

11-19-2007, 09:42 PM
Im a Democrat and am a strong supporter of the right to own shotguns, rifles and/or pistols. The way I read the initial proposal if an Attorney General believes somebody is a terrorist, they ought to get an indictment before a Grand Jury and arrest their ass and you dont have to worry about them buying anything except a Mars bar from the prison canteen.

11-19-2007, 10:15 PM
A good friend of mine is a Liberal Democrat and he is totally againest the Gitmo Concentration Camp. Says they should shut it down.

He is adament that the terrorist should never make it to Gitmo.:D

11-19-2007, 11:13 PM
All gun control has racist roots, our elected leaders fear guns in the hands of minority's, been this way for 231 years. Check out one of my fav. orgs. http://www.jpfo.org/
Yeah so I'm a little over the edge, at least this Jewish group believes that every Black person in the USA should own a gun. I hand out their pamphlets at Halloween, maybe this is why my house is is excluded by the neighbors? Dang libs. Tom
Peoples Republic of Maryland

Wow! Great site! They sure make some great arguements against having the BATF.

11-20-2007, 12:09 AM
Guns and cars, two of my favorite hobbies, which also happen to be two of the most regulated things in California.

Feinstein can kiss my (__|__)

11-20-2007, 06:44 AM
Guns and cars, two of my favorite hobbies, which also happen to be two of the most regulated things in California.

Feinstein can kiss my (__|__)

I saw on the news last night San Fran had the highest price for a gallon of gas.

11-20-2007, 07:08 AM
Yeah...we really get it in the (__O__)

No fuel trucks across the bridges, so they have to come up through the peninsula (longer distance.) Add the cost of living, and it gets nuts! The worst is, we only get 91.

I've seen $4.75 a gallon for 91 (Shell) :puke:

11-20-2007, 07:25 AM
I think she should pass a law requiring all who do not own a gun to post on their house and car "GUN FREE"!

That way we will all know where the safe places are.

After Katrina a friend of mine was manning a check point to the entrance to his subdivision. A lady approached and identified herself as president of a near by subdivision.

Upon noticing my friend was armed she proudly pronounced that they had taken a vote and their subdivision was gun free!

My friend asked for her address. She asked why. He said so when I run out of food and water I can come and take yours!

She ran away never to return.