View Full Version : Number one reason to get snow tires.

Aren Jay
11-26-2007, 09:13 PM

Studded snow tires really help on hills like this.

11-27-2007, 06:41 AM
In the case of this video, which is old, the ice on this STEEP DOWNHILL road was very thick.

I run studded rear tires, and trust me, they won't stop a slide on hill with a grade of this nature.

Studs will help with grip to get moving. Not to stop.

11-27-2007, 07:12 AM
Yikes. I had not seen that before. Maybe I am crazy to entertain thoughts about retiring somewhere other than Florida.

11-27-2007, 08:27 AM
Kinda like Car Curling.

Where's the guy with the broom????

11-27-2007, 09:16 AM
Nothing I know of will stop a slide on ice.

Aren Jay
11-28-2007, 11:33 PM
I know of a few things.

Lets see back in the 50's my dad had a 55 Chevy V8. There is a hill in a small city called Lethbridge and it would ice up and is rather steep with a curve half way down. Dad was driving the wife of one of his employees home in the winter after some event and knew the hill was coming up. He slowed down and as the hill approched he went to slow down more, only he didn't. He knew he was going to have a problem and didn't want to go off the road at the curve so he cranked the wheel to one side, touched the gas and did 2 360's he then straightened out with the road as it came out of hte curve and drove off as if nothing was wrong. He didn't say anything about it to his passenger but he could tell she was terrified.

I have driven on many steep and long hills in the ice. With and without snow tires no chains no studs. The thing to do is not to stop, just keep going, gear down and steer away from any problems. Do not try to stop, don't touch the gas and let the gears slow the car down. With ABS brakes you can apply the brakes now, I never had ABS back then, nobody did. Do not lock your wheels.

Reminds me of driving around in England in the snow, on the empty roads. Summer tires, they do not have all season tires, let alone winter tires. Nobody on the roads, 1000's of trucks parked at the sides of the roads, the occasional range rover with police driving along but nobody else. They would look carefully at me, I would pass them and carry on, they would then see the Canadian flag I had on my bumper and they would slow back down.