View Full Version : Playstation 3 Sony PS3

12-07-2007, 08:14 PM
Someone mentioned the PS3 in the shoutbox yesterday so I am trying to follow up on that.

This thread is not about what is better PS3/Xbox hddvd/bluray etc.

If you have a ps3 (which I have had for the last year) just wonder what you guys are playing?

I just finished call of duty 4 single player...which was badass. felt like i was watching CNN.

havent tried online yet.

walmart had a deal the saturday after black friday buy a PS3 80gb get 10 free blu ray movies (20-30$ each) plus there is a mail in form for 5 more.

so 15 free blu rays... i jumped on it. sold my 60gb with 2 weeks left on warranty on ebay for $500 with 4 games and a movie i didnt like, got the 80gb ($499) with 15 free blu rays and a 2 yr warranty for 29 bucks or something.

killer deal i thought.

anyway if you have a PS3 what are you playing?

12-07-2007, 08:45 PM
cod4 yuck! 2 was the best imo. i dont have ps3 but ive been playing halo3 and rainbow 6 las vegas both bad ass

12-07-2007, 08:50 PM
cod4 yuck! 2 was the best imo. i dont have ps3 but ive been playing halo3 and rainbow 6 las vegas both bad ass

you need to play COD4 if you havent. I cant even remember if I played 2 or not, played 3 this is WAY better. I think i rented 6 vegas. I'm not really into the whole sqaud tactics thing more FPS.

had an xbox (reg) never got into halo.

12-07-2007, 08:55 PM
i have played cod4 and i hate it. i only like playing las veges with multiple players. same with halo. playin at my buddys tom hopefully with a full 16 ppl. :woohoo:

Aren Jay
12-07-2007, 10:44 PM
I'm looking for any flying games, are there any?

12-07-2007, 11:09 PM
you could probably try warhawk for the PS3, that was supposed to be good, or you can try Blazing Angels, I think they had a sequel too recently, but then if you like flying games you already know.

And I gotta throw my hat in the ring and say COD4 was so amazingly engrossing! I Absolutely love it, and I'm still trying to get that "your show sucks" achievement, along with that epilogue mission where you storm the airplane.

12-07-2007, 11:54 PM
Funny I'm typing this on my ps3 now :) Are you kidding me about COD4? its absolutely amazing, just play online and you'll be hooked. My PSN is ChiMarauder04 btw. Add me guys. Oh and just so you know, the 60gb is technically the better of all the PS3s, it actually has the emotion (ps2) engine in it, the new 80gig uses emulation (microsoft route) and also has memory card readers as well as 4 usb's instead of 2. But whatever.

Aren Jay
12-08-2007, 01:30 AM
Anything with a Helicopter?

I logged around 3000+ hours on my computer in various helicopters before doing 2 in a real helicopter.

It doesn't matter how many simulations you run the real thing is more amazing, but the simulators are great practice.

Hovering in real is very hard.

As much as I like Helicopters, I think I might buy have built an Autogyro.

RAF up here make some great ones and teaches you how to fly them.

It is like flying a helicopter in autorotation (engine off) all the time. It is the most fun real flight mode for a helicopter.

12-08-2007, 02:50 AM
Hey that was me that asked the question yesterday in the shout box. My id is redsnake75. I also have the 60gig which is the best version.

12-08-2007, 09:22 AM
No PS3, but I got kadiddlebabe hooked on all the Halos. She had never played any shooter games until she met me. Now she can kick my sorry azz in Slayer mode. She learns anything new scary fast. If we are ever invaded by aliens, zombies, hellspawn or foreign nations I am just gonna stand behind her and keep feeding her bullets, shotgun shells and grenades.

Some of our favorite games are:
Bloodrayne - both
Viva Pinata
Halo - all three
Hunter The Reckoning - all three
Serious Sam

12-08-2007, 09:51 AM
cod4 is retarted. i got shot with a shot gun throught a tanker yet the even the sniper wouldnt go through it. thats what made me not like it. also i could shoot through the side of a ship with a pistol and also shoot accross the map with a pistol. horrible game imo.

12-08-2007, 02:49 PM
Funny I'm typing this on my ps3 now :) Are you kidding me about COD4? its absolutely amazing, just play online and you'll be hooked. My PSN is ChiMarauder04 btw. Add me guys. Oh and just so you know, the 60gb is technically the better of all the PS3s, it actually has the emotion (ps2) engine in it, the new 80gig uses emulation (microsoft route) and also has memory card readers as well as 4 usb's instead of 2. But whatever.

yeah i guess people like the 60 better for the backwards compatability etc. That wasnt an issue to me since I dont play any older games. I did buy a brand new 60gb today though. Probably ebay it keep the free controller, movies and rebate.

12-09-2007, 06:35 PM
60GB version, here... I've mostly been playing sports games on the PS3, lately(Madden and NHL). I'm still dying for the next Gran Turismo (long way away), but Forza2 is keeping my need for a driving sim in check.

I'm not going to get into a ny format war discussions, but have both PS3 and Xbox360, with 70+ HD movies (mix of both BluRay and HD DVD)...

12-10-2007, 02:55 PM
You think COD 4 is bad with their shooting specs try playing GRAW. A 2x4 will protect you from a 50 cal. hahahaha

I play COD on PS3, My name on there is Vortech347, add me if you want.

12-11-2007, 08:15 AM
I'm looking for any flying games, are there any?

I have the PS2 and am looking forward to getting the 3. The flying games I like are the Ace Combat series....I have played 4&5 and am looking into getting 6.

12-11-2007, 10:02 PM
Loved Call of Duty 4. I think it is the most realistic War game out right now. I finished both COD4 and Halo 3, Gears of War with COD4 being the most satisfying. Also check out Gears of War that one is a little longer than COD4 but the same intense combat scenarios. Halo is a bit dated (graphics wise) and brings nothing new to the table.

12-11-2007, 10:24 PM
60GB version, here... I've mostly been playing sports games on the PS3, lately(Madden and NHL). I'm still dying for the next Gran Turismo (long way away), but Forza2 is keeping my need for a driving sim in check.

I'm not going to get into a ny format war discussions, but have both PS3 and Xbox360, with 70+ HD movies (mix of both BluRay and HD DVD)...


YES, I also have a 360, find myself playing the ps3 more tho but am being kept patient with forza 2 also (Could you imagine a Marauder in it??:D) I play fight night and madden on the ps3 alot. I'm gonna add you guys ina sec. You should get up on some of that call of duty qwk svt.

06-11-2008, 12:20 PM
Missed this thread, but thought I should bump it so people can exchange PSNids this summer. I'm xopherwhite on PSN.

I'm playing GTA4 right now, but dabble in COD4, Gran Turismo 5: Prologue, and free demos from the PS Store. Metal Gear Solid 4 comes out tomorrow, so look for me on Metal Gear Online next week!

06-11-2008, 01:29 PM
60 gig PS3, one of the first ones out. Beat COD4 Awesome! Now playing GT5P with *****'in home built wheel setup. and just finished GTA IV "Best Game Evar! Youtube search stangracer89 and check out the racing rig with my G25 wheel.

06-11-2008, 06:57 PM
i havent played any online games on the ps3...yet?

psn id Motorhead

06-11-2008, 08:28 PM
im playin cod4,battlefield(demo),and gta4 my online name is trickie316 add if u fellill be on tonite

06-11-2008, 09:37 PM
ChiMarauder04 on the PS3 and 360 :)

06-12-2008, 01:52 PM
marauderdohc on 360, haven't set up my online name on PS3 yet, at least I don't think so? How can I tell if I have? I remember doing something with a name, but I don't remember.

06-12-2008, 07:10 PM
marauderdohc on 360, haven't set up my online name on PS3 yet, at least I don't think so? How can I tell if I have? I remember doing something with a name, but I don't remember.

i think if you scroll over to the wherever the message box is it will show you any online id's you created...best i can remember not looking at it right now


02-13-2011, 11:22 AM
I know this is an old thread.....the last time I posted in this one I had a PS2....well I have had a PS3 for a while now and am loving it.....COD4 rocks! I am currently into NFS and loving it....I also play Dirt2.

My PSN is UNOSIP if anyone wants to add me.

By the way....cool set up Stangracer....you still have the blueprints??? Might build one when get an extra room. And where do I find the steering and pedals at...didnt think I could use those for PS3.

02-14-2011, 07:15 AM
I'm looking for any flying games, are there any?

I'm playing a demo game called apache I think. Its a arial assault helicopter game. Pretty fun once you learn how to control the copter

I play NCAA 2011 almost nightly online

02-14-2011, 08:33 AM
I love my PS3. It's a 60 gig I picked up back when people wanted em! I remember returning my 80 GIG at gamestop and the guy was like "why?"
I said I found a 60 gig and he asked if there were more. Good times.
Anyway I'm xxbenderxx on psn and I love to play hockey! I play some football and racing too. I want Gran Turismo 5!
I purchased the game center app for the PS3 and now I can watch live NHL games on it! I love it!

02-14-2011, 08:37 AM
I purchased the game center app for the PS3 and now I can watch live NHL games on it! I love it!

Say what?! What game is this? How much was the app? I could catch every Blackhawks game :beer:

02-14-2011, 08:57 AM
A fellow hockey fan! woooo
You have to go in to the Playstation store and I think it's in media. It's called Game Center. You can also get it on your computer too. I think you go to gamecenterlive.nhl.com or something like that. You pay by month or a one time fee and you can watch any live game that day or 4 at once! Of course blackout stuff applies. Anyway it's nice to have it on your PS3 cause then you watch it on your TV! If you don't have a Playstion gold account or whatever it's 10 bucks for the app. It cost me 113 for game center. Worth it to me though ha ha

02-14-2011, 09:11 AM
A fellow hockey fan! woooo
You have to go in to the Playstation store and I think it's in media. It's called Game Center. You can also get it on your computer too. I think you go to gamecenterlive.nhl.com or something like that. You pay by month or a one time fee and you can watch any live game that day or 4 at once! Of course blackout stuff applies. Anyway it's nice to have it on your PS3 cause then you watch it on your TV! If you don't have a Playstion gold account or whatever it's 10 bucks for the app. It cost me 113 for game center. Worth it to me though ha ha

That's what I'm talkin' about. I'm going to check into it. :beer:

02-14-2011, 09:29 AM
But I kinda worded everything like an idiot for some reason. You actually sign up for Gamecenter on the computer and pay. Then get the app on the PSN and link the accounts. It gives you a code on the app that you type in at PS3.nhl.com. Now that link doesn't work for me so I just went to PS3.com and looked for the gamcenter. I'm trying to do it now but for some reason I can't find it so easy and the site is pissin me off plus I gotta get ready to have lunch with my mom. Sorry about all that.

02-18-2011, 08:32 AM
Okay....so I got a new toy for the PS3....its a GT steering wheel and pedal combo that I picked up at Game Stop. Used it just a bit last night and kinda like it.....its gonna take some getting used to....after playing with the hand held controller and being so used to it.

Finally got the better half to play a couple of games with it and she was having a blast wrecking the Bugatti!! Laughing the whole time....telling the other cars to get out of her way and asking me why the cars she hit head on were on her side of the road (they were not, lol) and then said, oh, is the police after me??? I said yeah....knock them off the road, she then proceded to take them all out!!

Fun times!!