View Full Version : This is just to funny

12-08-2007, 06:55 AM
Yes i stole it from another marauder site but for those that don't frequent(2 site posters:rolleyes:) that site here it is..

If this was already posted then please deletle it.

12-08-2007, 07:27 AM
I don't think it's funny at all.

Just another example of the oppressive government we live under.

The Right Wingers say it's the law, the Bush Haters say it's oppression, the Gore supporters say its melting the planet, the Civil Rigths say he was committing a hate crime, laughing at a chemically dependent ignorant person who is in a co-dependent abusive relationship is cruel.

The man does not need to go to jail, he needs our compassion and taxpayer funded therapy!

Instead of laughing at him you should adopt him, make the world a better place.:D

12-08-2007, 01:36 PM
"My wife said if I didn't get her another beer she was going to stab me in the face." Good stuff.


12-08-2007, 06:04 PM
Oh, come on, am I the only one that realized that was scripted. FAKE!!!! It did have me going for a minute though:)

12-09-2007, 07:56 AM
I don't think it's funny at all.

Just another example of the oppressive government we live under.

The Right Wingers say it's the law, the Bush Haters say it's oppression, the Gore supporters say its melting the planet, the Civil Rigths say he was committing a hate crime, laughing at a chemically dependent ignorant person who is in a co-dependent abusive relationship is cruel.

The man does not need to go to jail, he needs our compassion and taxpayer funded therapy!

Instead of laughing at him you should adopt him, make the world a better place.:D

Now Thats funny:P

Aren Jay
12-10-2007, 04:18 PM
Or you could just buy him a beer.