View Full Version : Rear ended...

12-23-2007, 04:46 PM
I have read so many threads in regards to members being rear ended while stopped at a traffic light and was amazed at what poor luck they had, and what poor drivers there were out there not paying attention.

I can no longer sit in amazement reading these posts....

I was hit today while sitting at a traffic light. Never saw the SUV coming, just bam!

It's light, and will only require a repaint, but still....how weird being hit by a total moron that didn't notice some 10 cars stopped at a red light. :stupid:

12-23-2007, 05:29 PM
Glad you are ok and that it wasnt that serious.

12-23-2007, 05:32 PM
Was the person reading their e-mail on a blackberry, while sending a text message on their phone and talking into their hands-free headset and simultaneously selecting a favorite song on their iPod?

When I see all the stuff that is competing for people's attention on the road when in traffic, I shudder to think of how many accidents they narrowly avoided before they finally hit someone.

12-23-2007, 06:12 PM
I assume this is with your daily driver and not the MM?
I wish someone would smash my DD and pay me the book value so I can get a new one.

12-23-2007, 06:24 PM
Glad your OK! It always when you are not expecting it.

12-23-2007, 07:05 PM
Which vehicle? Were you by yourself? How bad was it? Where at? Could understand if it was last Sunday afternoon, it was nasty in your neighborhood.

Hope that you're OK.


12-23-2007, 07:38 PM
Hey Ken...before I forget you need to touch base with us before New Years...big gathering like last year.

I was in the Focus, the MM is stored.
An older fellow with not quite all his faculties hit me at the stop light on Pleasant Valley east bound at the I-77 southbound ramp.

Independence cited him and I called his insurance co from the scene.

It's more of a pita for the most part since we are down one car for the winter. I am off until the 3rd, so hopefully we can get it repainted in the meanwhile.

I am really surprised for as hard as he hit me, there is like NO visible damage other than one paint flake. And that probably would not have happened had the rear bumper not just been repainted two months back from when it got hit at the dealership during an oil change.

Aren Jay
12-23-2007, 08:13 PM
Lucky you you only got hit by an SUV. Just 2 weeks or so ago here in Calgary a family 2 adults, a girl 9 another 6 and a 16month old boy were at a red light when they were hit by a cement truck. Driver of the cement truck was unhurt, although he was denied bail and is still in jail. He was the only survivor. The Chrysler Intrepid was only 3 feet long when both it and the cement truck came to a rest almost a 1/4mile down the road when they hit a BIG street light post. The ambulance was there in 2 minutes, local mini hospital is just down the road.

I don't think it would have mattered if they were in a Marauder.


12-23-2007, 08:18 PM
Glad to hear your ok, but make sure there no damage behind the rear bumper cover before settling too quickly with his insurance, not to mention back and neck issues. Those usually happen a day later.

12-23-2007, 08:59 PM
Im glad it wasnt the Marauder that got hit!!!!!

12-23-2007, 09:17 PM
A little over a month ago I started a new job, on my way to work the first day I was sitting in my MARAUDER at a light, when I felt the car bump foward. I looked in the mirror only to see a full size toyota pickup right on my bumper, I was in shock for a few seconds. Not wanting to be late on the first day I got out, looked at the damage, saw nothing of real significance, I also new my bumper had some flaws already. So I looked at the dumb##S who hit me and said be more careful and watch what your doing. I still wonder how such a thing could happen. Buy the way the bumper has a few more scratches now than it did, thats all. I guess I got lucky in that sense.

12-23-2007, 10:34 PM
Lucky you you only got hit by an SUV....

There was a similar incedent at the next exit south. A dump truck with gravel blew a red light and hit a car with grandma and two grandchildren.

He was an illegal.

They are in heavan.

Normally I watch what is going on around me, and for the most part am able to predict what people are going to do.

That's why I worry about my wife on the road. She doesn't.

12-23-2007, 10:37 PM
I must reiterate...

My happening today was irrelevent.
I just wanted to share my misfortune to relate to those here whom were totally screwed by another driver.

I'm fine, and the Focal appears fine as well.

12-24-2007, 12:05 AM
............ but make sure there no damage behind the rear bumper cover before settling too quickly with his insurance, not to mention back and neck issues. Those usually happen a day later.

agreed, there may well be damage to the bumper bar or the bumper shock absorbers. Those bumper shock absorbers seem to be good for one impact only

12-24-2007, 01:35 AM
Glad to hear you are ok Berry. Luckly the damage was minimal.

12-24-2007, 08:07 PM
I have a question to those who have been rear-ended in their marauders.
If you've been rear-ended in your MM, has it tripped your fuel cut off switch? I'm worried that I'll get rear ended and the other person will drive off and I wont be able to catch them if the fuel cutoff is tripped.
How hard do you have to get hit for it to cut off?

12-24-2007, 10:09 PM
I have read so many threads in regards to members being rear ended while stopped at a traffic light and was amazed at what poor luck they had, and what poor drivers there were out there not paying attention.

I can no longer sit in amazement reading these posts....

I was hit today while sitting at a traffic light. Never saw the SUV coming, just bam!

It's light, and will only require a repaint, but still....how weird being hit by a total moron that didn't notice some 10 cars stopped at a red light. :stupid:

I admit that I am scared to drive my MM in the center of Montreal. 90 % of the cars driving there are full of bumps and scratches. I am happy for you that you were somehow lucky. Could have been worse.

If all the moron drivers were flying, you would not see the sun anymore...


12-25-2007, 08:08 AM
Barry, Glad to hear it wasn't bad, just a pain to take care of getting the car back to normal.

Hack Goby
12-25-2007, 09:20 AM
Was the person reading their e-mail on a blackberry, while sending a text message on their phone and talking into their hands-free headset and simultaneously selecting a favorite song on their iPod?

When I see all the stuff that is competing for people's attention on the road when in traffic, I shudder to think of how many accidents they narrowly avoided before they finally hit someone. Makes you wonder when Ford will have there first lawsuit over "SYNC".All it takes is one good accident that the press picks up on and Ford will be in trouble again.

Aren Jay
12-25-2007, 01:38 PM
This reminds me of the other day. I was driving my Mom to her INR appointment and afterwards was driving to a store for a look. At a red light I slow down for it but I watch my rearview mirror and see a guy talking on his cell phone, in his ram truck approching fast. I waited to see if he was going to stop and then I floored it and went through the red light. He swerved at the last second hit his brakes and slid through the intersection. The cars with the green light were just sitting there watching. I was ok but I gave the moron a good stare, he just sheepishly tried not to look at me.

Always remember that you can go through the red light if you have too. Just don't hit anybody.

12-27-2007, 12:36 PM
12-21-07 Lady stopped at a light, middle lane, guy doing apprx. 70mph
slams into her, shoots her out to the intersection, she gets hit again, and
in turn slams into another. She's dead. 2 others seriously injured. The
guy who plowed into her, no serious injury to him. He was chatting with
his passenger.

12-28-2007, 01:25 PM
Welcome to the club. I've been rear ended twice in the past two years. I am a frequent flier with Bob White decals since I have to replace my inserts every time the rear bumper gets repainted.

Aren Jay
12-29-2007, 10:09 PM
this wasn't your Aviator was it?