View Full Version : Ferrets Anyone?

01-03-2008, 11:36 AM
Anyone here have ferrets for pets? I was thinking about getting 1 or two in the near future and would like some input from the horse's mouth as they say... I'm reading info on websites and rescue sites.. Are they easy to keep happy? Couple hours a day play time, fresh food and water. Also, i read they are not really biters unless scared... is that true as well? I didn't realize that their vision is not all that good so they rely on smell and sound.


01-03-2008, 12:01 PM
They rely on smell because they stink real bad. They secrete an odor.

Best have them in the garage. You can't house train them.

I do not know of any reputable group that recc them as a pet. They are a novelty at best.

When they first became popular after the Conan Movies all the animal groups said no as a pet.

My wife' sister owned one. I owned a Bob Cat and that was a much better pet.

Get a gerbil if that is what you are looking for. You clean the cage once every week or two. Water and feed twice a week. Playing with it is optional.

01-03-2008, 12:24 PM
In NYC you can not have one as a pet because it is considered harboring a rodent. That should be a clue as to what they are good for.

Ferrets are classified as rodents for a reason....

01-03-2008, 12:44 PM
the males do excrete a rather pungent odor however if im not mistaken they can remove their scent glands, in my personal opinion, ferrets have a worse rep than they deserve

01-03-2008, 12:51 PM
We should have talked more about this at the party.

Yes, ferrets do exceret a odor from a scent gland and you can have it removed, do it at the same time they are being neutered/spayed. $$$$$

Ferrets are not rodents they are related to the weasel family.

They have been used for pets since the time of Queen Victoria, she even had two herslf. Ferrets are raised for pets and are born in captivity. Wild ferrets are not allowed to be kept as pets.

Ferrets will bite it is considered a form of play with each other. And when they bite it can be anything for a nibble to a down right hang on blood drawing bite.

Will talk later gotta go now, Brian has my number.

01-03-2008, 01:29 PM
How about a :cat: ?

Or two little :puppy:

01-03-2008, 02:55 PM
I had a neighbor with one and they are cute but as mentioned before.....they stink AND FLEAS LOVE THEM!!!:eek::shake:

Get yourself a miniature HORSE!!!:D

01-03-2008, 03:04 PM
DUDE! I want a Mini horse too! I saw a website where someone actually kept a mini horse in their home.

Aren Jay
01-03-2008, 04:14 PM
I have a squirrel that lives in my backyard. It has me trained very well It sing to me and I feed it or it taps on my window with it's tail and I come down and feed it.

01-03-2008, 04:50 PM
http://www.ferretsunlimited.org/?gclid=CJev89Sg25ACFRyiQQod7mn 5Ow



01-03-2008, 04:57 PM
It will probally make a home in brians new leather jacket and then he will get fleas. I say get 2:lol:

01-03-2008, 04:59 PM
A friend on mine had a ferret...playful mofos they are...he said you have to devote time to bond with them and if you dont "bond" when they want...they get a lil angry. *2 cents*

PS...I got bit by a ferret once...that lil mother:censor:...excuse me...but I thought I was gonna need a shot or something! LoL

01-03-2008, 07:30 PM
Get two....they need to have a playmate. Rabbits are the same way. They'll get lonely.

01-04-2008, 08:59 AM
Cool! Thanks for all the replys everyone! I have also decided to put a few emails out to local ferret rescues to see if I can volunteer with them. Better to get hands on before you bring one home..

01-04-2008, 09:32 AM
Cool! Thanks for all the replys everyone! I have also decided to put a few emails out to local ferret rescues to see if I can volunteer with them. Better to get hands on before you bring one home..

There is a rescue in or near Columbia, MD.

01-04-2008, 10:39 AM
They rely on smell because they stink real bad. They secrete an odor.

Best have them in the garage. You can't house train them.

I do not know of any reputable group that recc them as a pet. They are a novelty at best.

When they first became popular after the Conan Movies all the animal groups said no as a pet.

My wife' sister owned one. I owned a Bob Cat and that was a much better pet.

Get a gerbil if that is what you are looking for. You clean the cage once every week or two. Water and feed twice a week. Playing with it is optional.

My ferrets were house trained to use a litter box, descented and were very good pets. However here are some points to remember:

They require weekly baths to control thier some what musky smell. They're small so it is quick.

The litter box needs to have a top on it. They back into the corner of the box so without a top they will just crap over the edge.

They can not have free range of the house. They will get into any little hole they can find. This includes the kick panel of you kitchen cabinets, behind the fridge, and under furniture. I restricted mine to the family room and built a wood barrier to keep them from going under the couch. They will rip the batting on the bottom of the couch and sneak in.

Don't leave anything around that you may want to find later. This includes keys, wallets, and once even a 20 oz Estwing framing hammer.

Just like a dog or cat they need yearly shots for distemper, rabies etc.

When out side keep them on a harness or they will not come back.

When your not home they should be kept in thier cage to minimize the havoc. They like they're cage. Mine would go into the cage when they were tired by themselves. That's also where the litter box was.

Otherwise they were a lot of fun.

01-04-2008, 11:46 AM
My ferrets were house trained to use a litter box, descented and were very good pets. However here are some points to remember:

They require weekly baths to control thier some what musky smell. They're small so it is quick.

The litter box needs to have a top on it. They back into the corner of the box so without a top they will just crap over the edge.

They can not have free range of the house. They will get into any little hole they can find. This includes the kick panel of you kitchen cabinets, behind the fridge, and under furniture. I restricted mine to the family room and built a wood barrier to keep them from going under the couch. They will rip the batting on the bottom of the couch and sneak in.

Don't leave anything around that you may want to find later. This includes keys, wallets, and once even a 20 oz Estwing framing hammer.

Just like a dog or cat they need yearly shots for distemper, rabies etc.

When out side keep them on a harness or they will not come back.

When your not home they should be kept in thier cage to minimize the havoc. They like they're cage. Mine would go into the cage when they were tired by themselves. That's also where the litter box was.

Otherwise they were a lot of fun.


01-04-2008, 01:17 PM
I had three in the early 90's. I'll never have them again.

01-05-2008, 08:48 AM
There are many reasons why cats have surpassed dogs in popularity in the USA. I like ferrets, cats, rabbits, & dogs. Each can be good pets, and they may all have their place.

If you want obedience, protection, or to hunt game, get two dogs. If you want the least hassles, get a cat or two or three.

By the way, you never really own a cat, they must adopt you on their own.