View Full Version : One less Ford GT & death - sad

01-04-2008, 04:03 PM
There's one less $150,000 Ford GT in America. The driver lost control and died. You can see the story and video here...


01-04-2008, 08:05 PM
Its sad how many of these have been destroyed. I wonder if they handle that bad or if the drivers are just not expereinced enough to drive them.

01-04-2008, 08:17 PM
I got a chance to ride in one, they are friggin powerful. They are too much for the average driver. It was my understanding that alot of GT owners racked up alot of citations etc, and got rid of em quickly after buying. I think that this is also proof that drivers ed classes need to become more informative. Ive seen alot of fatalities at my young age, and I think cars and driving are beautiful things; but somethings got to change. People need more awareness when it comes to the dangers of driving.

01-04-2008, 10:52 PM
A Tech At A Dealership I Used To Work For Crashed One Too.

01-05-2008, 06:35 AM
I think that this is also proof that drivers ed classes need to become more informative.
^^^^^ This is "proof" of absolutely nothing except that any idiot can buy an expensive performance car regardless of his knowledge or skill. Driver's Ed is nothing more than a basic introductory course intended to familiarize young folks (and others) with the rules of the road and give them a taste for the road. Nothing more.

Accidents like the one above, while very unfortunate, are usually caused by poor judgement and a lack of understanding of the limits of the car itself. There are limits for every car .... and finding those limits at high speeds generally results in disaster. Learning the limits of your car takes time and experience. Understanding how the car reacts differently in different conditions (i.e. hot, cold, wet, dry, ice, snow, wet leaves, sand/grit, etc) also takes time.

There's a reason why I don't drive my wife's Freestyle the same as the Marauder. :rolleyes:

Sorry for the soapbox :soapbox: but we just had a guy roll a Porsche Boxster as he was trying to "beat a yellow light" at a T-intersection. He made the light OK; but couldn't make the turn at that speed. He lost control, slid across the road, went into a ditch and flipped several times before coming to rest upside down is someone's yard. :( Luckily, he lived through the experience. However, the Boxster will never see the road again. CAUSE: Poor judgement and lack of understanding of the car's limits. :P He probably needs to be driving a Toyota Corolla ....

01-05-2008, 07:15 AM
[QUOTE=Bluerauder but we just had a guy roll a Porsche Boxster

How much of an idiot manuever do you have to be making to roll a Boxster? I just traded my wife's in, and I couldn't imagine that car rolling.

I traded the Boxster in on a new GT convertible. The salesmen that I dealt with said that he'd sold several Ford GT's, and two of them had been totalled. Right near my house there's a small shop that specializes in buying wrecked GTs, Vipers, and Cobra replicars, and repairing and selling them. He's probably had 6 GTs come through in the last year.

Last time I talked to his father in law, he said that the shop owner was putting in a $1M dollar bid on a wrecked Ferrari Enzo! Money don't buy smarts, apparently.

01-05-2008, 08:31 AM
How much of an idiot manuever do you have to be making to roll a Boxster? I just traded my wife's in, and I couldn't imagine that car rolling.

You're right. The Boxster has a very low center of gravity. Flipping a brick is hard. The ditch is what did him in.

01-05-2008, 10:50 AM
I'm with Blue, it's just proof that a total idiot, knowing nothing about cars, the most powerful car they've probably ever driven was an Acura TL, goes out and buys this as a "chick" magnet car. People thought the GT was going to be like a regular car, it's NOT! It's a purpose built, street legal road/track car. You must tame the beast. It's sad the driver died, but also sad when you think of how many of these rare cars have gone down the tube because of idiots like this. It should be mandatory that you must pass a special road test with these cars before you can buy one.

Aren Jay
01-05-2008, 11:11 AM
Anyone know how fast he was going in the passing zone? What the road conditions were?

01-05-2008, 12:33 PM
Anyone know how fast he was going in the passing zone? What the road conditions were?

Haven't heard. I doubt the Accident Reconstruction Team spent much time on it since it was a one car crash with death and injury to it's occupants only.

Aren Jay
01-05-2008, 02:53 PM
I don't know, some one is going to get sued for parking their dump truck to close to the road.

01-05-2008, 06:10 PM
Blue, you're right. But what im saying is that I dont remember one time where my drivers ed teacher said: 'do you see how high his bumper is? do you see how short yours is? if you crash into that one, it will take your head off. ' Thats the kind of lack of information I am talking about. Regardless of what kind of car you have- driving is extremely dangerous, and we do it every day; with only limited training.

Ive never seen a warning sticker on a car or advertisement that says "this car may be too powerful for novice drivers" either.

Forget that the guy had a hundred thousand dollar car, I just wish that drivers could see how easy it is to kill and be killed in an automobile. And that they dont have to see an actual dead body on the side of the road to understand what Im saying.

01-05-2008, 08:19 PM
I don't know, some one is going to get sued for parking their dump truck to close to the road.

The dump truck was in a residential driveway. The GT went off the road and traveled through the resident's front yard to hit it. :D