View Full Version : Primary Income.

Aren Jay
01-05-2008, 11:58 AM
Are you Self Employed


Work for someone.


Student not working

Student Working.

Rich and don't need to work.

Trading stock for money, and vice versa.


01-05-2008, 12:15 PM
Why do you want to know?

O's Fan Rich
01-05-2008, 12:17 PM
I sold my body to science. Since there is so much of it... I made a fortune.

You know...for a poll like this, the originator really should start up by telling his or her personal info first. Just a thought.

01-05-2008, 12:24 PM
My primary income comes from me.

I concur w/ Zack's line of question.

01-05-2008, 12:29 PM
Yup..... next will be a Household Income Thread



01-05-2008, 12:33 PM
Why do you want to know?

I'm gonna guess curiousity

01-05-2008, 12:47 PM
US Military...

01-05-2008, 02:15 PM
US Military...

+1 for me.

Aren Jay
01-05-2008, 02:45 PM
I voted first.

It isn't about personal info, thus no names shown for what, just wondering if there is a particular type of Marauder driver.

SC Cheesehead
01-05-2008, 04:11 PM
I voted first.

It isn't about personal info, thus no names shown for what, just wondering if there is a particular type of Marauder driver.

For me, it doesn't really relate to income; it's more of a "mid-life crisis" thing.

I figured it was either get a hot car or start chasing 20-something women.

I went with the car.:o


01-05-2008, 04:40 PM
I voted first.

It isn't about personal info, thus no names shown for what, just wondering if there is a particular type of Marauder driver.

Here's the Marauder Customer Demographic profile from an October 2002 thread ....

I mentioned this in another post,I found it so here it is.

Do You Fit the Mercury Marauder Customer Profile?

The Marauder Customer
The 2003 Marauder appeals to the customer who wants an aggressive, fast vehicle. They are pro-American and like to live on the edge. Marauder provides them with a great deal of driving pleasure while still meeting their concerns for safety and security, operating costs, easy ingress/egress and value for the money. This customer may have wanted a Mustang Bullitt or Cobra but really needs the passenger space. This page represents a close look at the demographics, needs, expectations and overall mind-set of the target Marauder customer.

Key Demographics
The Target Marauder customer tends to fit within these averages:

Gender - 80-85% male
Income -$60-80k
College educated - 60%
Married - 65%
Average age - 45

Target Customer
Marauder's target customer:

Is a performance vehicle enthusiast and has good technical sense
Is likely to do extensive research on most of his purchases
Will have a strong opinion on what he wants
Has to be active, have fun and be engaged in life
Needs to be true to himself, takes pride and gives 100% in whatever he does
Craves excitement and exhilaration
Has a need for authenticity, integrity and dependability from people, products and services
The target customer also responds primarily to these Passion Points:

Love for cars
Need to set themselves apart
Attention to detail based on knowledge
Need for quality and assurance
Spending time with family and friends
Cost and the Customer
The typical Marauder customer is cost-conscious and is often of the following mind-set:

Willing to pay a premium for a vehicle but only if it resonates closely with "who he is"
Higher priced products driven solely by image offer no appeal to him
Marauder will be part of the household fleet, so image and power are not his only concerns --- it must also have the functionality to accommodate his everyday needs
Cost of ownership is a consideration --- dependability and reliability are important to him --- he expects quality from the product he buys
Aftermarket kits will likely be purchased and will be considered part of the Marauder purchase

This was taken from www.rushlincolnmercury.com

SC Cheesehead
01-05-2008, 04:44 PM
Here's the Marauder Customer Demographic profile from an October 2002 thread ....


You da man! I'd never seen the demographics info before. Interesting, and looks like right on target for a lot of the 1st gen. owners.


01-05-2008, 05:24 PM

You da man! I'd never seen the demographics info before. Interesting, and looks like right on target for a lot of the 1st gen. owners.

I also seem to recall seeing this here on the MM.Net in a poster or magazine article form. :dunno: But I couldn't find that one.

01-05-2008, 05:52 PM
Nice work Charlie :up:

Aren Jay
01-05-2008, 07:55 PM
Love for cars
Need to set themselves apart
Attention to detail based on knowledge
Need for quality and assurance
Spending time with family and friends
Cost and the Customer
The typical Marauder customer is cost-conscious and is often of the following mind-set:

Willing to pay a premium for a vehicle but only if it resonates closely with "who he is"
Higher priced products driven solely by image offer no appeal to him
Marauder will be part of the household fleet, so image and power are not his only concerns --- it must also have the functionality to accommodate his everyday needs
Cost of ownership is a consideration --- dependability and reliability are important to him --- he expects quality from the product he buys
Aftermarket kits will likely be purchased and will be considered part of the Marauder purchase

I might have to take issue with some of this:

1. Attention to detail based on knowledge. But not based on detail of fit and finish.
2. Need for quality and assurance. Reliability and abundance of parts might be better.
3. Cost and the Customer. Marauders are not cheap and neither are we the customers.
****************************** ************************
4. Higher priced products driven solely by image offer no appeal to him. I like shiny things. Image is partly,why I bought my Marauder. If I wanted a non image car I would have bought a Phaeton. Although with the taxi look alikes and cop cars I guess this could be true in some ways.
5. Marauder will be part of the household fleet, so image and power are not his only concerns --- it must also have the functionality to accommodate his everyday needs. Would it not be better to say that the Marauder need not be part of the fleet, such that it accomplishes everything on it's own. It is often an only car.
6. Cost of ownership is a consideration. Everybody has this consideration with very few exceptions. --- dependability and reliability are important to him --- he expects quality from the product he buys. Everybody wants some quality but where is the quality in the Marauder? Not the fit and finish, not in the parts, Nice seats maybe; Engine perhaps; blinking panel lights???
7. Aftermarket kits will likely be purchased and will be considered part of the Marauder purchase. This isn't completely true. Yes many Marauders are modified but then many more Subies or Honda's or other rice rockets are more modified. The Marauder comes almost as a complete package, perhaps a bit shy on the power but it has everything else. Subie Guys are busy adding sway bars and cross bars and Torque Converters and better tires and wheels... We already have all these. Sure some of us have better ones but not that many of us.

Although for Oct 2002, I guess most of this wasn't known yet.

01-06-2008, 06:30 AM
I might have to take issue with some of this:
Then you should probably be driving something else. ;) May I suggest that VW Phaeton or the Smartfortwo. :rolleyes:

I think that this Marauder Target Customer profile is much more on target than your source of income supposition. :P

BTW - You're welcome.

01-06-2008, 07:10 AM
I think its pretty much on Target. When I bought mine Iwanted something differrent,that stood out in a crowd. I also needed to haul my family in safety. I actaully almost got a vette instead. 2 weeks after purchase I found out son #2 was on the way so I felt as though I made a good choice.

01-06-2008, 10:19 PM
I fit all of that Demographic except for my age being 19 now 16 when I started driving it.
BTW: Im a working student (to go along w/ the survey)

01-07-2008, 12:09 AM
... or start chasing 20-something women.


20 at one time?

Aren Jay
01-07-2008, 12:46 AM
nobody is unemployed.

01-07-2008, 05:53 PM
Other than being male, I completely don't fit the demographics of this car. Oh well.

Aren Jay
01-07-2008, 06:00 PM
Perhaps if these where the original demographics of the Marauder we can now figure out why the car failed.

They forgot to wrtie one of the demographics down. Will buy a car that is never advertised.

As for the Phaeton or Fortwo.

These are family car fleet cars. They just don't make sense, like the Marauder, as a stand alone vehicle.

SC Cheesehead
01-07-2008, 07:19 PM
20 at one time?

Don't I wish!:lol:


01-08-2008, 08:46 AM
Perhaps if these where the original demographics of the Marauder we can now figure out why the car failed.

The MM failed??? :confused: They made 11,052. They sold 11,052. The Marauder was always envisioned as a limited production vehicle -- 2 years and done. That's right from the "horses mouth" MM Project Manager some 3 years ago.

You can thank the "original demographics" for everything that the Marauder has become in the last 5 years. They established the reputation of the MM as a car to be reckoned with. Those same demographics laid the ground work for all of the aftermarket mods now available. They defined the state of the possible on the road and on the race track. They gave you options and made the MM more affordable for 2nd, 3rd, and even some 4th generation owners.

And the "original demographics" has made this site one of the best and most informative on the web. Let's try to keep it that way. :up:

Aren Jay
01-08-2008, 01:06 PM
18000 a year.

over three years that would be 54000.

11052 divided by 54000 = 20.467% of total expected sales.

even if you don't count 2002 as a seperate year, then sales would have been 11052 divdied by 36000 = 30.7% of total expected sales.


less than 44.44% the first MY of sales and 17.8% the second year.

anything less than 50% is a failure.

when everything is less than 50% you have failed.

From Fords perspective. Not ours.

01-09-2008, 04:57 AM
I don't need to work, I earned my money the 'Old Fashioned Way'.

01-09-2008, 09:04 AM
Other than being male, I completely don't fit the demographics of this car. Oh well.

That was the only one I fit too!!

01-09-2008, 09:18 AM
I'm going to plead the 5th on this one.

Paul T. Casey
01-09-2008, 09:25 AM
I had to check other. Although I think I'm rich and don't have to work, my wife seems to disagree. Therefore, I took a contactor job, which qualifies me as slef employed, but, as with any job, you are working for someone else.

01-09-2008, 02:19 PM
Here's the Marauder Customer Demographic profile from an October 2002 thread ....

That seems pretty accurate even though I can't say I fit into each part, I can agree with many of the statements. Hopefully it's not like a Miss Cleo psychic reading though, you know be things everyone would want to say "Yeah I do that!" too.

They did leave out the reason I bought mine though, "'Cuase chicks dig Marauders"

Still no complaints on their other reasons! :coolman:

01-12-2008, 08:19 PM
You left out: On the Public Dole.:P

Aren Jay
01-12-2008, 08:36 PM
You left out: On the Public Dole.:P

That would be unemployed. Unempolyed people still eat, just sometimes not very well. Not that rich people eat well all the time either.