View Full Version : Computer problem

01-12-2008, 12:37 PM
I know you guys can solve all manner of computer problems so maybe you can steer me in the right direction.

I bought a new Dell Insperion 530 with a 19" monitor and ever since day one, 13 days ago, I have had one persistent but aggravating problem.

The monitor shuts down and goes into standy mode whenever it darn well pleases. I've set the power scheme mode to "never" but no help.
The OS is Windows XP.

I called Dell and their telephone answering service just puts in on eternal hold.



01-12-2008, 12:55 PM
Only thing I can think of is maybe your connection from your monitor to your cpu isn't fully connected or your video card isn't fully inserted into the slot

Aren Jay
01-12-2008, 06:58 PM
did you enable hibernate?

Is there a Dell Powersaving programme running?

try running

MSconfig From the start run command line.

It will list all programmes running on your system and let you activate or deactivate them.

see services and startup.

Aren Jay
01-12-2008, 08:40 PM
Did you check your Video Card driver? I've had bad video cards that would do this or even bad drivers. Check the contections, check the power bar you are plugged into. Open the computer and make sure the video card is seated properly, unless it is an on board/built in card. Then it doesn't matter.

01-13-2008, 04:35 AM
New Developments:

I established a case with Dell suport and they responded in a few hours with a couple of suggestions, same as posts above. Ran system test from Dell site=OK, checked connections=OK.

System shut down again earlier this evening. Cycled power, then later after normal shut down and restart an error message was displayed saying the video driver was faulty and suggested a driver update or replacement. The error report was transmitted to Microsoft.

I guess that's good, I advised Dell support and should hear from them in a day, on what specifically I am to do.

I'll get through this.

Diabolical1 CC - It looks like you hit on the problem, thanks.

01-14-2008, 08:18 AM
Dig out the manual for the monitor. Many modern monitors have their own power save mode built in that is completely independent of settings in windows. The flat panel displays I have at work and home are both like this. First thing I do when I get a new one is fiddle with the monitor's internal menu and turn off the standby/power save mode. I prefer to save power with the on/off button. But you guys know I am wierd. ;)

01-16-2008, 09:02 AM
Just to keep you guys updated on my computer problem. Dell sent me an updated driver but it did not fix the problem. The MS error messages are still the same, Id'ing the video card/driver.

Dell sent me updated bio's which I installed this AM and asked that I reset the system defaults. One thing at a time. I'll give the new bio's a chance then reset the system defaults if needed.

I will say Dell has been very prompt in helping with this problem.

My question is, will the resetting cancel my profiles and other user settings?

Dr Caleb
01-16-2008, 10:21 AM
My question is, will the resetting cancel my profiles and other user settings?

No. BIOS (Basic Input/Output System) is the low-level software that lets the O/S (Windows) talk to the hardware. Resetting those settings will put the hardware/software conversation back to what it was when it left the factory. It won't affect anything in Windows as far as settings go.

Resetting BIOS just sets everything back to something that is predictable for Windows and it's drivers.

Aren Jay
01-16-2008, 09:58 PM
Windows talks to Bios?

01-17-2008, 04:59 AM
Hi Ho;

Well the machine worked for two day then failed this morning 45 minutes after turn-on. Informed Dell, awaiting their instructions;

Same error message pointing to the video card/driver. I would think it's time to change the video card.

Actions to date. updated driver installed, updated BIO's installed, restored system defaults, checked connections and power strip.

The saga continures, stayed tuned, same station, in a day or two. And now, a word from our sponsor.

01-17-2008, 06:46 AM
Hi Ho;

Well the machine worked for two day then failed this morning 45 minutes after turn-on. Informed Dell, awaiting their instructions;

Same error message pointing to the video card/driver. I would think it's time to change the video card.

Actions to date. updated driver installed, updated BIO's installed, restored system defaults, checked connections and power strip.

The saga continures, stayed tuned, same station, in a day or two. And now, a word from our sponsor.

Betcha it ain't a 'card', Most video is on the motherboard these days. They'll have to send you a whole new MB. They don't wanna do that.

01-17-2008, 12:10 PM
Betcha it ain't a 'card', Most video is on the motherboard these days. They'll have to send you a whole new MB. They don't wanna do that.

The latest response from Dell, this morning, was to reseat the memory modules, then swap positions of the memborymodules or use another computer's modules.

I opened up the dust cover and inspected the interals. Found both membory modules unseated from their sockets. I could just pull them out. So I reseated them until the locking tabs cliked. Hope this fixes it.

BTW it has a tune and 4:10's.

01-28-2008, 05:52 AM
Dell and I have exhaused their troubleshooting protocols and they have concluded that the hardware is good and that the problem lies in the Microsoft software. A quick search of the warranty booklet reveals that software that is not branded by Dell is not covered.

I went to the Microsoft site and found it daunting. However, I didn't find anything that resembles my problem of intermittent stoppage of the machine when running Windows. I think it's windows causing this and not another program bought and installed at the factory.

It looks like I'll have to live with this problem or pay Microsoft or someone else to trouble shoot and repair it. I'm thinking repair costs will be more than I'm willing to spend.

This case is closed, thanks for your input.

01-28-2008, 08:07 AM
Sounds like Dell shrugged you off - that's really too bad.

They test their hardware for compatability with the Microsoft OS. For them to dismiss a hardware problem and say it's "Microsoft software" is copping out.

If the Dell is stock and running the programs it came with then the software should work fine. Unless you've installed new hardware or some 3rd party app you shouldn't be having this issue.

If you were closer here I'd lend a hand in fixing it.

Without having read all the details here it's probably a hardware problem, or driver issue.

Since you've had this issue from Day 1 Dell needs to stop being difficult and stand behind their product.

Do you know what video card is being used? What was the filename of the driver file they sent?

01-28-2008, 09:23 AM
You need to get firm with Dell. If the PC is still under warranty, demand a replacement. Otherwise they will string you along until the warranty expires.

Did they tell you to try their "recovery" disk?

01-28-2008, 02:09 PM
Dell SUCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!
It'd take two hours of me hunt and peck typing to list the problems I had with Dell while this computer was still under warranty and they never fixed a da@# thing and left me stuck with the wrong memory for it after I bought the memory from them and gave them all the proper numbers that they put on the tower.
You don't want to know how many hours I spent on the phone with them @*#^$% *$*@$:mad2:
Dell SUCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!:uzi:

01-28-2008, 03:58 PM
Sounds like Dell shrugged you off - that's really too bad.

If the Dell is stock and running the programs it came with then the software should work fine. Unless you've installed new hardware or some 3rd party app you shouldn't be having this issue.

Without having read all the details here it's probably a hardware problem, or driver issue.

Do you know what video card is being used? What was the filename of the driver file they sent?


The software problem has been narrowed down to the Video component which is ATI Radeon. Dell warranty does not extend to non-Dell branded software.

The error messages I supplied to Dell indicated as much but they wanted to eleminate all hardware possibilities first. I got a PM from Kelly, a member of this site, and he is (was) experiencing the same problem on his PC. He fixed it by manipulating the display settings on the control panel, Hardware accelerator. However, his OS is different than mine and thus the screens are not similiar.

With this new knowledge I'm going to read the tutorial and see what I can correlate with Kelly's recommendation. Dell did supply me with the ATI updated driver but if it's the settings that are incompatible then that seems to be a customer responsibility.

This stuff is not for the faint of heart.



Black Terror
01-28-2008, 04:18 PM
Dell is still under obligation to deliver you a working computer as you bought it.
If it is a setting problem, they should be able to tell you what needs changing.
As an OEM manufacturer, they are responsible for all hardware and software that came with the Computer. You have to raise this problem to a higher level of expertise within Dell Support.
As "Brute Force" mentioned, use System recovery and if problem is still there, then Dell is obligated to repair this unit.
I have 11 Dell units that I service and have always got a good response from them, sometimes you just have to be persistent.

01-28-2008, 04:22 PM
I'm faint of heart but unfortunately can navigate XP in my sleep. I can point you to the screens in XP no prob.

If you want help, PM me you can call me tonight if you're wanting to work on it today.

01-31-2008, 05:28 AM
Thanks guys for all your input and to Kelly for his recommendation to change the settings on the hardware accelerator. That fixed the problem.

It's been almost four days of 24 hr operation with no failures.

This case is close.


01-31-2008, 07:47 AM