View Full Version : Any Philosophers here?

Aren Jay
01-16-2008, 10:14 PM
I studied, or should i say read, mostly Philosophy of the Mind and Artificial Intelligence. Philosophy of Science was interesting all though a bit odd :) in a Khunian way. plus all the basics with that of Esthetics, Causality, Cue Manifestation of Charlie Martin, and his good buddies Places' and Armstrongs' compeating views. But Mainly Philosophy of the mind. Later some Neural Physiology and Philosphical studies there of.

I like Dennett, Lounsbury, Still say Descartes was on to something, just confused with his time, Ryle is a favourite. "Ghost in the Machine"

Anyone else a Materialist like me?

01-17-2008, 05:47 AM
I studied, or should i say read, mostly Philosophy of the Mind and Artificial Intelligence.
I think ... therefore I am. :D

I think [you have stumbled into the wrong forum]. I am [convinced that you really drive a Toyota Corolla or Honda Civic].

Since we are discussing Philosophy now ..... maybe a little FINE ART is appropriate too. >>>>>> http://www.lileks.com/institute/frahm/art1.html

Paul T. Casey
01-17-2008, 05:57 AM
Speaking of fine art, link to Mrs. Casey's art. http://gcasey.zenfolio.com/p286164164/

01-17-2008, 06:29 AM
"Do right to others and they will do right to you, when they don't make them."

"The true measure of a man is how he treats someone who can do him absolutely no good."

"Shoot first and you don't have to ask questions."

"7% of all is evil. Men are evil in the brain causing them to commit evil acts. Women are evil through out their body making them wicked."

01-17-2008, 06:55 AM
Remember the bends in the road, they were the only way to keep you from looking back and living in the past.

01-17-2008, 07:05 AM
And here, I am a Heathan.....

I should have another philisophical moment not too long after breakfast !

01-17-2008, 09:34 AM
I studied, or should i say read, mostly Philosophy of the Mind and Artificial Intelligence. Philosophy of Science was interesting all though a bit odd :) in a Khunian way. plus all the basics with that of Esthetics, Causality, Cue Manifestation of Charlie Martin, and his good buddies Places' and Armstrongs' compeating views. But Mainly Philosophy of the mind. Later some Neural Physiology and Philosphical studies there of.

I like Dennett, Lounsbury, Still say Descartes was on to something, just confused with his time, Ryle is a favourite. "Ghost in the Machine"

Anyone else a Materialist like me?

Are you a determinist or do you think you have free will?

PR :burnout:

01-17-2008, 10:17 AM
Courage - Bravery or boldness, the ability to stand and fight in the
face of any threat.
Truth - Honesty and the ability to standby what is true.
Honour - Reputation, renown. Your personal worth as well as that
of your family's.
Fidelity - Troth or loyalty to those around you be that family,
friends, or fellowship.
Discipline - Self control, the ability to be in command of one's own
Hospitality - The ability to make a guest feel welcome.
Industriousness - The ability to work hard in maintaining one's self
and family.
Self Reliance - The ability to rely on one's self without the aid of
Perseverance - Steadfastness, or the refusal to give up even when
things are rough."

01-17-2008, 10:22 AM
1. Honor
Honor yourself with truth and fairness. Your word is your bond, give your word power by adhering to it. Honor your family and friends with reverence and respect. Honor your love and the way above all else. Honor is the mark of strength and nobility.

2. Protect
Protect with savagery your blood and kin. Let no one or nothing violate your love or way. Let there always be inequity in defense. Always protect thrice as fiercely as one is attacked. Protection is the mark of a warrior spirit.

3. Flourish
Prosperity and growth are key to the survival of the way. Such is the mark of intelligence.

4. Knowledge
Knowledge is power. Seek ever to expand the mind. Never stagnate, for knowledge is a gift from the gods.

5. Change
Adapting and changing are important for growth and survival. That which cannot adapt or change is doomed to perish. Change is the mark of insight.

6. Fairness
Pay all debts, pull your own weight, always hear and consider all sides. Treat all others with equity and fairness. Expect the same.

7. Balance
Remember the Law of balance; All that which you do or wish for, good or ill, shall return to you one day. Strive for the good.

8. Control
Never loose control to anger or be baited by hostility. Never strike a woman unless your life hangs in the balance. Never violate the weak or innocent. Never tolerate those who do. Control is the mark of a disciplined mind, a sign of the greatest of warriors.

9. Conflict
Those who follow the way must know the art of combat, weapons and vengeance. War is part of the path. Always be prepared for hostility. It is a destiny woven into the fibers of our people. Keep body, mind and training up all times. Have no remorse in the savagery of conflict. Win, prevail and Survive.

Mike Poore
01-17-2008, 10:45 AM
Adams County Pennsylvania philosophy: S.S.S. = SHOOT SHOVEL SILENCE. (you won't be missed)

On a serious note you might want to take a look at Strauss & Howe The Fourth Turning and 13TH GEN: ABORT, RETRY, IGNORE, FAIL GENERATIONS: THE HISTORY OF AMERICA'S FUTURE

Although some may consider these works more anthropological, the points made about our current condition, as a nation, seem right on.