View Full Version : Random Capitalizations and other Letters that seem odd or

Aren Jay
01-20-2008, 12:50 AM
Out of place.

I just want to point out that after posting 10,000 Posts on the internet, I have become lazy and no longer follow gramtical or spellink or sometimes I will Toss in a the odd capitalized letter.

I do try to spell things right and often will edit out mistakes.

But I no longer have the clean crisp and precise writting that I had back in my College days in England.

Funny thing about College in North America.

In North America you are required to write one or two essays per class, if any at all. In England, you write 4 essays a week. Yes I did learn to write well in England, although most of that has fallen to side now that the internet, with it's bad spacing and auto corrections has taken over.

Anyway if you notice me Adding the odd letter or not making sense grammitcally, spelling something somthng. Then I might come back to correct it or not. THis is why.

01-20-2008, 07:29 AM
Out of place.

I just want to point out that after posting 10,000 Posts on the internet, I have become lazy and no longer follow gramtical or spellink or sometimes I will Toss in a the odd capitalized letter.

I do try to spell things right and often will edit out mistakes.

But I no longer have the clean crisp and precise writting that I had back in my College days in England.

Funny thing about College in North America.

In North America you are required to write one or two essays per class, if any at all. In England, you write 4 essays a week. Yes I did learn to write well in England, although most of that has fallen to side now that the internet, with it's bad spacing and auto corrections has taken over.

Anyway if you notice me Adding the odd letter or not making sense grammitcally, spelling something somthng. Then I might come back to correct it or not. THis is why.

C- Try again. :rolleyes:

I can't believe that you have 8,245 posts somewhere else. :P

01-20-2008, 07:54 AM
i thnik yer BraIn iz turNIn in2MUSh

01-20-2008, 10:29 AM
i thnik yer BraIn iz turNIn in2MUSh

I believe you stayed up past your bedtime.

01-20-2008, 02:27 PM
Ummm...I am goin to just guess that your Marauder is in pristine condition for you to post that here...:lol:.