View Full Version : How "electronic" can a tranny be?

Agent M79
08-06-2003, 08:48 AM
Understand that this question doesn't relate specifically to the Marauder and is coming from someone who hasn't spent much time under a hood since his teens.

In reading a number of posts here and elsewhere, I am seeing where all manner of transmission parameters can be altered through programming. The tranny apparently is computer controlled.

So why is it necessary to have a mechanical linkage to select gears on an automatic? To be able to electronically select gears would open up a lot of possibilites.

So what am I missing here?

08-06-2003, 09:00 AM
Our membership Board is currently reviewing this and someone be contact you shortly---Ok guys----whose up first ?

08-06-2003, 09:50 AM
Agent this is the short answer I will leave the technical one for the sages on this board. The mechanical shifter allows you to remain in a single mode in all choices except when in "drive" In drive mode is where electronics today shifts automatically thru 4 forward gears this is were programming can tell tranny when to shift or downshift, lock converter or not. Electronic commands do what the pressure modulator use to do mechanically.:banana2:

Agent M79
08-06-2003, 10:05 AM
Ahhh. That's good.

An electronic ... lets say push button ... system could be logic programmed to... say not shift into reverse while the car is rolling. Logic controls could prevent the "stupid" stuff from happening...


From what you are say, we'd still be looking at a mechanical actuation system to replace what the shifter does now so instead of reducing the amount of hardware, we'd be increasing it.

I think I understand but if any one else has some thoughts on this, please add to the thread.


08-06-2003, 10:15 AM
Also don't forget 'manual' shift controls keeps the cost down...way down.

If you look at the cars that have 'electronic' or 'paddle' shifting they are all expensive cars.


Agent M79
08-06-2003, 03:01 PM

You are right, sir.

I think that's because in a normal situation, you are the mechanical actuator and in the case of the paddle/electronic shifter, there is powered actuator and all the logic electronics to control it.

08-06-2003, 04:06 PM
Agent, When I first read your post I was at the end of my lunch break and in a hurry to hit the road, upon further review, after dinner I realized that I misunderstood your question and my reply added nothing to what you already knew. Sorry.:beer:

Agent M79
08-06-2003, 04:34 PM

Actually you did.

Relating the "mode selection" concept helped solidify the idea that even with my envisioned "electronic tranny" that there still would have to be this mechanical "mode selection" process.

Since its mechanics needed to select PRND, even my 'lecto-tranny would simply be burying the mechanics under a simple computer that controls some kind of actuator. More parts, more cost, more complexity, more headaches.

And I still don't know as much as it may seem I know when you think I know more than I do but you know more than I both seem to know and actually do know. Ya know?

08-06-2003, 04:58 PM
Yeap, Now I'm sure that I think I know what maybe you think that I know about what maybe you were thinking !!!! wheeew I'm sure glad we cleared that up !!!:banana2: :rock: :beer: :banana: