View Full Version : Quiting smoking with Chantix, the real story

01-28-2008, 11:11 AM
I was supposed to quit the week my daughter was mauled by the neighbor's pitbull, ain't go'in to happen. So, 10 weeks later, after 39 years, I've been in the process of quitting for about a month now. I have been smoke free for a week. I will say the Chantix works and makes quitting easier than the other methods I've tried. However, the side effects of the drug are not to be taken lightly. The doctor didn't say much, the packaging doesn't say much either. If I were not committed to quitting I would have thrown this stuff away. Nausea, constipation, sleep disorder, followed by can't get enough sleep, vivid, far too real dreams, joint pain, ect. I haven't wanted to committ suicide yet. A fellow co worker is also quitting with Chantix. He couldn't tolerate being depressed and stopped taking it. He also suffered the nausea and sleep disorders. At this point I'm getting stubborn and won't give in. I figure if I can endure the side effects, I can quit. Nothing is easy when quitting. I believe that if I can reach 1 year I'll have it made.

I just wanted to pass this along for anyone else contemplating using Chantix to quit. I would certainly try it. You may not have any side effects. In that case it would truly be the wonder drug its touted as.

01-28-2008, 11:18 AM

01-28-2008, 11:24 AM
I asked for Chantix from my doctor when I quit last April. He told me the only way to quit was cold turkey. I did, and still crave a cigarette, but I am commited to not smoking.

01-28-2008, 11:27 AM
i will never start thanks for helping me continue with no starting

01-28-2008, 11:36 AM
never tried smoking, and dont really plan to. i tried chewing tobacco and what not and thankfully stopped that after a year or so. it was a nasty habit and after i stopped, looking back, it is not only expensive but disgusting too. my parents smoke and so does my older brother. my parents dont really smoke all to often. my brother tried to quit once with Chantix i believe..... he said that the stuff he was taking messed him up and he couldnt bear it anymore.

good luck!!

SC Cheesehead
01-28-2008, 11:48 AM

Good luck. I quit 27 years ago and it was one of the best things I ever did. I went cold turkey, but it was in relation to a severe bout of bronchitis, so by the time I finally got rid of the inflammation and congestion, I was over the physical craving.

Still occasionally get a craving, but it goes away as soon as I smell cigarette smoke (gross stuff).


01-28-2008, 11:56 AM
... vivid, far too real dreams ....

So lets hear some more about these dreams. ;)

Good Luck, Ray with the quitting and with the side effects.

01-28-2008, 11:57 AM
Dayum, Ray, with all those side effects, seems like cold turkey would be easier!

I've quit. It ain't easy. I still smoke one socially from time to time.

Good luck!

01-28-2008, 12:03 PM
Cold Turkey and will power is the only way to truely quit.

Oh yeah, before I forget: Your a quitter, Ray!!

01-28-2008, 12:06 PM
Cold Turkey and will power is the only way to truely quit.

Oh yeah, before I forget: Your a quitter, Ray!!

way to kick a guy while he's down lol:D

01-28-2008, 12:08 PM
Dayum, Ray, with all those side effects, seems like cold turkey would be easier!

I've quit. It ain't easy. I still smoke one socially from time to time.

Good luck!

Uhm, I'll take the side effects compared to what cold turkey or nicotine replacement is like. Most of the side effects are come and go. Ie: the nausea may last a few minutes or a couple hours. Cold turkey = wanting to jump out of my skin and kill something 24 hrs a day. I am a miserable no good bastard to be around if I went that route. I can't even stand myself... :mad2: :mad2::mad2:
Using Chantix this hasn't happened. Thats why I'm tolerating the side effects.

Thanks all for the encouragement.

01-28-2008, 12:49 PM
A friend of ours is using that stuff to quit. His brother took the stuff for a week, and hasn't picked up a stick yet. He quite taking the meds after a week too.
Yea, our friend Greg gets some side effects. I know he is tired alot and he has the dreams. He said the vivid dreams are the best parts or takin the pills, besides not smoking. :cool: Lets just say he says it reminds him of puberty.
Good luck quitting man!! I wish my other half would quit... I'd like to see him around for a really long time. Not to mention the snoring might stop.... :eek: :help:


01-28-2008, 12:59 PM
gooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo ooooooooood luck you can beat it ... as for tcbo1s comment im going to start snoring louder..lololololol

01-28-2008, 01:44 PM
A friend of ours is using that stuff to quit. His brother took the stuff for a week, and hasn't picked up a stick yet. He quite taking the meds after a week too.
Yea, our friend Greg gets some side effects. I know he is tired alot and he has the dreams. He said the vivid dreams are the best parts or takin the pills, besides not smoking. :cool: Lets just say he says it reminds him of puberty.
Good luck quitting man!! I wish my other half would quit... I'd like to see him around for a really long time. Not to mention the snoring might stop.... :eek: :help:


The dreams have been the best of the side effects, except wondering all day if that really happened... :D

SC Cheesehead
01-28-2008, 03:18 PM
I am a miserable no good bastard to be around if I went that route. I can't even stand myself... :mad2: :mad2::mad2:

Yeah, so what else is new, and what does that have to do with smoking?:lol:


Good luck to you Ray. The hardest part is sticking with it for the first couple of weeks. Sounds like you've got the commitment, and the motivation, so hang in there. Every day that goes by without a smoke is one more behind you and the realization that the next day will be a little bit easier. We're pulling for you, hang in there my friend!


01-28-2008, 05:08 PM
I am a miserable no good bastard to be around if I went that route. I can't even stand myself...
On me, chances are that no one would notice the difference. :rofl: Its the going through puberty again that scares me. :P

01-28-2008, 07:34 PM
Hang in there! I quit last May using Chantix (Yes, JimLam, we are living parallel lives and I must have another MM in my future!). Of the five or so possible side effects, it was the bazaar dreams that were getting to me! I only took the drug for 28 days. That was enough to get me through that door which I'm never, ever re-entering! For me it was a miracle drug. I didn't start smoking until I was an adult and smoked for 25 years without trying to quit. Now the shackles are off and I am nicotine free. As I always say, there's nothing good about smoking. I could go on for days about being smoke-free, but I am at a loss for any reason to ever smoke again!

Keep on the course and best luck!


01-28-2008, 08:44 PM
Good luck. Wish you the best.

When the cigar craze was going on I developed a craving to smoke cigars. Fortunately I realized it was the beginning of an addiction and quit smoking cigars.

A young Lady I worked with went cold turkey after 14 years. She was moody to begin with and became difficult to the point I asked her if she still wanted to work with me to which she angrily replied yes, why are you asking.

Three months latter she told me she quit cold turkey and then her more then moody behavior made sense. Wish she would have told me when she first went cold turkey.

When Katrina hit she started smoking again and a couple of times outside by the entrance door she blew smoke in my face to agravate me. Interesting in that when I was young that meant something totally different.:)

01-28-2008, 08:54 PM
Good luck !

My girlfriend and myself committed quitting this year. I made it once, about 10 years ago when a dear friend of mine told me that I would not be capable. After one year without seeing me smoking, he admitted his mistake. So I quietly resumed
I feel that it will be more difficult this time. Though, the fact that I recently moved my office to a strictly non smoking building could help a bit...I rely, actually, over a strong and long preparation rather than upon any medic.


01-28-2008, 09:10 PM
Good luck!

If those dreams are anything like the ones I got from using the patch, I know exactly what you're talking about. I'd say "dreams" is too gentle of a description. Mine were ultra-vivid, all night long, full color, nightmares with 5.1 Dolby surround sound. Really bad.

I was going to quit on Halloween. Things didn't work out that way. I still want to quit and I hope to do it in time for the Kentucky meet.

01-30-2008, 12:24 PM
Nausea, constipation, sleep disorder, followed by can't get enough sleep, vivid, far too real dreams, joint pain, ect.
^how, in the world, is that a bad thing?? people strive to lucid dream, man! i can see how the other things would be negatives, but listing that along with them? madness, i say! madness!

anyways, good luck with quitting. ive quit for about 4 months now(first try was a few years back for 7 months =/) and although it hasnt been 100%(2 cigs, 1 during new years and 1 during a huge party) ive regretted the few times that i did cave in for one. 1)made my throat hurt 2)stinks 3)is just plain gross

and since quitting cold turkey seems to be seen as "the hardest" way to quit, but also "the best" way to quit... ill give you my only piece of advice. exercise. you dont need to buy a weight belt and start power lifting, but doing some light cardio a few times a week really gets you to be mentally aware of your health, in terms of breathing, which cigs HUGELY affect.

just my 2 cents.

01-30-2008, 12:26 PM
When Katrina hit she started smoking again and a couple of times outside by the entrance door she blew smoke in my face to agravate me. Interesting in that when I was young that meant something totally different.:)
im thinking i know this... but, what does it mean?

Aren Jay
01-30-2008, 12:32 PM
I support the raise the taxes on cigarettes movement. Make it so expensive that you have to buy them one at a time. $10 per Cigarette and 1 day on a work farm for selling non stamped cigarettes, each.

Those who want to smoke will, and pay for everyone else.

Most everyone will quit.

Quality will go way up.

Everyone will be happy.

I just hope I can add Nicotine to Diet soda pop. A real weight loss drink with a repeat customer base.

01-30-2008, 12:45 PM
I support the raise the taxes on cigarettes movement. Make it so expensive that you have to buy them one at a time. $10 per Cigarette and 1 day on a work farm for selling non stamped cigarettes, each.

Those who want to smoke will, and pay for everyone else.

Most everyone will quit.

Quality will go way up.

Everyone will be happy.

I just hope I can add Nicotine to Diet soda pop. A real weight loss drink with a repeat customer base.



01-31-2008, 06:40 PM
im thinking i know this... but, what does it mean?

In the vernacular of the times, "I want to go to bed with you".

She looks just like a Vargas Girl.

Very smart, very logical, very volatle. Bad experiences with men.

The way I was able to work with her was the big brother little sister relationship.

Aren Jay
01-31-2008, 08:49 PM
I have a smoking story to tell you.

Should I post it here or in the story section. It does not involve cars.

I'll post it here.

I have been in the Hospital a number of times for surgery. I had a repeat operation when my right arm had the surgery done, broke loose and I had to have it redone. (Ulner nerve transportation)

Anyway as I was going in to have my arm redone I was in the bed next to Krusky, some old guy getting his back surgery. I had my Operation and in Recovery I had to keep my arm elevated, everytime I put it down it felt like it was on fire. Trust me you can sleep with your arm pointing at the ceiling, if you have too.

Anyway after the third day of my Surgery, I think, it was a while ago, A new guy was brought into my room. His name was Daryl, He was in the same bed as Krusky and ironically broke his leg after digging post holes on Krusky's farm. He got drunk and went for a pee and found a post hole. Snap.
this is about 11:30pm he gets to the hospital at around 1 am.

He was all doped up and in a great deal of pain, his leg was cast but not fixed yet, they were preping him for surgery. Had to wait for the beer to clear his system and the drugs they gave him. He was not a happy camper.
He was laying beside me, my arm holding on to the monkey bar they hooked up for me, and we was just coming to. He wanted a smoke. He Needed a smoke. He had cigarettes in his jacket pocket, just besides his bed. He begged the nurse to give him a cigarette. That wasn't going to work, I knew it she knew it but he didn't. She then left and he begged me for an hour to get him a cigarette. I pointed to my arm, all stiched up and said I was sorry I couldn't get up and help him. I wouldn't if I was well anyway.

So Daryl, decides he can get up and get his own cigarettes. I watch as he edges to the side of his bed and then watch as his cast slowly lowers to the floor. AHHHHHH OOOHHHH AHHHHH he screams when his foot touches the floor. The nurses run in and put him back into bed. He begs them for a cigarette, right in his jacket which he can see. They leave he asks me again, pleading with me to help, but I again point to my arm and say I can't move. He tried to get his cigarettes again. Foot hits the floor and AHHHHH OOOOHHHH AHHHHHH!!!!!! he screams again. Nurses come running back in. put him back into bed, he can barely speak, he whispers hoarsly, "Can I please have a cigarette" They are like, No you are going into have your leg set, you can't have anything yet. It will be just a few more minutes then once your done we will see. Daryl stares at the ceiling for 15 mintues then his leg hits the floor he screams AHHHHH!!! OOHHH AHHHH! again and falls out of bed, laying on the floor screaming. I'm laying 15 feet away watching the nurses struggle to get him in bed, completely awake now and he is finally in bed again. The nurse takes his coat and cigarettes out of sight. 10 minutes later I call the nurse at the front desk and tell them that his leg is out and he is trying again, to get his cigarettes. They ask who, and he screams AHHHHH OHHH AHHHH!!!! They come running. The nurses apologize to me and take Daryl out into the hall to lay infornt of the nurses desk.

The next morning i'm well enough to walk around and am getting ready to go "home" My sisters place. I make a phone call and ask her to pick me up, she is a Doctor, and as I get off the phone I see an Orderly roll Daryl out of the elevator all drugged up borken leg set, wrapped in blankets, he was just out having a smoke. I walk up and say "Hi Daryl" he looks at me all drugged up and says "are you an orderly? I laughed said no and walked away before he could ask me to take him for a smoke."

02-01-2008, 02:20 AM
That just goes to show what a powerful addicition nicotine is. Smoking in the hospital? Must have been years ago. In NYS you can't smoke even on the grounds of most hospitals. I guess I got tired of freezing my behind off to just satisfy my addiction. The only place I could actually enjoy a smoke was in my car, if I was alone. Smoking became nothing more than nicotine maintenance for me. Even with the Chantix its still a battle everyday, all day. Until I hit the one year mark nicotine free I still consider myself a smoker.

02-01-2008, 04:31 AM

I encourage folks to do so while they still have the option!!!:confused:

Good Luck!!


02-01-2008, 01:35 PM
All this makes me VERY glad I never started.

Good luck to those of you trying to quit, or to stay quit!

02-01-2008, 04:09 PM
I read that nicotine is more addictive than Heroin.

If it wasn't for high school football, I might have got hooked. A star athlete in our school got suspended for a year because he was seen smoking.

02-01-2008, 04:22 PM
I read that nicotine is more addictive than Heroin.

If it wasn't for high school football, I might have got hooked. A star athlete in our school got suspended for a year because he was seen smoking.

What was he smoking? A doobie, joint, roach?

02-01-2008, 04:30 PM
What was he smoking? A doobie, joint, roach?
Tobacco cigarette

Blk Mamba
02-01-2008, 05:44 PM
I quit cold turkey 7 years ago, overnight, it was easy, email me I'll tell you how I did it,

Aren Jay
02-01-2008, 08:54 PM
I cured one guy of smoking for 3 years. Eventually he started again.

We locked him in a room, took all his cigarettes, piled them up without the filters in an ashtray, and light them all up. Filled the room with smoke and kept him in there for about 5 mintes. When we let him out he was panting and wheezing and everytime he smelled Cigarette smoke he threwup.

He did not let us cure him a second time so I don't know if it would have worked again.

Things you learn at college.

02-02-2008, 12:04 PM
My wife used Chantix and it worked for her.:D