View Full Version : My Mazda 3 on the Autobahn.

02-02-2008, 08:22 AM
I took my 3 out for a sprint through the country side and took some pictures. Also grabbed a quick ramp on the Autobahn and took it WOT to 115. Not the best video and excuse my turning the wheel for the first couple seconds...I didn't have anyone else to film. I also apologize for it being so dirty.

While I was up near the mountains some guy started tearin' up the corners with me. Wish I could have got some video of that because I smoked his ass in every turn.

This car is a blast in the twisties. It hangs in there like a real champ!



02-02-2008, 09:13 AM
I took my 3 out for a sprint through the country side and took some pictures.
Looks like you were on the Autobahn A-6 headed toward Saarbrucken. Nice plates "KL" = Kaiserslautern. :dunno: Heidelberg had "HD" plates. :D

02-02-2008, 09:47 AM
Thanks for your sevice!! I spent some time in germany at the expense of The USAF and we had to have green plates so everyone knew we were GI's.

Looks like things have changed over the years. Is Sembach AB still there?
When I was in K'town it had over 100,000 Americans, Sembach Ramstien
and 3rd inf and 3rd amd and all thier dependants and support folks.

Been to the huge wine barrel near there yet ?

Sorry bout highjacking your thread

Joe Clancy:beer::beer::beer:

02-02-2008, 10:33 AM
Yup! That's where I was goin...I knew about the KL thing too.

Looks like you were on the Autobahn A-6 headed toward Saarbrucken. Nice plates "KL" = Kaiserslautern. :dunno: Heidelberg had "HD" plates. :D

They don't have that any more and thank God...I don't want anyone to know who I work for. Sembach AB is still around if I recall. Haven't been to the big wine barrel, where's that?

Thanks for your sevice!! I spent some time in germany at the expense of The USAF and we had to have green plates so everyone knew we were GI's.

Looks like things have changed over the years. Is Sembach AB still there?
When I was in K'town it had over 100,000 Americans, Sembach Ramstien
and 3rd inf and 3rd amd and all thier dependants and support folks.

Been to the huge wine barrel near there yet ?

Sorry bout highjacking your thread

Joe Clancy:beer::beer::beer:

02-02-2008, 10:42 AM
Wow! So what was it like to legally do 100+ on the highway? I have always wanted to visit Germany just for the autobahn.


02-02-2008, 11:31 AM
Zoom-Zoom! Those Mazda3's are hot little pocket-racers!

02-02-2008, 11:31 AM
They don't have that any more and thank God...I don't want anyone to know who I work for. Sembach AB is still around if I recall. Haven't been to the big wine barrel, where's that?
Yeah, the blue NATO strip down the left edge fools 'em all. ;)

The big wine barrel is in Bad Duerkheim out past Frankenstein on Route 37 (about 8-10 miles past K-Town). Part of the restaurant is inside the barrel. There's another one in the Castle at Heidelberg ... though not nearly as large.

02-02-2008, 12:09 PM
Wow! So what was it like to legally do 100+ on the highway? I have always wanted to visit Germany just for the autobahn.


Yeah, as long as a speed limit isn't posted. When there's bad weather/heavy traffic/a nearby city, they have electronic signs that pop up with a speed limit. Usually there's not in the country though.

02-02-2008, 12:10 PM
Yeah, the blue NATO strip down the left edge fools 'em all. ;)

I've got German plates (Hence the big D below the NATO sign)...looks just like every other national's car here:)

02-02-2008, 12:22 PM
To bad america doesnt have an autobahn, that definitely looks like fun.

Someday i'd like to take the MM to the nurburgring, that track looks killer.

If you ever go to the nurburgring take lots of video! I beleve you can get in for like 5 euro's :)


02-02-2008, 01:33 PM
Yeah, the blue NATO strip down the left edge fools 'em all. ;)

The big wine barrel is in Bad Duerkheim out past Frankenstein on Route 37 (about 8-10 miles past K-Town). Part of the restaurant is inside the barrel. There's another one in the Castle at Heidelberg ... though not nearly as large.

it is an actual wine barrel that was made into a gasthaus/ restaurrant of course it was added to as time and money came in.

Love the K town area also spent 4 years up in Bremerhaven area

Joe Clancy

02-03-2008, 09:23 AM
Really!? I'm going to do some more research and dig into that. I think you get a sticker when you go on it because some guys have little decals on their windows saying they've been here.

If you ever go to the nurburgring take lots of video! I beleve you can get in for like 5 euro's :)

02-03-2008, 09:28 AM
Really!? I'm going to do some more research and dig into that. I think you get a sticker when you go on it because some guys have little decals on their windows saying they've been here.

Thats just what i heard, i know it is a cheap price to get on, and you can bring literally anything you want. Even a Transit Van :rolleyes:

02-03-2008, 11:15 AM
as for the "ring years ago it was 20 marks for 2or 3 laps of course that was about $5.00 then still at over 14 miles a lap and somewhere well over 100 turns it was money well spent.
Thye do a tech inspection before they let you run it tho but basically if your ride passes German safety inspection requirements it should be fine.
Last I Heard it was 20 e still a bargin.

Joe Clancy:beer::beer::beer:

02-05-2008, 12:21 PM
Yeah, as long as a speed limit isn't posted. When there's bad weather/heavy traffic/a nearby city, they have electronic signs that pop up with a speed limit. Usually there's not in the country though.
The days of the "Unlimited Speed Limit" on the German Autobahn may be numbered. Seems that there has already been a proposal within the German Bundestag (Parliament) that would create a 130 KPH (81 MPH) limit on the currently unlimited sections of the Autobahn. Chancellor Angela Merkel said "It won't happen with me". However, the fact that this issue has even been raised means that there is already movement in some political sectors for a lower limit.

Isn't this how we ended up with the 55 MPH speed limit? Sort of .... ;)

02-05-2008, 12:48 PM
They don't have that any more and thank God...I don't want anyone to know who I work for.

Like the; "Hi I'm an American.", sign on your forehead doesn't give you away.

02-12-2008, 10:38 PM
What a coincidence! I'm from the piedmont area of S.C. also and spent a few months in that part of Germany as well last fall working at Landstuhl Hospital. A few of us reservists there during that period were housed at the nearby air base due to housing shortages at the hospital. One of the benefits of that was the approval of rental cars for us to get to and from the hospital at all hours! I had a turbodiesel Audi A3 that was a blast to drive. It wasn't a rocket, but would hold its own on the autobahn (36-38mpg in all around driving wasn't bad either!) Returning late one afternoon from a weekend w/ some friends in the central mountains near Koln (Cologne) I was heading down the lightly-travelled A63 from Mainz to Kaiserslautern. An older C class had passed me and I decided to pace him from a distance to see how a prolonged high speed run felt. I maintained 105-115mph for about 18-20 miles. That took some effort, as a hill of any size would cut my speed somewhat, but the little four cyl. diesel kept it up surprisingly well. It's amazing how fast you cover ground at those speeds! Also amazing is how quickly someone coming up behind you at 150mph or so can appear. I was buzzed several times by Porches, Ferraris, big Audis, & BMWs at those speeds. Germans observe strict lane etiquette-absolutely no loafing in the left lane or you'll simply get run over. Too bad American drivers are so unobservant! Quite often I was passed by ordinary small cars doing 120 or so-lots of VW Golfs would do this. I felt most comfortable at around 85-90 on the uncrowded sections of the autobahn. One of my German friends was lamenting the proposed speed limits-hope that doesn't happen!

02-13-2008, 12:11 AM
I took my 3 out for a sprint through the country side and took some pictures. Also grabbed a quick ramp on the Autobahn and took it WOT to 115. Not the best video and excuse my turning the wheel for the first couple seconds...I didn't have anyone else to film. I also apologize for it being so dirty.

While I was up near the mountains some guy started tearin' up the corners with me. Wish I could have got some video of that because I smoked his ass in every turn.

This car is a blast in the twisties. It hangs in there like a real champ!

Sounds like you're Having fun James. :) 115 isn't that big of a deal on the autobahn. I wonder if the 3 has a speed limiter. I remember it didn't take long to get used to those speeds.

The fastest I got up to was a little bit over 140. That's about the point you really have to watch traffic ahead of you. I sure miss the autobahn. :depress:

I would love to take a late night blast on "The Bahn" in the MM. :burnout:

02-13-2008, 05:19 AM
Germans observe strict lane ettiquette-absolutely no loafing in the left lane or you'll simply get run over. Too bad American drivers are so unobservant!
This ^^^^^ is what I miss most about the Autobahn. The Germans (and most Europeans) were absolutely predictable on the highway. The majority of Americans here on US roadways are too unpredictable ... and that's what causes wrecks.

02-16-2008, 10:01 AM
I enjoyed driving in Europe for 4+ years but I dont agree 100% about them being predictable. I do however think that road manners are a 1000% better in Europe. I actually perfered to drive on the Italian Autostrada's over the Bahn...the roads in Italy are smoother for the most part but I guess the downfall of that is all the damn tolls!

I got my 97' SHO up to 162Mph on the Strada verified by GPS and a chase Vette. It was awesome until she started to get VERY light in the rear so I had to back off. I would have rather been stationed in Germany...its awesome up there. Enjoy your tour!