View Full Version : Just because you are a Republican....

02-05-2008, 06:52 PM
... and I am a Democrat, does NOT mean we cannot get along. I will hug your elephant, and you can kiss my ass.




02-05-2008, 06:54 PM
... and I am a Democrate, does NOT mean we cannot get along. I will hug your elephant, and you can kiss my ass.




Steve, you have been in the cold too long...you need some sun and warmth buddy:lol:.

02-05-2008, 06:55 PM

I saw that in a clients office today, and HAD to post it up!

Just funny, I don't care WHO you are!


02-05-2008, 07:16 PM
What do they say about being stuck inside without proper sunshine:P?

02-05-2008, 11:07 PM
haha that's wonderful

02-06-2008, 02:00 AM
<TABLE style="FONT: 13px arial" cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 border=0><TBODY><TR><TD><NOBR></NOBR></TD><TD align=right><NOBR>Cyanide and Happiness</NOBR></TD></TR><TR><TD colSpan=2>http://www.explosm.net/db/files/Comics/ComicaziRob14.jpg</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>

Mike Poore
02-06-2008, 04:41 AM
Of course, one might suggest to our good friend, Steve, he might want to put his head up the Elephant's hoo-haa, where the sun never shines. :sunshine:

And yes it was funny...although, in this very heated political season, we need to be mindful of mm.net forum rules about politics, and try to restrain ourselves, when it comes to passing along those "just too funny" jabs at the folks on the other side of the isle. :D

y'know the kind: Mrs Clinton, Obama and the Pope were on a plane and.....:banned:

SC Cheesehead
02-06-2008, 05:17 AM
Of course, one might suggest to our good friend, Steve, he might want to put his head up the Elephant's hoo-haa, where the sun never shines. :sunshine:

And yes it was funny...although, in this very heated political season, we need to be mindful of mm.net forum rules about politics, and try to restrain ourselves, when it comes to passing along those "just too funny" jabs at the folks on the other side of the isle. :D

y'know the kind: Mrs Clinton, Obama and the Pope were on a plane and.....:banned:

And, and????:confused:


Mike Poore
02-06-2008, 05:41 AM
And, and????:confused:


I'd have to give myself an official "time out"...:rolleyes:

Thanks in advance for everyone's understanding. This election could be quite a rough and tumble affair, and some folks may be very unhappy about the going's on and outcome.

Hopefully we can keep it off the board and our political views to ourselves.

02-06-2008, 05:44 AM
Well Steve, since your a Democrate turn in your firearms now. You know that Dems are against the 2nd Amendment.

Mike Poore is a WEENIE!!!

02-06-2008, 05:50 AM
... in this very heated political season, we need to be mindful of mm.net forum rules about politics, and try to restrain ourselves,

I'd have to give myself an official "time out"...:rolleyes:

Mike Poore is a WEENIE!!!

:eek: Haggis is right!!!

02-06-2008, 06:19 AM
Just for the record, this was not a jab at any political party, or anyone's political views.

If it had been reversed, and still funny, I would have posted THAT too.


Some people just can't takes things at face value.


02-06-2008, 06:26 AM
Just for the record, this was not a jab at any political party, or anyone's political views.

If it had been reversed, and still funny, I would have posted THAT too.


Some people just can't takes things at face value.


(In my best field reporter voice and with a microphone in your face...)

So, for the record sir, what you're saying is that what you posted is supposed to be a humorous pun and does not necessarily reflect you actual political views as if you had any political views at all... More later on this breaking political story. Now back to your regularly scheduled post... Magindat, MM.net News Channel.

Egon Spengler
02-06-2008, 06:29 AM
When Hillary Clinton's daughter asked a soldier what his biggest fear is... he replied... "Osama, Obama, and YO MAMA!"

02-06-2008, 06:32 AM
When Hillary Clinton's daughter asked a soldier what his biggest fear is... he replied... "Osama, Obama, and YO MAMA!"


02-06-2008, 06:45 AM
Yo Mama Know Thats Funny And I Don't Care Who You Are Lmao

Egon Spengler
02-06-2008, 07:17 AM
Now you can buy the t-shirt!!!

Mike Poore
02-06-2008, 07:29 AM
What have I done? :banghead:

Hey magindat & Gordon! :razz:

Sorry, everyone ... no need to preach, we all know where the line is.

In my best Mac voice .....Cary on Gents. :)

02-06-2008, 08:50 AM
My wife works for the local university and was around when campaign workers were doing student rallies for a recent election. She and a friend of mine who owns her own t-shirt/embroidery shop told me they got more students to the Democrat side just because of the t-shirt they designed.

It read: "Vote Democrat, because whoever heard of a great piece of elephant?"

Egon Spengler
02-06-2008, 09:02 AM
Funny, but I hate the fact that that can sway a voter... those types of people shouldn't vote... I also love how women will vote for women and african americans will vote for an african american.... not good

02-06-2008, 09:29 AM
It read: "Vote Democrat, because whoever heard of a great piece of elephant?"
Now that you put it THAT way .... I am beginning to see your point of view. :D

02-06-2008, 10:12 AM
Funny, but I hate the fact that that can sway a voter... those types of people shouldn't vote... I also love how women will vote for women and african americans will vote for an african american.... not good

And a white man will vote for the 'Old Boys Club'.

The Constitution guarantees our rights as American citizens. The 2nd Amendment protects those rights.

SC Cheesehead
02-06-2008, 10:30 AM
And a white man will vote for the 'Old Boys Club'.

The Constitution guarantees our rights as American citizens. The 2nd Amendment protects those rights.

Who's in the 'Old Boys Club' this year, need to get me a yard sign.


02-06-2008, 10:51 AM
Funny, but I hate the fact that that can sway a voter... those types of people shouldn't vote... I also love how women will vote for women and african americans will vote for an african american.... not good

These elections are all popularity contests. They all lie cheat and steal, it just comes down to whom you can identify with and / or like the best. Whether it's their view on a certain issue, their military background, their religion, or even what sex or race they are. Of course they will just say what the majority wants them to say, that's how they get supporters. If you do not like any of them, then you don't have to vote, that's your choice. If you do like one of them then vote, that's your right, or left.

02-06-2008, 11:28 AM
This is not political, and if you should think it is you can kiss Haggis:puke::P



02-06-2008, 11:32 AM
[quote=Hotrauder;578221]This is not political, and if you should think it is you can kiss Haggis:puke::P


That is good Dennis:D. Honestly, I would rather go hunting with Dick Cheney than a drive with Ted Kennedy:P.

02-06-2008, 04:25 PM
... and I am a Democrat, does NOT mean we cannot get along. I will hug your elephant, and you can kiss my ass.




that about sums up the attitude :D

02-06-2008, 06:13 PM
I also love how women will vote for women and african americans will vote for an african american.... not good

I also love it when white males won't vote for a woman or an african american just because they are well...a woman and/ or african american!

02-06-2008, 09:00 PM
What goes around comes around. I seem to recall a smug taunting attitude from oh 2000 on and a refresh around 2004. Not that anybody is keeping score or anything.

02-07-2008, 12:21 AM
My wife works for the local university and was around when campaign workers were doing student rallies for a recent election. She and a friend of mine who owns her own t-shirt/embroidery shop told me they got more students to the Democrat side just because of the t-shirt they designed.

It read: "Vote Democrat, because whoever heard of a great piece of elephant?"

silly students. Anything for a free t-shirt

The 'other' side should have handed out Elephant ears.

02-07-2008, 12:23 AM
Republicans lost the election so get over it...

What goes around comes around. I seem to recall a smug taunting attitude from oh 2000 on and a refresh around 2004. Not that anybody is keeping score or anything.

yeah, down with smug taunting attitude

02-07-2008, 04:55 AM
Republicans lost the election so get over it...
What goes around comes around. I seem to recall a smug taunting attitude from oh 2000 on and a refresh around 2004. Not that anybody is keeping score or anything.

Welcome to the; "Communist States of America".

Where you do not have decisions to make for they are already made for you.

The Constitution guarantees our rights as American citizens. The 2nd Amendment protects those rights.

02-07-2008, 09:02 AM
I got this in an email:

1. Bush: End of an Error

2. That's OK, I Wasn't Using My Civil Liberties Anyway

3. Let's Fix Democracy in this Country First

4. If You Want a Nation Ruled By Religion, Move to Iran

5. Bush. Like a Rock. Only Dumber.

6. If You Can Read This, You're Not Our President

7. Of Course It Hurts: You're Getting Screwed by an Elephant!

8. Hey, Bush Supporters: Embarrassed Yet?

9. George Bush: Creating the Terrorists Our Kids Will Have to Fight

10. Impeachment: It's Not Just for Blow Jobs Anymore

11. America: One Nation, Under Surveillance

12. They Call Him "W" So He Can Spell It

13. Whose God Do You Kill For?

14. Jail to the Chief

15. No, Seriously, Why Did We Invade Iraq ?

16. Bush: God's Way of Proving Intelligent Design is Full Of Crap

17. Bad President! No Banana.

18. We Need a President Who's Fluent In At Least One Language

19. We're Making Enemies Faster Than We Can Kill Them

20. Is It Vietnam Yet?

21. Bush Doesn't Care About White People, Either

22. Where Are We Going? And Why Are We In This Hand basket?

23. You Elected Him. You Deserve Him.

24. When Bush Took Office, Gas Was $1.46

25. Pray For Impeachment

26. The Republican Party: Our Bridge to the 11th Century

27. What Part of "Bush Lied" Don't You Understand?

28. One Nation Under Clod

29. 2004: Embarrassed. 2005: Horrified. 2006: Terrified

30. Bush Never Exhaled

31. At Least Nixon Resigned


02-07-2008, 10:02 AM
Welcome to the; "Communist States of America".

Where you do not have decisions to make for they are already made for you.

The sky is falling! The sky is falling!

02-07-2008, 10:04 AM
The sky is falling! The sky is falling!

RUN AWAY!!!!!!!:lol:

02-07-2008, 10:10 AM
I got this in an email:

1. Bush: End of an Error

2. That's OK, I Wasn't Using My Civil Liberties Anyway

3. Let's Fix Democracy in this Country First

4. If You Want a Nation Ruled By Religion, Move to Iran

5. Bush. Like a Rock. Only Dumber.

6. If You Can Read This, You're Not Our President

7. Of Course It Hurts: You're Getting Screwed by an Elephant!

8. Hey, Bush Supporters: Embarrassed Yet?

9. George Bush: Creating the Terrorists Our Kids Will Have to Fight

10. Impeachment: It's Not Just for Blow Jobs Anymore

11. America: One Nation, Under Surveillance

12. They Call Him "W" So He Can Spell It

13. Whose God Do You Kill For?

14. Jail to the Chief

15. No, Seriously, Why Did We Invade Iraq ?

16. Bush: God's Way of Proving Intelligent Design is Full Of Crap

17. Bad President! No Banana.

18. We Need a President Who's Fluent In At Least One Language

19. We're Making Enemies Faster Than We Can Kill Them

20. Is It Vietnam Yet?

21. Bush Doesn't Care About White People, Either

22. Where Are We Going? And Why Are We In This Hand basket?

23. You Elected Him. You Deserve Him.

24. When Bush Took Office, Gas Was $1.46

25. Pray For Impeachment

26. The Republican Party: Our Bridge to the 11th Century

27. What Part of "Bush Lied" Don't You Understand?

28. One Nation Under Clod

29. 2004: Embarrassed. 2005: Horrified. 2006: Terrified

30. Bush Never Exhaled

31. At Least Nixon Resigned


Dude - this is just too funny. But you left off one -

32. Laura's t-shirt > :stupid:

02-07-2008, 05:23 PM
Just for the record, this was not a jab at any political party, or anyone's political views.*If it had been reversed, and still funny, I would have posted THAT too.*:rolleyes:*Some people just can't takes things at face value.*KillJoyLike this spotted on a bumper sticker ......LIBERALS ARE SO OPEN-MINDED, THEIR BRAINS HAVE FALLEN OUT.

02-07-2008, 05:52 PM
Like this spotted on a bumper sticker ......LIBERALS ARE SO OPEN-MINDED, THEIR BRAINS HAVE FALLEN OUT.

You opened the can. Here are your worms. :D

http://images.cafepress.com/product/143812060v6_240x240_Front.jpgh ttp://images.cafepress.com/product/31195151v10_240x240_Front.jpg
http://images.cafepress.com/product/30388602v10_240x240_Front.jpgh ttp://images.cafepress.com/product/21141047v10_240x240_Front.jpg
http://images.cafepress.com/product/6858041v10_240x240_Front.jpght tp://images.cafepress.com/product/8461666v10_240x240_Front.jpg

02-07-2008, 07:11 PM
Since experiance doesn't matter anymore, I'd vote for a woman...

http://i29.photobucket.com/albums/c293/leadfoot302/th_LOL.jpg (http://i29.photobucket.com/albums/c293/leadfoot302/LOL.jpg)

...this one!

http://i29.photobucket.com/albums/c293/leadfoot302/th_I3010097.jpg (http://i29.photobucket.com/albums/c293/leadfoot302/I3010097.jpg)

But I'd rather have,


02-07-2008, 07:31 PM
...this one!

http://i29.photobucket.com/albums/c293/leadfoot302/th_I3010097.jpg (http://i29.photobucket.com/albums/c293/leadfoot302/I3010097.jpg)

But I'd rather have,


Some man always think with their head and not the one connected to their neck.

I can understand that as I see guys drooling over women and acting like fools because of them everyday.

What I don't underdstand is what they see in the Shemale Ann Coulter.

She is single for a reason and according to her age, may very well be childless forever. THANK GOODNESS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

02-07-2008, 07:47 PM
You opened the can. Here are your worms. :D

Man, why all the hatred? Give it up already before you are consumed by the Darkside.

02-07-2008, 08:29 PM
Man, why all the hatred? Give it up already before you are consumed by the Darkside.

That's especially rich coming from you... a chronic liberal basher. :lol:

The truth is out there if you can pull your head out of your... hat long enough to see it.

02-07-2008, 11:12 PM
Some man always think with their head and not the one connected to their neck.

I can understand that as I see guys drooling over women and acting like fools because of them everyday.

What I don't underdstand is what they see in the Shemale Ann Coulter.

She is single for a reason and according to her age, may very well be childless forever. THANK GOODNESS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'm confused. I thought the bumper sticker said "Coulter in '08". Does it really say "I think Ann Coulter is hot"? You can 'click' on it for a larger view if you want. Maybe that will help.

Geez Shora, talk about thinking with the wrong head! :lol:

02-07-2008, 11:57 PM
I'm confused. I thought the bumper sticker said "Coulter in '08". Does it really say "I think Ann Coulter is hot"? You can 'click' on it for a larger view if you want. Maybe that will help.

Geez Shora, talk about thinking with the wrong head! :lol:

Let me tell you, you are indeed good at handing out comebacks.

That said, not you personally, but I always felt that those who like him...er...I mean her have some sort of hidden crush not unlike the fans of Pam Anderson (or whom ever) and goo goo gaa gaa for everything she says.

He...damit...she acts like the biggest bad ass since John Wayne. I cannot wait until, and believe you me it will happen because she insults everyone, someone smacks her around a little.

02-08-2008, 06:17 AM
That's especially rich coming from you... a chronic liberal basher. :lol:

The truth is out there if you can pull your head out of your... hat long enough to see it.

"I am your father Brute." {In my best DarthVader Voice}

02-08-2008, 08:58 AM
http://i29.photobucket.com/albums/c293/leadfoot302/th_I3010097.jpg (http://i29.photobucket.com/albums/c293/leadfoot302/I3010097.jpg)


02-08-2008, 09:03 AM
"I am your father Brute." {In my best DarthVader Voice}

Luke: No. It can't be. That's not true. That's impossible!

Darth Vader: Search your feelings Luke... you know them to be true.

Luke: NOOoooo!

Darth Vader: Yes, it is true... and you know what else? You know that brass droid of yours?

Luke: Threepio?

Darth Vader: Yes... Threepio... I built him... when I was 7 years old.

Luke: No! ... Wait, huh?

Darth Vader: Seven years old. And what have you done? Look at yourself. No hand. No job. And you couldn't even levitate your own ship out of the swamp...

Luke: But... I destroyed your precious Death Star!

Darth Vader: But that was when you were 20! When I was 10, I single-handedly destroyed an entire Trade Federation Droid Control ship!

Luke: Well, it's not my fault...

Darth Vader: Oh, here we go... "Poor me... my father never gave me what I wanted for my birthday... boo hoo, my daddy's the Dark Lord of the Sith... Nobody loved me... waahhh wahhh!"

Luke: Shut up!

Darth Vader: You're a slacker! By the time I was your age, I had already exterminated the Jedi knights!

Luke: I used to race my T-16 through Beggar's Canyon.

Darth Vader: Oh, for the love of the Emperor... 10 years old, winner of the Boonta Eve Open... the Only human to ever fly a Pod Racer... right here baby!

Luke looks down the shaft. Takes a step towards it.

Darth Vader: I was wrong... You're not my kid... I don't know whose you are, but you sure ain't mine.

Luke takes a step off the platform, hesitates, then plunges down the shaft.

Darth Vader looks down after him.

Darth Vader: And get a haircut!

02-08-2008, 10:12 AM
Luke: No. It can't be. That's not true. That's impossible!

LMAO....Thanks, now I have to clean my monitor. :rofl:

SC Cheesehead
02-08-2008, 02:25 PM
LMAO....Thanks, now I have to clean my monitor. :rofl:


I think we need to get you a bib or something, this is about the 4th time this has happened!:lol:

02-08-2008, 05:30 PM
You opened the can. Here are your worms. :D
Worms ??? It looked like brains to me .... :D

02-08-2008, 05:47 PM
Let me tell you, you are indeed good at handing out comebacks.

That said, not you personally, but I always felt that those who like him...er...I mean her have some sort of hidden crush not unlike the fans of Pam Anderson (or whom ever) and goo goo gaa gaa for everything she says.

He...damit...she acts like the biggest bad ass since John Wayne. I cannot wait until, and believe you me it will happen because she insults everyone, someone smacks her around a little.

Did you just say that?! You can't wait until some one smacks her around a little? Ouch! :eek:

Violence against women isn't very funny. :shake: Attacking her opinions with reasoned debate would be much better IMO.

02-08-2008, 05:52 PM


I'm having lots of fun, meeting cool like-minded people, getting lots of compliments, and annoying the heck outta liberals. That's what I'm doing! :D

02-08-2008, 08:01 PM



02-08-2008, 08:11 PM



As you wish.
