View Full Version : Opinions Please?

02-06-2008, 07:28 AM
Okay, I applied and got a measly goverment job. I gave my boss my two weeks notice last night and he threw an offer on the table. Can I get some outside views? Backgound. I've been with my current employer for 6 years. Thee have no retirement, and other than health ins. and 1 week paid vacation, no benefits. I currently make about 38K a year.
My new job is gov't so benefits out the wazoo; 401k, retirement, sick leave etc... new job would give me $2 more an hour but, it's less money, b/c less hours. 25K a year.
I have grown tired of dealing with irritating customers, 55hr work weeks, no breaks or days off except for vacation and major holidays, and bosses that still refuse to grow up and not pick fights and yell at employees when things don't go their way. I had previously given my boss a years notice that I would be leaving the company because I was applying to several police departments. That didn't work out... Two testing dates I missed because I couldn't get time off work and the other, the county had few openings and too many applicants. PG gave me a letter saying "no because of background" He has yet to find a replacement for me from a notice over a year ago! So, he said this was a suprise to him. Riiiight. His offer to me last night was, you learn to sell this product we have, train people to do your job and we will get you less hours for the same money.
I am irritated because now that I have given them a 2 week notice, they suddenly throw this on the table and will hire someone(s) on the counter to do my job. WTF?!

Pros of new Job.
- Less hours gives me time to have a life
- Gov't benefits, inc. retirement and 401k with match from employer
- No more irritating customers
- No more immature boss
- Easier to transfer anywhere outa state with gov't
- If need be, I have time to get a part time job
- I get time for lunch and breaks during the day if wanted
- Yearly cost of living increases
- Yearly review where you can get a bonus or more money per hour in paycheck

Cons of new job
- Less hours
- Less money since less hours
- Might have to get a part time job
- Longer communte *I currently live next to where I work
- No position advancement, just pay increase **currently no advancement now in current job)

Those are just some of the things I can think of off the top of my head. I don't see why I can't make it work. My current bills total about $800.00 a month. That leaves me a little bit of money left over.

SC Cheesehead
02-06-2008, 07:32 AM
My gut reaction, go with the new job; doesn't sound like your current employer's got your best interests at heart.


02-06-2008, 07:40 AM
There are more important things in life than money, and at 24 you have lots of time to work your way up and earn more. I'd say go with the new job.

02-06-2008, 07:42 AM
I would go with the new job if you can swing the lower pay. Getting the govt. work exp. under your belt and on your resume could help you out in the long run when maybe something comes up for a company that does govt. contracting.

I have been starting to take online classes at my current job during my down time cause 40k a year just isn't cutting it for me. I do have a 20-30 a week p/t I work also which I use to cover the small bills. I hope maybe within the next 1-2 years I can be working with a govt. contractor doing Unix programing.

I'd rather get paid less and be happy than vice versa.

02-06-2008, 07:44 AM
As a former state meployee, I say go for it. I got out of governement and went private. I have been with two different companies. One was like your current - very demanding and then got sold. My current is easier, but also got sold. I made more money along the way but now have NO security.

Don't even begin to think that government will give merit increases. That doesn't happen often. You will, however be able to promote yourself and move forward. And of course, retirement and health care are a plus. Also note, that at the same gross income, there is more take home with government due to cheaper health and 401K matching, etc.

I did the 2nd job thing for about a year in order to get things levelled out by reducing living costs and promoting within my new job. It was worth it. Why I quit, I'll never know....

These days,I'm trying to get back into government. Here in Florida, if you had the same 6 years with the state, you'd already be eligible for retirement. No kidding.

Egon Spengler
02-06-2008, 07:55 AM
new new new

02-06-2008, 07:58 AM
The new american dream is to get a government job.
Take that job. Stop reading this and go now.
Early retirement, cant be fired, 401 contribution alone is double your daily paycheck, time off, sick days, vacation, all holidays, some you never heard of, life, dental, health, insurance, overtime, doubletime, triple time!!! maybe even a car. Why are we talking about this???

02-06-2008, 08:01 AM
Okay, well thanks everyone for their thoughts. I just wasn't sure I was gonna make a step in the right direction. The job I have now, I got it while still in high school. It's the only thing I have ever done. So, it's a big leap for me for sure. Plus, I'm just a little insecure with myself, wondering if I made the right choice. Thank ya'll for helping me out.


02-06-2008, 08:04 AM
Okay, well thanks everyone for their thoughts. I just wasn't sure I was gonna make a step in the right direction. The job I have now, I got it while still in high school. It's the only thing I have ever done. So, it's a big leap for me for sure. Plus, I'm just a little insecure with myself, wondering if I made the right choice. Thank ya'll for helping me out.


I understand. I did it while still quite young, as well. Get in now and don't get out. You'll remember this and thank me when you're 50.

02-06-2008, 08:16 AM
Honey Just Go For It //ill Be There To Help I (as If This Was About Me) Just Want You Tobe Happy ......... So Just Do It It Will All Work Out ............ Love You Dear

02-06-2008, 08:24 AM
What if your current boss only made you the offer because he wants you to train the new employee (your replacement) so he technically doesn't need you anymore.

I cannot imagine that he will pay you "both" in the long run. It sounds to me like he made you that offer so that he has a back up and if you pull this new job thing again in the future, he will be in a better position to just tell you to grab your stuff and leave.

IMO, give your two weeks and leave, or stay but DO NOT train somebody to do your job. It will come back to bite you in the a$$.

Good luck.

02-06-2008, 08:38 AM
Get out now! I've had a more than a few jobs early in my career -- but I never stayed at any of them if I didn't enjoy the heck out it. As soon as I was waking up saying, "God, do I really have to go there again," I know it's time to quit. Unemployment is low and jobs are easy to get. Go find something that gives you personal satisfaction at a place where your employers appreciate your work. You'll be MUCH happier in the long run.. You spend most of your time at work, so you might as well be happy!

02-06-2008, 08:41 AM
Govt. Job.....Go for it!!!

02-06-2008, 08:54 AM
His offer to me last night was, you learn to sell this product we have, train people to do your job and we will get you less hours for the same money.

To me this sounds like a convienent and difficult to follow up on promise. It's very open ended, not like you were given a letter stating if you stay you get a raise, or benefits, etc. What does "learn to sell this product" really mean? Sounds like it could be too relative, what's the timeframe for this to happen in, you may think its' quick but it could end up never happening.

Honestly that doesn't sound like a great offer or one that holds your best interests.

As others have said if the pay of the new job works for you then go for it. Even if it's lower pay it's a foot in the door, you will help open up to more gov't opportunities and can work for pay and grade increases, probably more-so than in your current job.

02-06-2008, 09:15 AM

This really seems like a "no brainer" to me. Your long term prospects for in-grade step increases, grade increases, annual COLA adjustments, lateral job transfers, and upward mobility will be much greater with the Government than in your current job from your description. A big plus as you mentioned is the benefits, working environment, and better hours.

It seems that the biggest hurdle to get over is the near immediate loss of about 34% of your current income (i.e. the drop from $38K to $25K). This will likely mean some initial belt tightening to offset the loss of $13K per year. That is not an insignificant issue -- but should not be enough to tie you to an intolerable work situation indefinitely.

You mentioned that the Gov't position is $2.00 more per hour. However, the numbers don't work out right.

Government --- $12.02/hour * 80 hour/period * 26 pay periods = $25,001.60
Current ------- $13.29/hour * 110 hours/period * 26 periods = $38,009.40

It would appear that the new Government job is actually about $1.27 less per hour than what you are making now (average of OT and regular) given the information that you have provided. Of course, it shouldn't take too long to make up that difference.

Only you know the full impact of that missing $13K. Have you factored in "Locality Pay" for your position? In the Baltimore-Washington area, that $25,041 base pay may translate to $30,272 for a Grade 4, Step 3 employee.

Could be that the difference isn't as much as you thought. :dunno:

OPM pay scales >>>> http://www.opm.gov/oca/08tables/indexGS.asp

02-06-2008, 09:17 AM
My current bills total about $800.00 a month.

Now thats funny.

Take the new job.

02-06-2008, 09:31 AM

You mentioned that the Gov't position is $2.00 more per hour. However, the numbers don't work out right.

Government --- $12.02/hour * 80 hour/period * 26 pay periods = $25,001.60
Current ------- $13.29/hour * 110 hours/period * 26 periods = $38,009.40

It would appear that the new Government job is actually about $1.27 less per hour than what you are making now given the information that you have provided. Of course, it shouldn't take too long to make up that difference.

Only you know the full impact of that missing $13K. Have you factored in "Locality Pay" for your position? In the Baltimore-Washington area, that $25,041 base pay may translate to $30,272 for a Grade 4, Step 3 employee.

Could be that the difference isn't as much as you thought. :dunno:

OPM pay scales >>>> http://www.opm.gov/oca/08tables/indexGS.asp

With the numbers difference.. with my current job I get a weekly check. When the month ends, I get a bonus of 1% if that month's numbers are 10% higher than the same month's numbers, a year before.
I didn't go into details with Locality pay but, I do remember the gentilman discussing that I would get that with the new job.
Also, the new job stated that I would get at least 3 hours of over time every month at the end, because of having to do inventory. Plus, we would also bartend for meetings/parties during the year so tht would also bring in more over time.
You brought up some good points. And man, you are really good with numbers for sure!!

O's Fan Rich
02-06-2008, 09:34 AM
Your current Boss will NEVER look at you the same way anyway if you stay where you're at.
In the back of his mind there will always be the question of your commitment to them. They may also look at you like you're a , pardon the expression, whore, as you committed to another job but sold out for more cash.

Stick with your new choice and make it work, is my opinion.

02-06-2008, 09:42 AM
Their sudden interest with a counter offer is very self-serving on their part. All of your other issues are still there. Be polite and don't burn bridges....but it's time to move on. I only see pluses with the govt. job. Go for it!! Best of luck!

02-06-2008, 09:49 AM
At 800 bucks a month you only need to make about 20K/year to have bills paid and plenty mad money! What are you doing with the rest of the 38K?!

02-06-2008, 10:06 AM
Honey Just Go For It //ill Be There To Help I (as If This Was About Me) Just Want You Tobe Happy ......... So Just Do It It Will All Work Out ............ Love You Dear

Awwwww......isn't that cute. ;)


Govt. job, who works at a govt. job? Not me. Also with a govt. job in this area it is all politics...trust me. Pick a side and hope you picked the right side, ask me how I know. :rolleyes:

I say go for it, it can't be any worse then where you are now.....or could it.

GO FOR IT!!!!!

02-06-2008, 10:17 AM
breadfan (What does "learn to sell this product" really mean?) the place she works at is now selling new RVs or trailers 5th wheels pull behinds not double wides .... but she needs to just follow her heart ..or try somthing new i myself just want her happy-------------------------> haggis you would do the same for ladyhawk as i said before she just needs tobe happyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy y hahahahahahahahahahahhahahaha

02-06-2008, 10:25 AM
breadfan (What does "learn to sell this product" really mean?) the place she works at is now selling new RVs or trailers 5th wheels pull behinds not double wides .... but she needs to just follow her heart ..or try somthing new i myself just want her happy-------------------------> haggis you would do the same for ladyhawk as i said before she just needs tobe happyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy y hahahahahahahahahahahhahahaha

a happy wife/gf = a happy man.

02-06-2008, 10:27 AM
The new american dream is to get a government job.
Take that job. Stop reading this and go now.
Early retirement, cant be fired, 401 contribution alone is double your daily paycheck, time off, sick days, vacation, all holidays, some you never heard of, life, dental, health, insurance, overtime, doubletime, triple time!!! maybe even a car. Why are we talking about this???

You didn't say whether the govt job was state or federal but either way the govt job will be heads and shoulders above the private sector. Take this from a federal employee with over 20 years of service. Health, retirement, peace of mine in this age of downsizing and layoffs more than makes up for an additional dollar or two an hour.

02-06-2008, 10:32 AM
breadfan (What does "learn to sell this product" really mean?) the place she works at is now selling new RVs or trailers 5th wheels pull behinds not double wides .... but she needs to just follow her heart ..or try somthing new i myself just want her happy-------------------------> haggis you would do the same for ladyhawk as i said before she just needs tobe happyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy y hahahahahahahahahahahhahahaha

Yeah, the thing I'd worry about is who decides you've met this goal of learning the product? Boss can hold out because he holds the answer.

Tell him you know how to sell RV's...when a couple comes in to purchase:

Tell the husband:
- Use it for fishing
- use it for hunting
- Use it for tailgating
- chick's dig 'em
- Fridge keeps beer cold
- Camp out at the drag strip
- nice place to sleep when the wife is mad at ya

Tell the wife:
- Family togetherness
- Romantic getaways
- See the country
- Fridge keeps beer cold
- Keeps the guy busy
- place to send him when your mad at him

In all honesty though something to keep in mind, folks are worried about the economy and I bet that's taking a toll on RV sales, as others have mentioned the Gov't jobs will be less impacted but economy and more stable in the long run.

02-06-2008, 10:44 AM
Okay, I applied and got a measly goverment job. I gave my boss my two weeks notice last night and he threw an offer on the table. Can I get some outside views? Backgound. I've been with my current employer for 6 years. Thee have no retirement, and other than health ins. and 1 week paid vacation, no benefits. I currently make about 38K a year.
My new job is gov't so benefits out the wazoo; 401k, retirement, sick leave etc... new job would give me $2 more an hour but, it's less money, b/c less hours. 25K a year.
I have grown tired of dealing with irritating customers, 55hr work weeks, no breaks or days off except for vacation and major holidays, and bosses that still refuse to grow up and not pick fights and yell at employees when things don't go their way. I had previously given my boss a years notice that I would be leaving the company because I was applying to several police departments. That didn't work out... Two testing dates I missed because I couldn't get time off work and the other, the county had few openings and too many applicants. PG gave me a letter saying "no because of background" He has yet to find a replacement for me from a notice over a year ago! So, he said this was a suprise to him. Riiiight. His offer to me last night was, you learn to sell this product we have, train people to do your job and we will get you less hours for the same money.
I am irritated because now that I have given them a 2 week notice, they suddenly throw this on the table and will hire someone(s) on the counter to do my job. WTF?!

Pros of new Job.
- Less hours gives me time to have a life
- Gov't benefits, inc. retirement and 401k with match from employer
- No more irritating customers
- No more immature boss
- Easier to transfer anywhere outa state with gov't
- If need be, I have time to get a part time job
- I get time for lunch and breaks during the day if wanted
- Yearly cost of living increases
- Yearly review where you can get a bonus or more money per hour in paycheck

Cons of new job
- Less hours
- Less money since less hours
- Might have to get a part time job
- Longer communte *I currently live next to where I work
- No position advancement, just pay increase **currently no advancement now in current job)

Those are just some of the things I can think of off the top of my head. I don't see why I can't make it work. My current bills total about $800.00 a month. That leaves me a little bit of money left over.

While all comments from others are valid, I really find the 2 area I outlined bold as a major pain in the " __" : Not much conditions, virtually no vacation and no respect as he doesn't cooperate to give you a few hours to go to a testing date.

I would leave the ass with an alligator wide smile and wouldn't look back. Go for the new job !!

02-06-2008, 10:47 AM
At 800 bucks a month you only need to make about 20K/year to have bills paid and plenty mad money! What are you doing with the rest of the 38K?!

Believe me, I have asked myself that. I spend it.. I have no self control when it comes to $$. Dinners, gifts... if I want it, I buy it basically. :(
I'm working on it though. I mean, I know I need to save for retirment but.. my dad says I should put myself first, then pay bills, when young. You only live once.

02-06-2008, 10:55 AM
The unknown can create self doubt which results in fear.

Apparently your current boss is betting on your self doubt/fear and will probably never respect your worth.

Believe in yourself and take a new job, any job if necessary. Only look back if you are headed backwards.

When ever I doubt my ability to move forward I merely look around at those that have easily done it. Anything they have done I can do better.

In the long run follow your passion, passion in your job will easily out perform the smarter and better educated.

02-06-2008, 11:05 AM
Move on....you already have 5 to many years invested in a go nowhere job where you have been undervalued and unappreciated. Look for ways to grow your new position and if none appear look for new opportunities with new positions in government or outside but always, always remember that only you are in charge of your success and upward mobility. Don't waste any more time. Get moving, girl. My 2 cents for a full and rewarding career. Dennis:beer:

02-06-2008, 11:08 AM
The unknown can create self doubt which results in fear.

Apparently your current boss is betting on your self doubt/fear and will probably never respect your worth.

Believe in yourself and take a new job, any job if necessary. Only look back if you are headed backwards.

I wondered about that myself sometimes. I did tell them about 3 years into the job that I was thinking about leaving. I was tired of having to put up with selling repairs to people that didn't want to spend money. I took the easy way out and took the boss' offer of a pay raise.
Then, he told me when the rv thing started up, money would come in and he would spend that on his employees. I told him I was giving him a years notice becuase I was applying to the police dept. It would bring me 45k a year with benefits. He then after about a year, gave me a pay raise "with comission" to get me to stay. I took it but, only because I was still going through the application process.

When ever I doubt my ability to move forward I merely look around at those that have easily done it. Anything they have done I can do better.

In the long run follow your passion, passion in your job will easily out perform the smarter and better educated.

I refuse to give in again this time. I just need to take a deap breath and go for it.

02-06-2008, 11:09 AM
Believe me, I have asked myself that. I spend it.. I have no self control when it comes to $$. Dinners, gifts... if I want it, I buy it basically. :(
I'm working on it though. I mean, I know I need to save for retirment but.. my dad says I should put myself first, then pay bills, when young. You only live once.

Girl, Pops is right to a certain degree. You do only live once and if you don't indulge yourself, no one else will...

However, this my be a good belt tightening lesson for you. Although, at your bills/income rate, it should be a piece of cake! Further, your 2nd job might just give you excuse to spend even more to justify it's existence (clothes, meals, etc). You may spend more working at the 2nd job than you make at it!

Kiddo, I supported a young family on 15K a year... and it wasn't that long ago!!

Speaking of that, this may also be a good exercise in anticipation of a possible family. You'll go through the same type of planning, budgeting and belt-tightening when that time comes.

All-in-all, I still say do it! Spend more quality time with SS04 and don't spend so much going out and being frivolous. Self-control feels good in it's own way. All aspects of your life will benefit.

02-06-2008, 11:10 AM
I have a Gov't job. I started out at $14,000 per year a looong time ago. Now I'm about to retire and have a good pension to look forward to - and my current salary is $80,000+ per year. You really have to be a BIG screw-up to lose a Gov't job. Private industry,,,you never know from year to year. I just read that SEARS and MOTOROLA may be desolving this year possibly. Go figure. The economy sucks and we all know why.

02-06-2008, 11:13 AM
what is the gov. job? This is an election year, if the dems. get in, there's
going to be cut backs, depending on what gov. entity you are employed
with. Lots of points to ponder>

02-06-2008, 11:27 AM
I refuse to give in again this time. I just need to take a deap breath and go for it.

:up: That's the way I'd go if I were in your situation, just don't burn bridges as you go.

02-06-2008, 12:21 PM
:laugh: :laugh:

Spend more quality time with SS04 ......

And don't let SS03 find out. ;) :o


02-06-2008, 12:26 PM
:laugh: :laugh:

And don't let SS03 find out. ;) :o


:eek: Whoops... my bad! :alone:

She knew what I meant!


02-06-2008, 12:40 PM
Look your Boss straight in the eyes and tell him; "I quit!!!" and then kick him in the NUTS!!!

02-06-2008, 12:50 PM
what is the gov. job? This is an election year, if the dems. get in, there's
going to be cut backs, depending on what gov. entity you are employed
with. Lots of points to ponder>

Your sign name says it all.

When in the history of the US has there been a gov't cut in total spending other than Defense post a war? Please enquiring minds want to know

Federal, State and Local spending make up ~30% of every dollar or ~$14,000 for every man woman and child in this country!

Walk around the mall and then drive around then just imagine that every year every person you came across has to pay the government $14,000 a year. Then stop and think how much work goes into producing that $14,000.

Then stop and think of the monumental task government must put forth to spend that much money!:lol:

02-06-2008, 12:56 PM
Walk around the mall and then drive around then just imagine that every year every person you came across has to pay the government $14,000 a year. Then stop and think how much work goes into producing that $14,000.
$14,000 ??? Where can I sign up for that deal. :rolleyes:

02-06-2008, 01:03 PM
Look your Boss straight in the eyes and tell him; "I quit!!!" and then kick him in the NUTS!!!

I'm all about not burning bridges (or bruising nuts), but I think Gordon is on to something, here...

I get the impression your boss is USING you. He clearly gets more money from your effort than he pays and from the sound of it, LOTS more.

Kick him in the nuts AFTER your 90 day probation in your new job!!!!!

02-06-2008, 05:02 PM
Go for the Gov. job. in the long run you'll be way ahead.
The future is where its at, now is the time to make the move.
Good Luck.:D

Aren Jay
02-06-2008, 09:31 PM
There are more important things in life than money, and at 24 you have lots of time to work your way up and earn more. I'd say go with the new job.

Well that is a wrong statement.

Money is everything in life. The more the merrier!

You are young enough to get a new job and work your way up.

Nobody ever gets rich working for the government.

Steady, Safe, Secure, Sick leave etc... but never rich.

When you are young you can afford not to have health benefits. When you get hurt though you are screwed.

Go for the secure job, less pay but less to worry about too. Do not get the second job, rather set yourself a limit and learn to play the stock market, now is a perfect time to get in.

Follow a dozen or two companies and see what happens in the news, economy, stock prices, etc...

Don't lose all your money on the markets. Set a limit $500 or $5000 but a limit.

Expand your education in your off time.

With low prices you might want to look at real estate, either learn to sell or save up and buy.

So yeah I say go with the new job.

But don't get a second job, live within your means, pay off debt and go to school/night school or whatever and learn something that can help you make much more money.

I thought it said Onions please.

02-07-2008, 05:29 AM
Well that is a wrong statement.

Money is everything in life. The more the merrier!
For an Oxford (??) educated person, you do say some unintelligent things. :rolleyes:

The morgues, drug wards, and psychiatric couches are full of "rich" examples that your view is not completely accurate.

So I will just disagree with your disagreement. :P

02-07-2008, 07:43 AM
Take the new job. The benefits can't be beat.

If your old boss really needs you, there's the part time job to make up the pay difference. If he's just talking BS, there you have it...

And the RV industry isn't very secure, for most customers it's not a necessity it's for pleasure/leisure. Those are some of the first industries to suffer in an economic downturn.

02-07-2008, 10:21 AM
Take the govt job. Then join the credit union if you don't already belong to one. It'll help you make the most of your income. Choose a County, State or Federal govt job over local govt. They have bigger budgets and more positions for you to move up in. Downside is politics. Expect an internal reorg every time the top elected official changes. It's kinda fun to play cube-go-round every so often.

I have worked for the same local govt for the last sixteen years. After five years I was vested in the retirement plan. At 25 years of service I can immediately retire and begin drawing my check. I will hit the age of retirement and years of service at the same time so that's my goal.

Oh yeah, the high tolerance for BS you have developed at your previous job will serve you well in a govt position. ;)

02-07-2008, 10:45 AM
Oh yeah, the high tolerance for BS you have developed at your previous job will serve you well in a govt position. ;)

So true...so true.

02-07-2008, 12:42 PM
There are a lot of very rich people working for the government and as a direct result of having worked for the government.

govenor edwards

bill clinton

bill jefferson

numerous ex congressman lobbyists making $1mil + per year with a lifetime health and $150K per year in for life pension

02-07-2008, 04:53 PM
.... I currently make about 38K a year.

Holy crap.
You work at a tire shop right?
Jesus....do you own the place.

WTF did I go wrong taking on a skilled trade. :confused:

This based on age comparison. I didn't make that until I was over 30.

02-07-2008, 07:39 PM
Hey this is TCBO1 I have hyjacked SS03's id because we are at a friend's house and I don't remember my password to get on the site. I just wanted to say thank you to everyone for helping me out with this. It means alot to me. It has been tough but, with my other half here and ya'll to back me up I am going to tell my boss tomorrow that I am not taking his offer. Sorry I haven't been able to respond back to anyone, I cannt get my computers at work to load the mm.net page. You guys are great.

Cruzetaker, no I don't own the place silly. I work in a tire and automotive repair shop. I am the assistant service manager. I basically run the front counter, answer phones etc.. by myself. If I recall correctly, I haven't actually puched out and left somewhere for lunch in about a year....tell that to the labor board. It's really just hush money :) The wages I make are the results of me telling my boss that I was leaving (several times within the past 2 years.)

No, I am not into burning bridges but nut kicking... sounds like it could be fun! J/K guys!!!! Thank you again everyone. Hopefully I will be able to talk to ya'll at work again soon. If not I will peek in on Tues. and Thurs. after workin out at a friend's house (SSO4's) ;)


02-07-2008, 08:45 PM
:laugh: :laugh:

If not I will peek in on Tues. and Thurs. after workin out at a friend's house (SSO4's) ;)

I'm tellin' ....... ;)