View Full Version : Aaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!

08-09-2003, 01:35 AM
I just joined the club. The club horseman, Logan, and anyone else whose gotten into a car crash. Thankfuly mine isnt anywhere as bad as theirs were. Let's see: I was waiting for a spot at a 7-11 and this truck is backing out. I see this truck turning oldly twards my car. I see this guy isnt stoping or turn away so i lay down on my horn. STILL coming so I through it into reverse but not hard enough because WAM! hits me in the drivers side front bumper. The truck pulls foward ocwardly and comes to a stop crooked in the lot. I get out and see about a 2 inch dent and posably a crack in the bumper. In my head are these thoughts of murder and stuff (I know it would cross your minds too). The other driver is out and starts talking to me about just exchanging info or what I wanted to do. He knew he was at fault and didnt want to stay. But even though his speach was ok, he didnt seem "ok". One of my two pasangers called the SO to report the crash. So we waited.........and waited.......and waited until right when we were going to call again a Deputy showed up. Next thing I know two more cars come to the scene. I was prepared to give the Deputy my info (DL/reg/ins) and then he went for the other drivers info. Dont know their whole conversation, but its not the stuff you want to hear. Cars not in his name, going to be in his morthers soon, inserance is in his mothers name, and it was a differnt last name. And he was living out of a motel, with no real address. Now I wouldnt have a problem about his info under his moms name but he was about 35 yrs old. But needles to say they were spending more time with him than me. About a half hour later a DUI unit responds and takes me aside to his car and does a FIR (field interogation report) on camera. He does the same with the other driver but does the road side test. Next thing I see he's getting his silver braclets and a "nice" backseat to sit in. So I was happy to see he wouldn't hurt anyone else, and have a little revenge. He was issued two citaions, one for hitting me and the other for DUI/DWI. Man o man I feel better after writing this all down but still uneasy.

08-09-2003, 02:29 AM
I'm sorry to hear about your unfortunate adventure . hope no one was injured . and hope that his insurance veh : inspector
comes and sees your MM and cuts you a big check :):):)

08-09-2003, 02:38 AM
Sorry to hear your story, Soul . . . At least some justice was served. I am now specifically wary of tight-spaced parking lots. I don't even drive on streets that are too narrow anymore after my 2000 Mustang was T-boned (car coming out of a private driveway) on a narrow street (that had cars parked on both sides, further inhibiting visibility) last year.

08-09-2003, 06:41 AM
Too bad you fell victim, but, one less idiot on the road. Thankfully no serious injuries occured. Good thing is your car was not damaged inhibiting drivability. Lesson learned for another moron.

08-09-2003, 07:03 AM
Thank you all the comments so far. And NBC, I wasnt too happy about the lot but the need for a coke out wieghed the uneasines of the lot. I guess in my future there wont be any more small lots for me. I just recently got off the phone with my adjuster and everything looks good so far. Gave them the whole thing and they'll hopefully find him at fault (dont see how they wouldnt but who knows).

Now my question is: a L/M body shop is one of the "perfured" body shops. Should I take it to another one that might not be affliated with allstate, or is this a good thing. Oh, and would they just replace my whole bumper, or repair?

08-09-2003, 07:21 AM
Sorry to hear about your MM. I hope that dude (or his Mom's?) insurance covers everything!!

Personally, when I've had damage to a vehicle that I didn't have to pay for, ... I go to the highest bidder! Ususally the dealership of course!

FYI ... the front bumper cover on our cars are freakin' expensive! Something like $1200 ... wholesale! I don't even wanna think about they sell at retail!

Thomas C Potter
08-09-2003, 07:39 AM
Sorry to hear, glad the cops got him. I had to physically chase my drunk driver some years ago, tackled him and took his wallet, told him he can run away now. Cops were amused and glad.


08-09-2003, 09:38 AM
PM me if you can keep yuor old bumper. I want it. Hope your gets fixed up good.

08-09-2003, 10:10 AM

Man that stinks....but hopefully the body shop makes it good as new....luckily you met this guy in a 7-11 parking lot.....better than at 70mph on the highway.....

Good luck!

08-09-2003, 10:34 AM
Sorry about the accident, like 57 said, better in the 7-11 than the highway. Hope this guy had insurance. Thomas... why would you risk chasing down a drunk driver... who knows what could have happend. But... i gotta give you credit... you did a good thing.

08-09-2003, 03:13 PM
Originally posted by SouLRioT
[Now my question is: a L/M body shop is one of the "perfured" body shops. Should I take it to another one that might not be affliated with allstate, or is this a good thing. Oh, and would they just replace my whole bumper, or repair? [/B]

You need to check a body shop out before you commit. Ask others who have had work done. Please do not take someones word for it. Last November my MM got a "love" tap at a stop street and cost $1200. to fix!! (rear bumper they paid)

Just trying to help.

Check it out first.

08-09-2003, 03:23 PM
BJD: Did they repair or replace your back bumper?

And hopefuly my car will be better, here in FL you dont need a front plate so if they replace, I'll make it a big point to not have any holes in the front made.

08-09-2003, 03:28 PM
Glad no one was hurt, by the way there are MM bumpers for auction on E-bay for anyone that is interested!

08-09-2003, 05:10 PM
Soul - Sorry to hear about your accident. The best repair would be to replace the bumper cover. Many Ins. Companies have pro shops they recommend and the repair will be guaranted for the life of the vehicle. Hope for a positive resolution. Keep us posted.:(

08-11-2003, 07:29 PM
Update: the body shop says they can repair it, so if it still looks f'd up after they'll just have to order it then. They say a two day turn over. Going in Tomorrow will report back wednesday night about it.