View Full Version : Yes! New Carbon tax introduced!

02-20-2008, 08:41 PM
Our precious Liberal BC government has just introduced a carbon tax on fuel that will add 2 cents per litre beginning in July going up to 7 cents by 2012 in an effort to "go green" and get more drivers off the road....nice.

Aren Jay
02-20-2008, 08:44 PM
Time to move to Alberta.

Everything is 8% cheaper. plus everyone knows Alberta is a better place to live.

02-21-2008, 05:24 AM
What a hysterical scam. Like this tax will do anything other than re-distribute wealth.

Dr Caleb
02-21-2008, 11:54 AM
What a hysterical scam. Like this tax will do anything other than re-distribute wealth.


Put a tax on something that had no value previously. Move the cost of the 2010 Olympics to spread over more people. If they were serious about making it a 'green' tax, the proceeds won't go into general revenues.

Egon Spengler
02-21-2008, 11:59 AM
Damn hosers... I have aboot had it with the gov't eh? Oh wait... I live in america!!

Aren Jay
02-21-2008, 05:21 PM
Damn hosers... I have aboot had it with the gov't eh? Oh wait... I live in america!!

People don't talk like that in BC. Those people live in Ontario.

02-22-2008, 01:41 AM
Dia is right

02-22-2008, 03:54 AM
Time to move to Alberta.

Everything is 8% cheaper. plus everyone knows Alberta is a better place to live.

I didnt know :confused:, and even if I did, I would never move to Canada.

Dr Caleb
02-22-2008, 01:22 PM
I didnt know :confused:, and even if I did, I would never move to Canada.

*whew*. Dodged a bullet there.

02-23-2008, 12:33 PM
I didnt know :confused:, and even if I did, I would never move to Canada.

Guess that works out for both of us then..;)

02-23-2008, 12:57 PM
People don't talk like that in BC. Those people live in Ontario.

We may talk like Bob & Doug McKenzie but you can keep that ASS CLOWN called David Suzuki and his tree hugging friends......:D

02-23-2008, 01:59 PM
We may talk like Bob & Doug McKenzie but you can keep that ASS CLOWN called David Suzuki and his tree hugging friends......:D

Is that guy still alive??

Dr Caleb
02-24-2008, 10:03 AM
Is that guy still alive??

Yea, he worships at the altar of Gorical now. I used to like the guy, he was passionate about his views, and I respected that. But now, he wants to try to stop a natural process - which just isn't going to happen. I can see reducing pollution as a good thing, but to stop the sun from getting hotter makes no sense.

I have to wonder with this carbon tax too. . . if we plant trees, will we get a tax credit? Will the Mountain Pine Beetle have a massive tax bill next year?


02-24-2008, 10:34 AM
Several noted scientest are now saying there is more evidence of increased global cooling.

A friend of mine started his own observatory. He sends pics of the suns activity to the National Observatory at their request.

He told me before all this Global Warming became the discussion that the Sun was showing increased activity.

If you truly beleive that we are causing Global Warming then you beleive there are Martians on Mars because Mars is experiencing "Martian Warming".

AlGore needs to go to Mars to convince the Martians they are destroying Mars. AlGore then needs to go to the Sun to convince the Sunians they are destrying the Universe.

AlGore then needs to go to Heaven to convince god he is destroying the Universe.

The scary part is not Global Warming but the core belief of these "activist" that the Earth can only support 210 million humans.

They beleive they are the arbitors of who these 210 million will be. They beleive they are the Earths and therefore our saviors.

There is a reason they break into research labs and it is not to release the animals. when they obtain the means to bring the human population to 210 million w/out "damaging" the Earth they will.:mad2:

02-24-2008, 11:17 AM
That is a ridiculous scam! I live in the USA, but when the price of gas jumped from $1.60 a gallon to $3.50 a gallon it wasn't enough to make the sale of gas slowdown. Do they seriously believe 7 cents will accomplish what $2 could not!

02-24-2008, 11:54 AM
They say they will offset this carbon tax with reduced income and sales tax...

02-25-2008, 12:28 AM
Yea, he worships at the altar of Gorical now. I used to like the guy, he was passionate about his views, and I respected that. But now, he wants to try to stop a natural process - which just isn't going to happen. I can see reducing pollution as a good thing, but to stop the sun from getting hotter makes no sense.

I have to wonder with this carbon tax too. . . if we plant trees, will we get a tax credit? Will the Mountain Pine Beetle have a massive tax bill next year?


Poor David. He's kind of like Canada's Timothy Leary.

02-25-2008, 12:29 AM
They say they will offset this carbon tax with reduced income and sales tax...

Was that at the same time they announced the Carbon Tax, or after all the complaints?

Dr Caleb
02-25-2008, 11:46 AM
Was that at the same time they announced the Carbon Tax, or after all the complaints?


After. It's estimated that the carbon tax could bring in $50B a year in revenue. Now they are saying by taxing this valueless substance, they could generate a huge windfall.

So, they'll have to bribe us with our own money to get us to accept it.

Fiat currency. Debt-as-money. Now, tax something that is worthless. The bottom will fall out, and it will fall hard.

Aren Jay
02-25-2008, 11:28 PM
On Quirks and Quarks he was great, fighting for whales he was great but come on taxing cabon is like saying we are going to have to pay to breath. Methinks someone slipped something in his coffee at a Eurpean conference or something.

02-26-2008, 05:14 PM
now they are beginning to see that wind patterns control all they thought carbon was doing. this year has seen more snow in N.America since the late 50's, and the ice pack has recovered 40% in one winter.

first we had 100 year flooding, but when that occurred every other year, then suddenly El Nino was the cause celeb, then that stopped unexpectedly, so we had La Nina, then that got old,so we had a huge unstoppable hole in the ozone, so since Dupont's patent on R12 was up, we had to change freon, then before that could have the predicted effect, the Ozone hole shrank as it has done for eons, so they dredged up the Global cooling from the 70s, except it was too hot, so they changed it to global warming, but then all their conferences were snowed out, so they now call it climate change, that way they are covered.

environmental activism in a NUTshell...

Aren Jay
02-26-2008, 08:50 PM
Noone can yet tell me what man made thing caused the global warming during the bronze age in greece when it was so warm people wore nothing but toga's and houses didn't have windows and some people walked around naked.

I guess it was all the olive oil lamps that cause the tempertures to rise or something.

02-27-2008, 12:45 AM
It was all the carbon burning to create the bronze :D

02-27-2008, 07:27 AM
Poor David. He's kind of like Canada's Timothy Leary.

Uuuh, more like Ralph Nader. But with facial hair.:)

Dr Caleb
02-27-2008, 11:46 AM
Uuuh, more like Ralph Nader. But with facial hair.:)

Hey! Just made the connection! Are you the same Taemian on CKA and Vive?

(ether that, or I have another stalker) ;)

02-27-2008, 11:58 AM
now they are beginning to see that wind patterns control all they thought carbon was doing. this year has seen more snow in N.America since the late 50's, and the ice pack has recovered 40% in one winter.

first we had 100 year flooding, but when that occurred every other year, then suddenly El Nino was the cause celeb, then that stopped unexpectedly, so we had La Nina, then that got old,so we had a huge unstoppable hole in the ozone, so since Dupont's patent on R12 was up, we had to change freon, then before that could have the predicted effect, the Ozone hole shrank as it has done for eons, so they dredged up the Global cooling from the 70s, except it was too hot, so they changed it to global warming, but then all their conferences were snowed out, so they now call it climate change, that way they are covered.

environmental activism in a NUTshell...

That sir, is brilliant!!!

02-27-2008, 10:46 PM
Uuuh, more like Ralph Nader. But with facial hair.:)

Some combination any way.

All are fruitloops