View Full Version : Career Move Help!

02-20-2008, 10:30 PM
We are forming Sailsmen's Set Scouting Security Service aka 5S.

Guaranteed lowest cost Disaster/Apocalypse sites in North America.
Lowest costs extras trained in criminal method available as 701s releases.

Mayor w/ previous experience in "Lost his Mind", "Civil Rite Preachin"
and "Fantasy (Willy's Wonka)" available cheap.

Best catering in the world.

All in "the city that care forgot".

We are also forming Sailsmen's Storm Survival School aka 4S.

Certified in hunkering down on the roof 110MPH survivability.

How to hide up to a 15lb dog during helo basket lift.

Proper boat ingress from water level.

How to disguise as medically needy to get to the head of the food line.

The cunondrum is the State is spending huge amounts on the film industry so much that the Tax Credit Director just confessed to bribery so films will keep coming. However the rebuilding is going to make disaster sets which are currently free expensive in the future.

Should I put my efforts into 4S knowing in any given year there is a 49% chance a CAT3 or higher will hit the US Gulf Coast for the next 14 years creating a demand to know how to survive or should I put my efforts where the State in throwing money into 5S knowing that disaster sets will continually be made and may continue to be free?


Thanks for your help.

02-21-2008, 08:43 AM
You just better hope your secretary doesn't have a lisp

02-21-2008, 09:28 AM
What the hell did I just read?

02-21-2008, 11:25 AM
My only suggestion is to locate your corparate offices somewhere ABOVE sea level. Me I'm a good 12' above. :D

Aren Jay
02-21-2008, 11:48 AM
Chader and I are 3700 feet above sea level.