View Full Version : Removing window tint

02-22-2008, 07:10 AM
Well, I have decided it is time to remove the window tint on the daily driver CVPI. I will be removing just from the front side windows to keep it legal. While I love the look, privacy, and reduced interior temps, it is no longer worth the hassle from the police. And what makes it worse is that I regularly have to drive through 2 of the worst towns in regards to enforcement of window tint and the highway patrol is the worse for that. In the "old days" I would have said forget it and give me a ticket. That was when a ticket used to be $34.50. Now that it is pretty much twice that I could put that money to good use in other places.

Other towns are fine and I think the tint law in Iowa SUCKS. I understand the need for safety for the officers, but the Iowa tint law states the following:

1) Nothing on the windshield other than a top banner that can not go below the factory marks

2) Driver and passenger front side windows must let 70% of the light through.

3) Other side windows and back window can be as dark as you want - including painting them black if you really wanted

Now, this is kind of stupid because how is #3 any worse than #2 since I always have my windows rolled down and my hands on the steering wheel when the officer approaches? (rhetorical question). And, I found out this past week that one of the local cities that is bad on the window tint law also has at least 1 officer that is completely uninformed when it comes to civilians driving retired CVPI's. He asked me a dozen questions about why I had it, why it wasn't registered to an agency, why it had the "cop stuff" on it - spot light, PI badge on the back, ticket light inside - the only items still on the car left over from police duty, etc. Come on, wake up dude. Anyone can buy them used!

So, I think I am going to peel the tint off the front driver and passenger windows and then the car will be completely legal - legal tint, front plate, etc. Also thinking of getting the Marauder rear center trim piece (with the back up lights, etc) as the stock one not only has the PI badge on it, but is also broken in one spot and both backup lights leak. Good excuse to get a new one plus the Marauder one has the tinted backup lights.

So, sorry to go off on the tinted window issue and back to the original question: what is the best way to remove window tint from side windows?

I will definitely miss the way it looks:


Egon Spengler
02-22-2008, 07:28 AM
surprised they don't get you for impersonating a police officer!!!! Sheesh!!

02-22-2008, 07:35 AM
Get a garbage bag. Open it up. Roll the window down a tiny bit. Drape the top of the open edge over the glass. Roll up window to hold it. Tuck the bottom to the open end in the track. Pour some ammonia into the 'sack' part. Let it bake in the sun like that for a few hours so the fumes soften the glue.

Razor blade and peel the edge. Work from the top down. If you can get a sheet run going, drizzle denatured alcohol between the glass and the sheet. Peel VERY slowly and the denat will soften/weaken the glue as you go.

There will be bits of glue and tint left. Use a terry cloth rag heavily soaked with denatured alcohol to soften the glue blobs and then scrape with a blade.

Wipe the glass again and again with denat. Turn the rag each time for a clean spot else you;ll put the glue back on. Keep doing this 'till it's clean. Clean with windex. Let dry for a day.

Come back and make sure all glue is gone. If not, denat on the rag again 'til you get it all.

Denat will not hurt the door or trim. It's the same stuff that comes in those wipes to clean a spot for a sticker. It MAY dry out softer plastics, so when all done, apply your favorite interior dressing to re-moisturize.

02-22-2008, 07:40 AM
I had the same problem with my Marauder. I live in a small town between Chattanooga and Atlanta, right on interstate 75. I drove in my town, to Atlanta, and even down to Macon with no problems from the State Patrol, or any local agencies. There is a judge in my town that drives a MM, so I figure some of the cops thought I was him.

Theres only one town around here with a motorcycle cop with a tint meter that gave me an 80 dollar ticket. I didn't like the thought of being ticketed on site, so I decided to remove the tint.

I went to one of the best tint places in Atlanta, and paid to have it removed. I know that's not what you want to hear, but these guys do it all day and the experience shows. I got my car back with no trace of the tint, and no damage.

The only thing I did wrong was not have them put legal tint back on. I like the darker tint - it made a heck of a difference in the summer.

02-22-2008, 08:14 AM
While Magindat's method works, I just bought a steamer like you use on clothes . It took all the film off in one piece, then I just used alcohol to remove the adhesive. Took about an hour for a whole car.

You might want to google removing window tint as there is some great tutorials out there.

02-22-2008, 08:19 AM
While Magindat's method works, I just bought a steamer like you use on clothes . It took all the film off in one piece, then I just used alcohol to remove the adhesive. Took about an hour for a whole car.

You might want to google removing window tint as there is some great tutorials out there.

REALLY?! I'll try that one next time (although it's rare I have to do it).

What'd it do? Emulsify the glue?

02-22-2008, 08:22 AM
surprised they don't get you for impersonating a police officer!!!! Sheesh!!

That's the other thing he said is there is someone driving around pretending to be a cop. I think that was just BS for the stop. Plus he made a WIDE arc coming up to the car instead of the normal line officers take when they can see you in the rear view mirror.

Since I have a buddy that works at the place that does all of my window tinting I might swing by and see what he has to say or what they will charge. Especially since I would like to get it done and it is currently about 10 degrees around here.

02-22-2008, 08:56 AM
I took mine off AFTER my ticket...and you WILL miss the way it looks but good tint will come off easy. I peeled mine off in one good pull...slowly so the glue came with tint for the most part...what glue was remaining I used an ammonia based glass cleaner and a razor....worked awesome..

jim geary
02-22-2008, 09:01 AM
Maybe a heat gun. Although I like Jim's steam suggestion.

02-22-2008, 09:01 AM
REALLY?! I'll try that one next time (although it's rare I have to do it).

What'd it do? Emulsify the glue?

Anyone who wants to borrow the steamer let me know. Just pay postage round trip and I'll send it to you. They cost about 50 bucks. Rich, it just softens the film so that most of the glue comes off with the film.

02-22-2008, 09:06 AM
Anyone who wants to borrow the steamer let me know. Just pay postage round trip and I'll send it to you. They cost about 50 bucks. Rich, it just softens the film so that most of the glue comes off with the film.

Gotcha. A heat gun does that too. I've used the ammonia softening and a heat gun to save the rear defroster. Good to know!

02-22-2008, 09:16 AM
Damn thats a beautiful vic! I wouldnt change a thing.

02-22-2008, 09:19 AM
I Just Peel It Off Dry... Just Go Slow Most Of The Glue Will Stay On The Film.. Then Windex And A Razor For Final Clean Up.. Then Off To The Tint Shop For Legal Front Tint . With The Rear Dark The Front Will Appear Darker But Still Be Legal

02-22-2008, 09:28 AM
I'm pretty sure there is something that you can spray onto the windows that removes the tint without damaging the rear defogger.

02-22-2008, 09:37 AM
With The Rear Dark The Front Will Appear Darker But Still Be Legal
This IS true...

02-22-2008, 10:00 AM
pull up small corner spray windex....the amonnia will do all work

02-22-2008, 10:09 AM
"3) Other side windows and back window can be as dark as you want - including painting them black if you really wanted"

^^^^That I dont get...So the driver and passenger in the front can be seen, but any and everything in the back is a mystery? Seems like a catch 22...:bs: Oh back to the question at hand...Id go with the steamer/heat gun and I say that because I tried the ammonia/ alcohol/ any damn liquid I could find to remove tint once, wasnt fun at all...I said its got to be a better way. That is anohter reason I am up in the air STILL about getting tint...The look is nice but the tickets and the hassle to remove it isnt...

02-22-2008, 01:08 PM
Oooh, looks too nice the way it is for me to decide on getting rid of it even if its only the fronts.

02-22-2008, 01:18 PM
i ve got bubbles in the rear window, they were there when i bought it , but i am worried about the defroster, what method or product wdo you think will work, i asked the part store and they came up with nothing, and the tint place told me it would be a few hundred bucks and they wont garentee that they wont ruin it either.

02-22-2008, 03:45 PM
I Just Peel It Off Dry... Just Go Slow Most Of The Glue Will Stay On The Film.. Then Windex And A Razor For Final Clean Up.. Then Off To The Tint Shop For Legal Front Tint . With The Rear Dark The Front Will Appear Darker But Still Be Legal

Well, went to the shop that does all of my window tinting and talked to my buddy. He said he would take the tint off those 2 windows for $25. With the weather we have been having I think $25 is well worth the time and effort for him to do it. Plus I can sit and bull**** with him while he does. Talk more about his "hew" HD F-150 that he just got. This is one of the last crew cab, 2WD versions with the SC 5.4 in it.

Yes, I know I am going to absolutely hate it without the uniform tinting on all of the windows, but at this time on my daily driver it is worth it not to have the hassle and potential $70 ticket. I will NOT be removing the tint from the Marauder, that's for sure.

And, again, I am only removing from the passenger and driver front side windows. None of the rest is coming off. And no new tint will be going on. The only legal tint allowed on those 2 windows is 70% which they don't even make and some factory tints on those windows are even illegal. Dumb law (just my opinion).

Thanks for the input guys.

02-22-2008, 03:56 PM
"3) Other side windows and back window can be as dark as you want - including painting them black if you really wanted"

^^^^That I dont get...So the driver and passenger in the front can be seen, but any and everything in the back is a mystery? Seems like a catch 22...:bs: Oh back to the question at hand...Id go with the steamer/heat gun and I say that because I tried the ammonia/ alcohol/ any damn liquid I could find to remove tint once, wasnt fun at all...I said its got to be a better way. That is anohter reason I am up in the air STILL about getting tint...The look is nice but the tickets and the hassle to remove it isnt...

Yeah, I don't get that part either. Then the funny part was talking with my buddy at the tint shop today he was complete surprised that the officer was from the city it was as he has tinted the windows (all of them, except windshields) on the officer's personal cars. I guess the chief there hates it, but they all get it done. I thought of driving to their staff lot, taking some pictures of the officer's cars and carry that with me in case they decide to pull me over again.

I do love my tinted windows. Of course I like the look overall, but I believe in the cooling effect, filtering of UV rays, plus I like to be able to pick my nose in privacy when driving!

02-22-2008, 04:57 PM
I do love my tinted windows. Of course I like the look overall, but I believe in the cooling effect, filtering of UV rays, plus I like to be able to pick my nose in privacy when driving!

heck yea! :rock:

02-22-2008, 06:34 PM
So, how is he taking the tint off?