View Full Version : Help again

08-10-2003, 01:42 AM
Can anyone tell me how to post up pictures?.....I might have some that'll interest u guys :)

08-10-2003, 03:49 AM
When you go to the Photo Gallery page, in the upper right corner, click on "Login" and log into the gallery - even though you're already logged on to MM.net.

Then click on "Upload Photos."

Choose a category.

"Browse" to select the photo on your computer.

Fill in the rest of the info, then "Upload/Submit."

A couple of things to note: the "file size limit" for each photo and the "disk space allowed in your account." The smaller the picture, the more pictures you can post. 640x480 will be close to full viewing size without taking up extra space in your "account."

Have at it!! :)