View Full Version : I'm going bald!!!!

02-26-2008, 04:08 PM
I've done it... I offered my head of hair to the American Cancer Society. Every year the ACS holds various fundraising activities. In Kansas City we have a Hope Lodge which is the ACS version of a Ronald McDonald House. It offers lodging for cancer patients and their families while they are in Kansas City receiving treatment. The Hope Lodge helps people find ways to afford their cancer treatment by providing them with an alternative to a hotel.

For your information... a "cheap" hotel (but safe to stay at) can run in the neighborhood of $65-$100 per night in Kansas City for a husband/wife. If they had children to bring along during the time they were in KC receiving treatment it could run closer to $150 a night. Now... many hotels will offer discount if you are staying for an entire week, but this is still a total of $500-$700 (or more for a family) per week. These are out of pocket expenses that are RARELY covered by insurance companies.

Knowing this... imagine you are told that coming to the University of Kansas Medical Center (http://www.kumc.edu/) and getting treatment will cure your cancer... imagine if you have to come here every couple of months for a week at a time... what if you come here and stay for 2 weeks? How many here can afford to pay $1000 right now for lodging on top of the extremely high medical costs incurred by cancer patients...

I chose to become a Shavee in the Shave to Save fundraiser for the KC Hope Lodge because I want to help someone. The ACS wants each one of us to raise $5,000 this year. Last year the shavees managed to raise nearly 50% of the yearly operating cost of the Hope Lodge. They operate on a $300,000+ budget. If you, or anyone you know, would consider donating to the American Cancer Society, especially to help the Kansas City area... it would be a heartfelt gift that many people would be able to feel.

This Hope Lodge is the nearest location for anyone living through Kansas... Western Missouri.... Nebraska... parts of Wyoming...
Kansas City used to have a Ronald McDonald house which could offer this type of service to patients but now the only people served by Ronald McDonald within KC are those who are receiving in-patient care for their children. The Hope Lodge is dedicated to helping all cancer patients, regardless of age and treatment type.

Just read these comments that people said about the KC Hope Lodge... Link (http://www.cancer.org/docroot/COM/content/div_Heartland/COM_11_2x_Kansas_City_Hope_Lod ge_PatientGuest_Feedback.asp)

I urge everyone to take a moment, look at your checking account, and make a donation today. It wouldn't matter how large or small... anything and everything helps out our fellow Americans. Thanks for your time and consideration in reading this. I really do hope to see you on the donator list.

Donate to the ACS KC Hope Lodge through me as a Shavee (http://main.acsevents.org/goto/djbruce)

BTW, I will post pictures/video of my head shaved here on ww.MM.net if anyone donates. Someone, please, for the good of the Hope Lodge (and for the entertainment value in seeing my head shaved).

02-26-2008, 05:10 PM
A very worthy cause.:2thumbs:

02-26-2008, 05:13 PM
My dad had cancer...but never wanted to the chemo thing...You are a good person...Its ALWAYS good to help those who need it...

02-26-2008, 07:04 PM
Good cause, but my hair stays.

02-26-2008, 08:24 PM
If I raise $5,000 my hair won't be staying... care to help out? Like I said. If I get a mm.net donator I will place pictures here.

If I get over $200 in donations from mm.net I'll not only let them shave it with clippers, but I'll come home and take a razor to it, wax/polish it up and post glossy pics too!!!!!

02-26-2008, 08:27 PM
If I had hair I would do this... but I'm a little thin up top so I keep a shaved head... Good cause tho... Well done man.