View Full Version : Odd Ball Limo.

Aren Jay
02-26-2008, 09:30 PM
So I was driving along and a Prius Taxis which was driving around with me earlier catches up to me again and because I'm not speeding he blows past me and cruises up to a Limo pulls behind him and then turns off later. I'm thinking the limo is some senior taxi guy but when I drive up I notice the limo, a Krystal (Lincoln Towncar 80's version), has a Mercedes star on the back. I'm thinking this was odd and as I cruise up beside him the whole side of the car is peeling paint. White normally but with huge grey, not scratches, but grey paint showing through, about 1/3 of the car has grey paint showing through underneath. Not too bad if it was going for a repair but the car is a private taxi. The front had a Mercedes grill welded on and a Mercedes star hood ornament.

It was laughable it was so bad. If you have a taxi limo private company atleast it should look good. Let alone the Mercedes additions.

I laughed but the guy was fasinated when I was beside him and couldn't take his eyes off my Marauder.

I left him as fast and the area as fast as possible.

02-26-2008, 10:51 PM
I saw a weird limo Sunday. At Dupage County fairgrounds they had a Brit car swap meet and there sat a Black MGB big bumper car stretched with two doors added and about 2 feet extra added between the doors.It even had a bar in it.It wasn't really well made and the poor thing was leaking coolant like it'd been shot,but it sure was different. I've got to start carrying a camera in the car with me to get pics of some of the strange stuff I see.

Mike Poore
02-27-2008, 05:23 PM
You guys remember the XKE from Harold and Maude, dont you?