View Full Version : Brush With Death Today - Not Cool :(

02-28-2008, 05:40 PM
Did you ever have one of those days when you don't do things as you ALWAYS do and avoid...well....death?

At 3:30 this afternoon I decided to shovel a path from my drive to the neighbors drive so that my son did not have to walk in the roadway or trudge through the 22" of snow we recently received. I decide I am not waiting today as I had a project in the house to return to, and Jessica would just watch from the window today.

He gets let off at the neighbors drive well....because...
Joey caught the bus well before Gage, and I guess since he was first...:dunno:

Anyway, our drives are the last before cresting a blind hill. Cars coming over the hill cannot see what is over the other side, and usually are speeding 40+ mph in the 35. Accidents happen a lot. I guess it was just a matter of timing before the school bus was involved in some way.

Gage had just gotten off the bus, and made it within 3' of our driveway when an out of control, speeding SUV with an 18 year kid driving passed within inches of my son as he walked up the drive. It came across my tree lawn, over my apron (exactly where I have stood all week waiting for Gage at 3:59 sharp), and between two trees careening down the hill into the neighbors front lawn. The bus driver saw the whole thing unfold in front of eyes, and freaked out as he lost sight of both boys as well.

Normally, I, myself, or Jessica would be standing on our apron waiting for Gage. Normally, Gage runs up the hill and between those two trees.

This was the wierdest near death situation ever. Jessica is a mess, as she watched the truck fly past Gage and then Gage was no where to be seen. Nor was the neighbor kid. She screamed at me to run outside as we both ran like we never had out to the site. Here the rooster tail from the truck being so close as it passed my son had sprayed him and he ducked into the 2" deep path I had just dug out for him. Had the truck rolled it would have hit the other boy as well.








02-28-2008, 05:46 PM
Glad to hear all are safe.....

That hill sucks.....


02-28-2008, 05:52 PM
That sucks Barry, glad to hear everyone is ok.

02-28-2008, 06:01 PM
Chris and I are both relieved that Gage and the other boy were not hurt.

02-28-2008, 06:02 PM
Glad to hear everyone was ok! Some one was watching over your family today;)

02-28-2008, 06:03 PM
Glad to hear all are safe.....

That hill sucks.....


Glad everybody is safe. That snow sucks:depress:....

02-28-2008, 06:09 PM
Thank god this didnt turn out tragic.

02-28-2008, 06:31 PM
Good thing everyone is ok. Can you put boulders or some kind of pole/posts filled with cement since this happened to avoid anything like this in the future?

02-28-2008, 06:31 PM
I'm glad no one was hurt.

02-28-2008, 06:38 PM
Glad your all ok!, and if i might say so myself

Holy crap!

02-28-2008, 06:39 PM
Wow - that is just crazy.

I'm very glad no one was hurt!

02-28-2008, 06:40 PM
wow that's amazing, and I'm so glad that everyone (was the driver ok too?) came out physically unscathed (been in near death situations before, and you're definitely going to relive that in your dreams). Definitely some huge luck that things weren't business as usual that day.

Blk Mamba
02-28-2008, 06:49 PM
We are all so relieved, in your good fortune. Please be safe and God has blessed all of you, not only today, but also on the birth of your new little girl. Please say a prayer of thanks tonight, just so he knows you are appreciative.

02-28-2008, 06:51 PM
Kinda creepy how critical a second or a couple inches can be ...Gotta believe you were blessed today and hope your blessings continue for a long time.
Gary and Gail

2003 MIB
02-28-2008, 06:57 PM
I just went and hugged my son...this is a very scary story. I'm glad it ended well.

02-28-2008, 06:59 PM
OMG,thank god Gage is ok and no one was hurt!

02-28-2008, 07:04 PM
Thank God my main man Gage is okay!!!!

02-28-2008, 07:09 PM
yea glad everyone is ok and safe.....

my brother had a similur experiance one winter here car tarvialing too fast couldnt stop for traffic slid between trees in front yard hit porch and then his car in drive way ..... moments after getting out.. a second sooner he would have been betwen them....scary

as i said im glad no one was hurt ..

02-28-2008, 07:28 PM
Thanks everyone...

I can't believe the trauma Jessica is still going through.

I am really worried.:depress:

02-28-2008, 07:30 PM
Thanks everyone...

I can't believe the trauma Jessica is still going through.

I am really worried.:depress:

Eh.... HORMONES!!!! She be a new Mommy....... give her a few days, andbe understanding.... and DO WHAT SHE SAYS!




02-28-2008, 07:38 PM
Thank God your son is alright.

02-28-2008, 08:19 PM
I got worked up just reading the account. WOW, talk about timing and chain of events. Thank GOD that everything worked out with no injuries or death!

I agree with an earlier post, might be time to line the front with hardscape of some sort.

When you say "no brakes", were they that worn out? Or no fluid?

Jessica might be concerned about a possible repeat in the future. The hardscape might put her mind at ease.

02-28-2008, 08:27 PM
I am on the way to hug my daughter...Glad all was str8 with the family and the neighbors kid...When will ppl learn to slow down in bad weather...given no brakes...sheeesh....Hug the whole family for the MM.net fam...

02-28-2008, 08:50 PM
:eek: I'm amazed that there was only property damage after seeing those pictures. It great to hear your family is ok. Now you need to work on the mental well being of your family.

Ditto on putting some kind on barrier near the road.

SC Cheesehead
02-28-2008, 09:07 PM

Talk about guardian angels! Glad to hear the boys are okay. Stay close to the wife for a couple days, she'll get over it, but needs some extra TLC right now.


02-28-2008, 09:09 PM
Glad everyone is ok.

Life is mysterious. As others have said use the energy this has caused in a positive way such as landscaping and making cetain there are those funny arrow signs to let people know there is a turn ahead.

Worrying about what could have, might haved or almost did is a sure way to a quick grave.

02-28-2008, 09:11 PM
I agree with an earlier post, might be time to line the front with hardscape of some sort.

When you say "no brakes", were they that worn out? Or no fluid?

Jessica might be concerned about a possible repeat in the future. The hardscape might put her mind at ease.


To add:

The vehicle's brake pedal tested went right to the floor. I haven't checked the neighbor's yard once it was winched into the roadway. There were no marks in the roadway indicating brakes were applied, and no fluid to be seen. I did see that the tow truck was unable to tow it due to right rear wheel damage, axle or spring broke, and a flat bed came to take it away.

He must have made the light green some 800' on the other side of the hill. The light prior is nearly 3/4 of a mile back. Who knows how long he went without brakes.

We spoke with the school district's transportation manager this evening and have made arrangements for both children to be picked up, and dropped off at my secondary drive. We live on a large corner lot, and the side street is a bit less travelled, and it is impossible to NOT see the bus up on that roadway.

I can understand Jessica's sensitivity, because the more I think about the event, the more uneasy and confused I feel. Gage is the only one who thought it was neat and moved on with affairs.

Must be great to be 7 (soon), have no worries, and be alive.;)

02-28-2008, 09:37 PM
[quote=CRUZTAKER;587686]What is HARDSCAPE?quote]

I can't speak for TS-PA, but I think he means large boulders or some type of guardrail, so it would be a "Hard"scape, and not "Land"scape.

02-28-2008, 09:46 PM
So much for Generous Motors. I know quite a few people that complain about spongey or a soft pedal & the dealer says it's OK ??? What the Hell is going on????

02-28-2008, 09:54 PM
Glad to hear everyone is okay.

The last pic looks like the kid is pleading with you not to throw him a beating.

02-28-2008, 10:02 PM
Glad to hear all is well. That had to be INSANE to witness! Its incredible how much can happen in a few seconds. Thank goodness the Kids are ok. I couldn't imagine if something had happened.

Quick question did the police show up? What was the kids explanation for spinning out of control?

02-28-2008, 10:16 PM
Wow that was a close one and could have been a real disaster. Glad to hear everyone is okay.

02-28-2008, 11:09 PM
Is that him in the third pic? He looks a little *****faced. Seriously, glad everyone is o.k. so, your next mod fund just went to the church?

02-28-2008, 11:49 PM
hug them tight every day and make sure they know you love them more than anything on earth.

Aren Jay
02-29-2008, 01:38 AM
Wasn't Gage just born monday or something?


I mentioned something like this in my precognition post sometime last year.

Me driving down a road in the middle lane having to turn left about a mile up the road and I for no reason switch to the outside (right lane) from where I can't make my turn and I drive in the bad lane. I see a car coming towards me and at the last second the lady driving bends down to grab something on the passenger floor and swerves into the lane I just, for no reason, moved out of.

I was thinking, "why am I driving in this lane." Then she swerves into my lane and I was "Wow how did I know to change lanes?"

I still don't know.

I guess You don't either.

Do you?

02-29-2008, 02:00 AM
Glad to hear everyone was alright.

02-29-2008, 03:56 AM
This sent shivers down my spine!! Please give my little buddy Gage a hug from the Bunny Lady. Hugs to both you and Jessy too....... :hug2:

02-29-2008, 04:25 AM
This is a case where the pics are worth 10,000 words. You have a real talent for documenting the events. :up: Glad the you, Gage and the other boy are OK. No doubt that someone was watching over you and your family to keep you out of harm's way. The recently shoveled path, the timing, and the boys ability to steer between those two trees without rolling the SUV all contributed to the outcome. Wow!! Glad this had a happy ending for you and your family.

I remember exiting your driveway back in August 2005 and noticing that blind hill. Wouldn't want to do that every day.

02-29-2008, 05:08 AM
Good to read that it ended well.

God Bless!

02-29-2008, 05:50 AM
I'm glad that someone was watching over your family and Joey. Give your family an extra hug from me.

Hardscape may have caused the SUV to bounce into Gage. I think moving the bus stop around the corner was a much safer and easier and cheaper solution.


02-29-2008, 06:02 AM
Thanks everyone...

I can't believe the trauma Jessica is still going through.

I am really worried.:depress:

Moms are like that. Just know you have a good one that she cares that much. You were the man and her hero this day - shoveling a path for your son and protecting the family with your very excellent pictures and drawings.

Things are right in the world. You are protected by Karma (or whatever anyone else labels it) for living right.

Assure your honey all is well and taken care of by her man. She'll calm down, but she won't ever forget.

I, myself, am a little freaked out for you, but I'm glad all is well.

O's Fan Rich
02-29-2008, 06:07 AM
Holy crap......

Don't know what else to say.

02-29-2008, 06:22 AM
Barry, I'm glad you guys are ok. I guess it's just a situation you'll have to strike from your mind as best you can. As hard as that is to do because it's so vivid, maybe thats the only way Jessica can move past it.

When an Air Traffic Controller has a "deal", and loses minimum seperation between two aircraft with 100's of people aboard each plane, you do your best to get them apart, and hope both come out the other side. It's a gut wrenching, heart stopping experience...but you have to remember...you're still separating 25-30 others from eachother at the same time...so you've got to forget about it (as best you can)...and keep on going...and hope they get you off position as soon as possible, so you can go throw up in the bathroom.

You're a better man than I am. If that would have been me, I'd have ended up beating that kid to a pulp.

Hope the summer comes soon, so we can get rid of all this ice, and snow!


02-29-2008, 07:27 AM
This is a vivid reminder of how fragile life is. Tell your family members and others close to you how you feel about them today and every day.

Glad your family is OK. Hug 'em extra hard today.

02-29-2008, 08:24 AM
The best thing about not dying, is well... Not dying!

Glad everyone is OK!

02-29-2008, 08:26 AM
Hardscape may have caused the SUV to bounce into Gage. I think moving the bus stop around the corner was a much safer and easier and cheaper solution.


Glad to hear that there is a safer alternative for the bus stop.
Hardscape (http://landscaping.about.com/cs/lazylandscaping/g/hardscape.htm) is a generic term for landscape that is done with non-plant items.
Here in PA, boulders of various sizes are plentiful and often used along property lines to keep out of control vehicles from getting close to the homes. Usually placed 5 to 15 feet from road edge. Often, they are painted white to aid drivers seeing where the road edges are located.

I have seen where a car ran of the road into a gravel hardscape feature, like this one (http://shultzconstructionllc.com/pictures/drycreek.jpg), where the car was stopped by the drag.

02-29-2008, 09:28 AM
Quick question did the police show up? What was the kids explanation for spinning out of control?

My wife works with the Fire Dept XO. When EMS got word of this address...the WHOLE ARMY came!
(The vehicle had no brakes and was not clear to swerve right. Not sure if he even saw the kids.)

Is that him in the third pic? He looks a little *****faced. He was very young, and a very new driver. He hit his face on something in the car. I believe the shifter, as the air bags pushed him into the center console from the angle of entry.

Wasn't Gage just born monday or something?

My daughter Elliot was born on the 20th, Gage is nearly 7 and starts 2nd grade this year.

Jessica is doing well today. I am fine as well.

What really concerns me is that the neighbors never called to ask about the accident. I called their house right away yesterday, only to find no parents home. Just the kids. It's a good thing the cops did not knock on their door.
I swear, those parents down there....:censor:

02-29-2008, 10:16 AM
WOW!! That was scary. Glad everyone is okay. I'm almost choked up thinking the worst case.:depress: Now go buy some lottery tickets quick.:)

02-29-2008, 10:39 AM
If we never thought God took direct action on a situation as it unfolds, we should think again!
That was the hand of God right there!!!
Glad to hear no one was injured and the bus stop was moved.

02-29-2008, 04:14 PM
Hi Barry Glad all is well.
It seems like yesterday that I met you and your family at Hershey.

Blk Mamba
02-29-2008, 08:45 PM
If we never thought God took direct action on a situation as it unfolds, we should think again!
That was the hand of God right there!!!
Glad to hear no one was injured and the bus stop was moved.

Couldn't have said it better. I, as You are a true worshiper of the Father.
God Bless.

03-01-2008, 02:26 AM
Perhaps it was the hand of the driver using his brain that God designed for us.

God gave us a brain now use it!;)

Daily 03
03-01-2008, 07:41 AM
Barry & Jessica,

Thank God that everybody is OK. Everyone involved is very fortunate that there was no physical harm. This is a horrible incident that will linger on in your minds for a long time.


Local Boy
03-01-2008, 09:36 AM
Praise the LORD!!!

I'm very happy your family is OK...

Time for a retaining wall?


03-01-2008, 09:54 AM
Barry and Jess,

Glad all are OK. Good idea to move the bus stop.