View Full Version : Who is/was in a band?

03-06-2008, 03:00 PM
As most of you know I have one going on and we go by the name of Stang Stomper. We are what we like to call Psycho-Surf/Punkabilly.... ya... you can find us on www.myspace.com/StangStomper

Who else is in a band or was?

Egon Spengler
03-06-2008, 03:12 PM

03-06-2008, 03:33 PM
I have never ever ever been in a band.

03-06-2008, 04:28 PM
I have never been in a band but, I am learning how to play the drums. I have been self teaching myself for the last few years. I had a friend give me a older Tama kit when he moved to Hawaii. All I have to do is give him the first chance to have it back before I get rid of it if ever. My old roomate and I get together once a week to play he sings and plays guitar. He has a room setup at his house that is semi sound proof so the drums stay there with his amp and pa setup.

03-06-2008, 06:54 PM
Ahh..yes, my first band I played drums for was SWM (sex with midgets) don't ask, impulsive naming. We were punk rock / ska mostly. We did covers of Minor Threat, Exploited etc.. I was the drummer. That was back in my 12" multicolored mokawk:rock: days. Towards the end of our run I picked up an electic 6 string guitar and started to learn how to play. We had somewhat of a falling out and I had started playing in another band, DirtSquad. Tom, Trevor, Paul, Curtis and I had a good run playing coffee houses and other small venues. We actually played the Michigan State Fairgrounds one time too. I began to play guitar more and more and started writing songs for the band. We would do 2-3 songs where trevor and I would switch, he would play drums and I would play guitar. I think it was '97 or so and all the other guys started to go away to school and drift apart. I moved down here to florida in '99 and have been solo since. Since the move I have been spending a majority of my $$ on musical gear. So, at this point I have established a home studio, I like to call it 10X10 Studios (our second bedroom) I write and record all the tracks on my songs, which I thouroughly enjoy. I have a set of Roland V-Drums, a nice Roland RD-150 Digital piano, a epiphone elitist sheraton semi-hollow guitar, fender bass, Les Paul Studio Baritone Guitar, etc. etc. I use computer software and my Mackie 16 track mixing board to record all the tracks. There is nothing I enjoy more that writing, recording, and then listening to music that I created. I have a few older songs 04'-05' on a myspace page, although they only allow 4 songs up at a time. Here is the link. http://www.myspace.com/rjsmusicpage (http://www.myspace.com/rjsmusicpage) Keep in mind that I am not a sound engineer and my mixdown skills are not mastered yet.;)

03-07-2008, 07:25 PM
I was never in a band but I use to jam with some buddies quite often. I played guitar. I also write some pretty good lyrics.

Aren Jay
03-07-2008, 10:45 PM
I have a friend who is in a band, he was a studio musician for a while, playing the drums for all the bands who weren't good enough for recording purposes. He now plays in China and the Far east in 5 star hotels. Mind you it did screw up his marriage.